Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 28, 1911, Image 2

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Bandon Recorder
to ask uh" had <h»ne this thir g.
i I siiufl ”
That was Harriet Stowe.
J. M. Baker’s Store, Plank Road
tin i ushing of the waleis, there arose
March 28, r<ji i
400 Trap Nested Barred
Plymouth Rocks.
from the earth a tumult of human
What Others Are Doing.
S hi
There was
old i bil l was attl.nted by the sweet
voice of
weeping, anti the erv ot those who
su ed maiden and her interest in bis
Our matings have produced Standard Bred j
Specimens ot Exhibition (Quality, with records of I
242, 227, 222 eggs in 365 days.
said, “Can nothing be done to ban-
The following etli 01 al from the leathers and paint. She childishly i-,h this accursed thing oft tfie face of
Baby Chicks and Eggs for Hatching.
Tillamook Herald, shows what other .Hindered how she would look in the the earth?” Then followed the out­
Book your orders now for spring delivery. A !
I his was told
(c-w Cockerel: from heavy laying stock lor $5.00. j
ports along the Oregon coast ale •eathered lit adgear
burst of ta;e, hatred and defiance.
the chief, who solemnly divested
doing while the "eople ol the ( *
ITieie came to Alls. Stowe letters so I’ iamoi i h P lace P h ltry Y ards
F red B achman , Pt op.
tpillle valley are sleeping mil lellirg himself n’ his li-athers and had them i uriously compounded of blasphemy,
Phone 288
placed oil the gill’s head The effect
their oppoitunnies Hip.
cru Ity and obscenity, that their like
was so striking that the lather took
The I lerald says:
coit.d only be expressed by John BOOTS - AND - SHOES
“The people of I illamook view lime to m.ike a sketch ot tile picture, liunya.Ts account of the speech of
You can’t expect to pet $2 worth
with consitlei able satisfaction Lite finishing it afteiward for his own Apollyon: “He spake as a dragon.”
for $1, but you can get your
developments in ngard to harbor amusement.
money’s worth at
April's McClure.
At the last moment of the peiiod
I lie institution of
The Hunger Call.
Io secure an outlet to the sea n il bility of tile combination of Indian
feathers and Saxoil sweetness. He
still have a good *11111 left to expend
gi I it in, .mil much sport was made
on the bar. Out of the $600,o*"
of the child it the time in the < ity
bend issue, which we hate the ail
In cater of the incident. The sketch
thoiity to m ike, it will lake $3,l<>'
nil thromdi the ■-.* ventli -ifting
000 to dig the channel to the P it
distri< t of China are appalling beyond
this will leave at
miserable hovels, while the skeleton
ai.d fin ally reached the last round.
appropriate by ('. Y. I.owe.
whence the call coYnes and the many
demands made by charity, benevo­
enough tii finish the work l>y the
time we have gone as far aS we 1.111
Unde Torn’s Cabin.
lence and
public spit it
In lh<* .-i< ( (Hint of
Stowe wrote
The Face on the Cent.
"I lo V
T he stress of
Mrs. Sarah Longacre Keen, who Stowe, there is the following story a need that is great and urgent, is
lived and died til Philadelphia, cam»
told "I Mrs. Stowe's modest attitude behind the appeal for funds in this
nearer being queen of the Ameiican low aid her world read book:
mint than any oilier woman who
beh ill.
T he answer to this call, to
Mr. Stowe nor her hus­ be effective, must lie prompt.
1 he
With the exception ol band had the lemotest idea oi the skeleton hands stretched out to re­
Olieen Victoria, whose image w>:
powet and interest ol
engraved on every c<»i * of the British story that was being written.
the ceive tl.e bounty asked,
from weakness induced by st irv.i
fust in lh<’ number of
her metal thrill until attei the publication ol -;oon.
I lei lace as a girl of the lust edition tn book Im in. Pro­
twelve summers is to I k * set 11 till ft ssor Stowe was li i cry emotional
every American cent i* sl i d in' > mail, and w as act Usloiut'd to watet
1836 liom Uncle Sam s oin factory.
It is usually assumed that the tat«
of an Indian, but .1 dose look will paper li ni I tr lliem no unusual por
reveal that of a Saxon pit tile.
It nt. As to pe< limai y gain, he often
borrow a cent and look at it.
