■Recorder Fuioisliing Company B, FRED 1 C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor FRI DAV Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley. Bride of the Pure Fool Crusader grain ribbon with a pleot edge set off by leaves and steins of ribbon of the hhiiip shade as the flower. Large and small roses are often used on the same but. The soft pastel tones of blue, pink mid green bid fair to be favorites. Ou koine of the large tints the wreath of roses is veiled by malines, and on some uf the models Valenciennes lace is l. ted to set off I Lie beauty of the roses, A inong the small flowers used are the forget menots. lilies of the valley and heliotrope One of the handsomest of the spring models has a long wreath of forgetmounts which are made of old gold veh et Rosebuds of pink and blue chitTon are also used on some of the rdvanned models. \\ hen tin* imbv Likes I d »» muc’i l«»< «1 th«* sioin.icli turns; the result is indigestion, sourness and vomiting !• reqin-ntly die b..wds are involved ind there is «•«»lie pains and I* >o»*a. M»d ice's Baby' F.lixir is a grand »-«»rrecliv»* irtmaly lor lite stop. a< h anil I>«nvel »’isonlers* of ba- bi«*s It is pure, u I p ilrsoine and pl«* »sml to take, Pu« -.’ 25c and 5o< per bottle. S »Id by ( p. V. Lowe. (£ 1911. by American Press Association. MBS. HARVEY W. WILEY At the uge öl’ slxtj seven Ur. Hur v*y W Wiley, chief chemist In tin» department of agriculture and chief crusader In the United States tor pure food and druga. at last has taken unto t) I nt self a wife. His marriage to Miss Anna Campbell Kelton of Washington was an event of uativiiul importance. Some of the jokesmltlis lire evpresslng the toope that the new Mrs. Wiley is u good cook, for Dr Wilev certainly de •erves a wife who. if she dues not ae­ tually do the faintly cooking, is capa- ble of supervising the work sdentiti cally Mrs. Wiley is tlte youngest daughter of the late Brigadier General John ('. Kelton, who was governor of the Sol­ diers' home at Washington nt the time of bls death. She Is president of the Woman's Suffrage leugne of I lie Dis trtet of Columbia I'or several years she lias held an Itiiportant position In the library of congress It Is gratifying lo mile that "n’lir"ak fast followed the wedding ! < »‘r»’ihon.\.’ ufter which Dr. mid Mrs Wilev start e<1 on ii tiridnl tour to last several weeks. Mrs. Wiley's nve Is le s (hati III Wile half that of her husband led i lie criisad»* Is tile Ilian who ' drill* adulteration against food mid i Wlllctl resulted I in the emu ttuetit la congress of the • measure know n as the This law requires tin* pure food Ian labeling of all food packages so that tlie buyer may know th»’ exact nature R«s*enfly l>r Wll«x of the contents 1u a speis h dis-ltiretl linn tills Is mi overdrugged nation mid also that ill ■ olmi is harmful, mid the prohibition ot the liquor trnlttc would be a bless Illg lo Die world Citik Suivryor . - - - James Wataxt G ou L a I rraMjirr.._............................. Cui oner .......... County Judge___ I . M. Dimtmck I J 1 l"‘h L>«- Guldru John I . Hai Comnns .oiirrs (.». J. Armaii«»ng. M. L Dement BANDON CH Y DIRECTORY is that titles «re not an American ill M. yor........... ........................ J. W. Masi stitutiou. \\ hat gives them their glam our is tliar they are uot American. Recorder.. ______ . .. > • B. Kausrud When «»ii a visit to England I visiteil I reasurer _____ __ — . - L . \ . Lowe the Earl of Baiiiiert«>n We were sit Municipal Judge ________ Geo. FJ. Topping ting on»1 ex «•‘¡ling together drinking port Attorney............... F.J. I eeney win«* an«l smoking. The walls xvere Councilnien G. B'-ak. M. Breuer, P. C. cover»’«! xvith portraits of his ancestors. Stevenson, I I. Manciet, R. W. Boyle, R. \X . “We Aineri«*ans. I said, "envy you your family histories, your blood, your Windsor. auci’stral homes. What a tine thing it is to feel that you have pure blue !s there am thing in .»II tins w»»rlrlan»'e to you there is no taint in it.” The earl smiled. "What would you than good dig»."