H I » 111 II H H > l> 4 44 Whj dot» everybody travel on ht Couldn’t Hurt Hi, Brain. Strickland W Gilliluu says that Sum Sltnr. 1 Ì Lodge and Professional Because it gives the r Coos County Directory. Jones mid "Suushlr.e Ilawks” of Bui b< ;uciHnint»d.itions . uid service Directory Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the a. »A» »ffi» A» A> «A» A» »A» ■--■ ; ’ 11 TYt r Y > ; I tlmore. the revivalists, were Invited Ed. Rackletf lì = Representative to tbe home of a good brother mid sis­ —45 I' Recorder Fiaioisliing Company. W. . G^e ter In tbe church. At the dinner table Sheriff..... .................. Lodges are requested to notify this office James Watson it transpired that tbe sister luid hud on election of oflicers and on change of Clok.......................... C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor meeting night. Cards under this head a sinister purjioae In issuing the in­ Æ N. Gould Surveyor_________ are 75c per inch per month. vitation, for she said: "Mr Jones. 1 T. M. Dimmitk - Treasuier_________ Subscription, $1 50 per Year ic Advance. Advertising Rates Made wish you'd tell my husband that smok­ I In Cons < r Curry Counties. Lathing, Asst-ssor____ _ __ ...................... T. J. Thrift ■riT'TYTTTTT-; : si Known on Application. Job Priutiug a Specialty. Plastering or Chimney VVotk. ing is injurious to him. 1 know it is. Dr. Golden Coi oner Entered al the Bandon I'oetoffice as Heoond Class Matter. 35 yvais experience All work but be won't believe it 1 wish you’d Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. John F. Hall County Judge.......... tell him. and It might have some In lust class al rigid pi ices. EE I S 1 irst and Third Tuesdays of eac h CommU.¿onen_G. J Atinttrong. M. I. Douent fluence over him.” month at 8th run al the Bandon Wig­ A. M. FINCH, Bandon, Ore. FRIDAY July 28, 1911 "No. sister.” said Jones, who was wam. Sojourning Chiefs tn good standing BANDON CITY DIRECTORY himself an Inveterate smoker. ”1 can’t cordially invited to attend. J- C. Sheilds, tell him that Smoking Injures only J. W. Matt A. J. Hartman, Mayor__ T C. of R. Sachem. Recorder.. lie told his victims that bis partner the human brain. And he hasn’t any brain to Injure, or be wouldn’t have was to follow in a week with a four Treasurer ______ __________________ C. Y. Lowe We are Ageiús for the WISDOM FROM SAGES. horse team and deliver the goods, but married you. Now. sister. I came here Municipal Judge____________ Geo. P. lopping w. o. w. Lofty designs must close In neither himself nor partner has ever to eat—that Is what 1 was invited for— Attorney_________________ _______ F. J. Feeney Keep the logs rolling toys I like effects. —Browning. not to lecture. So If you ’ ll carve tlint appeared. It Is said that he took over Council men.__ M. Breuer, R. W. Boyle, H. SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. $300 in one town alone and skipped turkey, give me a piece of tlie white WOODMEN OF THE WOR1D, Before man made us citizens Manciet, Wm. McKay, C. E. Bowman, FI. many houses, probably fearing tele meat and Hawks a leg we’ll be all great nature made us men.— Meets First and Third Thursday». \ ¡siting Brown. right.” And that busband’s gratitude libones, as inquiries might lie raised Lowell. Neighbors welcomed. This money was taken mostly from Ilves yet Wm. N. McKay. C. C. farmers, many of them borrowing the H. E. Boak, Secretary The best of prophets of the fu­ money from neighbors or kinsmen, so Kill More Than Wild Beasts ture is the past.—Byron. eager were they to get such a bargain The number of people killed year­ !V1 AHO lite. Such human sharks preying 011 their On the approach of spring I kind should be dealt with as the ma ly by wild beasts don’t approach the D ANDON LODGE. No. 130 A. F. & A withdraw without reluctance riñe mies are. M, Staled communications first Saturday from the noisy mid extensive Why does the rural community con­ vast i tin bei kill««’ lye'ise egetn . after the full moon of each month. Special scene of crowds without com­ tinue to invest its hard earned dollars No life is sale f.oni their attacks communication! second Saturday thereafter. puny aud dissipation without All Master Masons cordially invited. in the schemes of strangers 1 where They’re in air, water, dust, even If you are contemplating pleasure.