Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 04, 1911, Image 4

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I Lo vai
Lore J '7rtyrtrt> rTTrrrrrrrTrt.rrrv
••Fl Fl EL I)”—The
Public Christian Science Services
I* discontinued for a time.
P resbyterian .
A. F. Estabrook and wile arrived
on the Bandon yesterday and Mr.
Estabrook is looking after bus ness
Services will be as follows:
<Juiet Hour, 9:45
Sunday school at to o'clock.
fur his company.
Preaching at 11 :oo.
F or R ent -160 acre ranch *,
Christian Endeavor will convene
mile from saw mill -three houses, .It 6:30 p. in.
turn and two lie'll houses and good
Preaching at 7130.
well. Add Box 47, Bandon
H C. H artranft . Pastor.
The “Hurry Up” Bible Class,
Miss Edna Hansen has been very
sick for the past week, hilt is better with “Willing Workers’’ hold a
at present and will be able to attend session in the class room at the
parsonage Sunday at 10 a. m. All
sehml again next week.
F or S ai .1
Rhode Island Red members of classes and visitors in
eggs for hatching. $1 per setting of are inviteil to attend and lake
part in Bible and chart study. Don’t
II eggs. F I- Stiader.
class prayer meeting at 9:45,
Miss \S inilred McNair and Miss
vonr Bibles, as no helps
Jeanette Philip, teacher» in the Ban
dm school. are able to lie at their j are used in this class.
duties again after a few days’ sick-
A dventist C hristian .
Regultr services Sundays in Con­
F or S ale . Onr complete steam crete Hall.
Address J
wood mill vetv t he qi
Sunday school held at 10:0c a. m
I 2 It
I > Woodtuft,
Breaching at 11 00 a. tn
F ur S ale , One double i ncular
I.oval Work rs Society 6:30 p 111.
saw mill with 14' cairiagr, three 50
Preaching at 7:30 p m.
head blocks, one 8x1$ lour sided
Player meeting Wednesday night.
Kerim Motlldei 40 li p Ixviler and You .ne cordially invited to attend.
All mai'hinerv new
| S pencer Tit. ton . Pastor.
pailiculais inquire ol E. A> neson.
iX. Sons, Myrtl* Point. Ore
1614 F X
ihodist .
White Wyandotte Eggs lor set
Sabbath school to ». m , E. A
Philpott, Supt.
Morning service 11 a. nt.
Junior 1.eague at 3 p nt
M iss Lucerne J. Mott went lo
Epworth League 0:45 p m.
San Francisco to buy a stock oi
Evening Service, 7:30 p. m.
millinery which she will put in
Service Thursday at 7:30
Baker’s store on the plank road.
p. m. Study of Sunday School
Extra choice w bite oats for seed ;
tree from all trash, recleaned, full
H. L. G rafioi ’ s , Pastor.
grain seeds; fc 25 per hundred; also
good vetches and all other kinds of
B aptist .
T. W. R obison .
Sunday School at to a. m.
Mis. Wm. Candlin of Coquille and
Preaching at 11 a. ni.
Mis. Schoonmaker of Marshfield,
R ev . E lbert B rayton .
came down Thursday to visit Ban
don and take a stroll on our beauli
L atter D ay S aints .
till beach
ling, fi 00 per thirteen.
F H. M ason
Church of Jesus
The Popular
Packet tor Particulai People
541! Christ ot 1.alter Dav Saints, Coluto­
Rag carpet and rugs woven tar bia Avenue
Meeting every Sunday.
25c per yard, waip furnished, Ad-
sc I uk .I at
to 00 a. m
dies» Mr». L. J
111. Religio
ut ~ 00 p. in. and preaching at 8:00
The Bandon Drug Co. has just
p. in. Prayer meeting at 8.-no p. m.
installeil two very tine plate glass
Wednesday evenings.
show cases, which add materially to
All are cordially invited to attend.
the fixtures of that wide awake dis­
D. \V. C arpenter . President.
pensary .