!i«>i>? Food must be say." he replied, "if I told yon that my »•«ten t»> sustain lif»» and must be di grandfat Iter was a biginvayiuan?" v«st» tier Ilk»* the hero of a sixp«*miy novel of tlu* (»resent day. Sir Roger emptied his pocki’ts. holding out III«* contents, with his watch, to th«’ Idvlixvayinnii. "‘Never mind those,’ said th«* rob ‘If th«* young lady xvill give nn* tier. tliat lift of lac«* sin* xvears about her throat I will ask no more' “Clad to i‘sca|><’ with s«» little dam L»gX*. Sit* Rocer h:J<’ Ills dauglit«»r give Sli»’ «»beyed lik«* a »lilt! tip her tare fill « hil l, handing it to th»* highway n*.:i n. “’1 only ask it as Il loan.’ lit- suhl. and xvill bring It to y«»u hi |»ers<»u ' “•If you .’ said Sir Roger, •you will be taken and hanged to the high raonth at Wth run at the Bandon Wig. » «»ugh .11 \ i<‘ld I“ s warn. Sojourning Chiefs m good »lauding a(v I he c ordially invited to attend. ! lot i*\’ anil I at ( 'oinpoit?d. A. J I (artmail, J. C. Sheikh, gemuti»* is in the v* L oa p ickagc al C. oi R. Sachem. ways. Reht.xH substitutes. IIIC.L sh w. o. w Krr-p the logs rolling boy* I SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. HA M>< >N WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Hamess Shop Meets First and Third Thursdays. V isii»u^ Neighbors welcomed. Wm. N. McKay, C. C. J. N. Hosking, Secretary I nil line of Harness. Sad­ dles, Bridles. Halters, Blankets and everything usually kept in a first- class harness shop. Repairing a Specialty i 2d, 3d and 4th Saturdays at Hotel Gallier, Bandon, Ore. i. ftlMMOtllC. DANDON LODGE. No. 130 A. F. & A M, Stated communications first Saturday ifter the lull moon of each month. All Master Masons «.onlially invited. W. E. Craine, W. M. Phil Pearson, Secretary W. .1. SABIN. Prep. Eastern Star 0CCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45. O. E. S., meets Saturday evening before mq J alter stated communication of Masonic Lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. Anna L Craine, W. M Merta Mehl, Secretary. It you wish a bottle cold -- Call at the Eagle, If you love the goods that s old-- Call at the Eagle. i. <>. o. r 'Taint no use to sit and blink jf you really need a dunk, Just make a sign or ring a bell, D ANDON LODGE. No. 133, I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially invited. O. A. Trowbridge, N. G. A. Knopp, Secretary And you bet they'll treat you right Dow n at the Eagle I I Alvin Munck, Prop. rjELPHI Enter, tlxe hero'. Cleai the way' L< t all inc llutes and liddl< s play! rias hour is ieal' Life’s but a trance! The world's a dream wh-re shadows stray? t est j ib! rt in England “ ‘’That pnispert will only enhance the z<»st of (he visit.’ replied I be man •Resides, to see this beautiful girl The Faithful Nurse. once more I would be willing to dan­ “Is (Ids you. doctor?" asks the nurse gle from :i rope’s end.’ ov er 1 lie telephone. “The «-oarti was driven on and the “Yes." answers the physician. idgitxvayman left behind. “Well, you know you said Mr. Bonder "Several months afl«*r that Sir Roger would not sliotv any signs of improve and Lady Smartleigh gave a masked meat for live or six days?" The dancing was at Ils beigiit ball “Yes." when Clarissa observed a figure dress “Well, this Is only tin’ second day «•»1 as a Spanish toreador which seem and lie Is a great deal better already. ed to her the acme of manly form Shall I give him something to make I ><»termiiir«l to discover if possible who hr was. as soon as th»* dance was fin him worse for the other three or fini» i h»*d she rcsoIVed I«» Join him. When days?" Life. lo* part»*«! fn ni his partner be mad«* her a bow. sweeping the lloor with his Poets and Suffrage. hat, and she knew titer»* was but one VVORl'SWOBTH’H Ol'INK>N. Oh. x\ lien