Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, February 28, 1911, Image 3

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II1)*' tit cure u cold i- a que.-tion
in wh'cll
ill are i iti-reste I jtt a
Cliamliei!aiii’s Conili Reaic
dv has won its t;ri*al reputali.»)
Court Knows Herself,
She Thinks She Do.”
Lincoln’s Tribute to Washington.
\\ •» rci|Ut*ntly hear the expression,
“if the court kuuws itself, aud it
tbln’is it dues.” but few persuus are
awati* uf the origin thereof.
eil upon,
for sale bv C Y. lann
The individual who gave birth to it
was a I'iko county Missourian named
Blackburn, who flourished in the west
many years ago. Bluckburu ran away
We are Agents for the
from home w hen lie was a more boy
and sought his fortune iu the west,
whole he giew to manhood as an in
di. n fighter, hunter, trapper aud
a:- unUlin guide Although not an t*d
U»*a!«'(l malt, I k * was possessed of great
ncuiiti-n, to which was united a keer
Lincoln’s First Political Spoech.
When gold was discovered in
”<Jentleu!«*n Fellow Citi: .(‘IIS I pro* wit.
Aitine you all know who 1 am. I HUI ‘ aliiuinia. Blackburn was one of th.*
butnhh» Abraham Lincoln.
I have first to pro'ced tlihlier. The miners
i t of juke eli’. ted him alcalde,
bo a auilclted by iny friends to he- as a
er nie a candidate for the legislature, an (»¡live that coml ined tin» duties of
M\ politics ar<* short ami
and sw
sweet, like mayor und justice . f the peace. Tin*
an ‘old woman i’ s dance.
dance.’ 1 am in favor til st case coming before tin* new ai
of -I national bank
I am in fnvur of cable was that of a gambler who while
the international improvement system drunk had ridden Ids borse over a
If you are contemplating ami
a high protective tariif. Tltese are young Mexican woman, She was seri
my sentiments and political principles. ously injured.
buying a Piano, give us If elected 1 will be thankful, ll' de­ The trial took place iti the largest
feated it will be all tlie saint*.”
cabin in the neighborhood, The gam
a call. It costs you noth
bier, who was rich, had retained able
counsel to defend him. Alcade Black
Homemade Valentine.
ing to examine them.
The 11th of February has come burn called the young woman to the
I around again, and. of course. every- witness stand. She told a straight
‘ body is beginning to think of vnlen- forward, honest story. When she liad
, tines. Perhaps you muy be glad to finis!.ed the alcaide peremptorily end
1 have a few ide cas for •‘homemade” val- ed tlie trial. The attorney fur the de­
‘iitines. which an* always prettier and fendant protested vigorously, but the
alcaide disposed of his protest thus:
more interesting than those you buy.
Take an envelope of any shape de­ “If this court knows herself, and she
sired and open it out flat by slipping thinks she do, 1 fine you $300 damages
a knife underneath the flap and so and assess upon you the cost of puttin'
loosening the mucilage. On the inside this young woman in good condition.”
When asked what he meant bv
print the following terse:
‘‘good condition” the alcalde replied
To you I send, dear Valentine,
This faithful little heart of mine.
tliut the gambler must pay tin- doctor’s 1
Its every beat is full of love
bids ami all other costs of the younjj
For you. my own dear turtledove.
oiuan's sickness. Exchange.
The word heart may be pictured in-
■ stead of printed or cut out tua^pasted
to the envelope. The same way with
M. G. POHL, Optometerist the turtledove, the turtle being green
and the dove a soft gray.
Sad Finish of the Career of the Great
Fasten the envelope again and on
Musical Genius.
the outside write:
Late Ilnurs, unwearied vigil., ever­
If you but break, dear Valentine,
lasting' labor, tlie effects of chill'', damp
This binding seal of wax and twine
and exposure, in tlie hard life fie led—
And look beneath you'll surely see
2d, 3d and 4th Saturdays at
a life alternating between brilliant
The greatness of my love for thee.
