FÜOENE, UHB F'tweisity Et Semi-W eelrly p" vi- * V. VOLUME XXVIi VESSELS ARRIVE ANO DEPART Of BASKET BALL . . .... r £• Lodge and Professional L M 1 Directory 2: •0 * • - ■ - - •4 r. Lodges are requested to notify this office on election of officers and on change of meeting night. Cards under this head are 75c per meh pier month. F P F Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M. EE IS I irsl and Third I uesdays of each . L’-*- month at 8th run at the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman, J. C. Sheikh, C. of R. Sachem. w. o. w. IRIS FALL Bandon Grange Takes Step* Commerce Increases Rapidly Game By Fats And Leans Much Shipping in and Out Marshfield Did Not Have a of this Port During Last Look in at Any Stage To That Effect Both in and Out of Co­ Cause Much Mer- Few Days. of the Game. Saturday quille River. riment Bandon Grange, N il 398, at their Keep the lug» rolling boys I regular meeting, Saturday, appoint­ SEASIDE CAMP NO 212, ed a committee composed of F. F WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets First and Third Thursdays. \ ¡siting Eddy, J. P. DeGesen and M. G Neighbors welcomed. Pohl, to meet with the Bandon Com Wm. N. McKay, C. C. tncrcial Club and the City Council in J. N. Honking, Secretary the near future, for the purpose of Mnaonlc. 1 making preparations for a street fair ■QANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. & A. | to he held in Bandon this fall. M, Stated communications first Saturday after the full moon of each month. All Master l he idea is not to have a farmer's Masons cordially invited. exhibit exclusively, but a general W. E. Craine. W. M fair in which everybody is asked to Phil Pearson, Secretary make exhibits of products in their Eastern Star line, anil the fair is for the benefit of CCIDENTAL CHAPTER. No. 45, O. Bandon-and adjacent territory. The E. S., meets Saturday evening before and after stated communication of Masonic Lodge. school pupils will also be asked to Visiting members cordially invited to attend. exhibit some of their work; this in Anna L. Craine, W. M. itself will no doubt be an excellent Merta Mehl, Secretary. feature of the fair. The various mills 1. o. o. r and factories of Bandon anil vicinity andon lodge . No. 133. i . o . of . meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting will also be asked to make exhibits. brothers in good standing cordially invited. This is a project that everyone O. A. Trowbiidge, N. G. should lie greatly interested in, and A, Knopp, Secretary now is the time to begin preparations Knight» <>r rythl»» for the big event. elphi lodge , N o . m . Knight, «i The Grange also appointed M. G. Pythias. Meets every Monday evening al Knights hall. Visiting knight. x invited Pohl to to address the high school stu­ attend. E. Lewin, C. C. dents in the near future providing B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. ft is agreeable to the school. O B D DR Æ- 2P IKTGtR. AKÚ Chiropractor Office Hours 9 to 12 a. in. and i to 6 p. tn. Office in El Dorado Building Pnone Main 71 Bandon, lire. Dr. H. D- Houston PHYSICIAN & SURGEuN < lllioe over Unii» Store. Hours, 9 to 12 Bail. 1:30 to 4, p.m. ; 7 to H in the evening. Night cnlls itnswered from office. - BANDON. - - ORKBOh Dr lu F Sorensen DENTIST Office Over Vienna Cafe Telephone at Office and Home. • BANDON T. U. - OREGON TKKAIX1OI.I». ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL!'1» AT LAW, NOTSltY PUBLIC Bandon, Oregon. Office With Bandon Investment Co Brown. Dr. TT- Resident Dentist. Office in Panter Building Office Hours: Phone, 9 to 12 M., I to 5 P. M, BANDON, OREGON C. R. BARROW Attorney and Couuselor-at Law ORE COQUILLE. - Office over Skeel.’ Store Office Phone. Main 335; l»K reridence. Main 346 K. W KOMNITKR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON BANDON OREGON Office and residence tn Panter residence property next door to Bijou 1 hcatre Otear Peterson Contractor and Builder Estimate» furnished. Dav and contract work done at lowest living figures. Address Bandon or call at residence near Spruce street and outh city limits. MV CLOTHES ARE AT THL BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY Wnere Yours Ougb£to be A. F. DERINGER f s NUMBER 17 BANDON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911 Prof, To those who may not know of the importan e of the Coquille river as a shipping port, it may be of in terest to learn that them is a con­ stant increase in th»- commerce both