Neglected. "There doesn't s«-eui to !>«■ so um agitation about s|i1111 " ••.No|«e," replied I'-irtner <'ortitossi l "I reckon a lot o' *' . ’* lost luter« t ill It when lb to.iuu was alio it the only l;iu«l •«' retorm «ti'lii 1 lead Io Ito « II.lime o' t.-ttiu' an ot'i. *•.* — U asblligtou Mnr Í Local Lore j I “11 El ELD ”- 421! E. S. Dow is over horn Marsh­ field on business to-day. Grain and grass seeds of all kinds, for sale by T. W. Robison at Cen­ 22tf tral Warehouse. Win Candlin, the Coquille travel­ ing man was in Bandon yesterday calling on Ins customers. Extra supply ol good nay on hand and it is going at very low prices, T. W. Robison at Central Ware- 22tf house. C R Wade returned from Co- quille yesterday where fie had been attending court, , Mrs. Wade v\ as visiting on Coos Bay while her hits b ind was at Coquill«-. F or S ai .E Three head of horses, hotses, one saddle one team draft hotse. Saddle horse 4 years old, weight 850; draft horses weigh llbo l loyd Cox, each, Carey’s camp * 34-‘4-x Arthur Ellingsetl, wife and little daughter, and Mr. and Mrs Roy, of Coquille, are Bandon visitors this week. “Superior Definition EIE1ELD to all others.” Why not patronize the best and “ONLY WAY?” Miss Ivy Langlois 5|tf Irom up is Langlois visiting relatives and Itav- ing denial work done. Claude Woodruti mother. and Mrs. L. Woodruff, will leave on the Elizabeth this evening for an extend e I visit in California in the hopes that the change in climate will bene­ fit Claude’s health. Salesmen Wanted. Non <-i ««•». Albany dress To sell relia­ Expense money territory. »« I- ble nursery stock. adva ceil Good Ali'.mt i Oregon, 33 ' ■ The .>,ti-«l hi mi1, uvei the bigge-t > imwd that ami ‘> »d.i .«c.i li< tiling VYml--. «I. n ( io >s « «-uniy, all I'.ihous 1 \ mptoni « hour oi 7 30 o'clock p, Try it. to'• at lhe I S ai .1 Rhode $1 pei selling e-gg-tor fiat« hing. 13 egg1. f i«e is hereby given that L .•“•limici. < ♦ sealed bills for the eonstiau ti >11 <>l cross walk- on Sprite«' strei't, at dit in Bandon to rize, a silver meal Imk, w «s won bv .Mrs. B S Sw*'iig.» o’clock p. m. May 8th. ton, positively no bids accepted after th«t hour. Succi-siul liiiiik r must furnish bonds to the sali ;f,i. tion of the cent m nt council. ire t > be bitilt >11 street, Colini il I« S' 1 vestite right to tvjeil my and all bids. I >ale i at Bmiilv.ti, i‘i , April 28, 1< j || also specifications for cross walks E. B. Kansrud, Tor this informatiuit «fpply to the 32 12 i. y engineer, (. • S. \t •Cullo> h Recorder city of Bandon. Lorena Barrow",, Plaintiff ) vs. SUMMONS C, Evan Lucas, Drfi udant ’ ¡0 C. Evan I teas, ibe r.oave named defendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required Io appear anil answer the com­ plaint filo' again.l you in the above entitled ac­ tion cn or before the Inst day of the time pre­ scribed in die order fia the publication ol lint unanon-. which prescribed time is six (6) weeks. 1 he Is r day ol which will be Friday, the 2d I day of June. 191 I, and if you lad so Io appeal and a:i iwer raid complain! by said lime, th.