r*--------------- "N SENIOR CLASS | Local Lore J PROGRAM I What we Offer You k_____ “FI Fl FLO" WAY." “ONLY : 42-tf Hie “ Mr. Cinderella ” The members of the Ladies' Art . Club of this city were entertained (hie Ait Domestic Comedy Thursday afternoon in a very charm By C. R. Moure ing manner by Mrs. Grafton Tylei at the home of Mrs. F. I'.. I>vl friend; were invited in, and before leaving a ■Cic.dy, oiliest child of most dainty lunch was served. Hit' Everett family bon S ai .i Sewing machine in SI da Rad; luff good condition. Drop In-ad and all her t' Ha/d Stephenson i attachments. Incptiieal <»Hi< <-ol C Janet L . fit Dora ■ sisters Lena tahylois M. Spencer. 26 tf I.. J. C.uly was a C< usf Co have just what you want in hay. >;r.iin and feeds. See ll < ill. 38 If SCENE: Dining al the Everdt homi' in a certain small city, seven o'cloi I: in the evening of a day in lute spiing. Dr. !■. J. Hayes. < IptOlllflt Ijs| , <>l Maishlit'lil. will lie in Bandon, Mon day, June ,tli Al! |ui -on. metiiir glasses .shoultl see him. |o-t? o Rothchilds Clothing, we tire going to , give to every man who buys a suit or Mis. C V. I .owe ami d.mghtei, w ere Maislilii l.l vi iloi-. Ihmsdav. .•see the l.andon \\ aiehm: < e • ( 1 . for 11 iy. giain .mil feeds I lie l>- 1 in town. I’ i ices light. 38 tf HAT FREE Bess, a neighbor of Everett's_____ Erma Fraine • r.¡ f In order to introduce to the men of Bandon and vicinity the famous Mi­ chaels-Stern, Alfred > he i_,aw s A s > *.1 t ! ..«»¡••»i- • >. of ¡.’i.oi.. Ct.»> Chvm win» di.iluput* by days, his choice of any $3.00 hat in our Store Absolutel / Free. Commencing Friday, May 26tli, and ending Saturday, June 3d, 1911 the Su­ oi (ù IDI Si h ot>l Ed nea­ These Suits are sold under a year’s guarantee. t': a'I Watkins A . < ). Diluii tut, to nerai 11 m.ig< 1 of the Cotpiille Tianspoi i iti.Mi (’n. of this city, was a Maishfi« id visito! Wednesday. Definition l il il í l> "Stip-iioi to all others.” W hy not patroni/« the I m * t and *’< )N IA WAV' 5|ll Lowe. Notice of Administrator’s li na I Setti emrnt. Not.«? ia l.r.rby given that Walter I Sabin, X admmrlmL.r foi thr « .talc el cratrd, has lilr«l ill (ilial ir|»«»rt, and I..« < ounly, Oiryoii. hi tinned thr Coilit I’ Sab.n, J<- lhr County I «'»lit “I < « h Io heating Imai objcstiou irt a limo . nJ pla. < thiirto. | Im I . I Ldl, Jud}!«* ol th« pel. !• Ih.it tin* I l.m * nd ( 0U1I did oil May 22, HI I, get the lin.e toi htanng u. h . J )actio( • aa Monday, the hd Jay of July. HI I, at the hour ut 10 a m. o'clock of .nd day, at the City of Coquille, Coos 4 aunty, Oregon, al thr Court huu«r Now, unlra ui>ieclion$ an ■aade at tad time and place, then the (. « uit wi I then and their make an order hi • ettlirif tap the »aid eatalr, .mJ dunu r «• die u a«lmmistral: r, and leiminulir y th? a Thi» Holier k in tal ration. published in ihr Bandon IL Corder lor hvr we Pek«, ihr ht I I me brínq upon Friday, th? 26th day ol May, 1911. at.d ihr L I I.m? upon Imlay, th? >Olh Jav of June, l‘H | Dated at Bandon« (Xrgon, tin 2(4h day «4 May. 1911. Walter J. Sahin, 40 16-F AdmiAKlrator ol the Lrtatt, To those of you who your monty. Ritti.' Mi Na t lion Counsel lor Dfi aduni Ritta Gibson Hard Stephenson Tiic H itch Sylvia Ruckle// ! The II orbi Ihr Class i.f IDI 1 Ermo Craint] CO?V»lGHI have mJ had the pleasure of doing IVII goods are bouylit ami that a!' o'! Every time you buy an ordinary suit, you take big chances of disappointment COPVMGHl i«u weis are involved and their in i ohe pains aii.i .liar rh<»ea. McGee’s Baby Elixir is i th- ^ran I i urrevtive I m ch anil bowel stun and hies, It is pure, s* »* * pleasant to take. Price per boule Sol.I l»v <.. - oco When you want ft.iwl ri^ht, ir mrinbei that (lie steamer l-’itirl. and hay from I. Robison. .jo if /. Chi:::: Hi tori/ Nora Gibson [ Dizzim \ eilig«» ( blind ¡ eg gei A. sallow complexion and tlalnlener an symptoms of a torpid liver. Noon« rail feel urli while the live, is in ti five. Ileibine is a poiit ilul liv< » stimulant. A do.e or two will < aus« all bilious symptom, to disapp* .11. Try it. Pri« e y»r. S >1 I by C. V Ij you are not satisfied we will replace the suit or refund you tin ■ Coltri Have Imn lonti ei , W.mt • 11- l ena I.anglais peillers Uhl laboiris. /Apply 10 ' . Cm. usd /<'i liw Pi a .ecu I*. Nel ,mi, I’m per, Or. ,9 1 , Tile \\ i men ( miikted a line large barn on Ins i.mch on Two mile, which is a ureal improve inrnt to that section ol I lie country. Mr. I'eller also his tints- ami a lial acres in fruit that is doing as ns el, a. Iriiit will do in any country. Benjamin BANDON« OREGON -*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T~~ S 1 KowliR11 h .I , the Sit;n I’ainler, to you V « 'I» can paint you auv kind ni Signs Ixiilit ask for. Now located in the . 11 Building. 3?. .. J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of « Ireensburg, Kv., sai s. “We use Ch.im’.filam's Cough Remedy in oui own household mil know il is excellent.