i X Bandon Recorder Published Every Tuesday and I'liday by the ■Recorder Fubislnng Company. C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor Subscription, fl 50 per Year in Advtiuee, Ailvei tising Rai ♦»h M hi I h Known on Application. Job Printing 11 Specialty Entered nt the Bundou i’oHtoliice TUESDAY uh Second Clans Mutter. June 6, 1911 THE GRANGE Condnc>d b> J W DARROW. Chatham, N T„ Editor of thr A>W’ Y’>r' Statt Granyr He Vi fir EDUCATING TH 1 BOYS. York State Fair Commission Plans Course of Study. The New York slate grange is co-op- erafi.ii; with <'oiiimi I tiys '¡’be uoinmlssloner proposes to iia\(» Hu) hoys vi it the state fair nt Syrueuse in oi L t i ! l . i ili. y may leaf i by I ’outh al n!» < m ui.x things that l.irm hi •. s shouid know and yet perhups do not know Tin» plan is to *3€»k*ut boys ft.»in title.*n to nineteen years of age froi.i ea- Ii county in th * state, boys who are livi <>n farms, to th*» number of not nu re tha:i 1(H). wh shall attend tlie :.(!e fair during th entire week The boys pay their <»\. expenses, and if they comply with n I tlie regulations then th • expen: •s will be refunded. Their I heir slipping sleeping place* and iin*nl:; will be furnished free, but each boy Is to take lhe necessary bed ding A competent person will be In charge of lhe boys at all times. A leu ture each day will be given to (he en tire company, The boys w ill attend in »quads, and they will assist in turn al the fair morning or afternoon and the balance of the time will be theirs They may assist In the stock Judging rings, in lhe live stock parade, tlckei taking, etc. After tlie boys have re turned home any one may write m essay of not over I.GOO Words and sub mit the same for j»ri"»»s. the b t f air a Ives 10 receive a pair of ualv. ’j each (all oi (he »nine breed», nexi t I.c i four to re reive a pair of shee| p e t"II. Il ’J f mr to receive a pair of h< ogs etu h. I he next best four to rucelv«» oik » I. hi hel of seed corn each, th*» next be t four to re­ ceive one half bushel of seed corn ¡’rises will also he offered at Un* f.iir a year later for the !>• I results boys can show from their prizes for 1H11. A «•Irciihtr letter to the bu appointed will give all detail; as to what they should biIng 1 » tl. • I ir. rte.. ’Lids idea 11 a good on»» and w.is leu.i’tily indors ed by the Now ¥<•; 1. • i sle gt;n *. Tlie practical wprl.lir out <>f tin» plan will lie watched wiih conrg:iiilz:ill>:i, mid n epeclal committer i' on tuberculoids up pointed bv tlie grunge, ■unge. with E A Moree, direc tor of tin- exton :ic'ii work of the State < 'harllh s ' bl iiHsocl.’iti granges of the state. repre*entlng .i combined niemhi»r: hip of nearly 100. OOO urging (het i to :• k hoards of sli jM»rvh-ors to Invest!’. ..te the question of building tul»er< iilo is hospital» The local graimus tin* urged not only to g«»t the matter 1» »fore their wupvr visors, but to Me*» to It that the suhleut is treated entirely on Ils merits, The committee also decided to ask local grange» to employ visiting nurses (o rare for tuberculosis patients in tlie home» and to popularize tin» county hospitals County physicians will hr asked to < (imply with the law reqtilr Ing the retorting of every <••’ <» of tu i>er< tilosls and to didn: t the prem Ises after the death or removal of .? patient Duty Granges. Slate Lecturer Melxeen of Maine in speaking of (he di tissions In the grange says that out of ?(’»(» imports re reived from 4 10 grai es In the state It was learned that lOG.iil I had attend rsl about OOO meeting bid llstrnrd to over 5.0*4) speakers. GIO addle* se r»9 4»vsivs, (MI5 grange papers, over 2. oho recitations, over ."»,(»• •» musical »elec tions and more than (i.OOO readings and recitations mltteu consists of N. J. Bai-lieliler of New Hampshire, T. Atbesou of West Virginia und Aaron Jones of lu- diana. They look lifter grunge inter e.its nt Washington George T. Powell, a prominent metu- her of lhe grange mill predilent of the Agricultural Experts' Associ« tlon of New York. Is in favor of Canadian rec- i roi-lty mill believes that, while the farmer may suffer some temporarily. In the I.mi 4 run lie will not be the loser thereby. .’