Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, July 18, 1911, Image 4

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    Business School for Bandon.
A good laugh is ’he finest tonic
that we can have, and if it hap­
pens to he at ourselves—well, so
much the better.
Once we can
laugh at our disappointment that
particular grievance takes wings and
flies away, leaving us calm and un­
ruffled to face the next. The man
who enjoys a good laugh every day
will be young at eighty.
s Lots in Bennett’s
Platt B Addition
to Bandon Free
F. I' Peter- a al R. D 11.tipi.>.
w i > It.i e been in B.m-lon a lew d y.
Nels Rasmussen returned
Io -slug ovei I it sllll.llioil, h.ur >!■'•
yesterday from a two months’ visit
cited to open up < night school here
with friends in and around Portland.
October 2nd. I hev have arranged
The Stm r F¡field has the best pas­
with the school board iff the old
senger service and accommodations
school building lor a pctiod of six
of any boats leaving ports south of
Portland, Why travel by any other
'1 hese gentlemen will give a com-
boat when it does not cost you any
p’ete commercial course, including
A. G. Thrift was a Bay visitor Book keeping. Commercial Law,
M arried —Sunday, July i6th, at yesterday, returning to-d.iy.
Commercial Arithmetic, Penman­
J. Bryan and wife of Sprirgfield ship, Business English and Letter
Fourtnile, Aura W. Gardner and
Wilhelmina L. Wooden, Rev, A. arrived here Friday and left yester writing, Spelling, anil all common
Haberly, officiating. The young peo­ day for Marshfield. Mr. Bryan was branches used in commercial work.
ple are very popular in their commu­ principal of the Bandon school about
nity, and many friends will extend t t years ago,
The search for happiness and bliss
Has furnished many a novel’s text.
congratulations and best wishes.
Mrs John Johnson and daughter
Such search in this life’s vain. It is
“To be continued in our next.”
E xtra —See T. W. Robison for left on the b itield for Berkeley, Cal ,
—Catholic Standard and Times.
special feed for chickens, horses,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Salyers i.f “You were trying to evade the law
cows, etc. Try his Rolled Oats.
by operating an automobile without
Fresno, Calif., arrived on the Fifield being qualified."
Nothing can beat them.
45 tf
“Trying to evade the law nothing!
Earl Watkins leceived notification and are visiting their uncle W. M.
Didn’t I run right into an officer'/”—
from the stale examining board yes­
Kansas City Journal.
terday that he had successfully passed Bandon in hopes that the change
Llttl» Miss Muffet
lhe teachers' examination and was will benefit Mrs. Salver's health.
Started to bluff It
I he Anvil is now making good With only a couple of sevens.
granted a certificate to teach any­
It simply appalled her
where in llie state of Oregon Farl time between here and Portland, and
When somebody called her.
could murmur was “Heavens!”
is an enterprising young man and his is picking up a nice bunch of busi­
— Philadelphia Times.
friends will congratulate him upon ness. On her last trip she was under
Back to her tuffet
command of Capt. Robeit Jones,
Hurried Miss Muffet,
his success.
Chagrined at the state of her pocket.
She looked at her ring.
For buttei tubs, butter hrrrels and
Wondering what it would bring;
fish barrels, see I. W. Robison at is second mate. Mr. Brown was act Then oft she did hurry to hock it.
—Spokane Spokesman-Review.
ing purser the last trip, Mr. Vesey
Central Warehouse.
53 tf
“T understand that after waiting
W. A. Eaulds of Sultan, Wash.,
I he schooner Queen, with capacity twenty years she married a struggling
is here visiting his brother, J. A.
young man?”
The two men had not of 35°.°uo feet, arrived in port yes­
“Yes, poor chai). He struggled the
met before ill 26 years, and their terday to load at the Piosper mill. best he knew bow, but she landed
meeting was naturally a very happy Phis is the Queen's first visit to the him.”-Brooklyn Life.
If every man were as great
one. Mr. Eaulds is very well pleased Coquille river.
As he
For T rade —6 room house and 4
with conditions around Bandon,
Considers himself to lie,
And if all
F or S ale —House and two lots
The rest were as small
As in his opinion they are—
in Prosper, $1000.
