New Phone Book. I Local Lore I I ------------------------ ___________ J V O. J. Grant, one of the early pio­ neers of the South Fork of lhe Co­ quille, was found dead in bed Sun­ day morning. A purse with small am nil ill of ujout*y nvai C ox null. . . 12 Receipts Receii Df livestock at the fort- land yards'lor lhe first three months of the year show great gain s over the coriesjronding pe.iod of list year. Totals were; cattle, 7996; sheep, 25.018; hogs, 6982. The increase over the first quarter of 1910 is: cattle, 247; sheep, 20,029; hogs, 2O.53- Definition I-H l El D “Superior to a'l others” Why not patronize the Lest and “<>N1.Y WAY?" 54" Strawberry shortcake in April. Just think ot it! Yum! Yum' We are informed that a number of our ladie*, were out to Mr. Ferriers, east of town, the past week and wne regaled with strawberry short­ cake .We are not surprised at this as this climate .mil country has proven many limes that small (mil w II glow tine here Lake, oil Ban­ ner. Three year old F or S ai . i :. mare, blocky built. Will weigh be- I.JOO am! 1500 pounds, t w evil I’riie D. ives single or double. |. Richardson, 5'75« Inquire of 23-9U Parkersburg. Herbine cures constipation anil reestablishes regular bowel move­ ments. Price 50c. Sold by C. \ Lowe. Carpenters. 20 and 22 years ago Avery and Opdyke of Portland, and Hall Bros, ol East Portland, Ore., sold the Self Setting made l>v (,.igi- l'i ol Co. Now, 8 dealers in Pnltland sell them. Ste.vait Hdvv. Co. of Seattle have an miler tor these celebrated plain s now on the way direct horn the factory at \ ine- l.uid, N. Jf* P iano —First 1 la - mike, for sale cheap. Inquire at this office. 28 tf BANDON CHURCHES The Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. is arranging io get out a new phone book Mav 1st, and anv pairons who desire any changes or correc ions in names or phones from the o d book should call up central at once and inaky their wants known. oQ_> Along the Wharf. rr.TtnTrttrm.- ;• < rtr PRI'SBV fl.Kl W Services w II be is iodo is: < hiiet I lour. 9:45 Su nlav school at to o dock. Preacnim* at 1 1 :oo. Christian Endeavor will convene i! 6:30 p. in. Pleaching at 7'30. 11 C H ill I R ANI I . Pastor. A dventist C hritian The Bandon sailed this morning Regulrr servii es Suudays in Con with one of the bigge.t loads evei rete Hall, taken 011: ol this port. As she car­ Similar school hell at ion ried a ni'si ellaileous load it is laid Preaching at 11 00 a in. Io a live al ju >t the total amount ol Loyal Work rs Society 6: Ini rum, lint her deck load was Preaching at 7:30 p m peed about fifteen leet high. Prayer meeting Wedm «day night lili' I itield sailed from San I ran Von are cordially invited to at'end cisco Wednesday and is due to arrive J. S pencf . r T ilton , Pr ior. this aftern >011. She will sail again M ethodist . tomoriow night at midnight for San Sabbath sci>o >l to a m. f'lancisco. 9 Morning service 11 a. m. I he Elizabeth left San Francisco Epworth League 6:45 j> m ai 5:00 o'clock yesteiday afternoon, Evening Service, 7:30 p m. and will arrive tomorrow evening or H L. G rafious , Pastor S indav morni >g She will sail again it 2:00 o'clock Tuesd ry morning. B aptist . The Rand >lpli crossed out over Sunday School at 10 a. in. the b r at noon to day. Preaching at 11 a in ---- < ---- R ev . K i . bert B rav roN. l’astor. ! .asaen-Butterfield. ^ATUEtDAY being the day before EASTER, we are expecting one of the largest day’s busi­ ness in the history of this stere. So in order to see you well dressed, and to introduce to the men < f Bandon and vici nitythe world’s famous MICHAEL STERN, BENJAMIN and ROTHSCHILD Cloth­ ing, we are going to give to every man who buys a suit or overcoat of us on this day, SATURDAY APRIL 15, 191}, his choice of any JOHN B. STETSON HAT in our store free This offer is POSITIVELY for this day only; it will bo your loss if you fail to take advantage of this offer, as we are giving ycu the profit in ci der to introduce this clothing to you. Remember all our goods are bought and sold for cash; you do not have to pay some one else’s bad debts, which you have to do when you buy at the credit stores, so we hope to see every man that can afford a new suit in our store Saturday. I ! L atter D av S aints . Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Colum­ bia Avenue Meeting every Sunday. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Religio at 7:00 p. in. and preaching at 8:00 p. nr. Player meeting al 8:00 p. in Wednesday evening . All are cordially invited to attend. D. W. C arpenter President. ---- 000 — L. J Cody was a visitor the to Bay side this week. Ernest Sidwell was a Marsh field visitor this week. Rc.y Corson is around on crmches as the result of a piano falling on his foot Wednesday. F or S ai . e Rhode Island Red eggs lor hatching. $t per setting of 13 eggs. E. I. Shader. 1? tf ----- 000 — I. ). Butterfield. foreman in th R ecokih .R oltice, and Miss Anna Lissen of St. Lou.s, Mo., were mar­ ried at North Bend last evening im- mediately after the arrival of the B'eakwaler in that city. Mr. Butterfield has been with tile R ecorder since last August, an I is 1 most efficient printer and news piper man and is fully deserving ot tile fan bi ide he has won. Mis Butterfield's pirents live in -it Louis, but she had been visiting 1 ¡ends at Springfield, 111., lor some time prior to coming west. She is 1 young lady of refinement and the happy couple start out in their mar­ ried life under the most favorable circumstances, and will have the congratulations and be.-it wishes of Mrs. Ik A. Kolp brought a copy many Bandon people. —-OOO------- of the I Illi Sentinel of Lodi. • alif , to this office Weilnesday, and it i- Oil Well Down 1160 Feet. certainly a hummer of a paper ami is Reading Room is Opened. brim lull of advertising. Merchants The oil well of lhe Miocene Oil down in that part of the country are The opening exercises of the awake to the fact that advertising .mil Gas Co. is now down 1160 feet, Reading toon) in Loren Hall, by and owing to the very dry sand, the Bandon Christian Association pays. which is filled with gas and contains last Snndiy afternoon was well a * WAN FED Housework by the day oine oil, it has been found necessary tended, and the moms showed that 01 wishing. Drop raid in post l<> u ,e a heavier easing than that considerable time had been spent in otln e. Will call. Mr . ("iindie. 2.515* now nt use, consequently the work making them pleasant for the public Sam Hines lias returned from a >t drilling has been suspended, After some time was spent in view ft w dav s’ outmg up the river. awaiting the arrival of this casing. ing the rooms, the follow ing excel l he prospects for oil are looking lent program was carried out: 'Die laum li Coaster returned early liettei all the lime, and as soon as Friday niotnmg hour southern 1 oast Singing by audience. i lie new easing ai rives the work ot ports, Iwmguig tile Lalson Co. a Opening Praver Capl. Branson dredge from the ( oquiile. t in hi r drdling will be pushed with all possi­ Solo Mi»s Winifred McNair. Irijr down the coast, ami shortly af­ ble haste again. Address—Rev. Hartranft. —. ono------ ter leaving I’ort Oiloiu tor Rogue Solo Ray Watkins. liver, the 'mate, 1-. B h M vii . was car Mr-. IL A. Dunning of Wichita, Address Capl. Branson. lied overboard by the main Ijeet Kan and Mt-. I d Maiiiscn ami son Singing— Audience while hoistin';.; sail l!< vv a . 