ïUGENE, UK* Utriveraity E< . t wH % /> VOLUME XXVII BETTER FOREST FIRE PROTECTiON BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1911 Annual High School Banquet n“' Ì' NUMBER 43 Knights Go To Convention. Entertains 8th Grade. 1 he annual bampi t of the Band.n •\ I •< ut 25 membt-is of i >< Iphi high school w is given a. th«- s< liot»l l;;c N<> 64, K. <1 bring the tug substance of a statement issued to­ conipany rat «loan to one of the twice that many men ready to begin Ihe degree staff of the Bandon Klyhiam back with him to assist in day by the Western E'orestry ¿4 Con­ most elaborate l>an«p:ds that has throwing dirt bright and early that lodge of Pvthian Sisters also went taking the Oregon and a couple of servation Association after a system­ ever been sprenl in Bandoti. The morning. The work will begin o'i to the Convention and will put <11 baige loads of ma- hinery over. atic canvass cf field conditions banquet tables were’spread tn the West I- iflli street at the city limits the Pvthian Sisters woik. This The Oregon has not fully com­ through its constituent tin- lighting assembly room ami were beautifully ami will be pushed toward Elmir intra as lodge has but recently liven organ­ pleted the dredging of the Lone associations in Montana, Washing­ decorated with Oiegon tl«-wers and rapidly as possible When the crew ized. Imt they have been doing some Tree shoal but will complete it this ton, Idaho, and Oregon reaches tilt- si-veial sin. ,1! s'ret lies of c n 1st« nt practicing and have the fall on her return from the Coquille greenery, .is well as elaborate'v cov­ light-of-wav that have Imt yet b< en woik d< wn ver)' line and will give a river. In order t «enable the dredge Rainfall was about normal during ered with good things to eat. secured il will skip those ami -woik good account of themselves. May and April, but light in March The banquet was the last event ol to get away this week, the channel beyond there until the necessary and February, so the total from New the high school ) ear and was a fit­ ------ OOO------- through tile shoal was cut 150 feet Year to' date is less than in ¡910. ting close to a successful school year. com t procedure to <*>md«*mn the wide instead of 200 feet wide. N. E. A. Convention. While May rains relieved the feat of Just before adjourning, Harrv prop -rtv can be gone thioiieh with Everything is in readiness at Ban­ another abnormally early fire season, Crain, in behalf of the high si ho I, It will not tike long to s. tt le i In­ don for the Oregon to begin opera­ they also prevented the burning of t 1 extended thanks to all the people matter after suit in the circuit coin I San Francisco, |une 5, 1911.— tions there, and some record break settlers' and loggers' slashings al the who, in apy wav assisted to make has begun. A jury will decide upon San Francisco is making elaborate ing work is anticipated Coos Bay safest time, State and association the high school debates, tilhleti«-, the v line ol the land to lx- taken and preparations to welcome and enter­ Times. after the company pays (he price the tain over 50,000 educator delegates fire oftii iais emphasize that the re- and other public events a success. -------- ryf'*'-.--------- property is available for construction I fioin every slate in the Union, Can­ nioval of these fire traps now ------ GOO------ Man Hurt in Runaway. work Coos Bay Times. must be under p -rmit with the exer­ ada. Cuba ami the Hawaiian Islands, Stage Wrecked. cise of every care to prevent fire in the Fort',-Ninth Annual Conven­ from escaping or lingering to spring Agitator to be Printed Daily. tion of the National Educatio «al As Myrtle Point. Oregon, May 22. up later. The north bound stag« met with so, ixtion. which meets in this city Harry Guerin was severely injured Irom July 8th to 1.|lli, in the most All the timber owners' associations I an accident Satui'lay, m which 1 me in a runaway this morning and that The report i is current 1 at th'- of the ] «ssengers. Miss Marie important gathering in the history Bos are making their patrols more effic­ he escaped alive i-; considered mirac- The citizens, injured. About Agitator, .1 wgeUv publi .««ion of of the association. ient than ever before In Idaho sen, was seriously injured j uloiis. lie was driving a spirited forces have been out since May 1st I two miles this side of Denmark, ami Marshfield, will I shortly be 111 rip d through the S111 Francisco Conven- I team belonging to Louis Roberts. « Associate t I lion vague, have appropriated extending trails and telephone sys­ just as the mail wagon had met three into a daily, curving They became frightened as he was Press matter. I In- Agitator is pub >25,000 for this purpose. teams, they were overtaken by a tems and some associations alteaily turning, upset the rig and threw him The Navy Department has 01- have a man to every 16,000 acres. runaway team. The stage was run lished by F. B. Cameron and w<- out and trampled him. No bones the driver was understand he will be associai«■■1 w 1 h i der.-d the Pacihc Battle Fleet to The Washington association has its into and upset were broke n but the muscles of his H.