in and out of this port. Since Jan­ uary ¡st there have been 87 a.rivals and departures of boats, at this bar bor. In January there were even 40, in February 34 and to date in March thirteen vessels have crossed the bar. This is the 65th day of the year and with 87 arrivals and de­ partures of ocean going boats, it makes an average of nearly 1 Y boats a day, which is certainly a good record, and shows that the port is gaining in importance all the time. We were unable to get the total tonnage in and out of the port on the various boats, but it runs up into the many thousands of tons, thus showing the vast wealth of this great country. -------- OCK>---------- Say They Got Short End. • The following poem and prose poem were contributed to the R e ­ corder on last Friday night’s bas­ ket ball game between the Fats and Leans, and so thoroughly cover the ground that the editor was willing to withhold any opinion of his own on the game and allow the public to read what others think of the great game: POEM NO. I. When Chief Olie blew the whistle For each cne to take his piece, There were shouts in every comer. There were smiles on every face. Fat mens* wives, and friends, and sweetheart?. Loudly with their mouth pioclaim. Victory o’er the trembling shadows. Honors in the Hall of Fume. While with little less commotion, Trembling shadows here and there Piped until their voice grew fainter From exhaustion of the air. Mayor Mast spoke slow and easy As the players crossed the hall; And the Umpire shrilled the whistle, As he threw that dreadful ball. Silver Tongue was playing center, There was vengeance in his eyes. And against him played Pill Roller Crain, A giant in disguise. The Coquille Sentinel says the Each struggled hard to hit the ball, Commercial Club of that city refused But beat the air instead! Stage is Wrecked. to put out a joint pamphlet with While the ball came down and lightly tapped Bandon advertising the Coquille val­ Pill Roller on the head. ley, because 011 Several occasions player rushed, and now it looked The Myrtle Point Enterpr ise says: when joint pamphlets had been is­ As if ‘twould be a dreadful tale, “Theoutgoing stage was overturned sued, Coquille had been given the For One Horse Power Robinson, Played roughly with the Nightingale. last Friday night soon after 8 o’clock short end. Now this is considerable All beat the ball as ne'er before near the residence of Jake Strong of a slam on Bandon, and we think Had e’er been done from pole to pole, The span of mules attached to the it can be definitely shewn that at no And o’er the Tooth Fixer Sorensen, rig became frightened at the cavort­ time has Bandon ever given Coquille The Rail Road Booster threw a goal. ing of a pair of calves belonging to the short end when the two towns This made the Leans most furious L. A Roberts that had escaped have bten involved. We are frank So they began to growl; from their pastures, and when the to admit that the valley has suffered They hugged some fatty up too*tight - The umpire called out foul. stage light was thrown on them they at the hands of Coos Bay, particu­ acted up something scandalous ac­ They gave the ball io Bobby, larly so in the pamphlet gotten out Another point to try and win, cording to the inule idea of calf eti­ I for the Seattle fair, but for Coquille And sure enough, to their surprise quette, and the mules turned about to intimate Bandon was in anywise He put that pig skin in. as swift as a streak of greased light­ responsible for this, would be pre Then that longed for whistle-sounded, ning, overturning the wagon and And the score stood three to none; suming a great deal. pitching the passengers, driver anil Neither the Bandon Commercial The Fats felt sure of victory, contents out on the sidewalk. One But the game was just half done. Club nor the Bandon R ecorder of the passengers was somewhat cut wants to get into a squabble with the In the last half of the Ui uggir. When the Fats were out of breath, and bruised but none of them at­ Coquille Commercial Cli b or the Shadows gathered up their courage, tached blame to the driver. One Coquille Sentinel, but in the light of Fought as if twixt life aud death. of the horses was thrown down in the such action on ’he part of Coquille, It was then that old Chin Scraper mixup and dragged about too feet, we certainly feel that some explana­ j With the aid of Twice a Week, and the mules ran a block or two tion is due Not that Bandon can­ > Kept the fats from making badrets, and then came to a stop on a vacant j That which all good guarder* seek. not get out her own pamphlet if she lot No damage was done to equip­ ! And Lean forwards held out nobly; wants one, but the insinuation that | They just tried and tried and tried, ment except the breaking of the Bandon has been unfair is what ! Till, with the as iòta me of a foul reach of the stag«-.’’ sticks in our craw. * The fat men * score was lied. The Bandon sailed for the south Saturday with a full cargo of lumber from the Geo. W. Moore mill. The Otillie Fjord arrived in port Mon­ day. i The Fifield arrived in port yester­ day with 150 tons of freight and the following passengers: R. W. Win ters, N. Lorens, Mrs. C. W. Sehet- ter and three children, E. Lewin and wife, Mrs. Butter anil son, M. Grove, F. M. Carson, Geo. David son, August Avarrzi, D. Z. Sicker, J. W. Black. H. B. Bolt. L. Lin- dow. The Fitield will sail Thursday morning at 7:00 o’clock. The Elizabeth arrived this morn­ ing with 167 tons of freight and the following passengers: Miss E. Til­ man, Miss H. Hughes, Mrs. C. T. Brewer, Miss V. Mott, P. Nelson, Mrs. R. E. Pemberton, Miss J. Pemberton, C. Littlefield, C. H. Smith, J. C. Smith, Y. Darmun, A. Nelson, M. A. Epperson. The Elizabeth will sail Thursday morn­ ing at 6:00 o’clock. The Phoenix will arrive in port this evening and sail Friday morn­ ing. The Bandon High School won from Marshfield last Friday night here in Basket Ball, with the score of 22 to 9. The Fat and Lean pre­ liminary vias perhaps the most laugh­ able affair ever held in the city. In the game with Marshfield the B. fl. S. team was L. Gallier, R. Rackleff.G. Strang, C. Bowman, E. Watkins. Their opponent» were: C. Clark, G. Stulesman. McCormic, Bolt Carlson, S. Clark. The teietee, Briggs, of Marshfield; and umpire, Boyle, of Bandon, wete unifoimly fair and there was no disputing of decisions. The Marshfield boys seem like schoolmates to our boys and nothing but the best of high school spirit prevails when the two schools meet. The game next Friday night in the Bandon Opera House bet ween North Bend aud Bandon will lie a very interesting and important one. Our troys only beat North Bend by two points four weeks ago. and both teams have beaten Coquille High School in about the same ratio. If we lose this game it is all up with the boys lor the county champion­ ship. If they win they will have to play twice more for the county hon­ ors. The school needs the help ot the citizens, for your presence is an inspiration to the team. The admission will be 25c. This is the very last home game of the season and there are many who have never even seen a game of basket ball. It is certainly one of the best sports going and the school activities of our city should be ell couraged. Remember lhe Fats and Leans too. gain from his vastly brilliant brain, is in such refrain as this; “Cows! cows! Let them run, they can’t play basket ball for fun." Next to the Tooth Carpenter I go, to have my teeth fixed just so, but I find he works no more, his patients are waiting without the door; I go forward and peep within to learn if I can why this has been; there sit the carpenter and pill roller, but not discussing pills or molai; samples of ribbon, embroidery, lace have they there in their place; "I ----000---- like embroidery best for ruffles," North Bend See* Thing*. said the Pill Roller in accent» wild, but the tooth carpenter said his fancy stvled, ribbons of pink or even Last week the Coos Bay Harbor blue because they have a more gor stated that the game between the geous hue. Myrtle Point and North Bend high So finding nothing doing there, I school basketball teams would prob go to the bank a draft to prepare. ably decide the championship of the He writes the draft with quick dis I county. The North Benders must patch, and as 1 turn to lift the latch, have forgotten the drubbing Bandon I chanced to look within; at one glance my face is all a grin; instead I gave them on their home arena, and of six dollars and five cents, Night to dale it is a stand oft between Myr. ingale wrote six Fats and five Lean. tie Point and Bandon, each team To have my hair cut very we\\ having won a game from the other ..nd have won every other game and make ine look like a city swell Bandon will again show to the village chin scraper I wend my played i Thus the game was ended! North Bend how to play the game way, and see what he would have to Refuse* Work on City Street. ! And