— piainlif will take judgment against you for the . urn ol I our Hundred Seventy-Five($475) Dol­ lars, toiflhtr with six per cent, mlercsl thereon irorn and after May 1st, 1910, and all costs nnv?. di .burst* mmts therein incurred, 1 his untmons t published in the Recorder, a weekly new pa| er published tn Coo= County, Oregon, for six conrreculive weeks, he Hiiii-.n^ Friday, «April 2 Lt, I )||, and ending briday, June 2d, 191!, being seven issues of ;u> li paper, by ?.n order of publication made by lhe Honorable John Coke, Judge of the* Sfcoud Judicial Dutuct, Coos County, Oregon, made at Coquille, Oregon, Aptil 19th, 191 I. 3O- i 7 F C. R. WADE, Attorney for Plaintiff The f irm of bill submitte 1 must be as follows: Buhler mu-t sp. r-ity at b >| the Gatchell Bros.’ Transfer Line number ol « toss w . i I; . li ■ h..! upon, GETCHEIJL BROS., Props. and must set p «■ it«- 1,01 1 pirate \ll kinds oi heavy and light ¡Irayinj«. Plutne orders given prompt attention. Barn Timmons’ Old Cannery. phone lurnish ail material for the const ruction of same. All bids must lu- filo I with city recorder on or before the 8th i day of M iy, «911, at the hour ot o’clo k, p m. Na bids will h ■ ceived aft« r that hour. Succi ksfttl bidder must til. Council reserves the fight to re)«1! t atty ind all bids. Dated Bindot:, Or., rtpril 28, tell. E I*. Km 1 nd, 33 12 Recorder city of Bandon. - o------ I'oley Kidney Pills furnish you the right kind of help to neutralize ami re e-ive the p«»i-,ons that cause back­ ache, belli.»''“, S ays inrush Ixvnds to thesatisfa tionof the c«'un. 00100 HME THE RIGHT KINO OF HELP? d»-«x r.,t«‘il ami most tlai >t) ichisli- inimls were s*’i 1 ed «it midnight, the . to be The numb>r of cross I b tilt and tiie rhfieretit places where J. E. I'pily--«- was down fiom ( <« stows and building iiialc'i .«als. «-.imiui uciiig at street with Pitt;: street. 33 12 «pilli«' the lltsl ol III« W.« k placet south limits of Sprue«' s'rei ■t in Az i (¿«•t your painting dmu cm lv. fie,I the ill«' Sth 1! IV of Mr., l«)lt, rece.v e I 2-1i '«li.-„s Doll«.- .Ski-el.-, ot t oqmlle is mi -! ci , at the t.u nnion Conni il of theCtlvol B iti­ street of all wood tn glad«-. Bid on li >11, Cons CountV, Ore., will, upon this lump bid ............................................... R««l 1 limi 1911, III In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Coos County sealed bids for the < «rubbing 2 Filling bid ; ei ier Im at lea-t .1 month v« t. F or May ing from it -, inters« <-lio:i 31 gold, Bandon, On-g< n. the Sth. «I iy of upon will Ore., in? and filling on Spruce St e.\t<'ii l- complete mi : in u -t < l;i‘o « onilil A' I fait Pru e. Advertisement for Bids for Department of the Interior, United States Land Office the Construction of Cross VValki on Sixth St. and Randolph Ro-ebuig, Ore., April 13. tqii Avenue Noli« , ol l iliti; 1*1 its of Survey llclilin«1 ■’ a 1 >■.«. . :,.t 1.1 ei .1 iamlanl . A «! «>•;«• m t III Will « HIS'. li1«- b.v« c. «1 c fimti li e Bay to B.mduu. F or S ai i BANDON CHURCHES Me Matffrial Chango In Its Course In ■ •* f - ? *" Moii.rn Tim-s. Militi bus h«-ei. .-.ani ni rveelit >««iirs m legarli lo iti.- cbunging muti* ut t i- ( . t pt I »I lllsi.n U 11! gulf slritm. lUiteeiL lite « fi ira. ter «il tllis slead.v. eori-m« -ul il. -I in1; in«»n:leg and rvctm-g, Not ee is hereby' given that the tesi.