/ EUGENE, OKI Semi-W eelcly VOLUME XXVII I BANDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911 El NUMBER 14 BASKET BALL Lodge and Professional Directory STUMP LANDS Lodge» are requited to nolily dii* offne on election of officer, and on change of meeting night. Card, under thia head are 75c per inch per month. •4 Lewah Tribe No. 48. Imp. O. R. M. EE1S I irst and Third Tuesday* of each month at 8lh run at the Bandon Wig­ wam. Sojourning Chiefs in good standing are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Hartman, J. C. Sheilds, C. of R. Sachem. w. o. w. S.'iys It is in Violation of the Big Company Being Organ­ Commercial Club Discusses Shipping Business Continues The High School Team« of Constitution of the Uni­ ized to Develop Large Coquille and Bandon Will the Proposition Last Brisk at this ted States Areas Piny Here Night Port. i IT s Moines, I t. Febrtl.lt y 3!. Portland. Or, Feb 21, (Special) The people of Bandon are very At the regular meeting of the Ban- The Fifteld arrived tn port yester­ The transform ition of a wildenv ss much interested in the result of the Governor Carroll to lav vetoed the j don Commercial Club held in Fire- day morning with 90 tons of freight SEASIDE CAMP NO. 212. into a garden is planned for Western game of basket ball to be played WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oregon primary plan bill which h id 1 man’s hall last night, the main topic anti the following passengers: F. H. Washington and Oregon no less against Coquille tonight in the Ban Meets First and Third Thursdays. \ isiting .Adams, J A. Kline, W. E, Stein- passed both Houses of tin- l.cgi-l.i Neighl o.i welcomed. wonderfill than the miracle wrought i tor discussion was better fire protec­ I hoft, F. F. Stevenson, S. Newhaus. don Opera House. This is the first Win. N. McKay. C. C. title. Governor Carroll in his veto by irrigation east of »he cascades. tion for the busine-s district of lhe jP. B. Manin, H. Grady, Miss L. of the two scheduled games our M mmoiiì C. message characterized tbi­ mensili <• I l itis is the solution of lhe loggisl off j i itv. File committee on investiga­ I Steinhoff, J. FI. Morgan, Frank school is to pl ly with the C. H. S "P ANDON LODGE. No. 130 A. F. & A as “an attempt to indirectly accom­ land problem th.it now .seems in tion for lire protection reported that S msa, Richard Frye, G. Silva C. boys, nut the tact that Coquille lias M. Stated communications first Saturday i sight. To the Southwest Washing­ I they had gone over the matter thor- I Terry, W. Smith and D. C Kav. a classy team was realized when they after the full moos of each n.ontli. All Maste. plish something that cannot be done Maton* cordially invited. le Fifield will sail to-morrow about beat our boys twice in the early part directly’’ and declared it was a vio ton Development Associ ition must I »Highly, and presented two plans W. E. Craine, W. M. bi- given the credit of carrying tins of the winter. The result of the 00 a. m. > 9 G. T. Treadgold, Secretary lation of the constitution of the U ni­ movement forward until it has leach­ that were considered feasible. One I The Phoenix went out yesterday game with the Myrtle Point cham­ ted Slates as it abrogated the section ed a point where successful clearing was to connect with the water pipes Eastern Star with 225,000 feet of lumber and pions on the 17th is a big encour­ /"ACCIDENTAL CHAPTER, No. 45, O. which provides the legislatures shall of large areas of slump lands at low of the Bandon Light and water Co., agement to the home team because three passengers. E. S., meets Saturday evening before and cost is successfully accomplished. stating that the company now had 56 elect United States senators. The Randolph arrived in front M. P. overwhelmingly defeated Co after stated communication of Masonic Lodge. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. ---- UCXJ----- At the convention of the associa­ pounds pressure in th • business sec­ Coos Bay yesterday morning with quille, and. in fact. Bandon is the Anna L. Ciaine, W. M. only team that has defeated the said Terry McKune Jumped Con- tion, held the past week in V titcou tion The other was Io lay a pipe 40 tons of freight. Merta Mehl, Secretary. ver, the method of operate tl was to the mill of the Geo. W. Moore The Anvil arrived last trght with champions in two years. 