Flour f s 3.S a bariel at the Han
don Dry Ikwxls Co
Archdeacon Horsfall who has
been on the sick list for the past
Work on the Cessna building. week is reported to be improving
next to Row Co.'s store is being I lie nunv tneiwis of Mr. Horsfall
pushed very tapidly and the building will lie glad to learn of his conva­
will lie ready lor occupancy soon.
F ob S al » One team draft horses
lotir room
F or S alk
weight 1450. Price ft 35. Will ex­ house and ten lots all fenced and in
change lor cattle Inquire of M. Ed­ fruit and in garden
Price $800.
wards, Park rstnirg.
lot lox
Inquire at this office.
1a.1t F
The new undertaking establish­
ment On tire hill, near the Catholic
church, is just about completed.
, His N*ersp*p<r Stary of lhe Last Day»
of th* Commune.
iiue morning after the xlege of Paris,
wheu the city was is-llevisl In l.ulidmi
to I* Still In the hands of the coin
mune. Sir John Itotdnson. imwiagrr of
the Hally News of Lomlon. reached Ills
office to find the late Archibald I'orlx-s
lying ou the Boor aalwp. Ills lira.I uu a
postuflice directory, while tile pi inters
were hard ut work oil Ills inuuuserlpt.
the story of "Paris In Flumes." a most
vivid description of the last days of the
com mime
"Forbes had telegraphed from Hover
announcing his coming " said Sir John
Koblnson. "the printers had Is-en wait
lug. and thus the country heard of
those terrible da?» for the first time.
"London was ablaze with excitement
Bouverle street was Impassable through
the uewsbovs shrieking for coplea, and
m parliament Mr Gladstone was ques
Honed that afternoon aud could only
say he l>o|>ed tlie story was exagger
"When Forbes wakened from tils
slum tier amid all this turmoil what a
sfMH-lacle lie was! ills face was black
wtth powder, his eyes red and In
flamed. Ills clothes matted with clay
ami dust He was a dreadful picture.
He had ts*eii eoiu|>elleil to assist the
communists In defending a triangular
s|uice upuu which three detachments of
the Versailles troops were tiring and
bud actually taught the citizens how to
build a barricade."
Bv aid of dummy dispatches address
rd to Lord Granville and the queen
Forbes escaped from this threatening
triangle aud wrote all the way to Eng­
land. being the solitary pasaeuger ou
the mall boat
Atwater Street.
Coreen ....................... D« G ol l»
Mrs H F. Morrison « now open CouMy J»i«r.............................. JekaF HaM
tor business in her new millinery Ceuia».oum G J Atauruw(. W T. Diwe a t
stoee and has a very neat place ot
aa-kakaa-a; 11 t i 1 $ >-■—r 1 1 1 t~i 111
7 • h
ZH g- a
245 a a .. »8 R
' JB g a
.7 1 h
Mei b
127 a a
• b h
4 M r a
b3 h
Mawh w
A4 h
415 a a
Ì . VS7
5« b
Don't forget that T W R o L i - m MI
i* handling all kinds at hay. gram,
etc, at the very lowest
Excavalwm ba« iswumeiH-ed tor the
new rr^idea.e on the Cathobs- ¡«op
It ia the mt er ima ot the
< huich |>eople to build a large and
•ulruantial residence, and one that
will be a iresist, both to the church
aud the city.
March S
Yiarvh b
SU.h >.
• JB
a ...BA h
a. ... BJ b
.’4 R
a ... Bb h
m. ...B* h
Wagss and Ceat of Living.
That the average wages uf factory
and workshop employees advanced
only 22 2 i-er cent lu the last twelve
years as coiui-artii with an increase
i uf 4OUC per caul for a number of se­
lected articles uf food was shown in
the anuual report of the New Jersev
state bureau <■( statistics of labor
Th!- means that Increases of wage*
have fallen abort 18 T per cent of keep
Ing pace w ith the Im reasiug cost of
We are going to give our cus­
tomers the advantage of some
bargains that will make every­
body sit up and take notice.