Pacific Real Estate Co., Coquille
J ohn D e C osta .
—Chicago Record-Herald.
J. B. Marshall, 78 years old, at­
One iluy a man addicted to stutter­
Jennie B. Nagley, representing the ing. but who laid also a sense of hu­
tended his first ball game last Sun­
day and enjoyed the game as much Sperry Flour Co., is in Bandon this mor. met a friend on the street and
as anybody. It was not that he had week making demonstrations ol asked:
“H-e-l-l-o, Ned! C-ean you g-g-give
scruples against base ball that he had Drifted Snow and Sound Ring flour, m-m-nie f-f-tlfleen m m minutes?”
"Certainly.” replied the friend.
never attended a game before, but both of which are manufactured by
“What is It?"
merely that he did not get around to
“I w-w-want to have f f-flve mim-
Trowbridge’s at present, but will be minutes’ t-t-talk with you.” — Ladies’
For Signs, see S trowbridge , the at J. W. Mast’s, in the east end of Home Journal.
Sign Painter, in the old Kime Bldg, town, the store formerly owned by
The time is quickly
Manassa ¿i Son, Wednesday and
Drawing nigh
on Atwater street.
that said assignee has duly qualified J
When we must start
Thursday, the 19th and 20th, and at
To swat the fly.
Mrs. Chris Rasmussen left on the
such, and has taken possession of
— Detroit Free Press.
E. II. Divelbiss' Friday and Satur­
Fifield for a visit with friends in Cal.
such property of said insolvent
day, the 21 st and 22nd. The bis-
Hank Stubbs—They do say that
Ed Thrift of Langlois imported a cuit, graham bread, etc., made at Mandy Perkins be a coinin’ out with debtors, anil all persons and cred­
itors having claims against said in­
couple of fine rams on the last Eliz this demonstration certainly taste one uv them new bobble skirts.
solvent debtors, or either of them, I
abeth to head his sheep herd.
like more and speak volumes, both walk will tit one all right. I’m thinkin.’
are hereby notified to present such
Fine lot of hay and oats received lor the flour and the demonstrator. —Boston Herald.
claim or claims, with proper vouch­
on lhe last Fifield ami prices are
Her fare was ashen—
ers, within three months from the
right. Gall and see us. Bandon lies Company Makes Good
Belinda sifted ashes while
date of this notice, to said assignee
The handsome milkman raised his tile
Warehouse C 1
And kissed her cheeks without a smile—
at his office hl the city of Bandon,
l lie Iles Company fonndly open­
Her face was ashen!
If you appreciate speed, comfort
—Chicago News.
Coos County. Oregon.
ed the New Orphemn Theatre last
and safety, travel on the Slilir I’i-
night, pl.tying to a picked house.
“Pretty enrefnt. Is he?"
“Pretty careful! He left a partly Bandon, Coos County, Oregon.
l ite play was the excellent come ly
Capt. Gruggel c ime into port yes- I drama entitled "The Circus Girl” smoked cigar In m.v office the other 49 16 T F. J. Feeney. Assignee.
day and a little later sent his clerk
tertlay on the schooner Queen. 1 lit and to s.iv the Iles Comp my made around after It.“-Washington Her­
captain is well known here by tin good would only be putting it in a aid
rally settlers, having been here
mild form as the constant applause
Of amateurish singers
isolated tract.
We know two kinds—just two.
or 30 years ago.
of the people would indicate, and H
They’re those who can’t and do not
And those who can’t and do.
Retl raspberries 50c, Logans 35c is an assured tact that they will have
—Catholic Standard and Times.
Pulic Land Sale,
i a lull bouse every night this week.
Send palls.
Department of the interior,
Space will not permi, us t-> sav all
$1 14
J- D. Don.rld-.oti.
U. S. Land Office,
the good things we would like to
**l II mmiilWIWI TMMUK
Roseburg, Oregon, Jun'’ 19, 1911.
Notice for Publication.
