Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, April 07, 1911, Image 1

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Semi-W eekly
■ I
V_ ?
VERY 6000
Bandon Christian Association Have Struck Small Quantity Railroad Men Who Investi­ Special Session of Congress Elizabeth and Fifield Both Explanation of Mobilization
to be Formally Launched
of Oil, and Indications
gated Coos Bay Visit
of Troops on Border
Convened Tuesday
Make Quick Trips
on That Date
Are Bright.
Humboldt Bay
This Time
is Given
The Bandon Christian Association
The prospects for oil at the Mio­
The Eureka Herald says: ‘‘If
Washington, D. C., April 4.—
Both the Elizabeth and Fifield
El Faso, Tex., April 5. —An ex­
will open their reading room in Lo­ cene Oil and Gas Co.’s well on straws show which way the wind Called in extraordinary session by made quick tups to Sail Francisco planation bearing all the marks of
renz’ Hall to the public Sunday af­ Bear Creek are getting better all the blows, it will not be long before dirt President Taft to consider the ques and return this time, leaving here authenticity and clearing up the
Arrangements for this time, and in fact oil in small quan­ will be flying in construction ojwa- tion of Canadian reciprocity which last I' 1 id.iv : the Fifield arrived last American- Mexican-Japanese s i 111 a
reading room have been under way tities has already been found and the tions on a north coast railroad to failed at the last session because of night and the Eliz ibeth early (his lion, was given here to-day by one
for some time and there will also be well which is now down nearly 1200 connect Eureka and Portland by ! a filibuster against it in the Senate, morning.
of the most prominent Mexican-
a gymnasium in connection. The feet is in regular oil sand and rock,so rail, possibly on two such coast lines. the sixty-second Congress assembled
l lie Fifield carried 150 tons of Americans in the country. Accord
"After a speedy automobile trip 1 at noon to day. In spile of the fact freight ami the following passengers: ing to this informant, who is in a
reading room will lie open to the that the prospects aie that oil will be
public, but the gymnasium will be found in paying . quantities in the to Crescent City to Eureka, a dis­ that the proclamation issued bv the C. O. Bicker, C. R. Moore, J. If position to know but who insisted
for members only. The association very near future. There is consid­ tance of 95 miles, Messrs J. M. Ed­ i President mentioned nothing except Stevens, D. Brow. (>. Dodge. J. ti| en the suppression of his name,
will be run along the lines of a Y. erable excitement at present over dy and H. Summers, generally con­ j reciprocity and it is expected his McDermott and wife. J. M. Nye, R. President Diaz was seeking a way to
M. C. A. and the object will be to the prospects out in the oil region ceded to be right-of-way men in the message to the special session will S. Wright, A. I.eneve and wife. J. 1 efuse a coaling station on Magda­
eventually start both a Y M. C. A. and the promoters of the company service of the Hill interests, departed likewise be circumscribed, an amhi N. Bledsoe and wife, M. Wise, M. lena Island to th<- Japanese, even
and a Y. W. C. A., and it is hoped are more sanguine than ever over on the City of Topeka for San Fran­ tious program has been outlined by , Borgot, A, 1. Vulkinan anil wife, | before the renewal of American
thereby that much good may be ac­ outcome, and they think that they cisco with all the maps and informa­ the next democratic majority in the | A. Polland, ('apt. C. II. Butler and government’s contract came up for
are on the verge of a good strike, tion obt unable of the territory House and the outcome is in doubt. ¡wife, C. Riekett, T. J. Polland, 11 ■ discussion.
the indications would seem to through which they had just passed,
"Long is the lane that has no
The session, because of the anom­ C. Chitlin, C. H. Chitlin, A. W.
“Diaz," said the Mexican-Ameri­
turn"; “Fortunate is the stream back up the belief.
ia their possession.
alous situation created by one party Greger, and W. S. Burnett and wife. can, "found himself between upper
whose placid surface is never broken
‘‘It has been but a month or two being in control of one branch, and
The Elizabeth brought 271 tons and nether millstones. He was im
High School Note*.
by the unfriendly stone by the way.’’
since work was commened on the I its rival in power in the other, is ex­ of freight and the following passen­ pressed with the influence of the
In the same manner are young peo­
construction of a Grants-Pass-Cres­ pected to be long and tilled with gers- W. M. Kent and wife, I1’. T. Japanese in Mexico, and particularly
ple ortunate when in their leisure
cent-City line. While this road is turmoil and political bickerings. The Smith, wife and two children, J. E. ( with the knowledge that they had
Geo. Strang, pres, of the Sopho­ said to be in the course of construc­
moments they have some place to go
chief feature of interest in the session Walstrom, wife and two children, | mapped his entire western coast.
class and manager of the Track
that is at the same time uplifting
tion by a small company, it is be­ to-day was the election of Champ Miss M. R. Clough, Orvil Dodge, i Slow, insistent pressure was brought
and harmless. The need has long team, has found it necessary to stop lieved to be but a branch of the Clark of Missouri as Speaker of the M. Pelyearpo, G. R. Haines, D. on to him to give Japan a coaling
been felt tor such a place tn our school for a while, We hope to see Southern Pacific.
