EUGENE. OME ""■’•r.itj Ex “ Semi-W eeJkzly VOLUME XXVil NUMBER 47 BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911 iOEVELOPiINI LEÄGÖE Vessels Wrecked near Port Orford, 1SGÌ to 1911. Thomas Douglass a logger in See­ ley X Aiulerson's camp was instant­ ly killed vesteulay morning bv a 1 failing tree, which struck another tree anil was tin own out ol its course, Shipping Bittiness Still Con­ falling directly on Douglass and ¡breaking his neck. Douglass was tinues Brisk at this about _js yeirs oid and was born in Virginia. He- has no relatives in Port I tliis section ol the country so tar as is I non n. I lis remains were brought i to Bandon yesterday and | I iced in The Elizabeth arrived hi Port Arthur Ellingson's undertaking par­ Sunday with 185 tons of freight and lors t< await the* following passengers. |osephine — UCX) Anderson. Amanda Dahl, Mrs, L. Got What Was Coming. A. Barnes, C Cox. Maud Ellingson, R. F. Lee, L. H. Perkins, F. J. ] Quimtn, A. Holmes, A Neinstadt A coup’e of tights occurred in and F. Myers j Bandon last night resulting in some' The Elizabeth will sail again this arrests and four or live persons being evening. lined $10 apiece in court The Brooklyn arrived fri mi Sin this morning. Among tin- number F rancisco Sunday evening. was the big fellow who passed bogus The Schr Oregon is in port. checks on the Hub Clothing Co. The Anvil arrived Sunday night some time ago, and was convicted with passengers and freight from and sentenced to five years in the Fie was paroled, however, Portland, and sailed again Monday pen. morning. Those going out on the during good behavior, by Judge Anvil were: Nellie Shipley, Steve Coke, but his conduct has been such Horn and wife, J. S. Amson and since that Judge Coke has notified Marshal Holman to bring him to John McLean. Coquille and the judge will send him The Fifield will arrive this even up to serve the sentence. ing from San Francisco. SCHOOL MEETING HELD YESTERDAY Law Requiring Reports on All Accidents to Laborers. In Force May 20, |9| I. S’« .eiiie-r Active, w re c ked |une, Section 1. Any person, (inn 8 I 23 Dist. tax oughly representative of public < - | >in Is It Fair? Death of Mrs. Versteeg. Inspector of Factories and Work­ Steamer Waslicalore, wrecked Rec’d from County Treas. ion throughout the slate. shops to keep a correct record of all May 21, 1911, at Cape Sebastian. County School Fund 3.690 (X) ------orccs.------ accidents and deaths reported to his Value $50,000 Rec’d from state school Mrs. Elizt Versteeg, mother of Did you ever send to Chicago for Bandon Won Game, office, giving the cause of the acci­ Total loss of life, 18. Total loss fund W. E. Craine of this city, died at a bill ol hardware and find when it i .098 (■5 dent, 01 death, the particular indus ­ of pioperty, $636,410. I’oit Orford Rec’d from 1 ate bills and the Craine home Sunday noon. c ame that you had forgotten 50 cents try or employment in which the per ­ tuition Mrs. Versteeg was a native of Ore- wot th of nails? Did you send to 5* The ball game between Bandon Tribune. son was in-ured, where the accident Rec’d from sale of gon and woilld have been 65 years Chicago for them or diJ you go to and f.angle is, played al tin- I .1! or death occurred, and publish the and warrants oid July 22d the hardware store amt buy them? 97 55 ball park Sunday afternoon, resulted To-night at The Grand. same in his biennial report. Besides William E. Craine she Rec ’ d from all other Did you ever send away for an in a victory for the home team by a Sec. 3. Any employer of labor has three other sons, Geo. of Los advertised special value in lumber or score of 16 to r’. The most exit­ sources 14 35 who shall f.iil to 1 eport such accident Angeles; Thomas of Boca, Calif,, sash and doors, and find on receipt ing features of the game was the Nero, and the Burning of Rome Total J>|(’.'54 35 within live days from its occurrence and Charles of McMinnville, Ore. of the goods that the mail cr er “rooting" and the1 apparent lack of Undoubtedly the- greatest Historical DISBURSEMENTS shall be liable to a line of not less Also one daughter, Mrs. Nellie- house “forgot” some of the essen­ knowledge of the game by the um­ Film ever produced. Paid for teaehc i wages $ 8,078 3« than $25 and not to exceed #500 or Shipley, who was with her mother tials? Did you send away for the pire, who