Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 28, 1911, Image 1

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3 4
Lodge and Professional
l.odgn are raquealed to notify ihu of I ice
on election ol officers and on change of
meeting night. Card.-, under this head
are 75c per inch per month.
l.ewah Tribe No, 48, Imp. O. R. M.
C. A. Smith Prophesies Th
Actual Construction Will
Be Underway Soon
EETS I ir.l and Third Tuesdays of each
month at 8th run at the Bandon W ig
warn. So|ournmg Chiels in good standing are
cordially invited to allend.
A. J. Hartman,
J. C. Sheilds.
C. of R.
“Coos Bay will see actual i.iilroad
construction before the end of 1912,
Keep the logs rolling boys I
is my prophecy.' remarked C. A.
Smith of the C, A. Smith 1 umber
Meets First and Third Thursdays.
\ idling Co., today in discussing the railroad
Neighbors welcomed.
situation, How much sooner he an-
Win. N. McKay, C. C.
J. N. Hoiking, Secretary
ticipated the beginning of active
work on a line here, Mr. Smith
M hmoii I c .
andon lodge . N o , no a . f .& a would not say, says the Coos Bay
M, Stated communications fust Satuidav
l imes. Let it came, we hope Mr.
after the full moon of each month. All Mastei
is a good prophet, and see no
Masons cordially invited.
be, A
W. E. Craine, \V. M reason why he sliculd not
Phil Pearson, Secretary
railroad to Coos Bay would of course
touch all other points along the
Eastern Star
the entile coasl would
CCIDENTAL CHAPTER, No. 45, O coast and
E. S., mreU SaluiJay evening beiore anil profit by it.
after state J communication of Ma.vnic Lodge
Coos Bay is a logical point for a
V idling members cordially invited to attend.
Anna L. Craine, W. M.
railroad, so is the C< quille Valley.
Meya Meili, Secretary.
We have two excellent harbors in
county, each of which will make
i. o. o. F
terminal for a railroad,
andon lodge , N o . ib , i o . of .
meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting and we expect to see a
terminal at
brothers in good standing cordially invited.
Coos Bay and one at Bandon inside
O. A. Trowbridge, N. G.
A, Knopp, Secretary
of the next five years
w. o. w.
Kulghti* of Pythiaa
ELPHI LODGE, N o . 64, Knight, of
Pythias. Meets every Monday evening
•I Knights hall. Visiting knighti
E. Lewin, C. C.
Humes, May Raise
Issue State Right
B. N. Harrington K. of R. S.
An appeal to the federal court to
prevent the tegulation of fishing in
Office Hours 9 to 1 2 a. in. and
the Rogue river by the state of Ore­
1 to 6 p. m.
gon, is the threatened move of the
Office in El Dorailo Building
Hume interests, who have failed in
Pnone Main 71
Bandon, Ore their efforts to re-open the stream fc.
commercial fishing. An injunction
Dr EF. L Houston
will be asked for on the ground that
the control of the waters of a stream
Otiioe over Drug Store.
Honrs,!» V?
vested in the federal government
a.n. 1 :U0 to 4, pan.; 7 to 8 in the evenin«.
instead of in the state.
Night calls answered from otiioe.
Such at least is the information
brought back by lra J Podge from
E3 Sorenaen Portland, who states that this pro
gram was outlined by Ivan Huma-
son, one of the Hume agents. Si
I in
Office Over Vienna Cafe
ilar threats were made during the
Telephone at Office and Home.
session of the legislature by fhe
OREGON Hume heirs.
These contentions were then re
«. T. T11EAIHIOI.I».
garded as a bluff, to force the pass­
ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL« R ! age of the bill repealing the initiative
bill. The master fish warden stated
thai the fedeial courts have repead
iy ruled that the state has the right
Office With Bandon Investment < •• tc regulate fishing in its streams,
and upon these arc based all of the
"Dr. TI- EÆ. Bnown. fish laws of various states.
Resident Dentist.
However, if the threat is made
Office in Panter Building
good and an injujtion is secured,
Office Hours: 9 to 12 M.. I to 5 P. M,
ihe Rogue River Fish Protection
Association will be on band to tight
C. R. BARROW t to a finish. Mail Tribune.
Attorney and Counsel or-at Law
Is Marriage A Failure?
Office over Skeeis’ Store
The delightful Farce Cominedy in
three acts will be presented at the
Grand Theatre by the Hollingsworth
Stock Co., Friday, March 31. A
prize of a 2lb. box of candy is offer
by Blundell Bros,, Candy Shop,
Office and residence in Panter reudence property
tor the best an iwer to
neat door to Bijou Theatre
Oscar Peterson
Get a card, write your opinion
Contractor and Builder
sign your name and leave same at
Blundell's Store. Answers will la-
Eatimatn fumwhed.
Day and < ontia<'l woik
done at lowest living houses. Address Bandon read in the "Grand” Friday March
os call at residenae near Spruce stieer anti south
31st after the show. The rudience
city licaits.
will decide which is the best answer.
MY CLOTHES ARE AT THE No doubt there will t>e some novel
repliies banded in that will 1 ause
meriiment. Get busy and fill out
I that card.
Office Phone, Main 335;
residence. Main 346
Where Yours Ought to be
Take- H erbinf . for indigestion. It
relieves the pain in a few minutes
and forces the fermented matter
.hu h causes the misery r to the
'.xiweb where it 1« ex|»elled. P.i e
jocts. Sold by C. V. Lowe.
Master F. F. Eddy Writ» 3
Much New Land is Being In Every Direction Are Sigas Proposition Now Being Tak­
Concerning Big Agri­
en Up With Good Pros­
Pul Under Cultivation
of Life and Progress
cultural Fair
pects of Success
at Present Time
in Bandon
O. R. Morrisey, of Marshfield,
It has been some time since I lift­
That Bandori is prosperous anil
That the Coquille Valley is be
my pen for the Grange Corner.
ginning to awaken to the natural continuing to grow is evidenced in manager of the Coos Bay Paving X
will kindly permit me to u e
advantages possessed bv both soil many ways, but none more so than Construction Co., has been in Ban
I will do so ; gain for I
and climate is evidenced by the un- the fact that in every direction you don a day or so consulting the prop­
on tnv mind and I would
usual activities shown bv th farmers look there are new houses, most of erty owners along First St., in regard
they strike other
in clearing up their rough land. On them substantial residences, going to paving that thoroughfare this
said however,
a tup to Mi rile Point last week the up. Bandon is growing in business
summer, and reports that he received that what I say here in matters'",,
editor noted neatly a dozen different interests, but it >s also growing as a
argument or opinion are jtist Eddy's
clearings which have bet n begun or citv of homes, and many beautiful encouragement all along the line, view sand don't carry the official
completed since last tall and the homes are now going up which are a and that actual work of paving will sanction of the Grange in any wav.
smoke of clearing tires tills the air credit to the city and speak lor the probably begin in a short time. so take them for what ;hev are
worth of thought.
enterprise and thrift of our city.
these spiring days.
This will make a substantial improve
The editor persists in calling it a
Bandon wants new factories and ment that Bandon has long needed street fair, but so far as I know the
No accurate estimate can as
be made as to the number of acres mills anil we are getting them, but and one that will add mote to the Grange lias not been guilty of sug­
of new land which will be under cul­ we also want new homes and good appearance of the town than anyth­ gesting a street fair. 1 labor under
tivation before the ylose of the year, people to live in them, and we are ing that has yet been done in the the impression that the Grangers are
not pining to gaze at horriable mon
but that it will go up into the hun­ getting these too.
way of improvements.
strosities confined in canvas pits al
Here’s to Bandon as a city of
dreds we are confident. And every
ten cents per gaze, nor longing to
--- coo-- -
acre of this land means many bun homes.
cast rings at canes or tin jack knives
Notable Days
I think it safe to say that the grang
dreds of dollars added to the wealth
ers are not going to waste any en -
of the county both in the way of in­ Excursion To Coquille
Speaking of 'Notable Days” the ergv promoting a street fair. Thank
creased productiveness and also in
you, we have too much to do put­
R ecorder says, Arbor Day, April ting in the spring crops and caring
the increased pasturage possibilities
1 ¡th. and Easter Sunday, April 16th for the dairy herds.
ol the valley and lheieby the natural
An agricultural fair, with emphas­
are the next of particular note,I wish
increase in the number of head of
The Bandon High School team is
on the agriculture, is what we
dairy ami beef animals which will lie
making preperatious for the fastest
12th. day of April, 1861, when at want. I ha»’e 110 objections to hav­
raised here.
ing any decent amusement fc iturers
game of Basket Ball ever played in
the call of “To Arms” in defense of as side issue. Certainly 1« t us have
That the hill land on either side
the county. When the B. H S,
the Union, so many of our men and that sort of thing so long a .they are
of the Coquille Valley has wonderful
Five meet the Myrtle Point team at
boys responded. The 12th day of not pure fakes, and let us bv all
possibilities in the way of line fruit
Coquille next Saturday.
April, 1911 will be the “Semi Cen means have the peanut vender and
culture has been proven many times
The two teams are very evenly
tinel of that most memoriable diy. and the hot taffy artist. Oh, hot
and much of the land which is now
matched and have always played What can we do to show out apple taffy vii'ti, yum, I would give
being cleared will be planted to fruit
much tor just one hunk o! hot taft.-
exceptionally close games, The
ciation of their valor. In many c I that tasted the same as taat I ate
trees this coming summer. Several
game will be played on an open
the towns of the East fhe citizens long, long ago, in boyhood <lays.
bund eds ol apple trees have already
court at i :oo p. m. The M yrtle
are preparing to give entertainment wav back at die Eaton County Fair
been put in the ground and as soon
Pointers have chartered an excur­
a good dinner, making the in Michigan, but alter all this sort
as the setting out season arrives,
sion boat and will bring a crowd to “Veteran” the “Guest of Honor." of thing is not the main object after
many thousands will be set out in
which we grangers are striving.
the game. Bandon High School
Its a grand idea and I hope the citi­ What we seek is a reasonably com
this valley. This will mean that the
will take a large crowd from here, as
zens of this town will sit up and p'ete exhibit of the natural resoti'ce-i
Coquille Valley will step into its
most everyone says they are going.
take notice and so honor the few of ties part of Coos Comity, < speci
rightful place as the natural home of
The Dispatch will leave at 8:30 a. in.
ally of those pr< ducts wii clt are pro
veterans of this town and comity as diiced by the art of the farmei.
the Gravenstein apple. Also the
arriving at Coquill«- about 11 ¡30, re
they deserve to fie. The Woman s
famous Spitzenl erg will be fully
Why not have such an exhibit'
turning after the game. Boat will
Releif Corps stand ready, heart and Why not get togethei a committiee
repi-seated on the shipping bills of
stop at Prosper, l.ampa and River
appointed by the Grange, the Com
the transputtatirn companies before
hand to help them. April i
ton. The fare for round trip is only
mercial Club and the City Council
an honored month, with it
many years.
50 cents and admission to the game
which shall be vested with tin. nec­
cious Easter Sunday ami t
Coquille Valley fruit has always
essary power to go ahead wilh the
at Coquille 35< ts. The excurs onists
held first place in the markets where
rious heart rejoicing dav, I
project' Why not advertise it
have planned a basket dinner at
widely and arrange special rates
of April 1865, the day that
it is known as regards quality and it
Coquille and no effort will be spired
with the various steamers connecting
Appomatox, the closing of
only needs a systematic course of
by the High School to make this the
Bandon with Portland and San
training on the part of the growers,
rible war.
Francisco* Why not go after some
big event of the season. The team
pickers and packers, to make the
Per Press Correspondent, W. R. of those tourists who are -aid Io be
needs the encouragement of every
apples of this section stand first on
C. No. 40,
flocking toward the western shore
patriotic Bandonian and your pres­
this summer.' Why not l ike hold
the markets of the world in point of
---- oao—-
ence there will be an inspiration to
it ill earnest and finally why not
quality and general excellence of
Revival Meetings at M. F. I of
them to win this great honor. G?t
make it an annual affair? Why not'
flavor. This is the place where the
But say, it such an exhibit is at-
the spirit and don't miss it.
apple of perfect flavor grows to its
j temped, it is turn- to get busy, Il
- ------- -"X'zw-------
perfection and this fact need only lie
I takes several months to arrange
Many Boats Come In.
properly advertised and demonstrat­
The revival meetings at the M. E. 'and prepare for an affair of this kind.
ed to make it apparent to the appie
church under the direction of Cap­ , If the other representative interests
inf Bandon and this section of th>-
consuming world at large.
The fact that the Coquille river is tain Branson are progressing nicely ! country ar<- willing to co-operate,
With this in view the work of the becoming more important a-i a port and growing in interest constantly. the Grangers will do their share.
In another issue, I will talk lurtli
fruit grow 11 ■, association will be along all the time is evidenced from the A number have already professed
these lines for the next few years and fact that more boats have been in faith in Christ and many others are er about this matter and some othei
things, with your kind permission
the associations of the county are the river the last fe.v days, than at following.
Mr. Rt.i riRiiEK M an .
awakening to their heavy dtitR-s in any time in the previous history of
The Sunday services were largely
Yours for a fa.r, F. F. Et»t»v,
this regard and ate preparing to get this harbor. Sunday night there attended and were intensely inter
Master of Bandon Grange
this connty before the world in the were twelve in all here. They were esting and instructive.
« <■ <• < *
•> >
best possible manner for the fruit of ¡steamers Phoenix, Elizibeth, Fifield.
It might also be added that these <• <• w
the coming season’s crops. Good Idle gasoline schooners Anvil, Wash are not merely Methodist mreiings, <•
growing, good picking and good calore and Randolph and the: but everybody is invited to come *
packing will mean more than good schooners Ruby, Lizzie Prien, Es and participate in the meetings and ♦
advertising, but the latter will do ther Bulme, Oregon, Advance and converts will be allowed to choose ❖
What are you going to do
much to, place the first shipments Ida McKcy. The Anvil came in their own church affiliations without >/❖ when you aie loo old to work.'* ••i
where they will llo the most good. and went out again Sunday night any influence being brought to bear
Better provide for the future >C- X»
—Coquille Sentinel.
and a number of the others will be on that point.
❖ while you have time,
It's not <
— ooo-----
Tuesday night will be especially *♦ how large or how small are «J.
ready for sea tomorrow.
Besides these t welve, there are for young people, which includes all ♦ your earnings, but it’s what
four others due to arrive within the who have a young heart.
<- portion of yottt earnings do
Wednesday will be .a day of *z you save that's of consequence. * *
All members of the Bandou G. A. next few days. They are the steam
R.; W R. C and Sons of Veterans er Guailla, and the schoo.'.ers Saus prayer Al! Christians of all chur< li­ ♦ ♦* When you start saving your <4 •X
es are requested to remember in ** money and put it in this bank, Í ■Í*
are requested to meet at the G. A. alita, May Flower and Albion.
R. hall Saturday evening, April t at
prayer the .special efforts being put ♦ * your fortune is half made. *
7 o’clock sharp, to go in a body t<>
The other half is persistency. * «
Popular Hotel
the M. E. church where Captain
Thursday there will be cottage
We want the small depositor ♦ *
Branson will deliver a special ad
prayer meeting at 2 30 p. m. at the
grows to lie the large one.
dress to these organizations.
The Popular Hotel, N. N. Jacobo- Methodist parsonage, the home of 4*•> Why not start now.*
vich, proprietor, will keep open Mrs. I.. Roberts, and at the resi­ ♦❖
Definition FIFIELD 'Superior every Saturday night 'till 2 o'clock. dence of Mr Hollenbeck on the ♦ FIRST NATIONAL BANK :
State Depositary
to al others "«--Why not patronize Supper served to darn ing parties Prosper road.
Saturday will be G. A. R. night. i
the best and "ONLY WAY'.*” 54tf land any others who may desire.-2411