Atl’v C R- Ballon was down
aoout the company but suffice to say
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the
from Coquille on legal bittiness the
Commissioner of the General Land Office, un-
that every p.ut of the plav last night
first of the week Mr. Barrow say-
South-west quarter cf the South-west quarter of
Department of the Interior.
der provisions of Act of Congress apj roved June
was first class ami the treatment ac­
the North-east quarter, all in Section Twenty-
things in Coquille are looking uf
27, 1906 ( M Stats.
517.) pursuant to the ap­
U. S. Land Office,
corded the p, ople by the manage­
one (21) Township Twenty-seven (27) South
with good prospects fir the future
plication of Mt flir Brayton, serial No. 06809
Roseburg, Oregon, June 7, I9| I.
of Range F ourteen (14) West of the Willamette
ment of tie New Orpheuni w.i-i
Notice is hereby given that Edward L. Spauld­
Geo Ii. Wilson anti Ed W.ilralh most courteous and the music was
Meridian, in Coos County, Oregon.
ing, of Bandon, Oregon, who, on July 28, l°04,' at 10 o’clock A. M., on the 3rd day of August
Dated ihis 28th day of June, 1911.
will open up a blacksmith shop on also ol a high class and everybody made Homestead entry No. 13691 Serial, No. 1911, at this office, the following-described land:
W. W. Gage.
Columbia ave. within the next few went away feeling good over the 01795, for Lots 3, 6, 7 and fl, Section 3, Town­ El-2 NE I-4 section II, Town: hip 29, S., R. 52 l5-T
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon.
days, l he building is being put up evening's entertainment.
ship 30 S., Range 14 West, W illamette Merid­
Any persons claiming adversely the above de-
by H. H. Dufort and is large, com
The Iles Company will be at the ian, has filed notice of intention to make final sciibed land are advised to file their claims, or
Notice to Establish Grade.
modious, anti will make an ideal Orphemn all this week. Tonight five year proof, to establish claim to the land objection, on or before the time designated for
above described, before James Watson, County
place for such an institution. Mr. they will play *'Country Sweetheart” Clerk Coos County, Oregon, at Coquille, Ore­ sale.
Notice to establish grade on Main street south
Wilson is a first class workman at Wednesday night "A Wife for a gon, on the 17th day of July, 191 I.
from Atwater street, running sonth to intersect
the trade anti is well known in Ban Wife", and Thursday night, "Our
t6 r
C laimant names as witnesses: Levi Goff, I ,
with Eighth street.
don, so it is a foregone conclusion Irish American Cousin ", all of M. Sandeilin, Robert Haurt and Adolph Hab­
Notice is hereby given and made pursuant to
er ly, all of Bandon, Oregon.
Sheriff’s Sale of Real
that they will have plenty of work which are high class plays and will
an order of the Common Council of the City of
Bandon, Coot County, Oregon, said order being
from the start. Mr. Walrath is also be well rendered by the Iles Com­
duly passed by resolution by the Common Coun­
a good workman, anti the new film pany. ."seats on sale at J. T. Mars'.
Notice i, hereby given that under and by vir­ cil of the City of Bandon, County and State
will have the best of prospects for
tue of an Execution and order of rale iwued out aforesaid, at a regular meeting held July 5, 1911,
lhe future.
of lhe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for and in which resolution the Council of said City
To the first person who will build a
house on one lot in any block in Ben-
nett’s Plat B Additi«m to Bandon, we
will give a lot free. Lots are selling at
from $30 to $45 apiece, and we will
give a lot free in eacl i block, the only
condition is that the house on the $30
lots shall not cost less than $300, and the
house on the $45 lots shall cost at least
Here is your chance to get
an elegant home with little cost.
Bandon, Oregon
Inside Your House is
Where You Live
Make it modern, stylish, comfortable
Don’t buy interior finish until you
have seen the be^t and had
a chance to choose
New Gasoline Schooner.
Dennis Cunniff. Sr., one of the
oldest pioneers of Gold Beach, died
at his home south of that pla<’ ■ |i’lv
6th, at the age ol 86 years ¡he de-
ceased came to Curry county in
1857. He leave« a wife of 92 yens
and a son to mourn his loss, besides
a large circle of friends.