1' . lied v\ ihiam ol Kansas City, arrived to­ Benediction Rev. Hartianft. .U.K Capl, plsvu,.t)o|)c,tlu' vr. ise limil day to visit at the A. S Manassa The reading room is to lie opened his dip m the brinv. ( otri I »IV home. Mrs. Dnnnlhg is Mis. Manas to the public each evening between si’s mother, ami Mrs. Madison is 6 30 and 10 00 o’clock, and all are News. her sister. cordially invited to c me and spend Ser A. A. P.rnll lor coal. Ph me 382. lhe C oquiile Sentinel says “Die an evening. difficulties ot the Gage mine at Riv­ Sunday will i>e Easier. Ixmgflt v'our new I'.aslet bonnet yet* erton hue been adjusted and the ONE CONDUCTOR HELPED B4CK TO WORK Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, Tins is not an advertiseuirul lol any Gage Coal Company of San Fran- inilhmrv store, it is simply a ques­ < isco has Ihpaidaled alt the outstand* and he writes: “1 was confined to ing indebtedness, paying -di lhe mv bed with chronic rheumatism and tion. Klamath county has -,et what .q> loyalties due the Gage mine owners used two bottles of Foley’s Kidney p ars to be a 111 w egg rveoiil. Har as well as jraying off all the miners." Remeny with good effect, and the iv Caden had 1; onlin.rt Iv-ns that Folev Kidney Pills contain in COi third bottle put me on mv feet.’’ It Ind 256 eggs last month Six of centratril form ingredients of estab­ clears the blood of uric acid Ban­ the Irens ate pullets .Ulli rillt not he lished theiapeutic value for lhe relief don Drug Co. gm to lay until attei llie fir-l week and elite of all kidney and bladdet Notice for Publication. ol the invntlr. ailments ami ttrinaiy irregularities. lhe “ONLY Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic, “Fl Fl ELD'* Eeparl.urnt of lhe interior, tonii and restorative. Refuse sub 42 If WAY.” V. S Land Otfke, Sewing machine ini stitutes B union 1 »rug Co. F or S ai t Ro.i-burg. Oogon. March II, l‘»l I Nd«-« u heitlw goen lhal j.rl.n I.. 3 oung, good nvmliiion I hop head ami ill1 Rn e in < »regoi: may soon become a i.ichments. Inquire nt office ol < an accomplished fact fot experiments ul 4 Bandon, Oregon, who on Match 10, I «09. homrrlead entry I 18910. setial No. mad. •6 tf M Spvmer. ! have been undertaken on a tract of 01187, fur N -F 14 V II 1-2 l he S P Co refirved to piv Its irrigated land at Stayton, where a N W. I 4 and S.-E. 1-4 SAX. . 1-4 tax mi timber within the port ol Si- dozen varieties ot rice will be planted ■ Sn-tion 28, Towiv»hip 29 S., Barge • 14 ll'lavv Is nud ities last vear. but a a> soon as the land can be gotten j W rit ilf.mrMr MerKiuui, hat t.fed MtKe of representative of the company vvinl into condition. The work i> in j intrniKm Io in«»« final rommulali ui proof, to rruf.luh claim Io tl>« land above de»'iib«d, be to Eugene last week anil jiuiil the charge ol Charles (.hambliss, a gm. lore A. D. Mooe, L uiled State, Commpuoner, tax and interest amounting to about eminent exjrert in the cultivation of at Bandon. Oregon, on the 10th dav ol May Bcadrs this he paid faxes 'rice. Al»out ten acres will be used 1911. Claimant name. a< wuneu. A E. HaJrall. oil other jiroperty m l.ane county experimentally, use of the tract hav- ' ol Bandon, On^on; Ligui Shader, ol Bandon. amounting to - mg been given by the owners of the Oregon; Gravdon Treadpild. ot Bandon. Ore Gram and grass s«-ed of all kinds, property. The land will be seeded fun. Kenneth Perkinr. ol Bandon. Oreyon. BENJAMIN F JONES. for sale by T. W. Rnbison at Cen it onee and iirigated throughout its I 24-lb-F Rajuter giowing season tral Wareho-w*. a .'It ey lalks; Cash Only Bandon Marshfield. In the Circuit Court cf the State of Oregon in and tor the County ol Coos. R. H. Rosa and Viola Rosa, | husband and I wife, and I .u- caa & I -lop-on, a Co -PaHiwi- i [ Summons sfiip, consisting of C. Evan I ai as and Otho 1.. I lopson, I Suit in I'.quilv anti doing business under lhe Finn name and style of Lucas & I lo|):it n, Plainiflf-.. vs. J II. C. Black lin, Defendant. Io II. C. Blacklin, lhe above named defandanl: | In the name of lhe State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled nil, ¡; a S am S ayzs Keep repeating it over and over, THIS IS BANDON’S BIG YEAR. Think it, feel it, be ready for it, and don’t wait until the carpenters ar­ rive before ordering your lumber. .