We have recently purchased
the Coumerilh Christensen Co.’s
stock of groceries and in addi­
tion, our large stock already on
hand, we are prepared to fur­
nish everything in the grocey
Our stock is new and prices
are right. Give us a trial order
and we are sure you will al­
ways be a customer. We will
deliver the goods at your door.
C. A. Manassa & Son
Cor. Columbia Ave. and Iris St.
Trade Union Briefs.
Mager...... .................J. W. Max
Rwcodw___________ __ ....E. B. hu d |
Tramm ..................................... C.Y Lml
SUq»l Ji^r ............... O. P.
Anwwty....................................F J- F«aw*y
CwxrU. ..G. Bjak. M Bw« P C.
H. Ma»t< R W B m W. R. W.
li F Morrison has his btiildmg
about completed and he ami Mrs.
• f T ! TT Tt f t V TF1TTTTTC .-mrT
'loitisswi are now ivvupvmg the
Mrs. Mortisa'n has recently
JOB a a. .. «8 h
decorated het winds'« with an up-
t<> date indimeli sign.
In the labor movement then*
•> la 110 room for the uiun w ho
4 tilings back 111 the trace«. The
Inin) la s* l**u that It requires tiie
I eonsluut I uxk I ii » of all to tuake
headway. When all pull mill
pull altogether our beat efforts
are reio-bed 1*1111 forward mid
not backward If you would the
better enjoy life. Contempt is
only felt fur the man who does
not do his share In the battle of
life. He Is looked upon as a
hiudrnm e and siuks below the
res|>ect that active, earliest and
Intelligent workers have for each
You must be one or the other.
Choose the position In life that
will entitle you to respect and
admiration for your efforts anil
shun the path that brings re­
proach upun you. Don’t think
your iHbor is not needed or de­
sired; that is a mistaken, fool­
ish idea. There are room and
work for all. Let us do it.
Notice to Establish Grade on
; Coot County Directory. £
; Inexpt'rient'wl soldier. The distatice
was shorter then. Rusie had the
whole box to move around in Instead
of being chained to a slab, aud he
simply drove the ball at you with the
force of a cannon. I have stood up
to all the great pitchers of nearly
twenty years, I have seen scores of
them come and go, and none of them
inspired the terror in a batsman's
h'-art that was put there by the
tulghty Rusie. The ball was like a
white streak tearing past you without
time to balance yourself, figure the
course of the ball or take Him at It.
The fellows with the wide curve might
fool you Into reaching out mid ndssluc
them, but you weren't reaching out at
I’.usle—you simply swuug ut a white
streak as it hurled past, and If you
took a full arm swing the ball was
gone mid In the catcher's hands before
you had half finish'd th- swinging
"The convincing proof of Busle’s ter
rlble speed wa 1 th!
If any other
pitcher lilt a man the man swore,
limped a moment and went to first
If Kusfe hit a man the man retinal
fruti the game ami sometimes went
to the hospital. To l.e hit by Itusie
was worse Ilian to have an ordinur.v
innn ■ ina-li you with a rock." New
York World.
ChA.......................................... Ja*. U m ».
1 t-tS
Bandon Light & Power Co.
Mr and Mrs Van Luven are vis- 1 SvrwyM____ ______ _______ A. N G o ul d
iting with Mt .ml Mrs W I
T wmix « ................ ...T. M Diwwak
A m « x ......................................... T. J. Thrdt
Ht» Thunderbolt Delivery Terrorized
tha Batters.