Hotel Gallier, Bandon, Ore. Tie it with a piece of red twine or passages and the most loathsome
1 ribbon, then seal It with red wax or drudgery, between rosy anticipations
niiy other color you happen to have, of fortune and inevitable and eternal
disiippointl'ients hud their effects on
and the valentine is complete.
I tlie vigorous constitution ot .Mozart
His lamp uf life burnt out untimely
The Lion’s Mistake.
O kfgon
A British officer was shouting In While still a young man only thirty
Somaliland. One night as he lay on Ins live years old lie fell into ill health,
Druggist und, Jlpotheca ry
bed within Ids tent a lion made a sud­ the symptoms of which were a fitful,
den spring over the rough fence which restless nervousness, a craving for in­
Is just in receipt of a new stock of
had been put up around the encamp­ ordinate excitement and n rapid decay
of tlie physical stamina of ids consti­
Drugs and Chemicals, Patent and ment.
The lion took no notice of the anl- tution.
Propiietary Preparations, Toilet Ar
Is, but went straight to the sports-
Unfortunately for him, in the ab­
tides. Drug Sundries, PerfunjcS, inn
man's tent and seized the sleeper for sence of any strong influence at home
Brushes, Sponges, Soap, Nuts and tunately by the band only.
which might keep him in tlie path uf
Candies, Cigars. Tobaccos and Cig­
It must have been n terrible awaken
duty, lie was tempted tS seek recrea­
arettes, Paints, Oils, Glass and lug for the officer. But somehow as the tion abroad and fell into tin* company
lion chnnged its grip for tlie man's of a ill ilpated set of men, haunters
Painter's Supplies.
shoulder It got bold of the pillow ill of tlie theaters and taverns of Vicuna,
stead and then decamped with its
l In* chief spirit of whom was one
prize. Next morning the pillow was
Selilkaneder, a low, coarse man of m l
found in tlie Jungle at a distance of
tlier refinement nor talent, in com­
several hundred yards from tlie en­
pany with this crew tlie glorious gen­
What a disappointment it must have ius, whose critical .state of health de­
manded tin* utmost care and attention
been to the hungry lion when lie dis
from loving hands, tlitted night after
covered ills mistake!
night from tavern to tavern in Vienna,
deluding himself with vice under tlie
Old Rhymes.
Semi-Weekly Oreg on Journal, one
The common little rliynu beginning idea that he was gathering the secret
year________________ _
I *50
“Thirty days has September,” if not spirit of brotherhood for use 1 la Ids
Semi - Weekly Bandon Recorder
old as tin* hills at least is as old as opera. ''Tin* Magic Flute,” on which
one year_________________________ 1^0
15AG, for in that year it was printed lie nt that time was engaged Row
in London in an old arithmetic. This bothatn'-: "Private Life of Great l L'oin-
p< isers.”
is how it reads in its original form:
Teeth In Their Stomachs.
Aprill. June and Novemember; Fvb-
Whatever -t may be that the lobster
Both Papers One Year $2.00 runrie eight an twenty alone; all the
and the crab, rapacious, never dainty,
rest thirtie and one.”
The rhyme beginning “Multiplica­ arc eating they always sis* something
tion is vexation” is likewise not an els;* that they want and can’t wait un­
The Semi Weekly
outburst of modern scholars, for It is til they have must ¡rated the first be
found in a manuscript of even older fore attacking the secund. But they
date, 137<i;
don’t give up the first, not by any
Multiplication is mie vexation.
manner of means, Nature, humoring
And Division quite as bad
Publishes the latest and most complete tele­
this rapacious bent, has fitted the lob
The Golden rule Is mie stumbling stule,
graphic fiews of the woild; gives reliable
st er ami the crab witli teeth in their
And Fractb e makes rule mad.
market reports, as it is published at Portland
stomachs, and they swallow their half
where the market news can be and is cor­
masticated food and finish the chew
Omitted Words.
It also has a
Can you supply the seven words ing process with their stomachs while
rected to date for each issue.
omitted? They must ail be forme*! of they seize and chew the other thing
page of special matter for the farm apd
that has attracted them. Lobsters and
the same six letters:
home, an interesting story page and a page
cl rah
have no teeth in their months.