handed out decisions with­ Every man, woman and child Paid for fuel and school to imprisonment in the county jail when the end came. [ balance or did you go to the local out regard to rules or anything el -e. should sec1 tins picture-. Ils pro­ supplies 1,825 -’■I for not less than five (5) days nor The remains were taken to Port lumber dealer to get what was miss Both teams suffered as til«1 result of duced by the 1‘dison Stock Co , and Paid iot repairs and im more than six (6) months, or both, land on the Anvil yesterday morn I ing? rank decisions, but if either side got tlic- setting is carried out to the proving ground 3 " 7° in the discretion of the court. ing for burial, Mrs. Shipley accom­ Did you ever solicit a contribution the worst of it, we are incli-ied to minutest detail. Even those patrons Redemption of building (Chapter 102, Laws of 1911.) panying them. Mrs. Versteeg had ; for charity from some land protno- think it was Langlois. of tlie Grand who are not particular warrants 3 1 20 IO -—noo- — been in good health until about a , lion company a thousand miles away Coffee was c-n the slab for Lang | V fond of historic »1 subje cts will have Paid on principal and in- A special meeting of the county year ago when she became an in­ or from a mail order house in New lois and Fieger for Bandon. Sam to take- off their hat to this pie lure- terest on wart ants 1,101 37 commissioners was held at the court valid and was brought to Bandon York, Chicago or San F rancisco? and say they liked it. Tuttle stopped Fieger s benders. Paid for insurance 327 00 house this week and some very im­ last November to be at the home of If you have tried it you know it This film and two rattling good Paid for clerk’s salary Though the game .was not an ex­ «75 00 portant business was transacted. her son, witli the hope that the won't work. But yon don't hesitate ceptionally good one, yet it is evident comedies by Selig— entitled “Dis Paid for librai v books 11 2 70 One of the most important items of change might benefit her health, to go after the real estate man, the that Bandon has some good players, charging the1 Cook" and ‘ Dear, Paid janitor 6 o co tliis business was the ordering of a but she grew gradually worse until grocer, the hardware dealer or the and with a little practice in team Kind Hubby" complete a pleasing Cash on liand 4'7 8.5 ten ton toad roller. The rjller was the end came. lumberman heie at home when you work, we will be easily able to skin program that you can t afford to Total $<6.154 35 ordered through J. R. Harline, The Craine family’ w ill have sin­ have some little bior.ey raising anything in southwest Oregon. pass up. Reinember, at the- < ¡rand After the reading and approving special representative of the Buffalo cere sympathy of many friends in ! scheme to put through. And gen- to irglit. Admission 'inly log. •of the financial report, the assembly Steam Roller Company, who came their bereavement. ; erally they ■‘come across" without a ------ OOO------- proceed«-«! Io the ele.tion of a mem in on the last Breakwater lor the ex­ New Theatre Building. murmur. Teachers’ Examination t her of the school board to succeed press purpose of interesting the; com In other words, do y >u play fair City Election Notice I’. C. Stephenson, whose term ex­ missioners in their goods. Mr. liar— with your friend, the local business Work is progressing very rapidly pires this year. Mr. Stephenson and ■ line promised when the order was Notice is hereby given that 1 h<- Notice is hereby given, that a reg man, or do yon use him as a con­ on the new Theatre building to be first semi- uinual examination of ap­ A. Haberly were placed in nonuna- I given that the roller would be de­ ular election will be held within the venience and send your money and known as the Orpheuin The man­ plicants for tea -hers’ certificateC bon and for several b illots the vote livered this month and that lie agement of the new theatre say they under tin- new school law, WJ|| | e was a tic, bile Mr. Haberly was final­ corporate limits rf the city of Ban­ your real trade elsewhere* would come and set it up and drill a Every dollar you spend at home are going to equip it with the very don, Coos county, State of Oregon, ly elee ted by a majority ol one vote. local man in the handling of th • held in the court Irm-e, bc-ginning on Monday, the 