“ For sale by C. V 1 owe. ginnitiy F tidav. April 21st, I 1 ,UCh the Honorable John i. ío -i IV—:.. i SUMMONS C I a in I .uc aa. Defendant lol I ian I mas, lhr above namrd defendant Oregon, C. R. WADI . M)-t7-F Attorney far Plain! tf In the Circuit Court for Coos County, Oregon. a Company, Corpoi at ion. 15th day of Private afternoon of Light supplies of every kind whatsoever, and longing lo said company whether owned al and said day, in front of the Electric ; : on the date last named and set forth Plant in Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, sell in on? panel and in gross, at auction, to the where ever located, including all personal property be­ hereinbe­ fore, or thereafter acquired in any manner and all fight;, title», revenues and remainders as well high? I bidder for cash in hand al! ul the follow- > i nt equity a» in law, rrnts, incomes, prop?; ties, ¡ng described pro|>erty belonging to the BanJon and franchues granted by any municipal corpo­ Light 6c Power Company, a private corporation, rations to Ly down tracks and operate cars being the defendant in the ( ' thereon within the limits of any municipal corpo­ all franchises belong- . ration, whether owned on said last named date, ing to said Bandon Light 6c Power Company, a I ' oi at any lime thereafter acquired. the sa.d corporation above entitled suit, to wit: private corporation as aforesaid, said franchises ' It ht-ing intended herein to describe all and aforesaid, for i I every kind ot property, real, personal and mixed, the purpose of erecting and operating an electric owned by the said Bandon Light 6i Power Itghl plant, and all leases held by said company | I (. oinpany on the date lad hereinbefore set forth being in the I own of NOTICE Of RE CEIVERS SALE I NDER DECREE Defend­ and all ' lines and Bandon as machinery, dynamos, poles, and pole or thereafter acquired by it, including assets and systems, electiic wires and wiring ci earning: arising from the operation of said electric all kinds, together with all engine», boilers, pul- 1 light and power plant and being the property leys, belts, shafting, geaung. and all tools and ; rights, franchises set forth, desciibed and covered implements belonging thereto, or connected there- ant. Notice tn die iiatnc of the Stat? of Oregon, v u are het eh) required to appear and answer the com ........... made ut Coquille, Oregon, A pul Io- , 1911. vi. Bandon Light6» Power ) S. < >k?, Judge of the Second Judi« tai Distrikt, Luos I ounly, In the Circuit Court of the I Oregon I ruM State of Oregon, in and Company, a Private Cuiporation, Plainliff for Coos County I oien.i Barrows, Plamtirf vs. 1911. and ending Cause and Court, I will, un said 1911, L ag *sen i»ue> oi I June, A. D. 1911, between the hours of nine an o,Je' <»i publication made by o'clock, in the forenoon and four o clock in thr Ell-lay. June 2d. is hereby ^iven that pursuant to a de­ cree of the Lu.uil Court in »nd Dr Coos Coun­ in a certa n mortgage, or trust deed ot date July »aid electric : I, l%7, made, executed and delivered by said plant, and especially a certain franchise granted Bandon Light 6c Power Company, a private by the Town ot Bandon aforesaid, to Edward j | corporation, to the Oregon Trust At Savings Milh and used in the operation of ty, State of Oregon, rendcied and entered by ; G. Am me, Clayton E Hollopeter and W H ' Bank, a corporation, as tnirtee. and which said tion on or before the last day ot the time pie- sa d Court in a cause therein pea J mg on the &h scribed in the order tor the publnativn of thia day ot May. A D. 1911, in which said cause Hollopeter. and also that cotatn lease fiver and mortgage, or trust dead is of record of data July moinivns, which prescribed time is six (O) weeks, the XX ester.i Oregon 11 mt Company, a prr ate granted by the Bandon Manufacturing Company 24th. A D 1907 m Book 22 of Mor^ir R«' i lie lest day o! which wdl be Friday, the . d corporation, was plamtif, and Bu ta I s > to ai p*. r •ml si'.-wr said «ninplatiH by *<*«a»d can • »» ot number peter and o* ned by the Mid Bandon Light Ar p..w?r Company, «r*d als«, all of the right, Mir 279 ot said records mg and The aeid decree command- 'iquinag me as Pecetvrr m said suit to and intrrrst of the said Bandon Light 6c P»>w?f make al? cd ail oi aid property at said » me Will lake judgment against you foi thr 1 28)9, ur» ol nine pany an I all of 4« rights, title, interests or equity I t< order, a weekly new papt-i published m Coo? oclock a.in. aid tour o'clock p.n>. ui the 15th U tedempUcMi therein, that u to say, all of gt County. Oregon, lor rut consecutive weeks, Le- ] day ol June, A. D, I9| I, as Receiver in above, real »Male, franchwe*. machinery, equipments and I hi* 11th day of May. A. D., 1911. A. S. EUJOTT, Re river in the within bered Cause and Court. ___________ • described and num- 36-U-F