—Edward Gibbon. there isn’t even 2.5 cents of ft coming W. E. Graine, W. M. food, But grand protection is af- Ma buck) w lieii there are Honest mer­ Phil Pearson, Secretary buying a Piano, give us That endless book, the news- chants who would lie glad to rake or forded by Electric Bitters which paper. 1s our national glory.— ders for such goods? destroy and expel Eastern Star I a call. It costs you noth* Henry Want Beecher. The trouble Is that people who get Plans and specifications 0CCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45, O. disease germs from so badly taken in do not. as a rule, E. S., meets Saturday evening before and ing to examine them. The necessities of tilings arc expose such rascals and allow their Ihat’s why chi Is, f furnished. If you are after stated communication of Masonic Lodge. neighbors and the community to get all malarial I and many blood diseases sterner stuff than (lie hopes of Visiting members cordially invited to attend. till ter also when tlie next ’’green goods men.—Disraeli. going to build give us a Anna L. Ciaine, W. M. yield proinp'lv to this wonderful promoter” comes around. People Merta Mehl, Secretary. should never allow such tilings to pass blood purifier. Try them, and en­ No tuition can be destroyed chance and we will save unnoticed. When you get “stripped joy the glorious health and new while it possesses a good home 1. <>. o. r among thieves’ expose them, turn on you money. life.—J. G. Holland. TQ ANDON LOrJGE, No. 133, 1. O. O F. strength they'll give you. Monee the 11: In of publicity, and the travel meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting Ing frauds nt least will learn that the back if not satisfied. Only 50c at brothers in good standing cordially invited. highways are too hot for them to HOW CHILDREN CAN BE KEPT Chas. P. Still. N. G. all druggists. I i travel on ami the people are too en A. J. Hartman, Secretary HAPPY AND HEALTHY 'lightened to give them tin ear. The Defining a Boundary Line. exposure ot such rogues Is the duty of Knights of Pythias In 1847 Rufus Choate appetirei! In every disinterested citizen. Is like a scared cat. If T^ELPHI LODGE. No. 64. Knights of Public Playground Is All That Is Need behalf of parties whose rights were you want a good Motor Pythias. Meets every Monday evening ed to Make Youngsters Rejoice. affected by the boundary line between Denver Gives Free Trees. at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to Cycle, investigate the Thor Massachusetts and Rhode Island, thus Denver believes in trees and believes attend. J. C. Shields, C. C. It has free engine and all We are here shon lng a fine example In them str strongly that the city gives described in the agreement: B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. "Beginning,” etc., "thence to an an­ them to citizens willing to plant them of the benefits of a public playground late improvements. This Denver recently celebrated what has gle on the easterly side of Watuppa Look at this picture of the two smil machine climbs hills like pond, thence across said pond to the C. R. WADE Ing. curly headed boys Don’t they come to I»1 known there as Municipal two rocks on the westerly side of -said a scared cat. I am al ­ Arbor day It wits the sixth annual look henlthy? Don’t they seem to be -Attorney at pond and near thereto, thence wester­ free distribution ot treses by the city enjoying their seesaw very much? ways ready to demonstrate ly to the buttonwood tree in the vil­ Sixteen thousand large saplings. cost Yes; that is Just what they are do it to you. lage of Fall Illver.” Agent Pacific Surety Company. Office Bank They art- ••having line ot Ing the ity IM) emits each, were dis In ills argument, commenting on the I of Bandon Bldg. Phone 102. Bandon, Oregan. trlbuted to 4.000 citizens. Of the 10,000 R. W. TUCKER, Agent Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, oue trees half were maples and half elms boundary, Mr. Choate thus referred to this part of the description: "A bound­ year____ ___________ _____________$1.50 i ■MIC. K. W. RONNlTHIt ary line between two sovereign states Serai - Weekly Bamlcil Record« r Escaped with His Life. described by a couple of stones near BANDON 1.50 one year PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON wentv-one yc.fs :c ant! $t.oo Trial bot- 1 year ago my kidneys began bother ing me. 1 Ind swelling in my ankles and limbs, then headaches and nervous dizzy spells, anil later severe back.tcites. 