KÜOENE, OKE V liter.itz Ex NUMBER 51 BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1911 VOLUME XXVII I SIUSLAW WILL HAVE GOOD PORT over Enthusiastic Commission and Development. n n Delivered to the Bandon City Council, Wednesday, July 5th ------- People Port BOATS Mayor Mast’s Address Entire East Suffers With No Prospect of Immediate Relief. To the Council for the City of Bandon: At the ^ginning of this, the third year of activities under Everything moved off in Shipping Business at This Port Continues Brisk. Good Shape. j its present organization, it is becoming that the Chief Execu­ tive of your city should briefly outline those avenues along which you should direct your official energies. EXTENSION OF CITY LIMITS You will note that public attention has been frequently W ashington , D. C„ July 3- directed to the extension of the limits of the city. These flag­ R. M. Holm in, who is working With skies practically cloudless the rant and desultory references are developing into imperative on the port project on the Siuslaw. country over todav, reports to the came down the first of the week to Weather Bure u indicateli that hi I demands. Many streets have been improved to their extreme visit friends and look after bmin-si weather records might be broken in terminals, while beyond large areas of platted and rapidly affairs. He says that things are at many sections. The day started \ filling additions are imploring admission that the citizens a standstill oil the harbor work just ! with a temperature from two to six- thereof might have the assistance and protection of the city's now, as the first $too 000 is u led up 1 teen degrees higher than yesterday ! government. and the other >100,000 raised by j morning in the larger cities, New THE CHARTER the port commission, together with The celebration at Bandon which was held on July’3rd instead of the 4th. went oft very smoothly and the sports and other events were very interesting. The music was furnished by the Coquille Band, an I was of an ex cellent quality. The afternoon was given over to sports oi various kinds, the first event being a tug of war between Bandon and Seeley 1111 I. I York topping the list with a rise of the $200,000 of government appro­ All governing bodies, all organizations having to do with I from 72 to 88 degrees. In Chicago priation, is in the hands of the gov the enacting and enforcing of law, must draw authority from I it was 84 as compared with 82 yes eminent and new contracts must be j terday morning; in Washington, the body governed or some higher controlling power. The Char­ let before the work can proceed. the rise was from 78 to 84, and in ter is credential. Every ordinance, resolution and memorial, However this matter is receiving at­ Atlanta from 72 to 78. As the day eminating from this council; every official action of the officers tention by the governm mt and it is progressed, the heat in many sections expected that the new contrae s will from Municipal Judge to Right Watchman, must be measured became stiffting and a number of be let and the work renewed in a by it. Our Charter has been subjected to the severest cross­ prostrations and deaths occurred. short time. ' The Weather Bureau holds out fire of criticism, which has been used to defeat the efforts of Mr. Holman saya that Bert Pat- no hope of relief for at least 36 hours. the Council in the direction of general improvement and to terson and family are also still on ---- voo---- stifle the incorporation of public utilities. A committee on re­ the Siuslaw and that both himself Bandon Grange. vision has been appointed, and the retiring council has been and Patterson will be connected with the new project as soon as opera fions patient in its hope for an early report. In taking the liberty are resumed. He also says that the Bandon Grange met in regular of urging to act quickly in this matter, I feel a deep sense of Siuslaw will have a good harbor session last Saturday in I.O. O. F. justice, as it will be a step in the direction of relieving the when it is completed and that up Hall and initiated a class of four Council of the annoyance and opposition of a non-progressive there the people are very enthusi­ ladies. At the noon hour the usual class of citizens that take its presumptive or supposed irregu­ astic over the project and that none banquet was enjoyed. larities to defeat the council's efforts at needed improvement. are sorry that they voted the port Definite steps were taken toward commission aa all realize that it is having an agricultural exhibit or fair Ear this purpose a special election should be called at the the greatest thing fo the develop at Bandon early in October, Com \ earliest dale consistent with law. ment of the coimtiy that has ever mittees on location and premium list ' WATER SUPPLY been undertaken, and it might be were appointed. added here that this is the experi­ You are obliged to provide the city with good, wholesome ft is planned to have an exhibit ence of every port that has been that shall include live stock and water in quantities sufficient for all domestic and municipal organized, and the same would be poultiy as well as vegetables and ■ purposes. The present system docs does not furnish an adequate true of the port of Coquille river if fruit. supply, and according to tests made by competent chemists this port were launched at once. The prcject of instituting a Everyone would realize then whit a farmers’ market on Saturday to does not exhibit the purity that complies with the provisions of Your regard for individual rights will not permit you to great thing it would be f >r the which the products of the farms can law. country, and the valley would begin be brought and sold direct to the disregard the franchise and contracts made by the Town of to develop in wealth, prestige and consumer is a matter also under con­ Bandon with the Bandon Light & Water Company, and il is p ipulation as never before in all its sideration. recommended that you take measures to purchase its system al history. Bandon Grange bids fair t > be the a price consistent with the condition of the pipe lines and the -------- O(K>------ liveliest and most progressive body