.II eves will fje turned on V.’ir ’ilngtoii during the extrnordiuury ses.'.l >:i of congress, ns no subject Is now- « ore widely ngltnled among the ■■r ■ .1-1 than this of reciprocity of • i- i pni.lufts with i nnaila. Il t t'ii have tlie itch, don’t scratch it tints not cure the tron'.tle ant ¡11 ikes lhe skin l>l.-ed. Apply Bal I till s Snow Liniment. Rub ii it ip ntlv on lhe allet led pails. It re ievt s il hill" instantly anti .1 lew ap I Jack Robinson. A. Foxton For: inni of Oxford uni versity, spenking of the o'd time b:l- lads, »aid that us most of the publb* executions took place In some park or market place, where everybody could be present, the onlookers oftentimes amused themselves by singing billnds giving the entire history of the victim, and this Is the reason why po many of the old songs are con erm d with th * hangman and the gallows tree. Par tl nlarl.v Interesting also was bls de­ scription of the origin of the ex pres stun •‘quicker than you can say .lack Ilobinson.” heard so often in both Eng- land and America. It cume. be s.u’d. from an old ballad about a sailor naw ed Jack Robinson, who returned to Portsmouth. England, to find his old sweetheart married to another The poor sailor vowed that he would ro:»m the seas forever, which be set out to do hardly before bis friend< realized what tie was doing They » ailed after him. but he had gone. '.A’D i ■D-* CA punì ic M NINO I i 1-4’1 Coos County Directory. If vu arc i”t< u *e ’ n 4''y tontest o: any inatte r beior.- tile lille nr De- t I W l-:. ¿V Wi-lght. part 'ieri, ' • ' rugislurcti Li ml l.iwver.s, oo.» I- Street )¡¡ice », N. W. (oppi ■ • ■ Gei ■; i.-'.ii ! Washin rti n. D. U i- -t i;.fo. marión alu ut c» r.tc- ts and w ì cr • u» rbt un 1 scrip. Lient .‘lie upon pul'll.- lands without residence or «uhi» st on i X * * • ( » i'* V~T ’ -Ft ts re-f-i tw i Representative ---------------------- Ed. RaikM b her iff_____ ___ ----------------------- Vi’. . Gage Clerk .»nies \\ atson Sur ve) >r_______ _ /‘.N. Gôuid I reau> . <>. F D ANDON LODGE. No. 133. I O. O F. l ull line of Harness, Sad­ pl tit'll, r inov.s the cause thus dles, Bridles, Halters, meets every Wednesday evening. ViilLng brothers ia good standing coidially invited. p< 1 forming a pei nianent cure. Price I Blankets and everything Busiilrn:i, (’il., March, 1911. O. A. i rowbiidge, N. G. -and $1.00 per bottle, Solti usually kept in a first- [•’oli-y N Co, Gentlemtn: \Ve A, Knopp, Secretaiy bv Y. Lo.ie. class harness shop. have sold am! recommi lull d Foley’s Pilone 91, Bandon, Ore K u I k I i I h of Repairing a Specially Hi'iiev and far Compound for years I TjEEPHI LODGE, N o . 64, Kninbn oi We believe il to l>e one of the most I’phias. Meets eveiy Monday evening CANINE HUMOR, at Knights hall. Visiting kiughls invited to etticienl expectorants outlie market. Cto Colds, Croup and Whuopi¿¿; C>uv’i, attend. E. Lewin, C. C. M aro Mr.rksd In Mongrels Than In Containing no opi.ilex or narcoiics it B. N. I lairington K. of R. S. Dogs V-/ith Pedigrees. I Renrrully find, writes a well known can be given liet-ly to children. l>K. E. W. KO.HSilTEK English scientist, that mongrel dogs Enovgh of the remedy . .in be taken win'll they I: .-.¡»pen to be sociable have to relieve a cold, i's it has no nau­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a keen sense of humor. An aristocratic dog with a pedigree my have some seating results, and iloi s not inn r- BANDON OREGON Youis very Inheriiail sni .•rtiicss, but has no origi fere with il ¡gestion. i Office and residence in Panter residence propeoy utility. A 1 oinmoa i ; t ic v. dog wit1! no truly, C. H. Ward Drug Co , D I.. next door to Bi|ou Theatre ancestry to speu a of, who lie i to gain Parsons, Sec. anil Titas. Get the Ii' ; living I Ids v.T rollici give him DR SKilTTT J. JVryLKTN TEE RECORDER OFFICE has recently 1 nil 1 mid : p.ide i at Lis uv, h tricks tn original I'oley’s Hole,- and Tar I wo les-'-.ous PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON added a lot of new type of the latest Compound in theyell wv pi.