1 In
exprr-sed the hope that she would
make money enough by the str tv to
Between 1828 and l8p>, Jami
Barton Longacre w >s the t hief on
Imy a new silk dress.
a gootl one.
I lie | I i/c w.c
“ Marius ”
will make the season of 1911
at Bandoil, Four Mile, Lang­
lois, Sixes River and Port
Orford, commencing April
1st, 1911,
Dates and time table ap­
pear on the posters.
Signed, Belgian Horse Breed­
ers Association of Curry
PAI 1.1.. Plopnet",
Heavy ami Light Dr.tying, also dealer in Dry Fir Wood and .» c
<ice's Coal.
Rama Timmons' < ltd Cannery
Phone 382
Bandon, Oregon
rp*HE RECORDER management has
made arrangements with the
San Francisco Bulletin whereby we
can give subscribers the advantage of
furnish them all the news of the
country in a metropolitan daily and
all the news of Bandon and vicinity in
the Recorder at marvelous low price
Bandon Light & Power Co.
All Kinel* of Electrical Supplies.
Estimate* Furnished on
Wiring and Electric Lighting
Kl. irkMUTHS
jiro.otio within a
W *t*at ol Ml Kinds Made Io Order
\ t'.ir, and tight powei pusses run
lkr<cth«,iat ■ Specialty
W oil. .iMmd*d to prompt ly and all work guarardred t«> givr alida« tion.
reasonable. Shop on Alwatet Stiert. Bandon, Oregon.
Longai re lacketl In-** ning «lav .mil night were baielv able
The Daily San Francisco Bulletin,
The Bandon Recorder,
7k. £3 ELLIOTT. Managor
thousand copits wtie -olii m a lew
t)vei a thou anil I davs, and over
designs wi lt* t'lleled.
Fancy Wedding Invitations a Specialty
a gigantic combination offer that will
Prim's Cabin" w is pub.
ings for the nr* coppi i i ei't I hat hi t appt al was soon tli pt llctl.
been m service.
Imported Belgian Stallion
The de
graver in the I nitcd Slates mint in lislied Mati It 20, 1852.
Philadelphia, In |S 15 a competition spondent’v 1 I the author as to wllelh
was open lor ske tches and rngr.iv it anvboth would nail 01 attend to
was Io be issued anil which h.c -lie <
Ins wile's literary etloits quite libel
ally with his teals; so 1 e fait
on the head side of the coppt 1 is that he had wept ovei the bits ol brown
setting is that of an Indian,
'r ta
and Indian empires. Mrs. Keen was indetti, did it upon cither of tion, unless the dole ol relief come,
The Celebrated
ment and himself a generous con
anil her grandson, Lyman Beecher tributor to the fund.
ever lived.
To Horse Breeders:
ing, who is leader in the relief move­
by her son, Charles Edward Stowe,
enough, in the estimate i f Mr. Sell­
I licit* Toni's Cabin,’
added a lot of new type of the latest
faces, especially for Fine Job Printing,
and we are now prepared to print all
kinds of Fancy Invitations, Announce­
ments, Calling Cards, Letter Heads
and in fact all kinds of modern printing
done in a Modern Office.
Phone 91, Bandon, Ore.
The)’ have done well, but not well
I et the good woik go oil
bones in
I Brass, Bronze, Al
uminum, Iron
He fere nee- ,tny Hunk- in Bandnn
Living skelelms stalk about
or crouch with
I ot.. in Sili th's Additino frolli $¿5 up. Close in and level land
I ot- in ili*- \\ iiolen Alili Addition troni $65 up
You can work
tn tliv Mills and gì» liome for dinner troni these lots. About 40 to
pii k from
A l< w lots Irlt iii Az ilea Paik for $75.
A I liree Ac.e piece ol land close to new school house 53500.
This ’s a snap.
Holt e and laige I. t in West Bandon close ’ll, $t*loo
House and I t in Woodland Addition
Gocal location for $1200
176 Acts Coal Land, if taken quick will be sold ch ap— on Co­
quille river.
40 Aries Good Bench Land close to river, 5 miles from Bandon,
40 Acres Good Hill Land, 3 miles from Bandon, $40 pe, acre.
A nice little iamb of 162 acres with good hen-e anil bai 11 and
other improvements. This can be handled for $1000 down and tile
balance 5 years at 8 per cent, and is a tine chance for a good ranch.