1 was getting worse, BKNBPfT OF A PLATGKOÜND when I began taking Foley Kidney their Ilves” in a public playground pro Fills. I kept on taking them until I vlded by the generous community. Now. why can't tills community do was once more Ireed from all kidney O’Connell’s Wonderful Oratory. the same thing? Why can’t our dill Daniel O'Connell, the Irish orator, tioul le. Tor sale by Bandon 1 true dren lie as luippy ami healthy as the youngsters In the picture are? Think spoke in Covent Gut'ileu. London, luiuty Co. how useful a public playground would be to the town. The children could bare "the time of their Ilves.” and the mothers wouldn’t feel so anxious » hen the children »ere away, It’.st harm be fall them. •'"is» GOOD ADVICE FOR EVERY CITIZEN. Í Pull together fur genoral, not individual, welfare. Seek better and cheaper trans­ portation for customers from nearby towns. Let the other fellow live, even if you disapprove of him and of his business. Give young men a chance. Seek business and trade close at home as well as abroad. Get into closest possible reía- tions with nearby cities and towns. Boost your own little old town everywhere and all the time. •! T I I X years ngo. and John t'oleman. an old English actor, pictured hiiu as fol lows: "The audience bung spellliound on the words of tlie great orator. His resonant and niagnltii ent voice, flavor ed with Its rich Hibernian accent, held faith soul and sense captive. As for me. my Celtic blood took tire, my heart throbbed with paasiomite ludig nation or melted Into tears as he dwelt upon the wrongs of my beloved country. Never, surely, was such a bo: n orator! Stern men cried one m aiient ami laughed the next. Strange to say. they never laughed 111 the wrong place, though once ut least he afforded them a uulque opiairtunlty As he approached the end of his ora lion, carried away by Ills theme, he took Ills wig off 111 brown ’Jnzey’f pul it In Ills hat and mopped Ills beaut I I'ul bald bro»' with a great fluming crimson l muda mm. The a peared so natural and appropriate that no one seemed to think It absurd or ex en Incongruous.’’ Oreg 011 Jour 11 a I Publishes the latest and most complete tele­ graphic news of the world; market reports, as it is published at Portland where the rected market news can be and is cor­ to date (or each issue. It also has a page of special matter for the farm I home, an usually kept in a first* class harness shop. Repairing a Specialty PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING Office Hours 9 to 12—1 to 5 BANDON, W. J. SABIN, Prop. gives reliable and or more of comic each week, and it goes to he subscriber twice each week---104 times a ROGERS Office Hours 9 to 12 a. tn. and 1 to 6 p. m. Office in El Dorado Building Pnone Main 71 Bandon, Ore. FOUNDRY year. Dr. EC. I.,. Houston COMPANY The Semi’Weekly PHYSICIAN & SUHHNuN Office over Drag Store. Bandon Recorder Longest Indian Word. The longest Indian word on record Is the following, that was printed tn an Indian Bible in 16t!1: Wutappesittukqussunnoobwehtun k- quoh. It signifies "kneeling down to him.” When the llev. Cotton Mather, primi­ tive Boston’s Puritan pastor, first saw this consolidated phrase it prompted him to Jestingly observe that the words of the language must have been growing ever since the dispersion Babel.