-lnje, thii-e I took Into the house out of OFFICE IN PANTEIt BUILDING l-'ur sale by lie- Bindon Ding Co. facer, v specially for Fine Job Printing, , Ity a iiiuti- r.'l yellow «*• »g who insist Otiiee Hours 9 to 12 1 to 5 ed on last 1 lllng him ••.elf :it my door ai d we arc now prepared to print all Making th. Correo: :nt* Work. BANDON OREGON slop mnl nlwa)s < Lock, uu imittei The > ormo: • i.l v me i m i III • ui> I ki.tdr. of Fancy Invitations, Announce- I how otti'u he wa • •’1 . I :i \v i y I liad Interesting i t ■' ••»' .1 I .1' tu tir' DR.- A.. INGRAM at I Ii.it time a pe lici t - J water spani*?! t. . t.- :, Calling Cards, Letter Heads ’.vorid They xr? employ'd In the Chiropractor 'i I I tried to ti 11 h him some irfi-k- c'shing I .1: 'rv • tPe co t of S .1 and tn i. t i all kind« of modern printing Ottice Huiiis 9 to 12 a in. i nd w hi'ii I i . il. lul l oiii iiloiig a quiet I am land to a large exleul. Ì le v ure ens i to 6 p. tn. at tli. The yellow dog. who Hindi ilv trained t.> ’.vol-': for their ov.ners, done in a Modern Office. lii. wilh him. ulwajs i-ana- along who pinco a brass ring round each Office in El Dorado Building mil b it Ila' waU'i' spaniel nt his own of their thronts so us to prevent the Pnone Main 71 Bandon. Ore. trli-k-i without trahilng-. Then he be id rifu sv.-:illowlii-. Tli“.v nntiirally f< etl an to 1 I iv tricks of bls own on the upon listi anil soon learn to deposit t I3r Zï. L Houston p mi I. \\ Ia n la' laid a bone lie look I wli.it they fateli In their owners' boats, I out I’m- Ins eoiiii.iile. mid when lie They display remarkable cleverness In i PHYSICIAN & SUJUJKutx aw him h pin along lie would lay time, and n good fisher Is worth n good < Mice over I >rog ¡Store. Fluiti h , '.I u» I ? ■ ■ — »1 HUH« i ; tin' bone In his path mid dlsappeur. deal of money to a fisherman. T '».ni. I :30 to 4, p in. ; 7 to 8 iu the »veiling 'I In- ■ paiiiel :ilw:ns mail > for lhe bone but the .lellow dog, Just ns lie was Lottery Chances. Ni«ht cali» answered fnuu «»il • e. .'ihuiit Io grab ft. would dart from Ills M. Henri I’olneare the rnntlierunfl ItA MlON, «I l< ♦ > I lillm: place 11: d s.-l.-.lng it. run nil clan. told ns a few years ago that if with it 1 I.is happeiu'il over ami over PV*T. one who buys a lottery ticket Dr- L Ia Sorensen. :>■ aln. Lilt tlie high iaiil spaniel never knew how little <*linnce there was of I tmnlileil to the joke New York World any one winning a prize there could he DENTIST d me I no successful lottery. The chance of .««XT* mu*.«! Office Over Vienna Cain each was about equal to the danger TEN KINDS OP MONEY, » Telephone at Office and Heme. of being killed In a railway accident.— Rut Not All of Undo Cam’s Assortment London Truth. BANDON OREGU Is Local Tender. Ths Greater Field. Uncle Ram otli< tally has ton kind« <À. T. TICKA lXJOt l», “Fiither, 1 ttm not sure whether 1 of money gn'.il coins, simiilii'il silver shall be a spec ialist for the ears or th ; dbllnrs, siilisiillmy Hllver, imiti cortili ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL« 't K cates. F liver ertltli-iites. tr usury ilS'.iiii teeth.” AT LAW, "Choose tlie teeth, luy boy. Every not*«. 1,'nileil States tgi-eeubm-k si NOTAF.y PUU.IC Holes. l.mional limili notes, nickel one lias thirty two of them, but only two ears ” Loudon Tit Bits • <»lns mul lii'imze coins •iii.is the In Bandon, o, dlanapolls N<‘\v While mime of this Ot1ien With Bundon Invesinteni t ■■ There is one me licine that jet cry paper < urn'iii-y is in.I legal tender. minor i in uro li-jal tender In small family should be provided will: anti Dr. H- ivi. Brown amount Legal tender is so i ailed lie especially during the ^ninnici mollili «ause e 1 i:i I ivmi'ht of u dehl or obligli Resident Dentist. tlon of any kind it cmi be forced on viz: Cliamlic I Iain’s Colic, Clioleia. Office in Panier Buildmg i he < rmlllor “In full of nil demmid ” ami Diarrhoea Remedy. Il is almost Gold <<•!