A veteran ball player who has bat-
ted "’alii a I'earlv u'l of tile lioled
liitchc . m the list lwr*i . >e;«rs uam-
ed A os llasle in the mill 'i-siil stil ial­
aril 1 f s ’ ihs I in shooting I lie ball ite ross
tile 1 ilbb -i>
"Tiien- li ne beetl many fast
ers In l>u -.-I all. mid all of them i
I time when they cut liaise for fai
batliiil the best of hitlers with their
»¡leeil. but you will notice that when
fast pUc'iers are spoken of the one
remark Is always made. 'Hus he the
speed that Amos Itusie hid?' Anil.
I think. It wl:l be that way forever.
As In' g as great names are remember­
ed or baseball Is ihe nation's game
. Itusie will remain the ehaui|>lon speed
? I iiiere'iant. the one pitcher who could
A 1 send hi the ball faster than any one
fl else
that ever lived. When you say
r! •fast ns Ilu-le' you d.iu’t tnenn It.
? either; you only wish to show that
vour favorite pitcher Is a very speedy
"Words full really to describe the
»o-r-sxs-S's4--«x4s»-?'!St-- i ............ • • • •
speed with which Rusle sent the bull.
He was a uinn of great width, great
strength mid the ability to put every
ounce of his weight Into the pitch.
What Trad* Agreemants Have Dona Coupled with this lie had a set of daz­
------- vj OO- ■
For tha Iron Molders.
zling curves which were manufactured
When vim have rheumatism in
Thirty thousand Iron molders, eni with the smile effort required to pro
ployed lu the stove and range industry duce the speed Some men can throw your loot or instep apply Chamber-
iu the I’ulted States aud Cauada. were a straight ball with great force, but
l.iin’s Liniment ami von will gel
given an increase lu wages of 5 per have to slow up In order to develop
cent through an agreement sighed re­ curves, but Rusie drove In a curved quick relief It costs bill a quarter.
cently lu Chicago between the Stove ball with all of his tremendous power Why sufici? For sale by C. \..
Founders* Nutiuuul Hefeuse assucia
"Facing Rusie to a timid tuan was
tlou aud the Iron Mulders' Union of like going into battle must be to ail 1 .ow e
North America. It was the twenty-
Urst .< early contract which has been
made lietvveeu the two organizations,
and during that time then* has nut
Must Haw B«Sn a Storm Scena,
"As perhaps there may be sumo oue beeu a strike or lockout or any Inter­
who has uot heard th* «tory of the ruption to busiuess.
All Kinds of Electrical Supplies. Estimates Furnished on
The increase, which want Into effect
Duuh ¡»aluter. i tell it." says Kllhu
Jan 1, makes a total advance of 30
Wiring and Electiic Lighting
Vedder lu the Atlantic.
"A person calling ou this painter per cent which the Iron mvlders have
A. S ELLIOTT. Manager
heard a most Infernal uproar lu his received through conciliation since
studio 'Things seemed to be falling ls‘,is The stove founders and the iron
aud brass plat.-s dying about, and there molders were the first employers' us
-nklatiuu mid the first labor union to
were loud shouts
"The servant caine to the door lu a sig'll a uatiomlJ trade agn-emeut in thia
state of great anxiety and told the vis­ country, mid for twenty years the
itor at once that the master could not same haruiuny hue prevailed In the In­
be disturbed
It establishes a new record for the
“ T should think he couldn't lie much
more than he is.' said the visitor 'But Jolut trade agreement, and congratula­
tions were general when the contract
what under the suu is the matter?'
was ' good The president of the
“ ’He Is painting a sky.’ ”
Stove Founders’ National Defense as
so. latioii is George Mitchell of Pitts­
A Student of the Drama
It was at a performance uf "Mac­ ton. Pa . aud the secretary is Thmuas
beth." aud the three Weird sisters bad J Hogan of Chicago
The officers uf the Iron Molder»
Just made their hrst appearance aud
chanted their uueauuy lucantatmns uniou w U<> negotiated the contract are
wheu a baudsomi-ly dressed luteilt Joseph F Valeutlne uf Cincinnati,
gent looklug Woman In the third row ¡ resident, and John P Frey, editor of
turned to her escort and Inquired, the Iruu Molders' Journal
"We have set a new mark fur eni
"Whst* the idea tu harta»' those
and labor uuiuus to shoot at."
witches?” New York Pre*»
said Mr Frey—"twenty years with­
out a strike and lelatiuus as barmonl
Dooervod to Got It.
eus uuw as vv lien we made the first
"I want tu ask you fur a bit of ad agreement. It is a strong argument
vise," said the Insinuating man
for the joint trade agreement move
“What is It'”
meat iu this country.”