A---- sat in his —- gray.
or more of comic each week, and it goes to
Watching the mdonbeams---- play,
They chew with their claw ~ what they
the subscriber twice each week---104 times a
On a keg that in the bushes lay.
And the leaves v. ith their ---- took up the have time to and hand the unfinished
job down to their stomach to do the
Th«»u ---- the brave Thou ----- the strong. lest of tin* chewing.
immense sale by its re n il k dill- < n e
of c< Ills.
Il C..II a!ua\s bv tit i < n
Lincoln said of Washington -Wash
iugton is the mightiest name un earth
—long since i uil^litieit II. the cause t»f
civil IU»ertjr. still mightiest in moral
reformation. On Hint name a eulogy
Is expected, It cannot lie. To mid
brightness to i tile sun or glory to the
name of Washington is alike Impossl
hie. Let none attempt it. in solemn
awe pronounce the name, and in nak­
ed. deathless splendor leave it shining
Prices $2.50 and up
Easy Terms
Clarence ) .
A Great
Clubbing Offer
Oregon Journal
The Semi Weekly
Bandon Recorder
Gives all the local news and happening and
should be in every home in this vicinity. 1 he
two papers make a splendid combination and
you can save $ I by sending your >ub « rip
lions to I he Bandon Re order. We can
also give our subscribers a good dubbing of­
fer for the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday
Journal in connection with the .Senn-Weekly
Bandon Recorder.
Truths Maras
CopvnicHts *e.
Anvon« Miidlttf a akef cli mid d* ^nrlpti >n w»?
Qntckiy ascertain our <>;* u . i .. h free w »«du r ■ r.
'usentbrn ta pr<»hab!y patentable, (•«ni.t.-
UlJ. .t ! r.
ii .iiaMrictiycoiiUdeiitiuJ. Hi
»«i.t free, (»blest asenef for Secnriii* paU
Patents tascti tbron^h •ftmii A t .. r. Jvr
without*h r«
»I* 1»
SckwiHic JSwicii
« hsndsorr.etr jHrwtrated weck’y.
< tlatkwi of anv e* lentmc J 'i-» .a
: l«Hir H.oi.lbe,
tkrnl L y al,
I rr»..«.? *».
MUNN & Co.3e,Br«:-’' hew York
Wrazr-P <
w sahiuai .n. U. <
To thee doth ---- of great battJps belong.
John Barleycorn, my king.
Dollar 3il!s From All Over.
“That dollar silver certificate you
have there has been gathered together
from all over the world,” said tlie bank
A Cat’s Presence of Mind.
'The presence of mind of the cat Is cashier, "¡’art of the paper filler is
marvelous. A cat was chased by two linen rai’ from tlie orient.
‘•The silk comes from Italy or (’binu.
dogs into a corner of file yard with
blue ink is made from German or
high walls, but the cat escaped un­
harmed by a gymnastic l’eat which in­ t’anndian cobalt. The blink ink Is
volv'd running for several feet up a made from Niagara Falls acetylene
:s smoke, and most of tlie green ink
vertical wall, turning in the air. alight­
i ; teen olor mixed in w hite zliv sul
ing on the back of one of the dogs
plilto mad«* in G» ruiun\.
and springing thence to the top of a
"Wh*‘ii tin* treasury seal Is printed
in r <1 th«* color comes from Ontral
Auierk ’H a.” New York Hun.
Puzzl» and Answer.
Bought n lot of eRifs for 12 cents
No Apology Necessary.
i L ii ! there been two more they would
“I c<a)grntnlale you most benrtlly,”
have cost 1 vent les* per tlozeii. I low
said the nearsighted guest at the wed
tnnny In tlie lot?
Answer. Sixteen eptra for 12 cents dim . ‘ on this happy oh, I ln*g your
equals *-• cents per dozen, eighteen pan n! I t.’ioncht I was speaking to
the bridegroom.”
equals 8 cents.
•'I hat’s ail right.” the other man re
p!i”<! ”1 a<,’ ept yotir cimgratuiationn.