—New York Telegram. I should be in every home in this vicinity. The j two papers make a splendid combination and also give our subscribers a good clubbing ol- or Su*v Jay j ) furnal in connection with the Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder. The White Ni^ht calls answered from oflioe. Brass, Bronze, Al uminum, Iron BANDON, oicri.tiN Dr I_i. T?. Sorensen DENTIST Phone 91, Bandon, Ore. Office Over Vienna Cafe Tafaphone at Office and Home. RICE’S TRANSFER LINE R. H. RICE, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy draw­ ing. Also sells and delivers mill wood, coal, etc Office at Hines’ Store. Phone orders promptly at tended. BANDON O. OF EGUN T. TKEADGOI.I» ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC Oregon. Bandon, Ollie« With Bandon Invest nient i o Dr. H. 1«I. Brown. Reaident Dentist. Office in Ranter Building If you wish • bottle cold— O “The day of «rent men.“ she said, ’is "Woodbury Soup eumpnny'' went gone forever” th rough the country taking orders, “But the day of beautiful women Is suys the llural New Yorker. Borrowing. Ten dollars ami a half was the sum “IHd he borrow any money from not.” he res|MmdtHl. uaked for the soup, a tun of 200 cakes, you?” “Borrow! How call I tell un She Ntnlled and blushed. “1 was only mid tweuty-tive cukes extra If cash lean he returns it?’*—Exchange. Joking.” she explained hurriedly.— Western Christian Advocate. wue paid down, and there was a pre tulum of forty yards ot ax minster carpeting or rugs, furniture. etc . as A bad (¡He in (hr mouth comes the Uut|sekee|M*r might require—« very from a disordered stomach, and back »underfill bargain this, tint ao won d«rful that It Is surprising whit n ol that is usually a torpid liver. A large numlier of ix'raons tilt at the you h ive (. hambet lam s Colic CI10I condition which invites disease, halt a stranger threw nt them and with tbe book allowing so plainly, yet era and Diairlioe.t Remedy at hand I iIrrbinr is the remedy needed. It they forked over tbe money asked for anti take a dose on the first appear­ corrects the stomach and. makes the tbe goods, and be delivered to them liver active and regular. Price 50c. ance of the disease. Y. Lowe. Hours, 9 to ; * H.in. 1:30 to 4, p.ui.; 7 to 8 in the evening. | you can save $1 by sending your suf rciip ’ lions to I he Bandon Recorder. We * an j ter for the Daily and Sunday, OREGON DR -A.. F». INGRAM Ohiropractor interesting story page and a page I Gives all the local news and happenings and S ings or x)ih s <4 in.MVIs that ar< lowed I y w p«i t or itch, i* >’ oul I be itetird promptly .is WARE THE SOAP SWINDLER they are poisonous B.dl.ud’s Snow If You Do Get Caught Help Your I iniment counteracts the poison. !t Provad Himccff Great. Friende and Neighbor, Not to Be. K l*o(li anti •• pt .ill I hr.ii g. Pl ice With a slgli c and Si.00 p 1 I otile zine article upon Onulel O’t'onnell. calling himself an agent for the tbe tweuty flve cakes of soap a, ex The Semi »Weekly WATCH YOUR KIONBS Their iictiou contiijls your hraltli. Read what Foley Kidney Fills have done for your neighbor. Mrs. II. W. Allen, Ouiney, 111., says: “About For sale by C Sold by C. Y. Lowe. Call at the Eagle. Office Hour»: if you love the good, dial’, old— Phooe. 9 lo 12 M.. I to 5 P. M, BANDON. OREGON Call at the Eagle. C. R. BARROW Taint no use to ut and bluilt If you really need a drink, Attorney and Counselor-at-I.aw just make a sign or ring a bell, And you bet they’ll treat you right Down at the Eagle COQUILLE. - ORE Office over Slteel,' Stere Office Phone. Main 335; l he Best All Around Family Scw- Alvin Munck, Prop. : Machine that can l»e produced, BANDON. OREGON 'i.ule in froth Rotary anti Vibrator Styles PUBLIC LAND AND MINING 1’he Rotan makes I o.h Lock and CASES. Chain Stitch. The latest up to-the- — If you are interested in any contest I minute steel attachment with each machine. Sold on easy payments. or any matter before the Interior De- 1 Semi name ami address for our partment, write to Clark & Wright. ' registered land lawyers, 90a F Street I beautiful II. T. catalogue free. N. W. (opposite Genl La ml Office), i WHITE SEWING M ACHINE CO. Washington. D. C. Free information j about contest, and where to obtain j 1460 Market Street scrip, locatable upon public land* 1 San Francisco California without residence or cultivation midence. Main 346 I Do you want pure drugs and drug sundries, fine perfumes hair brushes and toilet articles. If so call on C. Y. LOWE, The Druggist BANDON, ORE. aia