«’ v . iis teline: 111 ma II;.mal Itnit il:«- the < h 'S * oí I he >ei fcllowing lands hifve been survey«-«!, Tipped. guoTimieni l«i «limici* in thè i«>m~i- imi lina Itieie l’RESBV I ERI AN'. I the Nth day of May. loll, al the becn far nianv vears Sicti' ns 2, 3 to, 11 ol Tp. 37 S , A Flirt. S< 1 ■« ii cs will beas follow-: hour ot 7:3 • < co«k, j«. in , liceiv«' No otber |itiysi,iil t ..ime of thè R.5 W Will. Mer., and that plats “But I love aiHilher from tin» I m M «»cetili ls »ai!i,««l lo more persinti'iit. t.Juiet I lour. 9:45 sealed bids for the consti uct ion of tom of m\ heart." of survey will be filed in this office niislmerprelalioii tinnì Ls lite ttult Sunday school at to o'clock. cro.-s walk- on' Sixth Street anil “I was in hopes I could End .a place strenui All i.itarie ««T clitniite are on l iidav. May 26, toil, u 9 o’­ in your" Preaening at 1 1 : o. tulli to It1 11.irte. Il is .1 i1«1! tlieorv Rmi'liilph Ave , commencing on thel clock a. m., and on and aft« r such "Well, fib re’s plenty of room at Ihr* of in.iiiy filai ili«1 lenii «Tal lire «>r E11 Christmi Endeavor will convene east line of Broadway ami running i top.”-Newark ill*‘:i is liehl by lligll authorilies to tu- a! 7 :oo p. nt. plications f.«r lhe entry ol the unre­ Dear O!d Pie. Pleaching at 8:00. errommtis. Il is noi as extensive ns is the west line ther««»L l'or informa- served and imappi opt iated lands A man will talk and a man will vote |»i act ¡rally start conitnonly tltougbt. II C. II artra . net . Pastor. And a man will seratrh. oh. my! tiçn as to the number ol cross walk- 1 therein ¡ mean, of «•our-«-, he will si-ratrh his vote. ing at thè Flurtila strait, where its to be built on said str« et, and differ- | volitili«1 Is lumie ||J> by the union <>f But he’ll never scratch pumpkin pie. Benjamin I Julies, Regiser. A dventist C hri - tian . — Yonkers State! currents, it ceases to I»1 a true eur ent places where same are to be 2«> t8 Georg«1 \\ . Riddle, Receiver. reni by tile time il reach.1-: the south Regultr servii «-.s Smitlays in Con­ built, and .specifications for smite, But Nobody Else. cm limit of the Grand I an!.-, where il ooo— TI p Y ou know Shakespeare nnys be* . Hies siir.a.’e drift, govern« d by Ilio crete 1 [all, can be had by applying Io the citv there is fioiltlng bad <»r good but think­ winds Sunday s« bool held at to:«:o a. ni. engineer, C. S. McCollough. The In the w hole field of medicine th«-re ¡ng makes it so The government exiwris nver that Preaching at 1 1 :oo a. m. form of the bid submitted must be as is n< t .1 hcabng remedy that will re­ Sire That lets you out on thinking there has been al olntep no nutterlal I.oyal Work is Society 6:30 p Hi. follow - : you can say p><>d things when you try < h.inee li ttic gilif stream's eoiir-e in l he bidder must specify in pair «'.image to the flesh moreqnick- Baltimore American Preaching at 7:30 p. tn. modern limes New York Press. lii.s bid the number ot cross walks he Iv thin Bull.lid's Snow Liniment. In Player meeting Wednesday night. bids upon and must set opposite Io cm. , in imds, sprains, burns, scalds What She Wanted. Your'! America’s, You are cordially inviletl to at'end. each separate cross walk his bid fol Il« nskft<1 her what she'd like to eat. “What i: the must i 1:.•««fte-t sentence 1111! rheumatism, its healing and pen- And whib* she fumbled with her cornb J S pencer T ilton , Pa tor. .-ill' «if yuiir chiktl-eu i - vit get off?" building the same. Blie said, with frankness hard to beat. iirat iny power is extraordinary. ”Oi1 something we don’t have at home.1 Ji-l.