-a..... 1 .. „ .... II.............. i < men looking alter the cleaning up of thrown under the horses’ feet ind Mr. Wilson lite publisher ol tit b -om « welcome salute to the teach leg wi-te hurt and one of the horses «■is on tie ir arrival and remain an dangerous slashings anil rights of the hotses so badly tangled up that Lakeport Banner and ' > W Ih stepped on his head. The calk of of Marshfield, 111 th«- publi at > bon I in San I-ram isco Bay during way and has purchased much new further running was impossible. tin- shoe < ut ilvep into his foiehead, lie 11 tai . Thousands of I Inch- Miss Bossen, who has been teach­ the daily. Sto«'k is being «'I. equipment including auto­ and that his skull >va- not « rushed is S un til-op , just rvturn<-«l from the mobiles for transporting men and ing the Elk river school and was on | of which has I.ecu pl i< «-«I 11 1 marvel. He was resting easy nt .mil it is • ,*;p<-< t<- I t < h ive « it an boundary line, will engag” supplies. The Montana and Oregon her way to vi- it hei horn«- at Lang­ I I Bend, • j noon Coos Bay l imes. The Myr­ fust d uly issue appear vithm .1 -. , in mimic war. The city will in lois, attempted to save -herself by associations have reorganized on .1 tle Point l-.nleiptise ol June 2nd has much stronger footing as a result cf jumping just before the crash came, time. Mar-hti' Id is certainly nii.dib gal 1 attife for two weeks. | the following I larry Guerin lias so • ’*./•< * . last year's lesson. The I- -«lest Sei Imt was too lai«' to get clear of til« to support two daily papers, anil ; I far recovered from tlx- injuries re- sooner or liter the publishers will; horses coming from behind and was Delaney Wins. vice has also devoted much effort i ceived in the runaway last week as during the winter to perfecting its trampled upon, one of her legs near find this out, says the Coos Bai : i to be able to be around. Right you an? Biothet' patrol and fire-fightfing arrangement < the ankle being badlv mashed and Harbor. The main streets c.f Bandon were and will work in close cooperation broken. The driver, Eugene Strain, McDaniel, but then there are always! ,.< crowded Saturday night, many peo Now on 15 Hour Schedule some fellows who profit only bi with the state, and private owners was fortunate in escaping with only i and then there are still I le coming down to see the fight lie periehce. tin a few bruises Mr. burkes, from the Forest officials of all the states Wiieless Station at Cape Bianco, others who don't even profit idler tween Kid T.'elany and Pug I’iver. are arranging for stricter enforce­ Beginning yesterday, June 1st, the the o.aly other passenger besides they have hid the « xpeti'-ttce. as is Delaney proved to be more than a ment of the fire law s than in previous Kostlmeg Myrtle Point stage is on tlx- ease with some of tin- afore- i| match loi the Pug and finished him yeirs and promise little leniency to Miss Bossen, es< aped without lujmy the 15 hour schedule, and leaves by jumping in time -Pert < (rioni gentlemen. Two daily papers have in th«- ninth round. offenders. The Washington and Myrtle Point at 7:00 in the morning Young Corbett of Bandon needed about ;is much chine«- to ’ in Tribune. Oregon laws were 11 ade more string­ insteid of 8:00 in the evening an«l is Marshfield is tw«i weekly or ‘•rm just 20 seconds to prove his superi­ ------- SZIX>----- ent by the last legislation and appro­ due to arrive at Roseburg at 10:00 weekly papers in some of th«? other ority of Two Round Hogan of priations for executing them wen- City Caucus p. m. It will leave Roseburg at Marshfield. towns of th«* county. Some p«-ople increased $15.000 a year in Wash­ 6:00 a. m. as before arriving here 'The l«n*': ■- im-nof Bandon were I can’t see over the end of th« ir nose ington and $30,000 in Oregon. Both Notice is hereby given, th it a and they are not willing to allow considerably the gainers because the at 9:00 p. m. Mr. Laird stated to states are greatly increasing then caucus of the legal voters of t In­ anylxidy else to nrik«- a sue ess ¡I mi-n who came ¡11 bought a large tlx- Enterprise that this time will be warden force. The precautions re­ City of Bandon, is calk 1 and will l><- they carl possibly help it But win h amount of ilothillg and other sup­ shortened two hours as soon as the quired in burning slashings and held at the Bandon Opera House, in loads are in better c< ndition, when a fellow has nothing t<> lose, lie is plies. operating engines arg much mor«- Bandon, Oregon, on Wennesday, autos ¿ill be put on in connection < **»- >----- none the worse .off for making rigid. with the regular mail stage and the June 14th, IQI i, al the hour « f 8 o'­ ¡mother faihtie, as will be the « .is- if • Jack Haley Commits Suicide. passenger time shortened consid- The Western Forestry X* Conser clock p. m. of said day for the pur­ the aforesaid paper should l.iunch' eiable Myrtle Point Enteiprise. vation Association is making special pose of placing in nomination for the otlt as a daily-. ---- — effort to secure public r oopr ration coming regular city election camli- |.i< k Hal«' 1 f liner member of ----- exjo---- Teacher«’ Fixamination with all these agencies by distributing dales for the office of mayor, recor«l- ihe Margaret lie-« < '«« , .