I hese are all bargains and it interested you had better get busy.
Write, call or phone
Repairing neatly and promp
tly done at lowest liv­
ing prices
Conditions in the famine-stricken
Dealer in Bools and Shoes.
dead by hundreds are covered with
By one vole he won, and ever since the scantiest portion of soil that will
least jJd0*''00*’
I1"* f'n
Sarah young face has suffice to hide them, as if mother
Bay .Citi* ca'» appropi iate $50,000 to
served for the humblest of coins, Earth, herself, grudged them this
her channel and have $150,000 lelt
than which no other coin in the lasfofhce of kindness
to put on the bar; and it is estimateil
tremendous circuì.i-
The question of relief for these \
that Bayocean can put $50,000011 world has such
Philadelphia Record.
wretched hordes is literally one of
the bar, making a total of $500,000
life and death. More than this, it
to put on the bar. Under present
Do you know that ol all the minor
conditions, there being no hitch in ailments colds ire by tar the most is one of humanity that pleads for
arrangements, the thru* ports will dangeroti: * It is not the cold itself succor in the name of misery from
have money enough to go ahead that you need to tear, but the serious the contemplation of which even
with all the projects. We believe diseases 'hat it often Lads to. Most ini igination recoils. T lie citizens ol
of these are known as germ diseases Portland have met the demand for
the sooner work is starhdall along
Pneumonia and consumption are
the line the better it will be lor every among them. Why not lake Cham relief front these conditions with a
one and the better suited ev rv one Lerlain's Cough Remedy, and cure generosity that is commendable, con­
will be. Then • is no doubt luit w h it your cold while you cat ? ITu sale sidering the long distance from1
, ocean Pint line;
B lì E U E I? S
the Port ol Bayocean seems to solve given foi sending in the engravings
the problem ol Tillamook being .1 le lie bethought himself of the possi­
i Some Choice Buys in Bandon
Like the noise of mighty winds, like
b. K.op| a..d I. t 1.
an al» nt as llii'i and div as a pint'll
Jot. Priuti'ig n Speeiidty
'tveHjta the partn *iship
inn is di»s h* d
C. E. Kopf.
2ü 4-x I
T. H. Kieamer.
Dated. Bandon. Oregon, March 16, |9|L
i little bit of a wom­
th«- gn at light
(’I mrs
this, C
< dih. there stood outlined ugliest
Adveitising Rates Mmle
Entered Ht the Bandon Post office mm Second
th»* dust
Notice is hereby
mighty commotion lad seiln'd to
C. E. KOPF, Managing Editor
Known 011 Applicntioii.
Io, when
Recorder Fviloislxirig Company,
Subscription, $1 Soper Yeur in Advance.
Notici bf Dissolution.
an' thing else. The iim’tittrdes began
Published livery Tuesday and Friday by the
$3.00 per year
1.50 per year
Both papers through
this office if paid in
advance, per year
biains for s<nn<* or ginal ami smgiil.u ' to keep pace with Hie tlemantl Í01 ii
design that would strike the jud
It w.ts read txcivwlicii. ap|iarenth
but for months be tailed to salish
mil l>v t it ivbodv, ami sin* soon bt
himself, say,
News. > v in to hear t«t lines of sympathy fret
all o\ct the land,
Hit* indignation,
(»lie morning a iiuinl» 1 "I Inti n*- llu* pltv. th»* tlisiicss. that had long
with then iliitf, who hail lx*. 11 to weighed upon In 1 soul seemed to
pay their Ie pt < I*. t< ■ tilt gi< at while pass oil horn I er and into the read.
$i.cxi to
chief in Witslringlon, 1 me to the ¡ ers of the book.
city and were shown through the
week or month.
It was like tin* kindling ol a
<>e, pi r dav.
Special r ites by
Simple Room in Connection.
Six Day Service between the Coquille River and
San Francisco
First Class Passenger Fare,
They were introduced t<* the : mightv conllagtation, that swept ill
white chief's picture maker, who wa • Itefoi ■ it. ami even cio-st t| tliebi >at|
just then showing his young tlaugh '".tail till it seemed is if the whole
I wotlii scarcely thought ot talked ot
ter Sarah the great concern. Hie1
J. F. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon. Oregon
F. & E. T. KRl SE, Agents, 24 California St., San Francisco, Cal