provisions of its franchise. Such action will relieve the city of Bandon Wins From Myrtle of citizens in the city, now that the Resolutions. Commercial Club seems to have the possibilities of litigation on account of water rights, and Points. entered upon a period of sontno clear the way to the installation of such system will answer R esoi . vf . d that , in accepting ience. the demands of the city and its population. the resignation of Professor Ostien Bandon’s base ball team won from as principal of the Bandon schools, SEWERAGE A Dairy Institute. Myrtle Point on the local grounds the board of directors desire to ex­ The lack of proper sewer mains, as the population becomes Sunday afternoon 1 'y the score of press its appreciation of the char­ 12 to 7. The game was a good denser, greater the liability of the populace to the dangers of acter and ability of ProfessorOstien. F. F. Eddy, Master of Bandon one and all who atti iiili il got the For the last four years lie has pre­ Grange, is in receipt of a letter from contagion. No delay should be suffered in providing lines in worth oi their money. Th< official sided over our schools with general Dr. Withycomb of the Oregon Ag­ those sections where the demands are most pressing. The score follows: satisfaction, Our school has ad- ricultural College, setting the date natural and indentation of the surface location is such as re­ Bandon vanced, not only in numbers but of |uly 20th for a Dairy Institute at duces to a very nominal figure the cost of installing the prin­ AB R 11 1’0 A E in standing, due largely to his Bandon. Holman If 5 2 2 0 1 1 ciple mains. It is a prevailing opinion of the people that im ­ earnest and efficient work in the McNair ss 5 1 2 3 1 3 Dr. Withycomb will be accom­ 4 2 2 7 4 0 cause of education. While we re- panied by several other Professois mediate steps should be taken to inaugurate an adequate Tuttle c 3 1 2 7 0 1 Finger 11» joice in his promotion to the head of including Prof Kent who is a system. 5 0 3 3 2 1 L Cox 3b FIRE LIMITS the department of mathematics in specialist along dairying lines. This Davcraux 2b 5 1 1 3 1 0 the State Normal School at Mon- will be an occasion of importance 5 1 2 0 0 1 You are empowered by the charter to define and lay out M Cox rf mouth. 3 1 1 2 2 1 from the standpoint of instruction, fire limits and provide by ordinance the nature of the buildings Ingraham cf 4 3 4 2 10 1 Dippie p We also wish to tei der a vote of and Bandon Grange expects to add Total 39 12 19 27 20 « thanks to Mrs. Ostien for her faith­ some features which will also make to be constructed therein. Such action will slim via le business Myrtle Point enterprise by ieducing to the minimum danger from conflagra­ ful services during the past four it an occasion of pleasnre. O Prey cf 5 0 3 3 0 0 years as assistant principal. Details as to the program and the tion. 4 1 6 H Prey c 1 2 1 It is further ordered that a copy hours and place of meeting will be SALOONS Lewis 3» Ac p 1 0 0 3 0 1 of these resolutions be given Pro­ published later. • 4 0 3 0 0 rf Under the Home Rille Amendment, a new ordinance has Haman 1 McDonald 2b 3 3 2 1 fessor Ostien, that they be spread 1 0 been in operation several months. It has been framed along Garl lb 3 0 0 II 0 upon the minutes of the clerk’s Summer Training School. the most approved lines, and while it may not be perfect in Davenport II 3 0 2 0 0 i record book and that they be pub­ Dement ss 2 0 1 0 0 i lished in one issue of the Bandon every particular it fits fiery neatly the temper of the times, and Herman p Ac l( 5 2 1 0 1 6 R ecorder . 4 1 0 2 0 0 The summer training school for has proven a valuable check upon the indiscriminate sate and Jarvis 3b Pieston C. Stephenson, Total 12 7 12 24 16 4 teachers for Coos county will be held intemperate use of intoxicants. It will be within the scope of A. McNair, Summary l irst base on balls, off in Marshfield beginning August 7. your work as conncilmen to observe its operation and to pro­ M. Breuer. Dipplc 6, off Lewis 2. Struck out md lasting for two weeks. Prof. vide for its amendment if changing conditions so demand. by Dippie 5. By Herman 2. Two Ball and Miss Smith of Portland will, The saloons should be firmly held within the limitations oj base hit, Herman, Ficger, L. ( 'ox be the principal instructors. Beer at Wholesale and Hamas, Dippie. Three base hit, State Supt. Aiderman and Gov. law, and those given to the excessive use of strong beverages Retail. Dippie. Double play, CoxtoFieger, West will lecture during the course and while under their influenc ■ to riotous and indecent conduct Having opened Irottling works of the session and Ex State Supt. should be made to feel the force of their actions. Persons in ■ Passed ba Is, Prey 1, Tuttle 2. Hit by pitcher, McDonald and Prey. tn Bandon, I am prepared to furnish Ackerman, President Campbell, and a drunken state should not be permitted to enter a hotel or Time oi game 2 hours 15 minutes. Hop Gold at #2. 25 per cise, Rose President Kerr, are also expected to lodging house for the purpose of occupying a room. On several I 'mpires, Rose X Blackerbv. City 52.25, and Pure Malt $3.00. be present. occasions the city has narrowly escaped destructive fires from Beer on short notice. Best lager -— onzs —— For Signs, see S trow bridge , the such causes. beer on coast, and delivered free to Due regard, however, for the rights and com­ S ay , watch the horses smile .mil grow fat when you feed them grain Sign Painter, in the old Kime Bldg forts oj individuals should never be forgotten. any part of the city or country. and hay from T. Robison. 40-tt 50-tf F erdinand J esch . on Atwater street. 44-ti (Continued on Page 4) 1 l.ee, 11 R Reynolds. Miss Ebba Wiren, Ed Darling, Herman John­ son, Mrs B W Emerson, C il Dun- fer. W C Nielson. I'lte Elizabeth will arrive here again Ssturday evening and will probably sail Monday evening. The Fifield arrived Monday morning with a big cargo of freight --- Returns with Bride. Mr. and home to * What Amount You Earn. ¡ whether il be ten dollars a week or ten dollars a day— the lad still remains that some pari of your income should be sailed. This hank FIRST NATIONAL BANK State Depositary