both Fats and Leans proclaim, New Road Open. Friday night. I Had the time been only lengthened. say; I sit in that chair an hour or When North Bend wins the county They would each have won lhe fame. more longer than I eter had before; Chas Bostrom to-day overruled! championship the Bandon fats will Heretofore residents of the South So whenever you get tired, “I've done it! I’ve done it!” he | go their, a round, and if the Benilei a City Recorder Butler’s decision that j Slough country wishing to go to Of all other sights and acenes. shouts at last; “a basket ball cut of I beat the fats, then the leans will in the future men fined who were Coquille were compelled to come Just come to Bandon-by-the-Sea, the very first class. ” And watch the Fats and the Lean*. I turn in ami show them ho i to play unable to pay cash would have to j around by way of Newport or Marsh Wondering much what the cause Contributed. I the game. work it out on the streets instead of i field. Z. T Siglin, who was in might be of these peculiar acts I see, PROME POEM NO 2. "laying it” out in jail. Bostrom town Thuisday, informs us that this I pass onward down the street, till What would the world Le to us refused to work on the street and ¡s no longer necessary, as the Davis something more strange my eyes do If Basket Ball were no more - Good Road* Meeting was given the privilege of either* Slough road is now completed This This is the refrain I glean both meet. In front of Railroad Booster Tonight doing that or serving his time on j road intersects the MarshfiH 1 Co­ from fats and from the Iran, and as Lorenz’s domain his gcxxisare ¡tiled biead and water. He took the bread ■ quille road at tlx- mouth of Davis I wander down the street, this one I out in the rain. I want to know at and water privilege but rejected the j Slough on the Isthmus, and is open ■chance to meet. Silver Tongued once why lie with all his thrift would Don't forget the good roads meet loaf of bread that Marshal Carter i to the county bridge on South ( Hanrahan all alone, beating the air this wise lie; his answer comes in ing at the Bandon Opera House gave him at noon Slough, thus saving ten or twelve with moan and groan, jumping and words most firm and in tint wise I tonight. Everybody is invited. Bostrom was arrested yesterday miles in the distance traveled in go j hopping to and fro. this way and do learn “Business don’t count any by Marshal Carter for intoxication ing from the South Slough country that way hr would go, till in terror I more, this is to be a basket ball to one hundred or more.'' and disturbing the peace. He was to the county seat. The opening el shout, pulling andshaking him about, floor.’’ Thus it is with both the teams, Then I see all the Fats very boisterous and Marshal Carter the road is also quite an accommo­ | “My good fat man. why the air thus lined up, declaring they will win the they consider not business, bitt only had some difficulty in taking him to dation to residents of the coast be beat and fan?” and hr replies in ac­ cup. Ikey, King Shoddy and One the means of winning the game next jail. He is a barber.—Times low the Cape. -Coos Bay News. centa wild that sound neither sane Horse Power, shouting they could I Friday night, ami plan and work I with all their might. I walkaway I rvw- ; or inild “Basket Ball! Basket Balt! play an hour. As they puff and with mind made sad that they should Dr. J. D. Kelly in the future will i Oh, how the Ixrans we will maul! ” pant and sputter, run and hop and For Sale. be so Basket Ball mad. I pass on with a smile, to Mayor jump and mutter, along comes Two treat all rases for prices prevaling at This I fear will have to be done, Sj eak Easy Mast ’ s domicile. There ■ Times a week limiting news; they Coquille, which ate as follows: Vi-it Restaurant best location in Ban give it to him and never refuse . i ( before to reason their minds are I ask him to propound legal prob ­ in town, $1.50; office call, $t.r>>; don. A splendid opportunity for man and wife. Will be sold at a big confinement, $15.00. Also furnish lems I have found, in lhe charter of I “We’ll beat the lean-'; the More won) Lean the Fat and Fat the sacrifice owing to ill health. Inquire e-> medicine free except in chronic this town, which is now of great re­ won't be as it was this time three Lean; This will softer them all i -Contributed. nown. But all the knowledge 1 can i and three, but we'll run up our »core ween cases 11-tS at Rt ordem Ofhce 14 tf