th»’ sun axvakes all IK»* man in England win» could make so You know It's coming by the dawn. gratul a salute. I'ntmppv Is the man v\ hose wife "She «too»! unde« id«‘d. tier heart beat­ Desires to put the trousers on. ing like a kettledrum, for she knew KIPLING'S I I .TIM ATI ’ M. tin» tiiultwaynr.m bad come on bis Strength h- a thin;; of the muscle and not I promised visit, and she remembered of a woman's mind. At the moment her father’s threat. A guide who will watch the menu that *s a wooer's goal th«» highway man turned and. seeing Extravagance Then and Now. Go ask the men who have suffered This her. came towanl Iter, thrusting Into it Is very lynch the fashion li» borati* you will surely find: her hand a bit of la«e. His own band cook Wh.it you want is a wench at the modem woman a bout her extrava touche»! Iters, and lie felt iters trem­ stove, not a brawling jade at the poll If.-mce ble When you «'Hu t scold >1 woman about “That tom It. (hat quiver, preclpitat Particulars. anything else w lien you bave wasted rd a love affair The man knew she •'A'es.'' «nid the c leri, as he dipped hl freak nil your am mt itlon against was trembling for him, ami she was pen in the* ink null pi'epm'ed to till out ta»Ulotis pud tier pet feminine fol infatuate«! by the frightful risk lie ran "Your name, please." •oiisider«*d timely I«» the blank lies, then it s »«»usldered to visit her. lie drew Iter linn»! through ’ A nielli! W hipplet.ili ” »»•»»Id women h»i th * reckless way in Ills arm ami led tier out on to th«* dim "Nmloiuillty which they spend im»ue\ nowadays ly lighted terra» e "Anierlemi ” And you always add "nowadays." Just 'There was tin* usual melting of the ’ '.Murrini or unmarried?'* as If the grandmothers wen* always woman under the warm sun of love, "Both twice" - Chicago Record Her frugal. At first she demanded in an assumed aid The nowadays Is rather unfair. Il tom» of severity what right U safe to assert (lint then* have ill there, and when the rascal Pointed Landing. way» been feminine n a \\ lie less station! was making his courtly bow ami. liar - Chicago Nevi s dome mure than iiih thing else th«’ vul He Ing seen it H«‘f«»n*. kiiexv his guest purity of the parx»*mi made his xx ay through n rr«»\x»l »»f Marla Theresa, the se.-ond wife ot dancers us fast as he eould. but t>ofore Na|K»leun. mi the other hand. « omluct I Ji/ziness i eriigo (blind st gers), be reached liis man I lie latter bad dis- ed tn*r expernlltiircs on im»dcrntt* linos, .sallow complexion ami limili mv are appeared, for Clarissa, hearing her fa­ although springing from «»tn* of th»* symptoms of a tot pit! liver. No one ther roaring and swearing and crying must tiuclent courts ot Enrols» Where Is the villain’.' «opened her Extravugiim e Is not necessarily an can feel well while the liver is inac­ arms, and flic robber was hi the gar appanage of rank It Is. ns a rule, th»* tive. Ileiliine is a powerful luci den and oxer the feme like the boy of outward ami visible sign of the man A dose or two will cause twenty two he was w ho tuts made rb lies quLkly .»nd a l.o stimili.tot “Clandestine meetings betwecu the desires that his women folk s| l.«.uid all bilious symptoms to dis.ippe.o. lovers followed th»* ball, and a secret tdaxon It forth to the world b.x run Fry it. Pine 50c. Sold bv C. V. marriage followed the meetings The ill ng through the whole gamut of mod highwayman- the handsome « hap was Lowe. ern pleasures In th»* most costly , pus the secund sun of my great grandfa •Ible way I' ii K S ai I- Tlirre head of horses, ther »lid not live with his wife for two vears after their marriage, for If Rota Hat. For Spring. one team draft horses, one saddle he had showed himself he w«»ul«l have Some of the new spring hats are «I- horse. Saddle horse 4 years old, got the rope. But after bls elder broth rewdy on exhibition In the exclusive weight 850; draft horses weigh 1160 er »lied