House and the return to the floor of Friends ami A. Neilson.
station on Magdalena Bay. Ou the
thriving, busy little town, and it will you back George.
‘‘The Grants Pass-Crescent City “Uncle Joe" Cannon as a mere
The Fifield will sail at 9:00 other side w.ts the United Stales and
I.entner Gallier has been elected line is simply another method by member from Danville, III , and a tomorrow and tile Elizabeth at 9:00 I the Moiir<>e doctrine.
be the beginning of a new epoch in
manager of the Track which the Southern Pacific undoubt minority member at that.
many lives ot our young people when
p. in.
lie temporized ,until. the knowl­
such a place of amusement will be
edly hopes to accomplish a speedy
Champ Clark was elected s| raker
The Anvil arrived in port edge <>t his silu.ilivn iea< lied the
Edna Hansen, who has been very connection with the Northwestern by a vote of 217 against 131 for from Portland. Wednesday night, Wi ite House From tin- latter to
well established We come to öfter
to the citizens of Bandon a place sick for some time, is back in school Pacific now being completed inte» James B. Mann or Illinois, to tor with 90 tons of freight and a lew I his considerable relief came an un­
that is harmless, clean, healthy, “of again
Eureka Ironi San Francisco. The Henry A. Cooper of Wisconsin, and passengers, whose names we were mistakable 11.1iin.ition that Japan was
good report ” educational, and at
from north and south will one for Geo Norris of Nebraska. I tillable to get She s tiled again last not to have the station, although the
The 7th month’s examinations are
same time uplifting. The reading in progress yesterday and to-day.
meet here.
The last are three republicans.
night with 20 cords of matchwood, same privileges for the Untied States
room and gymnasium of the Bandon
2000 bundles of Veneer slices, some were not insist xl upon. Diaz then
We are glad to note that Daisy
Christian Association has been or­ Hansen is not sick, .is was reported period have been planning to enter House in their vote for the speaker wool and butter. She also carried inhumed Japan he did n t e re to
ganized for you. Those who hive in school Wednesday.
the California coast sectiqo. This indicated they intended to maintain a tew passengers out.
lease any part of his country to a
had its work at heart have been
foreign power.
thinking of the things that you
magnate has kept the Harriman | voting for Cooper and Noir sand Pilgrim Fathers came over in, is in
“Not knowing what might be the
Killed at Logging Camp.
would best enjov while being in at
system busy devising means and : I Madison temporarily voted with reg port
result of the Mexican alt ude in
---------- LAX)—- —
tendance. We have not tried to
ways by which to keep him out ot I ' ular republicans for Mann There
|apan, (.1I4 Older«! a mobilization
please all the people, for that is im
upon Akin, an inrlep ndent demo
of a division of American ti<»< ps at
Hugo Ballis, a logger employed this rich territory.
Business Change.
possible, nor have we tried to go at the Cody Logging camp, was in­
“Now the situation seems to have crat of New York, also voted for
San Antonio, Galveston and El Paso.
beyond our means, but just to estab­ stantly killed Tuesday aftersoon. A reached the stage where a road must Cooper.
In Mexico, every citizen understand­
J. M. Baker has sold his groieiy ing the situation realiz ■> that in
lish a place for you to spend your large log swung out of its course, be built and both systems, Hill and
Victor L. Berger of Wisconsin,
knocked him down and rolled over Harriman, are determined to build. the only Socialist in the House, de. I stock < 11 the hill to Is II, Divilbiss, e.ent < f Japanese aggression, which,
. who has already assumed control. however baseless, is . still feared,
Some one may be prone to ask, him.
This means that two lines can be ex dined to vote.
Mr. Baker has been in business in Mexico must rely upon the assis­
‘‘Why al) this expense? what good
Ballis was a Finn, about 21 years
will it do?" To questions of this old, and so far as is known had no northern centers by coast lines.
I tered almost entirely in the House Bandon for a number of years, and tance of the United States. As
kind we would like very much to near relatives in this section. His
"For some time past Hill has j ¡ and the routine proceedings oc< 11 by fair and honest dealings has sue •against any over sea power, Mexico
ask our readers to ask themselves body was taken to Coos Bay for been forging down through Central pied the attention of the Senate ceeded in working up a good busi would stand with her big neighbor
this question—<‘if I had had some burial.
Oregon. He is now headed into which adjourned .diet a short session ness. Mr. Divilbiss comes highly to the north.
! recommended as a thorough business
place to spend my evenings where
the Coos Bay territory, and will : until to- morrow.
“The informant also said: "Most
good books might have been had,
the Japanese entering Mexico are
Grain and grass seeds of all kinds,
where I might have had good asso­ for sale by T. W. Robison at Cen coast for Crescent City and Eureka dent’s message will deal with recip I same good business relations that not coolies, but are veterans of the
ciations, what change would it have tral Warehose.
