Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 28, 1911, Image 4

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<■ r <•
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Local Lore j
_ _______ >
Stmr Mi ll Li).
The Popular
Packet for Particular People.
54«! ❖
The Ladies Aid Society of the V
Presbyterian church will meet with <•
Mrs. W. W. Eliott Wellner day 4
Grain and gr.r seeds of ill kind., ■>
lor sale bv I’. AV. Robison at Cell
tial Warehose.
.Mrs F. J. Frenev will entertain
the Ladies Art Club I hursi'av after 4
<• ♦ :•
Ink S aio
Rhode Island Red
i-ggs for hatching. 51 per setti,i" oi
LS eB£s-
Farm machinery for stiring wot I;
at Bandon 11 u dii at e i o.' .
23-« 2
When vou have iheinn.itism in
your toot or instep a pply Chamber
Iain's Liniment and you will get
quick relief. It costs but a quarter,
Why suffer? For sale bv C. A'.
F. I. Stiader.
'«3.1 * <ùb,
Arrived from
Wliat is Life For?
Is in not to develop the soul
Hear Captain Branson every night, 7:45
• <■ <• ■■■ f
•: •> ■>
❖ •£•
A Brotherly Talk
•> •> •>
••• <• '> •>
i' &
Millinery Opening.
Attend the opening I Mrs. Mor
lis ui's aild see the latest ide is in
rpiing and summer millinery, 2 ’ 13
The Coquille Sentinel his invr ii
gated the deals ill the automobile'
for Cooscounty that have been made
thus far this season and finds dial a
total ot twenty-live new autonmbile
will be added to the nnmliei ahead'
i'l Use in th" comity.
I bis would
indicate dial people of Coos counl)
ate prospi lous and ni l enjoy some
of tile Inxlit ies of life
.’ 9
I lie newest ideas in Spring and
Summer Millinery will be oil di.-.
play al Mrs Morrison’s, J-’ilst St.,
Saturday, April 1st, to w Inch the
public is cordially invited.
-- <
Garden Seeds.
The R ecorder has received a
consignment ol vi gelable and flower
.feds from Senator lonathan Bourne
foi distribution, All people conteni-
plating makiny ; garden in iv have a
supply of these seeds by 1 ijlmg at
this office, They aie free is Tong as
they last.
Fifield Equipped with
------ LAXJ------
See the new ladies' suits
1 dresses al the Bandon Dry Goods
I h I ili, id 1 . now equippi ,g with Co.’s that will be in about April 1st.
— oo<>-----
xirele , m I i. also putting on some
can be treated best
leek . airin'-., s i that her conveni-
•ilces as a first class passenger boat horn the outside. The throat should
will be even better th in here to-fore. be rubbed gently wilh B ai .1. arm ' s
lliis is the tirst vessel running into Sxo v I.lxX'IMENT. Apply at night
and cover with a cotton cloth band
this port to equip wilh wirele
age; by morning the soreness will
Extra supply of good hay on hand
I hsappear. Price 25c 50c and $ I 00
ambit is going al very low prices.
High School Notes
per brittle. Sold by C. A . Lowe.
T. AV. Robison at Central AVare
------ rwszv- ——
2 2lf
Four Mile Echos
'¡ lie I I i • h Seho'il I )eliators ar»
Radio Soap at the B indon Diy
Goods Co. for $3.00 a case.
2 ; t2 againii ird al il in preperatltin for the
Inter I <i 11 i.'l ileb ite w dli the win-i
R. P. Hunt’s family are having a
nei id th • Grants
Pass--Lebanon '
fussed with the I.agrippe. Their
nite I
B ill I hi hold , the ch un -
Don’t forget that T. W. Robison ‘pionship of Cool County and will little girl Minnie has It id a bad spell
of jaundice, but was some bettx-r at
is handling all kinds of hay, grain, repre ent theeoimtv in the William- 1
last reports.
feed, etc,, at the very lowest
lie Valley about May 12. (till
Mrs j. If. Luke has been up the
pi ices.
le.mi will uphold the affirmative of I
visiting the past week.
T. II. Kn •ainer h is sold In . inlet 'lie qm .lion. Resolved that “Na
a-ant dance was held at the
est in the Bandon Ri.r in: Dl lt, dD 1 I i oi ii (’onset it i hi t >t Oili Natural !
Satlllday night
I’l elei able Io State
hiving been connected with that R" .mu .1
paper for two an I niie h ill it-ir.i Coiisei .atioii ’ I'll" I! II. S de
1 larry 4 a . repot te 1.
business manag’ i. C. I Kept till rahir. ire l’lioi. I. aild,
retains his intere t and the plant will
hereafter be rim by a I hi poration,
with Mr. Kopf as Its managing edi
tor as heretofore. It is expected to
make a number of improvements in
the paper in the near future. Tile
R ecorder has recently had some
opposition, but it IS the establi lied
paper anil conies up smiling twice
each week in spite ot the eltoris that
have been made Io iliveil its liusi
Millie Point F.lltei pl Ise.
Mrs. Billie was down on
Sunday: she says Mr. Bitllc is
Mgr. Geo. Strang ot the track
and does n >t expect to
teim, is putting the track around ,
the creek for some tinu
the school house in tine condition
and the track boys will soo t begin
Mr. Adams had the misfortune
to practice lor the county field meet to lose one of his work horses last
to Ire held about the middle of May, week, which fell into a dilch and
was chilled to deal ll.
it M il dltl 'l l
Crain and I'.irle Watkins.
