X A MILL wood By M- QUAD In the whole count., of Broome there was not a more utioaHUmiug i.ian than Peter Huy. He was an old hat h -or and worked in a grist mill hi the vil­ lage of Coburu. lie was not an edit- A Strong Preference. ruled Ullin, and he had no anibltioUM. “She Is literary. ¡«lit she?'' In the same village lived Mis Anna “Yes, indeed; slic'd rather read thaa Green, old maid. She had the ou.'.v millinery store in the place She was Jo huunewurk auy day.” Ex bunge. also unassuming and uneducated. Nei­ ther had site any ambitions. She just wanted to be a milliner and dre 3- maker. How It came about that Pe­ ter Day and Anna Given be -¡line ac­ i quainted and engaged to be married was a mutter tliat many people could not understand, but it was known tliat they Intended to get married some time. One day two important letters reach­ ed Hie postotliee at Coburn. One wa s for Miss Green. It was from a law I yer I11 Indiana, who stated that her maiden sister, who had been living in Cn-j.and and Tobacco. The 1 sojde of Great 1 it;iin < (»listiaie that state, was dead and that she bad left her all to Anna. That sister had less tobacco per head than auy other not been beard from in ten years, The civilized people of the world. other letter was for Peter Day. It was also from a lawyer An uncle of A Peek Into His Pocket his in Vermont had died and left him shew the box of Buekl in s ids all. Tile receipt of those two let­ i Salve that E. S. Loper, a ters wns to make a sudden and great change in two lives. iter, oï Manila, N. Y. al wats Peter Day had not had a holiday in thirteen years. He had been as steady as an old clock. He had scarcely read wound, bruise or sore, it would not that letter, however, when he went io soon heal,’’ he writes. Greatest his boss Io say: “You can take your old mill and go healer of burns, roils, scalds, chap­ to grass with It. I’m not going to be ped hand., and lips, lever-sores, anybody's slave after this.” skin-ci options, eczema, corns and And Peter almost paralyzed lhe town by dressing up and loafing around and piles. 25c at all druggists. actually entering a saloon and calling I Alaska’s Glaciers. for a beer. All tlie sl.K -lers ill tile Alps put to Miss Green had always been very gether would not equal one of the lar­ humble to her customers. She li :d gest in the territory of Alaska. felt it her duty to abase herself. She would no more have dared Io dun one of them for a bill a year old than to have put her hand in a lioi is effective Icr coughs and colds in And now what a change! either children or gto.w.i persons. hours after receiving that was saying to Mrs Adams: No opiates, no harmful drugs. In "If you don't like that hat you the yellow • package. Retuse sub­ needn’t take it. and you'd bet ter be For sal■ by Bandon Drug paying something on flint old bill or stitutes. quit coining here.” Co. When Peter Day went sparking his habit was to slip into Hie house as if Fault of the Fork. lie expected to lie kicked out again, “Won’t you have a fork?” lie didn’t stand up or sit down or ‘‘No, (hanks. I never use forks. cross Ids feet or drop his hat with so bad they ain’t no use.” out asking to lie excused for the H me. They leak ----------------- F_ Those two letters had reached town Parson ’ s Poem a Gem- even- of a Monday morning. Sunday Ing came before Peter <-alJed on Anna. Front Rev. II. Stubenvoll, Alli­ He had been thinking, and so luid son, la., in | raise of Dr. King’s she. tliat there should lie no slipping or sliding, but a bold gait and a bold New Life Piils. front He sat down without being “ They're such a health necessity, asked to, and he belli Iris position like In every home these pills should be. a mail in possession. Instead of saying tliat the long drought was killing the 11 other kinds you’ve tried in vain, corn he opened with: Use Dr. King’s and be well again. “See here. Anna, there’s a cast in Only 25c at all Druggists. your left eye!” “What—what on earth do you mean. Queer Head. sir!” He—My stock in trade is brains. “And you’ve a liutnp to the middle of She—You’ve got a funny looking sain your nose!” ole case.—Varsity Life. “Peter -Mr. Day!” Phone John F. Be e at Geo. W. Koon? Lbr. Co.’s office, or 6 )i residence, for all kinds of mill wood. Quick delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. T mi nions ir41 Fancy Wedding- invitations a Specialty l ast and Commodious S. S. BREAKWATER RECORDER PUBLISHING CO Bandon, Oregon Never leave home on a journet without a bottle of Chamberlain’: Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rein edy. It is almost cert >in to l e needed and cannot tie obtained when on board the cars or steamships, sale bv C. Y. Lowe. R Leaves C ooí Bay July 2, 7, 12, 17, 22. 27. Confirm Sailings Through C, M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon THE COQUILLE RIVER LIN E ■jtrs. Bilichi & Bandon ¿.z A;/ of:: crcar-'i A-"’’ rator is, • alter ' ail, a m 4 its bkimming power. Four lots and three houses on Columbia Ave., near At­ water Street. An excellent in­ vestment. $2,C OO will handle it Two nice litte home places $050 each. Cash. We also have many others equally as good and will be glad to sho w property at any time. L. S. Separator» hold the World’s Record for closest skimming. Won the only Grand Prize, Seattle, 1909. Come in and we will show you why.^g For Sale bv JM W. YOUNG- Bandon Creamery EIRE INSURANCE.--Wc represent a number of the best Eire Insurance Companies in the country and can insure your properly against loss. BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY Where \ ours Ought to be Prop, Twin Screw, New and Fast 1st Class Passage, Up Freight. $10.00 & $7.50 3.00 Our interests arc your interests. Fair rates and good service 01 r motto A. F. Estabrook Co., 245 Cal. St., San f Francisco BANDON WAREHOUSE C • L, A»;ents, Bandon, On-gon ¿Ti»;. ■ S S. ELIZABETH LargeTwo Berth Outside State Rooms with Running Water CLOTHES ARE AT THE A. F. DERINGFR I Is the most inexpensive siding in the local market. oiuìlon Capital Stock $50,000 Rus « W MY E. E. OAKES BANDON INVICSTM ICNT <'(>1 I ! ’i > 1? AT! < ” \ Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet anil apply Chamberlain’s Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the part - to a healthy condition For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Í, Ten Acre Tracts close to Bandon. Stump land $30 and $40 per acre, as good fruit and berry land as there is in the county. A few choice lots in Waterman’s Park Addition, two blocks west of school house, cleared and ready to build on. House and two lots in Woodland Addition. Fine view and in good condition. This is a snap, if taken quick, $1000. House and large lot in West Bandon. $1250. Look this up if you are loo- ing for a nice home. i have property listed i ■ al! parts of j