f Local Lore 0 IIn 4j Í1 d P osh ion W a ntei >.—Housework or in camp. Call at this office 4 1 These goods ARE NOT OLD STOCK, but late patterns and styles, and values that are worth your consideration. Four lots and three houses on Columbia Ave., near At­ water Street. An excellent in­ vestment. $2,000 wil 1 handle it Two nice litte home places $550 each. Cash. We also have many others equally as good and will be glad to show property at any time. I also carry in stock, for boys, J. E. Tilt & Co. Box Cali Shoes at $3.00 per pair Sizes 2^ to 5^. None better. J. Ira Sidwell FIRE INSURANCE.-”We represent a number of the best I ire Insurance Companies in the country and can insure your property against loss. 9 .vxwrej r Bandon, Oregon V T *J U Evrtfl Opposite Grand Theatre ©¡e £ Also all youth’s schools and overcoats will have a reduction. If your boy wants and needs a suit or an overcoat for the 4th, and later to wear to school, now is a good time to purchase. . l_J3l’A i5 JlUUKXU ------ X .'< > Persian Rugs. The perslnn rii;: luttker, working by tin ml. average» n square foot each twenty three days of work. •")0 Free TDelivex’-y Ü? --------■Ode---------- G Boys’ Fancy Knickerbocker and Straight Fant Suits He can furnish the goods I Thrilling Photo-play war drama by the American I’athe Company If you like lots of action, dash and excitement in picture;, this film will please you. Also a splendid Im an p.cture depicting iiic in the under­ world Very inlet«sting Di.iina. At the < ¡rand tonight. From now until the First of August, will reduce the price on of a Fourth of July Cele­ I■, The Flag Didn’t Rise. Don't Doubt but, Come and See ysA* \K>-i KaMTMMU»- £ta~«vve-rnkTÄrnF tpa»r«a>aav'«*rFjfr Onn^wa.—rnwar . 3a«xx*»W8E.vaMr -• hereby poti that Dora Manly, Biggest and Best Program of Events Ever Offered in Southwest Oregon. wh< ir posi oil)« r addire k Bandon. Oregon, <1 I, on the 22 day of Au list, 1910, hie in thia «»III» ’ SWI 4 NW I 4. Townthip 28, S„ Range 14. 5 th 4 Sworn St iti meat an.I Application, Nt», to puri hi»* the I ’, < lio»i I BASE BALL, GAMES, RACES, DANCING GEO. VV. MOORE LUMBER CO. W .Ilana tie Writ Mendian. a id the limlxr there »n, und< i tin rio visions o! the ad of June 3, 1873., and Law," at sia h value as might be fixed jrac <£13022 ads ‘tone amendatory, known as the “linber and 1 I I />’./.V/C ()/’ /UXIHW ap by prisement, ami that, pursuant to such apple ah n. ha * now the land and timber tlu reon have be-n app'.u rd. $180.00, the timber estimate! I-H'.tMh» I m '. h I fret at $1.50 per M, and th* land $.'0.00; mid applicant vs ill offri final proof in j his applicati m a«d awor>i statement on the 8th day of Sej»lrmber, 1911, I»« fore \ D Mi. United Stales Commissioner, al Rm Ion. Oi Any person is al llwity to protest chase bdore entry, o in bat* a contisi on. i the pur at aav time before patent .« u •». by hhtv a coin»!» »ra < affidavit M this olh r, alle png tai ls whiJi n -ukl defeat the entry. BENJAMIN I 49 ilO-T JONES, Regnier oifit.ftv Capital Stock $50,000 that uppotl of n ij BOARD OI DIRECTORS: | I.. Krtvnenberg, PmkUnt. J. Denholm, Pi< d