•(Ulen 1rs. silver certificates « Office Hour«: 9 to 12 M.. I to 5 P. M, Celatili Io be needed. It costs Inn a and national bank notes, despite tlie Phone, BANDON, OREGON quarter. Can toil attoid to be mill enormous quantiiv In clrcuhitlon. nre net legal tender. So f ir .-is silver coin out it? Eor sab- by C \ . Lowe Is i on; med. « only fio worth of ’•halve“.” “quarti eri” mid "dimes" nre Already Out of Commission. AttoruFy aid C om uselor-at Luw legal tender, and I. s to ill 1 el mid eop The front doorbell was out oi repair. I < eins. < I n!y '. II'-. 2. '. -| . els emi lie forced Mother in 11 hurry instructed John to < OQUlIJdL ORK F guk Ì o CD <»n the creditor. ti dlior. However, with lhe put tip some sort of a notice to Hint OtTice over Steels’ Store - ; t 1 1 • d ; ■ 11 x "i- i' illir there Is no liti'11 effect so that (tie visiting public would Offae Phone. Main.335; vesdcoce. Maio 346 I I the mr 'i:nt to be | Id III llq:ild:i be notified. John Is long on football tlon of ii il.il > The i re II:nr i-ii’i re ■ nd short oti the mysteries of punctmi fe .- Ili -diver . ti ll ;te. lint when It tlon. He dually evolved this sign, my clothes are at i he lines t • t! o "dolltir of th;- il.'il ti e which a startled neighbor brought iu .'Jim- must Ii ■ le. eh 'I nt its Lue to the mother: "Please Knock the Door i.ilno. i-i 'ti If it thousand weigh .’S ll? bell Out of Order.” Womans Home pounds Companion Cbililrrn ih.it ire all' i led I v l.< wom.in o| today wlìo Las g(»od worm-, .nt- pale mid sickly and li.i’.m- «.» il», »p» k ! w ti-mpri, i;i»<» ! sensi», l-> lontim l some lot il disease I u !■.; I t u \ e.1 IH I a I» w t I \ » o<) p’e \ h »tl While's Civ.iui Vermifuge expel ’ ' i < 'i>lt (»1 i . •! » rei lividi» ,im| got d worms promptly .mil puts ill - , l.il.l »■ii; ' lion, w nix thè .nliini.it oh (»1 tilt Oil I lie IO id to health. I’l n i* ?5<’ •'> <1. Il y olir (|i>;rstion is l.nilt\ per bottle. Sold In C. \ l.o.w < b.imi hi l.iin , Stoni »(li .mi l.i\ct Cranqo News Not^s. Sura Bait. I .»1 »1« ts w ili . .1 in I it |.O| s Jp *‘Ari» co o|'ci ilin.. mnrkeilng i < "How tiitl you manage to sell that tlon» practical nml n new dai that my husbnnd had been sitting had It laid aside for one of her daugb grannt Grel• vllle. N V , which or lers Then she took It right off. hi at .'Uii'ther itlle > ime with some of gntiized with 2<< barter tuembers Ills old friends Bill rrallj I couldn't It is worse than useless l<> take Eureka grunge *»f New York offer?» say as much as I meant to say Invause SKM) in prizes for the le t Here of corn just ns soon ns I began tf> scold he any nieilitine inter.>.illv lor mu ul.n grown thl« year by any Of it» IllCIII handed me this necklace Mrs. Peake or chronic rheumatism /Ml tli.it is berw. That K certaluly a practical - Let me see It, please. I have quite a needed is a free application of Cham way to tnaptre new interest In corn personal Interest In It. you know My jberlain's Liniment. For sale bv C growing husband helped pay for It — Cleveland Y. Lowe The national grange legialat4 1‘lalu Dealer. Snamheriain’s Cough Remedy ■r W. J. SABIN. Prop. = 31 ▼ p, I *.x If W Fancy Wedding Invitations a Specialty il RECORDER PUBLISHING CO. Bandon, Oregon T. Great Offer T4Hc RECORDER management has mdc r rranfiemer.ts with the San C. R. BARROW Bulletin whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic ccmbiration offer that will furnish them ali the news of the country in a metropolitan daily and all the news of Bandon and vicinity in BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY the Recorder at marvelous low price Where Yours Ought to be A. I. DERINGER The Daily San Francisco Bulletin, The Bandon Recorder, Tota!, Both papers through this office if piiid io advance, per year $3.00 per year 1.50 per year Everything in the Drug Line $4.50 $2.75 Prop, Do ymt want pure drugs and drug sundries, lire perfumes. Irur brushes and loilet articles. 11 so call ci> C. LOWE, lhe Druggist B andon , ore .