-i! 11 tili'inimil s«-fmolt«incbiM* re Bidder to furnish all material Í« h Price 25c, 50c and it.00 par bottle. —Detroit Free Press. lently nt till1 s. Imnltneu’s «-tub. B aptist . i I the construction ol same. '•One of mine got this off not long I Sold bv C. Y. I .owe. Sick lu-mlai lie re.tilts ftomadis- Sunday School at to a. m. ago." resfiondeil n young mail V. ho All bids must be filed with the otdi’red condition of the stoinach, teaches at the Ifo'ii’t-t Monis school: Preaching at 11 a. in C itV Recorder on or before the Sth and «an lie emed bv the lise of •It ain't l.icti like, tint yourii ’ " Fiotice for Publication. Subject Sunday m ruing, “Ruler! ilay of May, I911. at the hour of 7 “My liesi." sold another teacher, “rati 1 haiiiliet l.tiits Sminarli and Liver sonietblag like this Self. ” of 'Itare roast b<‘ef o’clock p. m. No bid will be re- I abli-ts Trv it. For s de by C. Is meat w'iat there ain't nou«1 what's R ev . E lbert B rayton , ci-ived after that hour. I. epartmris of the Interior, any underifiinner.’ " Y Lowe. Pastor. Successful bidder must furnish U. S. Land Office, The best one of the afternoon was I)on’t forgi I Ro-.eliury, Oregon. March If, |9| I furnished by a < fertile nt own teacher. bond', to the satisfaction of the coun­ •¡ .■re is ooi1." In1 said, “wliii li lias the Notice i.i hereby given that John E, Young, is handling all of liny, gr.iin, Reorganized Chinch of Jesus cil. old : 1 :i Ida duty and done of Batufon, Oregon, who on March 10, I9O >, feed, etc., al very lowe.-t it noble.’ I .ileii forty' ways: •f.ewten Council teserves the1 right to re- Chi ist ot I.atte ' 1 )ay Saints, Colllin- made homestead entry 138910, serial pi ices. 40-tf uetit Grant lie.-irn the enemy in Ids bi d. ji ct any and all bids. '03187. for N-E. 1-4 S.-W 1-4. E. Lia A venu«1 ■ .nt lie sntii ’ up «>n Idin amt kilted Uiui Stumping pon der bv the tun. I fated Bandon, (>r , Apt il 28, ¡9 11. ' N.-W. 1-4 and S.-E. 1-4 S.-W. Meeting every Sunil IV. 1 imitimi w ithout 1.1 mi ti" win», where or what Send in your orders earlv. Section 28, Town hip 29 S., Range E. B. Kansrud, tie was’“ St. Piuil Dispatch. Sunday school at i<»:o«i a. rn. I fardwa e Co. 33-12 West WillainrUe Meiulian. Ims filetl notice of 3? “ t2 Recorder City of Bandon. i< eligió Pit aching at 1 i :oo a. 111. inE nlion to make final commutation proof, Ic. at 7:00 p. m. ami preaching at 8:00 establish claim to the land above described, be­ fore A. D. Morse, Uuiled States < 'ominissionc- p. in. Prayer met ling it .S:o<« i>. m. al Bandon. Oregon, on the tOlh day oi Ma\ . Notice to Contractor* .Vedrà sdav rvriHi'.gs. I 1911. 1 to attend. All me n r
  • ' ll I It* ' Bandon Add. Regu’asr 24-tó-F symptoms «■( , ti-i . 1 ' . N«i >m-. Notice is hereby given that the 1«. «• e.m !t e 1 «1 vii w I u >■ th uiminon « 0111« il oi lite city i>l Ban “ONLY The WAY.” * » 1 THE GULF STREAM. nervousness, anil We seldom think of a lumber- yard as an intellectual center; yet we have with us the most popular and successful means of elevating mankind, G. W. M. No. 1 Stepping. other kidtu-y and bladder ailments. Fot sale by I’ union Drug C». - 000 — Gasoline now inoligli for every- body at the Bandon Hardware Co. ÜEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO.