growth last summer, when a I unfortified coant town«, ports, «te. Bandon Recorder 'able $10,000 hotel anil a sawmill, capable but if we fortify the terminals i f tin Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ue should jtidg«, of cutting or 40,000 -feet per day, and quite a lew other buildings ot lesser const quence, were erected. Lakeport, as it stands to day, is a lownut 75 or loo population, and 35 or 40 houses—some small and hastily constructed, ami others quite creditable. About half a mile of sidewalk is in evidence, anil a school is now in progress with an enroll­ ment ot 25 pupils. The business houses ate, a hotel, general mer­ chandise store, hardware store, con teclionery store, newspiper office, .jttlclier shop, saw mill, saloon and teed stable. The saw mill and but­ cher shop are closed and the other houses are experiencing a slump in business but are holding on awaiting developments in the spring. A crisis is at hand, and unless the company fulfills some of its profuse and long over due promises Lakeport will be a deserted village in a very short Recorder ZPuiiDlstiing Company. C. E. KOPF. Editor T. H. KREAMER. Riuiaew Managt! Subscription, $1 5o ii-r Yeur ir. Alviitice. Adveitising Hutes Made Known on Applichimi!. Jol> I’t inting h Specially f.nteted nl> the Bandoli 1‘oM office iih hecond (’I hmh Mailer. T L’ES OA Y Of Interest to School Teachers. March 14. 1911 will !><• required in the Jin#- examina­ tion on account of the lack ot time f< r announcements and preparation, All examinations will be based upon 1 he text books adopted by the state text ■book enmmissicn. cmial it at once liecome exposed to attack, indeed, invites attack." This is ail argument that rais< s the question of the sincere and practical reliance of the Ann rican government 111 tbeagicements entered into al the Hague to which it is a signatoii party. It signifies a lest ns to the si icetily of Ameiican bel ef in the efficacy and use of H.igm negotia­ tions, ami it suggests, taiher un­ pleasantly, that the lest has failed. It is a (Quaker's argument lor the National practice that will conform to the theory and leail to the realiza­ tion ot world peace that is a clincher. — Portland Telegram. State S.’oeiintendent L.R. Abler man has sent out the following cin ti lar letter governing tin examination of teachers to be held June 21, 22, I) > \ on know that ot all the minor o .1 ■» anil 24. ailm ills colds are by tar the most A sore throat can be treated best i The next examination will lie held d.mgetoii •? Il is not the cold itself from tlie outside. The throat should that you need Io fear, Imt lbe serious < n June 2t. 22, 23 and 24. Then be rubbed gently with B allard ' s diseases that it often kails to. Most 1. ill In- no «lamination in August. of these are known as germ diseases. S now L iniment . Apply at night hence all pi isons whose cei tilicates I'netimonii and consumption are and cover with a cotton cloth band expire in August, or who wish to among them Why not take Chani- age; by morning the soreness will disappear. Price 25c. 50c and lake teachers' exaini.'.ilions in urdei I erlain's Cough Remedy, and cure per bottle. Sold by C. Y. Lowe. to teai h next ye.11 eh' 11I1I 111 ile I yonr cold while you car.? For sale ny C. Y. Lowe. the June examination. 1 lie new law time. does away with the county certiti Says Lakeport is Going Back Since its move to F loras Lake the M. G. POHL, Optometerist cates, but county certllic lies may bi­ company is said to have sold ap- proximately 6000 lots, many of these issued on slate glades until May 20. -4> In December, iqo8, Messrs. Crit­ sales having been consummated Under the present law applicants tenden and Cook, two affable gen- through gross misrepresentation to 2d, 3d and 4th Saturdays at must complete the subjects for a tieme'n from Portland, Or., arrived parties who bought without inspec­ Hotel Gallier, Bandon, Ore. state certificate within three succes­ I sive examinations The new law it I anglois, anil immediately set tion.— Port-Orford Tribune. — i — "" provides that such ; 1 isons m iy com about si cm ing options on norther n l.trry lands in older to launch a John W. Sickelsmith, Greensboro, I plete their examinatains unili-'r the Pa., has three children, and like! liuit grow ing scheme They claimed laws now in , force All person-, 1110 ,t children, they frequently lake I lheielute w ho lil.iling lo| stale 10 n-pii-sent a «onipany, ot which cold. ,‘\Ve have tried several kinds' certificate:. >h< ul-l arpt-.u al tlx- luntj Crittenden was a member, that would ot cough medicine," he says, “l,ut! cleat and set the land out to small When you want asaw,whether have never tound any yet that did I ex.imiilalion-. for wood pile or to make a 11 nils and 01 < hauls, « are lot I he same them as much good as Chamberlain's Applicants lor a 1 lie- year state bit of furniture, ask us fur certificate mu I 11 ake a ■ <-nera) aver j lor live years, turning over to-the Cough Remedy." For sale bv C. ! The Simonds Saw purchaser at the e«i| ot that period, V. I .owe ' age of not less th in 75 pci cent and . a puiiliH ini; or. Iiaifl. The land was } ....................................... shall not I.ill be"w Qo pe-i , ent. in i It’s the high grade saw used Just a Quaker Suggestion. by mechanics and artisarts. anyone oi the following subjects: to Is : o’d in I v . i're tracts lor $75 Ask, and they will tell yuu the to >125.111 icie, iv.jh a < ash pay ­ Arithm -lie, < ivil government, geog- technical good points about ment .ol not less than $125. Cong 1 ess. or at lea t the Lower taphi,), hi-.ti-iy, 1 rthogra Simonds Saws and Simonds I ’ loniolimi the ¡noposilion.along Steel. House of Congress, h is v led to for ­ phv. | by teal )',<■'gr q hy, leading, SOLD BY this line (hi grtith tr.eti bonded sev ­ tify the canal. Thee is reason to I school aw, theory ami pl..elice <>l Bandon Hardware Co. eral thousand < i i < s in the viciniti of believe that the action of the House J teaching .mil w i 11.-. Look far this Denmark . in neh - in ve vi ng was done; of Representatives will lie concurred trade snark Applicants for a five et. hedon a Ion usile staked out, and the sw in the saw. in by the Senate, finally, and that cei lilii ate must make 1 g age oi not les« 5 per 1 nl and die (lor such it turned out to be) • he fortified canal will evenludlv be­ shall not fail below 70 per cent in was on. A saw mill was bought on come the fact. Yet it is only meet any one ol the follow iug subjects: time, and several small l ouses erect­ and proper that the sentiment which Writing, orthography, ai ithmetic, ed. The live acie tracts and also opposes this policy should have its physiology, grammar, geography, town lots weie placed on the market innings by way of protest, and espec­ theory and practice of teaching, through 'he medium .of I lie com- ially as that sentiment is in line with reading, U S. history, civil govern­ panv’s Portland yfficy. While large the enlightened propaganda which ment, school law, psyeho'ogy alge- sales were reported, it is impossible seeks to bring about in the world I11 a, American literature, physical to ascertain how much land was sold universal and permanent peace. Apropos of this, the Society of geography and composition. Twelve in this manner, as some tracts itere '■old twice anil some were sold where Friends in Philadelphia has consid­ months' teaching expelience is re­ the company could not give title. ered this question ot canal fortifica­ quired for this paper, Applicants loi a life slate ceitill No attempt was made to plant any tions ami has embodied ils conclu I ROGERS FOUNDRY COMPANY cate piust make a general average of ef this land to fluit. .After the'falline of the orchard not less than 85 per eent and shall tn h< mi'.' the scene of operations was not fall below 70 per cent ill anv of| to Floras Lake, where the the following Aiitlimetic, wilting, 1 h inged * . A ' •' < town of Crittenden was started in orthography, reading, physiology, school law. civil government, giatn- the spring 'if 1909. Several houses, gergraphy, theory and practice weie Imilt; a tow usile located on the of teaching, I . S. histoiv, psychol­ shines of the lake, and a great har­ ogy, American literature, English bor pl.miletl. Shortly after this move literature, algebi.i, physical giognt-- was made, domestic trouble among phv, plane geometry, botany, phys ill ■ membetsof the company causid ics, bookkeeping, composition, gen Ciiitenden to resigli, cr lie evicted, oral history, geology, and history of and tlu- name of the piace was education. Six months' teaching hanged to Pacific City. Since then, expel ience is requiied ioi tins paper. is lii ioie, the Fistoli- ot the town Applicants tor primary tive-yeai i lias I-een erratic now rising on the state certificates must make a geni i' t'.di'Qf piospij it v, and then drifting al average of not liss than ,85 pet >ack to stagnation. The promoting cent and shall not tail belo.i 75 pel li'iimp.inv has been changed and re r ent ill any one of the following sub ■ igani.-fd a number of times, .mil it jects Methods in leading methods is a mallei ol onji-clure as to u belli 1 in .11 ithmetic, methods in language, - 1 or not this has been done to methods in geography, theory .mil ■ ipe lesponsibility. The town pi ai lice of teaching, iviiliiig, ortliog known as Pacific City only a sions in a single resolution that is well worth quoting. That resolution runs as follows: ••Moreover, under the ‘Hague Convention' the nations are now under bonds not to bombard Brass, Bronze, Al uminum, Iron. Phone 91, Bandon, Ore. Bandon Light & Power Co. All Kindt of Electrical Supplies. Estimates Furnished on Wiring and Electric Lighting A.. S ELLIOTT, LIanager tI FANCY PRINTING THE RECORDER OFFICE Las recently added a lot of new type of the latesi faces, especially ¡or Fine Job Printing, ar.d we are now prepared to pi inf all kinds of Fancy hivitations, Announce­ ments, Calling Cards, Letter Heath and in fact all kind? of modern pii; ting done in a Modern Office. 00Í Shoes every boy and girl to win a prize for draw* t.iphy, physiology, psichologv, and months when the name was again 111 addition thereto shall write a , . hanged tills time to l.akep- rt. Immediate u ik on the construe the,is on an educational subject st- lei ted from a list pii-p iieil bl tile lion nl a ship channel troni biotas superintend« ill ot pulili« in-tun lion. Lake to the ocean has been foith '! welvc months' tea« hillg expei ii m 1 ■ <'lining lor the past year, but up Io is requited lot this ¡i.ipei which gives j 'In- pie>regon F. & F. T. KRI’SE, Agent«, 24 California St , San Francisco, Cal. a— ums — 1 iBsimi a f n ■ » n ht - - — wi rwm -w ç i PAULL’S TRANSFER LINE A. A For Particulars Call on î ! RECORDER PUBLISHING CO. Can You Draw a Goose ? Red Goose lì Fancy Wedding invitations a Specially STATE DEPOSITARY A chance for n PALI I Proprietor Heavy ami Light Praying. also deal« ! 111 Drv 1 11 Wood and Gee's Coal. Phone 332 c Rams Timmons* Old Cannery