childless ami he Inherit»'»! the simp., mid among Hiel ' Is the Howel title he got a pardoo and acknowledged hat Roses of nil kind« und she« «twin each. Lloyd Cox, Cirev’s camp hla wife, and I am one of their de­ I to be the tuo«t populm- H vet used scendant*. Some of three rows are in ole of ¿io. Kuighta of Pythiaa LODGE. No. 64. Knighu ol Pythias. Meets every Monday eveaiag at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to attend. E. Lewin, C. C. BANDON. OKfitiON B. N. Harrington K. of 1»H. E. XV FANCY PRINTING R. S. KONN1TEK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I BANDON OREGON Office and residence in Panter residence property next door to Bijou Theatre DR SMITH J. MANN THE RECORDER OFFICE has recently added a lot of new type of the latest faces, especially for Fine Job Printing, and we are now prepared to print all Lir.ds of Fancy Invitations, Announce- t ’. ris, Calling Cards, Letter Heads and a. tact all kinds of modern printing done in a Modern Office. Tho Play’s th»* Thing, The play’s the thing' When life kfows gray. When smiles begull»? and tears betray. We mp «»K the land xvliere I ovits «lance \\ nib? l.:illl< t vi'lmis glare askance And happy endings tiolii their sway 4 44 < 4.4. ■44- Lodge and Professional F Directory ’ sles. The result severe 4 •> Lodges are requested to nobly thu office \ ;b which grew wor-e ami lie on election of officers and on change of F meeting ¡light. Cards under this head *• u m,t .skip. Slu's.us: "One are 75c per inch per month. '<■ <>l I'olev’s lliniev a.ul I or 3 I minnl completely cured him ’ ’ri-rrrrrri 11 rtrtt 11111 rrt In- Ins revel he n bothered Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. i r«»ii*». x\h«)«H>iiig cough, JVTEETS I irrt and Thud Tuesday« each Mill’« I J. Ra. kleli \\ M. G. POHL, Oplometerist Wit That Stung. Father 1>. wus remarkable lor his ready wit. On one occasion while traveling on a steamboat a well known sharper who wished to get into the priest’s good graces said: “Father. I should like ver.v much to hear one of your sermons.” “Well." said the clergyman, “you could have heard me last Sunday If you had been where you should have been." "Where was that?" "In tin* county Jail." answered flic bluff priest as he walked away. -San Francis««» Star. Fate I m the potter*. xve're the day. Puppets or prlnees, take your chance. I'o honutKe to the aon. 1911. Subscription, $1 50 per Year in AOvimce. Advei tisinj» Kate» Made Known on Application. Job Printing a Specially he little sun of Mr*. «’■ B ,,jl , Little Rock. Aik . h«l «•'** Coos County Direi tory SINISTER Published Every Tuesd ty and Friday bv the 4 iN THE WAKE OF THE MEASLES Bandon Recorder THE BAR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFICE IN PANTER BUILDING Oftice Hours 91012—I to 5 BANDON, I OREGON DR A. F> INGRAM Clnropraotor Office Hours 9 to 12 a in. and I to 6 p. m. < tflice in El Dorado Building Pnone Main 71 Bandon, Ore. i Fancy Wedding* invitations a Specialty Dr. H. X j - Houston PULSIVI AM & SUKCJKw, Otfioe over I Hours, 9 tv IJ Drug Store. «.tu. 1:30,h> 4, p.m. ; 7 to 8 in the evening. RECORDER PUBLISHING CO Bandon, Oregon Night calls answered from office. MANDON üHktaH Dr L F Sorensen DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. bANDON Great Combination Offer OREGON ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL! « AT - LAW, NOTARY PUBLIO Bandon, Oregon» Oflice \\ itli B ud don Invattmeut Co Di-. HE. 3Æ. Brown Reaidant Dentist. Office in Panter Building Office Hours: rJ^HE RECORDER management has made arrangements with the San Francisco Bulletin whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination offer that will furnish them all the news of the country in a metropolitan daily and all the news of Bandon and vicinity in the Recorder at marvelous low price Phone. 9 to 12 M., I to 5 P. M, BANDON. OREGON C. R. I {AR RO AV Attorney and Couna*lor-kt Law