Lake Banner.
F or S alk C heap Span of horses.
One dark bay mate, 4 sears old,
weight about 14SO, and one gray
gelding, 8 years old, weight 1400
Inquire of I. L. Baumgardner. Riv-
54’5* 1-*
the CounIv of Coo,, in a certain action
Lorena Barrow, 1» Plaintiff and Evan C.
determined to establish the grade on Main street
in the Woodland Addition to the City of Ban­
I liltlllf IIM—l ■■■■■■ «_>IBM |j
tha notice, the Common Council will pass an
Ordinance establishing the grade on said
street between points herein described in accord
ance with the said survey and profile thereof now
on file in said engineer’s office.
order of the Common Council, July 5, 1911.
E. B. Kausrud, Recorder.
First publication July II, 1911.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office,
Roieburg, Oregon, June 13, 1911.
Notice is hereby given that Dora
whose post-office address is Bandon, Oregon, did,
on the 22 day of August, 1910, file in this office
Sworn Statement and Application, No.
to purchase the
NW I-4,
Township 28, S., Range 14,
Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro­
vision, of the act of June
Notice is hereby given that C A i> Defendant, on the 2tuh day of June, 1911, don, Coos County, Oregon, from the south line amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone
The new gasoline schooner, Hui-
i Law, al such value as might be fixed by ap-
da, built by Nels I’. Nelson at Pros­ Manassa .mil A. S Manassa, hcreto- being case number <1 >67 of «aid Court and Com­ .4 Atwater street, then running south to the north priseraent, and that, pursuant to such applcation.
per, was brought down the river ' fore doing business under the firm manding me to make the sum of $506.25 with line of Eighth street, in the City of Bandon, and ihe land and timber theveou have been appraised,
Sunday and will sail in a day or two name ami style of Manassa «\ Son, interest at lhe rate ol ,ix per cent per annum direc ting the Recoider to publish a notice of the j $180.00, the timber estimated 190,000 board
from the 8tt. day of June. |9| I, and the fur­ Council's intention of establishing such, grad* in ’ feet at $1.50 per M, and the land $20.00; that
lor Astoria where she will lie used 011 at Bandon. Coo« County, Oregon,
ther «urn of $20.50 costs and accruing costs out accordance with the survey and profile of C. S. Mid applicant will offer final proof in support of
the Columbia river She is a tine as such partnership and as individu i of lhe hereinalier described real property. I will, McCulloch, engineer, as hl-d in the City Engi­
his application and sworn statement on the 8th
little vessel, is thoroughly seaworthy als, ditl on the Sth day ol June, 1911. 1 on Saturday the 12lh day of August. 1911,at the neer’s office on July 5, 1911, and is open to the day of September, 1911, before A. D. Morse,
and first class in every particular. duly make a general assignment of ' hour <4 ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. inspection of all persons interested therein.
L mted States Commissioner, at Band.n, Oregon.
She certainly reflects credit on the all their property, exclusive of prop­ at the front door of the County Court House in NOW. unless a written remonstrance, signed Any person u at Iberty to protrst thispur-
city of Coquille, Coo, County. Oregon, offer by TWO-THIRDS of the real property owners ■«haae before entry, or initiate a co t-it at any
wotkmaittrhip of the builder. A tine city exempt from execution k»r the ' I the
tor sale, and sell at public auction to the highest adjacent to and abutting upon said portion of
new scow, also built by Mr. Nelson, ; benefit of all their creditors (in pro- and best Inddei for cash in hand all of the right, Main street herein described, and where such time before patent uaues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit m this office, allegin' tacts which would
was towed down to San Francisco p irtion to the amount of such credit­ title and interest ol the defendant. C. Evan Lu- Imposed grade is Io be established, shall be filed I defeat the entry.
by the Fifield this trip, and will be or«’ respective claims) to F. J. | cat, in and to lhe following devnbed real with the Recorder of said City within TWEN-
Feeney, of Bandon, Oregon; and property, to-wg The North-weal quarter and . TY (20) DA> S from the 6rst publication of ,49-l|0-T
used vti the Sacramento river.