‘‘That Hill is looking after Coos rocily alone. It probably will not I have 1 otne to Ml Bik> i.
late Russo Japanese, war, but came
---------OCX z—■
made in mv life and would I bej
Bay is believed beyond ttie question be read until tomorrow morning
to Mexico i f the* own accord ami
what I am at the present?’’ We be- I
of a doubt. According to the Coos Representative M< Call of M is .elm I
for t'ieir own ends. ’And bear this
lieve that an honest answer to these
Bay Times of February, Messrs Ed­ setts, who inlrndtli ed a bill at the
in mind, they do not make in ps foi
questions will do more to establish
dy and Summers, who paid Eureka last session ol congress to carry tin
lun and we know that many of these
the necessity of a place the like of
such a hurried visit, also visited ' reciprocity agreement into effect, IT
immigrants have had nu other visible
which we shall soon open, better
Marshfield, North Bend and other, 1 introduced his measure to-dav and
than any argument we are able to 1
i Coos Bay cities, securing there as ( it was referred to the democratic
---- oon-----
produce. The church and Sunday-|
¡ here, all possible data and maps of' Ways and Means ('ommi.iee when
WANTED Housework bylhedav
school has done a great deal of good I Secures Twenty-six Dollars the region, and neither affiming or it will be side tracked for a -nmlir W. C.Sellmer and Miss Adel- or washing. Drop card in ¡n»sf-
in our community, and in no wav'
denying that they are working for measure but of democratic origin.
in One Place and
la King Were Married
does this association supplant the'
---- 000-----
❖ •< <• ■>
<• •> <• •;
• »:• ax *
work of these institutions, but rather
"Messrs Eddy and Hill while in,
is Arrested
Capt. Dunham Dying.
it is only a small factor in bringing '
Eureka yesterday interviewed Peter
•> Aim High and con
Letter conditions into the communi­
Belcher and looked over all maps,
ty. This is a step which should be ■
available in Mr. Belcher’s offices, 1 The Portland Telegram says: Cap­
<r sider
of vital interest to every good citi ; A man giving his name as Joe giving out the impression that they tain Dunham. until recently ma ter
W. C. Sellmer the popular mail •>
Dufly was taken into custody here were export lumbermen of Portland of the sh amship R ..moke, is not ager of the Grand Theatre and Mis1 •> <• capable of
zen of Bandon.
It should interest the business Wednesday for burglary. He had They gave considerable attention to expected to live longer than a few Adella King of this city were mar­ A
man because it means better men entered several houses Tuesday 1 the maps of Del Norte county, evi­ days according to advices which ried at Coquille Tuesday, Judge |
(i r e a t
and better women in the future for night, among which were the Bar- dently looking for those sections .»f, have been received by If. J. Higley, I1', I I ill Otlli i it ing.
the care and welfare of the town. | rows residence. Western Hrtme [possible new railroad territory where local agent of the North Pa< ili<
Mr. Silhner is one of the leading •> Things
The average business man does not Boarding House and a place in the timber is standing thickest and Steamship Co. It is reported that business men of Bandon and is an 4<
only want help that is equal to the ■West Bandon. In the latter place freight shipments will be of the I the attending physicians have aban­ enth nsiastie boostei for this section i
A Make up your mind to save a
occasion, but he wants help that can he secured $26.00, according to tes­ largest quantities. At the concki doned all hope for lii.s recovery. of
c o u n t r y.
T h e
give security for morals, muscles and timony given by Mrs Pert, the pro­ sion of their visit to the Belcher of­ Captain Dunham fell ill at San Fran bride is .< popular young lady, .m l * <• thousand dollars,
Bank Account and per. cvere.
brain. Taking for granted that prietor.
fices, Mr. Belcher showed them cisco alxiut four months ago while has many acemplislnnents, Mr . and . $
S oil can do it as easily as
every citizen ot Bandon has brains { Dufly was given a preliminary through the Elks’ hall, a treat whi< h he was master of the Roanoke, and Mrs. Sellmer st.irt out in their mar i
others have you MLS I
we have tried to establish a place hearing before Judge Rea, Wednes­ they appreciated greatly.
he has been in a hospital in that < ity ried life under the most favorable
* SI ART before you can lini .h. <•
for the betterment of their other vir­ day evening and was bound over to
‘‘It would appear from the hurry 1 ever since.
circumstances and their many friends
* _
the grand jury in the sum of $500. in which the visitors passed through
------ O<XJ-------
extend congratulation and b< t
The young people who are inter­ Not being able to secure the bond . this section that some railroad plans
Herbine cures constipation and wishes.
ested in the development of muscle he was taken to Coquille yesterday ! for new lines to the south from Or. reestablishes regular bowel move
and morals should be interested in and lodged in jail to await investi- gon are to be made and that haste is ments. Price 50c. Sold by C. Y
Stak- Ik-po»
| gat ion by the grand jury.
(Continued on page 4)
I Lowe.