Penny Fred.
I am the fa’her of the bride.” Chi’-agn
With n penny Er. 'l l’- thought
A valentine for Nell.
of ■ oume, it - teWt« then*
Answer: Sutler, ulster, luster, rustle,
turest, rulest. result.
lVr.s not very swi ll.
Now, Mi* Nell was very vain.
And she liked things nice.
Bo a rift was naught to her
’Less It cost a price.
W>en uh* got the valentine
She wneered. her lip did curl.
'•I’ii iet F.'«d kr.ov, " sue said, with »earn,
•That ’.'m no penny girli”
Very Lucky.
”1 don’t get what I deserve for my
jokes.” walled the humorist.
•‘You’re lu'ky.” sympathised hl«
friend Toleih» Binde
Try a Little Self Hypnotism on Your*
Pet Weaknesses.
In a large eastern city Is a prufes
sioual hypnotist w ho bus a w ide repu
tatlon fur curing the habit of intern
perance. ills method is dirt simple.
“There Is no real hypnotism about it
unless it is a matter uf seif hypno­
tism.” this professor once said. ”1
imply observe the mind process uf the
nian that drinks and advise him how
Io reverse it. The subconscious selli -
oquy in the mind of the
¿rinks runs something
' A'lien did I ' have my
Whew! Lung as (hat! I don’t see how
1 stood it su long,
Wouldn’t have
thought it possible.’ And su on the
ilctiui repeats to himself OU the prill
<iple that lie needs tills |>erlodieal
-iluulant Just ns n is necessary to
heap coal on to tire to keep it from
turning out. tu a wool, that man self
hypnotises himself into the belief that
lie needs a drink.
"My ml vice to cure this craving is
not io light the appetite. lint io light
■ >" ti the cause that leads to tile up
I 'tite
Let n man repeal lo himself
oxer and over again:
1 really don't
need this drink. If 1 t ike it, it’s alm-
ply a matter of pouring so much down
my throat superfluously. for 1 could
get along without.' Before long lie
will lie surprised how instead of
leitlzlng himself into driuk he
hypnotize himself out of it."
Simple. Isn't it? But If this
hypnotism or whatever you choose to
call it is a cure for Intemperance why
Is II not equally a recipe for curing
oilier bad habits?—Chicago Tribune.
BRIDGE & BEACH Stoves, Ranges and Heaters have in them so many exvt'kencie«
that they are now acknowledged the greatest sellers on the coast and they are growi.ig
in favor every year.
We have the exclusive agency in Bandon for these house).old
end office necessities, and prices range exceedingly mvdest in either case.
Our Assortment of Hardware, Tinware aud Edged Tools Is Most Complete.
S am S ays
Fastidious Folks Find Fine Fii
Flooring For Fair Figures at the
yard of the
Parisian Beggar Realized
Value of New Shoes.
ttjü ¿¡.Æ
BeirKliitr lias lonii been a great art in
Europe. By using subtle touches of
misery and calculated effects of dis­
ease and dismemberment the beggar
became a master of pathetic appeal
A deliirlitful story of Itupre. the sculp
tor. Is quoted by Hamilton \V. Mabie
In the Outlook. \
Looking out of ills window In a ho­
tel one bleak .wintry morning in the
good old times. Dupre saw an old la*g
gar sitting barefooted on tlie stone
steps below. His heart was moved
witli compassion, and he began to
search for a pair ot shoes. He found
two pairs, one of them uew.
“Do not give tlie new pair away:
you will need them yourself,” urged
Ills prudent wife.
"No,” said the sculptor, "I shall find
tlie old pair more comfortable. More­
over. if 1 am to give anything away
1 am going to give tlie best I have."
So lie hurried downstairs ami put tlie
new slices iu tlie hands of the bare
tooted old man. Tlie next morning the
beggar sat on tlie steps as usual, and.
as usual, bis feet were bale. Dupre
hurried down to him. "Where are the
shoes I gave you? You are not wear
ing them." he said.