«nd well Dancing School Notice. immense quantities of posters, stick­ er. municipal judge and three va­ known in B.«ixl< n, committed mi« i« ers and folders calling attention to cancies upon the In ard of council­ in 1 Roseburg hot« I last I rul.iy. Noli« «-is hereby given that the the laws, the steps necessary to pre men. M. W. Byrne wishes loann-xin <• Haley ha«l been mixed up in a love first st ini-annual examination of ap­ vent fires, and the injury to the com This notice is given pursuant to that lie will give a ;.et i«-, of club affair with another mail’s wife and plicants lor teachers’ certificate munity caused by destruction of re the order of the common coun il of dances Io Ins class only. The seri« s 1 trouble follow«-«! over win« h h<- took under the new school law, will be sources, life an«l pioperty. It be said city, made on the 17th day will begin after the next tw<< li .ions. his file held in the court house, beginning lieves that if the public can be made of May. tqll. at r. regular meeting Ail those who join the class «11 ' Haley is said to be 42 years old at 9a. in., June 21, I911, and con-' to iealize the extraordinary effort thereof. June 7th will f>«- entitled to th«- ** and has a wife and 1 1 -year old < liild tinning three days. being made by-Government, State some where in Idaho. Dated at Bandon. Oregon, ill's pt ivileges. Dated this 5th day of June, 1911. -----Ovsz---- and timber owners, it will recipro­ 29th day of May, 1 11. For further information ><•< tnc «1 13 t; W. II B unch , C o . Supt. cate by avoiding the carelessness Now that the mail leaves at 1 <><> E. B. Kausrud, the Bank I tall W'-dn<*s«la v ei ■ ni which caused so much distress and Rei-order ( ity of Bandon. Jun«- 71 It, at S - "< o'« io« k p tn p ill , the Ihnso 1, the C< «ptille Soda afternoon, and all advertisements for Look Here. The Stnir. Eifield has the l>e-.t Th«- uniform success that his;< - I uewday'.s paper must be ir. not later King, has tak< n unto himself a wile. passenger service and accommoda­ tended the use of Chamberlain s We did not learn the lady’s name. th in Monday noon, and for F'riday’s tions of any boat leaving (Kirts south Large outside two berth state Colic, Cholera and I >iaalio«-a R -it. - Mr. and Mrs. Johns« n were guests «if Portland. Why travel by any rooms, with running water. Stmr dy has made it a favorite<-v< rywher -. paper not later than Thursday noon. of his brother, Sam Johnson, and other boat when it <|oes not cost you Elizabeth for San I rm........ , and It can always Is- d.qtendeU ut> • 1. Advertisers will please take notice ol family of this city, from Saturday. I until Monday. | 43-tf | For sale by C. Y. Lowe. any more* 42 t2 fare only $7.50. I this change. LlfiE NOW 10 COQUILLE Master Jack Kronenberg enter­ tained his friends of the 8th grade oil Thursday evening last. The beautiful home was artistically decorated 1 >r the occasion in the class colors purple and white. The early part of the evening was inaile jolly with games and puzzles Shortly after 10 o'clock a delic­ ious lunch was served and many novel and original souvenirs were presented to the guests before their departure. Assisting Mrs. Kronenberg in en­ tertaining her young son’s guests, were: Mrs \V. E. Dungan, Miss Pearl Walker and Mi. Carl Moore. Those present were: Pearl Baird, Leona Jensen, Martha Korth, Reta Mars, Edna Gather, Margaret Gibson, Ruby Tilton, Edwin Kinley, Chauncey Carpenter, Hubert Robbins, Claire Schumate, Creasy Bingaman, C hristie 1 iaberly, Halbert Langlois, Lloyd Lock wood, John Windsor, George Kronenberg, Velma Buckingham, Helen Stephenson, Enith Lusk, Vera Nelson, Helen Moomaw. Cecil McDonald, Ottilia Lewin. Along the Wharf The President arrived in port from Ceos Bay this morning. The Kuby came in this morning and will load lumber at the tip liver mills. The Elizabeth is due to arrive Thursday and sail again Saturday. The Eifield and Bandon are both due to sail from San Fran« isco to­ day for this port. The Eifield made the trip down in 40 hours, and the Bandon has made the trip to San Pedro and is back to San- Francisco in eight days. Ten Largest Cities. The following are the ten largest cities of the United States in the order of their size: New York, 4,766,883; Chicago, 2,185,283; Philadelphia, 1,549,008: St Louis, 687,027; Boston, 670,585: Cleveland, 560,663; Baltimore, 558,- 485; Pittsburg, 533,905; Detroit, 465,766, and Buffalo, 423,715. ------ OOO----- Miss Ilian« lie Radley came home last Saturday from Fourtnile (or a two week's vacation after which she will return for a four month’s term of school. LAY IT DOWN iis 11 safe proposition that the fellow who every little while Inis to break into the baby's bunk for car­ lure is not going Io evolve into a Carnegie. —Philip D. Ar mow Open an account with the First National Hank and the baby's bank will be safe. FIRST NATIONAL BANK State Depositary