"I waut you to put yourself lu my
place aud me lu yours aud tel) tue
Camo to Terms In Jig Time.
bow you would go about It if you
Just to give our readers mi Idea of
wauted to burrow $10 from me
how strong a hold the printers' union
label has ou Louisville, writes a cor
respondent of the Tyivograpbieal
Rayl «nd R»'M-
Journal. I will tell about a cpr-
"Everybody emits rays Au angry taiu uniou offi.v. The office in ques-
mSw emits violet rays; a contsuted tlou unwittingly put lb* label ou thu
person emits pinkish rays."
title page of a book that wa» bulug
'•Sounds interesting I wouder if my printed iu a trnuuniou office. The uf
boss would emit 1 teu dollar raise of i feuse w as of su b u serious uature and
•alary "' -Louisville Courier Journal
a pre edeut having been established
by auotiier office, to lie ou the square
a flue of $25 was assessed by the
H erbin K cures constipation and Allied 1‘ritiug Trades council. Bather
reestablishes regular bowel move­ than pay the flue the labeLs were sur­
rendered. "We can get along without
ments. Price 50c. Sold bv C. I..
the label; we can o[>erate an 'open
shop.’ " etc. Well, in exactly fourteen
days’ time a new contract waa made
with the uffi e and the Hue paid
Definition FIFIF.l.D “Superior fTt«tTTT»TTTTttttttrttrtTT
to al) others " Why not patronize RrpmM.e ............................... Ed R m AW
tH- fievtan.l ••ONI Y WAV’ ’ $<tl She, $ ......................................... W. W. Gag»
Dr. J, D. Kellv in the future will
Heat all cases for prices prrvaling at
Coquille, which ate as follows Visit
in town. $1 50: other call, St 00;
confinement fis 00
Ako furnish-
•> medicine free except in chronic
Bandou Opera House
is Open tn Pt.vale Parties
lor Meetings. Card Patties.
Dance* w anv other form »4
Terms teas
Longshoremen of New York harbor
have decided to delay demauds fur a
wage tie rease
The I eliigli V alley railroad has grant­
ed a substantial Im rease In wages to
its ecgiue driven.
The Milwaukee city - oum il instruct­
ed the -ity attorney to eufure the law
wbk h provide* fur ctueed street car
ruiltm u car porter* have requested
an Im reuse of wages to 8*5 and
a uiouth. at* oiding to term of servh-e
rhe average Wage u- -v I* ik>’
The Older of Hao.-ad Tea grapLec*
will .-riel-rate Its twenty-fifth miniver
•ary la June lull, and ba» sju:-ted as
a battle, ry
«'uaaptote and tb..-vu»b
orga;. uatK»n ’
The Toronto uuivu pciu-'er* aud
steamfitter* are cundti. ting a serie* of
lecture» .4 a tec Laical nature . -u era
tug the luudem sc
e of yl ml-iM
and steam bear ng
Tbe Boston Wharf and Bi dee BulM
era’ utsK-n U*.* | evseuted the e^pKc>ers
with a request that m »ud after Mar
1 next a new wage »»;<- will go into
It calls for $3 a day foe the
land me«, who now rertve $. 75 and
$3 SO a day fur tbe tvoimra aud LuDd
I ers wb. new rnhvt $J28 a day
Can You Draw a Goose ?
A chance for
every boy and
girl to win a
prize for draw
ing a picture
of the famous
Fi«»si & Best For
S Girls
For Particulars Call on