"No.” replied tlie old man, “I could
not wear them, excellency. If I did
nobody would give me anything, 1
have pawned them.”
Capital Stock $50,000
President. I. Denholm.
J. L. Kroaenbera,
President; F. J. Fahy, Cashier; Frank Flam, T. P. Uanly.
A general banking business transacted and customers given every accommodation con­
sistent with safe and conservative banking
CORRESPONDENTS: The Amencan National Bank, of San Francisco. Calif;
Merchants National Bank. Portland, Oregon: The Chase National Bank, of New York.
Sirs. Fifickl & Bandon
Lakes of Blood.
The name Luke of Blood or its equiv­
alent has been given to pluces as far
apart us England and South America.
•'Sangueliie” I. e. the Lake of
Blood was the name given by the vie
turions Normans to the battlefield at
Hastings, where the Saxons were over­
thrown amt slain with terrible carnage.
For a similar reason Luke Traslnvme
lias borne the mime "Sanglnetto” lie
cause its waters were reddened during
tile second Punic war by the blood of
some 15,000 Romans who fell before
the troops of Hannibal.
Yet nuotiier Luke of Blood, called
also "Yagiiar Gocha.” is situated iu
tlie state of Ecuador. It is one of a
series of lakes formed by the extinct
era ters of volcanoes on the towering
heights of the Andes range of inouu-
The Donkey’s Head.
Among the most extraordinary pieces
of symbolism known to have been used
by the early Asiatics was a figure of a
donkey's head used as a representative
of tlie deity. There Is uo doubt what­
ever Hint tlie same emblem was once
used among' tlie Hittites, tlie Egyptians
ami om* or two oilier nations us u sym
Isd of their red god. Hut. The super
stitioil of the yellow donkey of India,
the story of the swift ass of eastern
Asia and the nss of Dionysius and
many other murveloiis ass stories are
all surxivals of that curious form of
religious worship the adoration of the
ass' head.
Th»y Beth Knew.
Th® fool said one day in the king’s
presence. "I mu the kii.jx!” And tlie
king laughed. Lu lie knew that bis
fool was m rung.
A wee! later the king was angry be
cause of un error he hthl coiuiuitted
and exclaimed, "i am u fool!” And
the fool lunylied. fur he knew that hia
king was right
Not Much.
Howell- Iteudin^ maketh a full man.
Powell But if you get arrested fur
drur.kenm s the Judge Isn’t inclined to
accept as an excuse your statement
that you have been reading.—New York
The Only Time,
Thomas-Dad. when is the freedom
of the city given to a man? Dad —
When bis wife goes to the country fur
the summer.-Harjier’s Bazar.
Every nge has Its problem, by aolv
When n man falli: lue k <>n oaths bw I Ing which humanity is helped forward.
—-Heinrich Heine.
<b- lares Lium If out of arguments.
Twin Screw, New and Fast
1st Class Passage,
Up Freight,
$10.00 & ?■ .10
are your interests. Fair
good service our motto
l ast and Commodious
A. F. Estabrook Co., 245
Cal. St., San
rates and
L. L. BRANDENBURG, Agent, Bandon, Oregon
Leaves Portland (Ainsworth Dock) 8 p. ni. every Tuesday.
Leaves Coos Bay every Saturday at service of the tide.
Confirm Sailings Through C, M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon
Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and
San Francisco
First Class Passenger Fare,
Freight Rates,
$3 on Up Freight
J. E. WALSTHO.M. Ai,'«nt, Banilon. Orogen.
E. A E. T. Kruv, owner, and manager,, 24 California St,, San Franciaeo.
If you with a bottle cold--
Call at die Eagle,
If you love the good'that i old
Call al the Eagle.
*Tainl no uw to sit and blink
If you really need a dnnk,
jurt make a sign or ring a l>ell,
Anri you Let they’ll treat you right
Down at the Eagle
Alvin Munck, Prop
Harness Shop
Full line of Harness, Sad­
dles, Bridles, Halters,
Blankets and everything
usually kept in a first*
class harness shop..
Repairing a Specialty
W. J. SABIN, Prep.