26th day of June. acids to the wealth of this communi­ latest conveniences, and that it will at 9 a. m , June 21, I91 1, and 1 on The next in order was the election heavy machine-, File commission­ 1911, for the purpose of electing one ty. Ikvety dollar yem send away be equal to if not superior to any tinning three- days. of a clerk, and J. W. Mast, the pres­ ers are to be congratulated on their detracts from it If you are imbued theatre building in sou'hwest Ore- mayor, one recorder, one municipal ent clerk was elected unanimously. good fortune in getting in touch with Dated this 5th -lay of June. with local as well as national patri­ gon. judge and three councilmen. Then followed a few addresses by so good an agent and company, VV. 11 B en « it, Co. 43 14 The building will be located on Such election will be held at the otism you will keep your money at < itizens on the best methods of con­ Coquille Sentinel. City Hall on the said day, and the home in every case where you cm Homer street, opposite the Pacific ducting schools, after which th<- Look Here. polls will be opened at the hour o get as great value here as elsewhere. lodging house, and next to the l’< p meeting adjourned. ular Hotel. eight o'clock a. m , and will remain Give our business men a chance. Large outside two berth slate ooo— ----- .'x2>r>---- open until one o’clcock p. m.. and ------ OOO— Yourself and Friends rooms, with running water, Stun the 1 Prof. Hanshaw ¡ will then dose until two o’clock p Dancing School To-Night Withdraws Name. Elizabeth for San Francisco, and writing s* liool will commence oil tn. and will then be opened at two are only $7.50. are 43 H July loth, th<- first Monday after tile o’clock p. m. and remain open tin M. VV. Byrne, the dancing master, Referring to my nomination f- r The class will hold its sessions ph. til six o’clock p. m., and will then be is here again and w ill hold his classes councilman at the caucus last W< I The mechanic al shop of Kime and at the new school building oil the permanently closed. Cordially Invited The board chosen by the common as usual in Bank Hall to-night and j nesday evening, I wish to say that Vo- Pc-gert is rapidly nearing com­ arst three d lys of each week. An council to conduct said election are to morrow night Mr. Byrne’s class while I appreciate highly the mark pletion and within a few clays will be excellent opportunity for old or to T. T. Allen. R. C. McKinnis, J is getting along fine and all who arc­ of esteem thus show n in advancing sufficiently far advanced so that it young to c< quire good I1.11 dwritmg, Langlois, judges, and C. Rasmussen missing this opportunity of learning my name for this office, yet it will b- < occupied while1 the finishing c mm skill in tlu- valuable .unim- to dance from an expert are Jlosing a irnpossible for me to serve on ten touches arc- be ing put hi the btllld pli-hment ol drawing. Do four Banking and Geo. Mancet, clerks. Board even should I lx- elei te I. anel ing. I bis is the first fire proof build This notice is given pursuant to great deal. ISli'AVI'.P A pale red cow, with ------ rwrv----- in view ol tliis «act I herewith pub ing, othe r than brick, that has ev' t the provisions of city chatter and with the lag in right ear, marked Pressey bee n erected in this city, and aside- withdraw! my nam»1 from th« also to an order of the common Bandon Will Celebrate. Bros.; has one spilled teat. Any from this feature is the largest ex­ Very respectfully, 1 ballot. council made at a regular meeting FIRST NATIONAL clusive machine sliop in the county. one fm< I ing same drop raid Io II I A. S. elijo it . thereof, held upon the 7th day ol Austin. Hare. Or. 46-12 A general blacksmithing, repair and Although arrangements are not all June, 1911. BANK You boost for i good thing, don’t E xira —See 1’. W. Rubicon for machine business will l>- transacted. Dated at Bandon, Oregon, this completed yet, it has been decided — Cocpiille Sentinel. you* Boost for the Stmr. Fifield to celebrate at Bandon the Fourth, special feed for chickens, horses, 15th day of June. 1911. F ob R ent —Five room cottage, • ail you will then boost the “good and full program will be announced cows, etc. Try his Rolled Oats. 4643 E. B. Kaustud, State Depositary nice location. See Spencer. 44tfx | thing’" along Nothing can beat them. 45-tf City Recorder. |later. 45-d