The High S ’h I >1
Undents .lie pl inning lor a
crowd anti an enjoyable trip to
quille next Silurdiy, when the
Bandon Dry Goods Co. line II. S. team will play Afri lie
sum - groceries left. See them lot fi»r i li.mipionship t honor i
will take their dinner and th •
is inv ted to do the sain ■
Three year old
F or S ale .
jud ;e of th" City < om t. Tims,
mare, blocky Imilt. Will weigh bl
I.pill and 1500 pounds, Llink hi; i -signed his position on
D lives single or double.
Pt ii e account of h s evil i work on th"
l’ii" appo alm-nt to
$1*5. Inquire ot |. R . Il irdson, State I > ■bite.
w4l b o ticially
in id ' m I Ilf II • II future by M
Two miles ami hall from Bind n
N . a a < iibs hi .
there is a t remend m >11 > depo it ot 1 he
best clay tor bricks. I ndemeath
It you hoe tumble in gisting rid
the upper soil is a gravel deposit
of vont 1 old toil may know thaï y m
containing much go< d p.ivi
14.u k
ire nut treating. ii prop rlv
sand, witii gold imxed then begin-
s n I tee; >11 why a cold should hang
the i lay, and as pH spec t< d is over
hi foi urd.s, and il will not if you
fotly feet deep, and no end found
take < h unbei I nn's Cough Remedy.
yet. The RI 1 oil DI R has Ilk ell
I or s de by < . A . I ow <.
occasion tn speak ot till
gleat I <• times,and it is to In
hoped that in the lien future that .111
immense brick mamtf.ictming est il>
hsliment will be on the giouml In
convert the day into wcaldi, A
Notice for Publication.
to the Id e k sand mini
there are
a number of methods now being t tie,
D» pare em <»f th ■ Inlrriot.
o it which >> >s hope I w ill lie 11.
T1 S. I ,,,t O ... „I R« ,'tiurv. Orrfiwi.
cessini 1:1 aiing the gold and thi*
Manli 24. I*)ll.
means gieat we.ihli to the < wintry
Rev Sandetlin will hold service^
it Finn Mile n -x> Sunday. A on
are coidially invited to he present.
I would like to know if there is
any law in Coos comity to fence
with dogs. It is being done here
■ m this neighborhood, and would
like toi .some one to answir if it can
I I it- ib me.
I he buzzards and swallows iff e
, me so s| 1 ing can t be far 1 >lt
People that ordeted seeds and
1 tin tin nigh the Grange are well
pleased and the p i es pleased them
II is hoped more farmers
a ill see whit benefit the Grange
< tiers.
— ZWS-----
John VA’ Sickel- nmh, Grt ensboro,
Pa.,— three childien, and like
mo t children, tliey frequently take
e old. ’ ' \\ e II 1 e li ii d scierai k imi s
ni tondi medicine," he says, •'bui
bave lirici Inumi anviet did
then a» tuli h i.ood as Citami erlain's
or • de bv C
u hrii-b ■ fi n ilia! Minimi I I illi-x Cough Remeiìy.
l.i'sf. A bunch of I? kei on ..I li.u. sx.i. I o.»< t ounii. Oie s.n, who on A|w4 A . Lott e
key ting, between |oe N n
piai • l',lli, I'MXi, marte t lomi* 1,-axi I ntiv I4tl|l»,
., N„ Ot.l! i... s I .’ N 1 N E I
and l.itiglois
14 S \\
Jnlin F Bane, care Mono* I umbel N \’i I i. Sevlion I s 1.1
i 4. s,«,q, |o, ¡own hip 2‘< S. Ranfjr 14
20 15 \
I \V. ,I 5X illanietlt* M.-ii.ion, has hl J nonce oi
al, nh. n Io make Imai Ti*a ear INoof. to e,-
latileh rhiun to ihr tarnt above d.-wnbe.f. be.
loti- A l< M. h
I bilrd Stites Cone.I’x loner,
Mrs. Gmrge Baxter and biby nt lai Bandon. Oregon, on thr 6lh day ot Mav,
Creswell, Ore., weir visitili; tile j Dll
-P tf
lady's sistei, Mrs. Chas Lorenz the 1 damimi naturi ai wilnrisii; F.'twa.d I-
;\tn», f. 1 lid
first 0» the week. Mr. Bixler is Idhinan. ol Bandon,
■all. ol It m ho. iXry.iir. l.l.iw l).».dr, ot Ran-
editor of the Creswell 11> oni ie
See A. A. Pauli foi l>, 1 gi ide
Ph >ne 382.
d m. Ot'-.ton, X' i . aii ; M Doytr, ot Bandon.
2 I l<> I
Bandon Opera House
is Opell to Pi ivate Patties
fir Meetings. Card Parties,
Pane* ; >r any ■ •: In 1 fot m of
entertainment. 1er.ns rea-
Oliai ile. See
A Big Shipment of the very latest in Spring and
Summer Clothing. Two Hundred Suits to se­
lect from in all the new color stunts in browns,
blues, grays, tans and mixed colors in extreme
and conservative cuts. This is by far the best
popular priced line of clothing over offered the
people of Bandon and vicinity. They have the
style, fit and workmanship, which makes them
in demand by New York’s best dressers. These
suits are absolutely free from cotton and are
guaranteed for one year. We have also re­
ceived a big shipment of youth’s long pants and
boy’s knickerbocker suits; also the very latest
in hats and shoes. Remember that by buying
of us you are saving yourself from 20 to 30
per cent.
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
Your Money Savers
Money Talks
ni— n-Ti ' nuijr iii
Cash Only