*n or before the last day of the lime pie iribed n lhe order for the pt|Lhralinn ut lb's summon**, which prescribed time is six (6) week«, lhe la I dav of which tune will be I inlay, the 21 I !a} of April, 191 I, and if you fail I » 40 appear and answer said c omplaint by the l t-.i u-, lhe p!dtn- GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO. tirfs will apply Io the < ourt for a dr nee cancel­ ing and forever annulling a certain made in duplicate the Jay .• 1 ci ¡nrfit ¡jnuary. 1910, by ai.d between R. I I Eoza and \ iola Rosa, husband County, Orefon, n f wife, the of fit .1 B.i.d^n p. . Blackhn, of Pcilland. i.t ( 00s Said af'rerme»’t L»< mg furthei Urn nbed- paitu .>,;ree to ell, Ore­ I hal and Ii.r second party agrees to buy, for the um of One I hous- and ($1,000.00) Dollar, certain real pr ‘peih pailkularly dr .cubed all of as FOUNDRY COMPANY land Addition to th# town, now city of Bandon, uc- i ll pkt thcH of, I led in the office of the ( k,k of C««»> C-', < )te ;’on; which decree will drclaie said cc*ilract now, and at this time, or at anv li ve in (he r-vent ol -ar.i con­ force an I etfect but ab^olut.-ly null and void, ai ’ will remove any cloud on the t ile to raid land .onliact or her- Brass, Bronze, Al uminum, Iron. Phone 91, Bandon. Ore. A good treatment lor a cold set • tied in the lungs is a Herrick's Red and equitable. I’epi er Porous Plaster applied to the Thu moni is published in the Ban.h'n Re­ chest to draw out inti itnafion am! cord»’!. a weekly new paper j ul 1» 1 -d m i .>• • Ballard’s Horehour.d Svrup to reax County. Oregon, foi * im (U> t ons-yuhve weeks, You get the two reini- beginning I r dab, March 10th. I‘ii, and rnd- tightne -. itg Fiteiav, April 2I<, 1911, by order of pul»- ilies for lie price of one by buying lication made bv lhe I Ion »r’l I. S. ( okr. the dollar ■ i.”- Horehound Sirup; Judge of Sec on I Judicial lUlr.-1, Stale ot < Y- time is a porous plaster free w.iii gon, made at Marshhrk!, (. .»o* iocnhy, Ore­ * .u h battle S'»ld by C. '1 . I.owe, gon. it..- M d«v U '.Li.l, Dll. —— - C. R. V.’ADF, F<. f R ent — T wo office rooms GF.O. I’. TOPPING. Alto«!.-)'» for I’Ul: I.J. |4-t7 F ill Atwater St. next to postotfice. Write or phone Thi»s Devcrean.x, Chainberläiifs tah Hamcty | Parkersburg, Ore. ’5'4 Car«« Coki*. croup « im I w CuugU atlPi created, by reason thereof, an.4 will give »u. h otbrr relief a I. QUICK MEAL restaurant Opposite Bandirti Bank tract being record-! tn thii ■ univ, to be cf r»n n w exi tin' bv reason ol 1 lot nurnb-m! twelve (12,) block numbered five (5), ci \X .od 1 oiling to the iei <.riled and CO TO THE and I I. ( . ‘ oli .U gon, the e.nnd party the first ROGERS the Court may Good Looks E. W. BLACK and Daughter will look to your interest* f -m m-H ' onstipa ion brings many ailments 1:1 its train and is the primary cause of mu h sickness. Keep your bow­ el regular madam, and you will es- ipe main of the ailments to which •vi a 11 arc sti’ j-ct. Constipati: n is a very simple thing, but like manv • imj.le things, ¡t may lead to seriour ■ Hi-eqiiei . r s. Nature often needs a tile assistance when Chan I 1.ails lablcts aie given at the first indication, much distress rnd suite, ng mav lie avoided. Sold bv C. V. Lowe.