1. o. o. r tract. shown and plans for the future dis­ Lumber Co. and secure lhe service of too tons of freight and several pas­ The game tonight will certainly be T> ANDON LODGE. No. 133. I. O. OF. cussed. Prof. Sparks of the State their pump in case of fire. Of course sengers, and departed again this a close one, and if you are a lover of meet* every Wednesday evening. Visiting College at I Ullman showed by actual nothing could be done without the morning with 40 tons of freight and clean athletics, or have a spark of brothers in good standing cordiallv invited. The following, regarding Tei ry O. A. rrowbridge, N. G. demonstration how land may be action of the city council, and it was five or six passengers. enthusiasm in you, to miss this game A. Knopp, Secretary McKune, w'ho played shortstop for cleared of stumps and ro» Is with a decided that the club would attend will be a sin against your nature. The Elizabeth will probably lie in Bandon a few years ago when Coos Kuightn of PytliiHH minimum of money and effort, anil the council meeting in a hotly next to-night. The school needs your interest and county had a league composed of TlELPHI LODGE. N o . 64. Knights of at the convention sessions | romint til Wednesday night anil urge upon encouragement. Pythias. Meets eveiy Monday evening classy players, will prove interesting delegates outlint d a scheme for pool­ the council the immediate necessity The game will begin at 8:30. at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to to Ians, most of whom w;ll sympa­ At the Grand. attend. E. Lewin, C. C. ing large stump land areas and mak­ of doing something. Admission 25 cents. The steamer thize with Terry, notwithstanding B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. ing fettile farms out of now almost In lhe meantime a special m-eting Coquille will bring a large excursion dial he made a bad break. Tin- item worthless land of the club will he belt! Tuesday crowd down l^om Coquille. The M. J. Kelly Comedy Co. of DR- -A.- F INGRAM is clipped from the sporting columns l he organization of a big company night to go into the details of the 14 people will appear at the Grand Ohiropraotor of the San Francisco Bulletin: “It to handle the land, clearing ii anil situation more thoroughly, and every Theater Saturday anti Sunday nights Office Hours 9 to 12 a. tn. and Notice to Tax Payers. looks bad for Terry McKune to play i to 6 p. m. plai ing it on the marki t in snial1 member is urged to be present at in “The Dashing Widow” Saturday in organized baseball this year. Bill Office in El Dorado Building Taxes for the year of 1910 are due tr.u Is for the tanner, was forecasted. this meeting. and “The Mayor’s Vacation" Sun­ Pnone Main 71 Bandon, Ore. Lange, who represents the National It was suggested that money lie and payable on and aftea February day night, -------«-XK-a — Commission in California, interested 1st, 1911. Three per cent reliate raised for the work by bonding the This Company has played to pack himself in the young player’s case Dr. FL. Lt- Houston Riverton Locals up to March 15th. From March 15th land, similar to the plan followed in ed houses in Marshfield and every­ with the hope of getting him rein­ PHYSICIAN k SUKCßuN to April 3rd pay taxes at face. irrigation districts. Easy payments one who has attended the show has There will be no further notice of t tffioe over Urn« Store. lluiirn, !• tut-’ stated. McKune, after signing a for purchasers were favored ami it There is much sickness in our spoken well of it. contract with Seattle two years ago H.tu. 1 :3U to 4, p.tu. ; 7 to S in th« «vimini». the amount of taxes due sent out by was generally agreed that the result­ town most of it being caused by The costumes are magnificent and and accepting a $100 advance mon­ mail, except where the tax payers Night calls nnswered from office. ing development in dairying, vegeta severe colds. there are lots of pretty girls in the ey, jumped Io the California league, request it and furnish a list ol the bit* groving and fruit raising would HANIXIN, - - - lIKH.t» company. then ait outlaw organization Sub­ The measles have appeared in property on which they desire to be astonishing in its far-reaching Reserved seats now on sale at the Dr- Li. F Sorensen sequently aftei the California League benefits to the territory h im; between McCormick family, but none ol W. W. Gage, pay. Bowling Alleys. cases are proving serious. broke up, a ruling was made that all DENTIST F api. 1 Sheriff and Tax Collector. I the Cascade Mountains and the sea Prices 75c and 50c. Children 35c, contract junipers belonging to it I • * Mis. J. F. Chaney has been quite Office Over Vienne Cafe ------ OOO------- -------OOO------ should be suspended five years. sick for several days. i Telephoneat Office and Home. Notice of Dissolution. Build Boat on Coquille. Lange received word front the Nat­ May Tax Bachelors and Deep sympathy is felt by our citi­ BANDON - - OREGON ional Commission tipprising hint that zens for the relatives of the late John Spinsters, Too. nothing could be done for Terry. In The real estate firm of Kronen- Capt. I laggblom of Astoria, who Turner, whose sudden death Of a. T. TllKAI»I.I>, other words, he must remain outside berg Ct Thrift, of Bandon, Oregon, lias been here figuring with local ettrred in one of our coal mines. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR of the breastworks until lie has served Ellensburg, Wash., Feb. 22. is this day dissolved by mutual con boat builders on the construction of AT LAW, Steve Steward who had his leg his teim.” Coos Bay Sun. There is consternation among the broken the second time, is now able .1 river boat about 70 feet long, has sent. NOTARY PUBLIC bachelors and spinsters of Ellens Dated at Bandon, Oregon, this awarded the contract to Nels P. to sit up again. Bandon, Oregon. New Tax Plan. burg. The reason for the scare is , Nelson, who will build her at 18th day of February, 1911. Mrs. Farnum, who recently tin Office With Bandon Investment t.'o the prospect that Ellensburg c >nn- J. I.. K ronenbuko . 1 Prosper. The craft is to I m * a sister derwent an operation in Marshfield, < ilinen may adopt an ordinance tax­ A. G. T hrift . 1 vessel to the Julia B, plying «n the Dr. FT- Lrî. Brown. Tne sheriff's office is now very ing unmarried men and women $25 was compelled to go back there Columbia river and will draw two Done in the presence of W. J. Reaident Dentist. busy sending out the annual state­ a year each. The proposed ordi for a second operation. 13-4-T feet less water. The boat is to be Sweet and F. J. Fahy. ment of taxes for the current year nance was introduced in the council. Gffice in Panter Building Our Sunday-school was re-opened completed about June r and will be and prefers that taxpaying be de­ Office Hours: 9 to 12 M.. I to 5 P. M. The ordinance provides that men last Sunday with Mrs. Richardson towed from here to Astoria. For Sale. Phone. BANDON. OREGON layed for a week or so, nntil this who shall swear that they have pro as supet intendent. --- ooo ---- work is completed. An improved posed to three unmarried and linbe The people here are taking advan­ BARROW system is being used this year, as truthed women, and give their names tage >1 the good weather to plant Special Meeting of Commer­ At Ellingson Rant li, one register­ ed O. I. C. Boar. Address Frank these statements are in the form of a shall be exempt from the tax, and their e.trlv gardens. Attorney and Counaelor-at Law cial Club. Biescke. 8t4Fx receipt in duplicate. When returned women who have never received a Rose berry now sends a lx>y COQUILLE. - ORE or brought in with a remittance for proposal shall also be exempt, while around the neighborhood to solicit Office over Skeels’ Store A correspondent of the Eugene There will be a special meeting ol taxes it saves the tune of writing an those who have received a proposal orders for groceries, etc., and deliv­ Office Phone. Main 335; residence. Main 346 Guard writes from F.I Reno, Okla., Bandon Commercial Club at Fire ­ entire new receipt, with description shall be taxed an additional $10. ers the goods. V.'RITAS ' under date of February Sth. He man ’ s hall Tuesday night at which of property, etc. It has only to be I»K B. W KOSHITKK — - —>i »- - — - J ‘ says: “ Everything here is dry and every member is urged to be pres signed, numbered in duplicate, an PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Lupie Carranza Dead. Death of Mrs. Storm. • cold. There has not l»een any rain ent. The question of better fire the necessary entry tn ide on tax BANDON OREGON records, making a great saving of : protection and other important mat [ since October 1st of last year up Io Lupie Carranza, the pugilist, who Mrs. Isaac Storm died at her home ters will be taken up. this time, only enough to lay the Office and residence in Panter residence properly time over the old system. Ibis is next door to Bijou Theatre IS well known on Coos Ba., died in Bandon last Friday. Mrs. Storm's | . 'fust. The wheat is about all dried the same plan as is in use in Mult j out, still, people are getting readv nornah connty.— Roseburg Review suddenly in a San Francisco hospit.il maiden name was Nancy E. Harvey Card of Thanks. Oscar Peterson Sunday. Col. C. C. Going, secretary She was Inirn in Arkansas Dec. to, to sow oats. The wind will get in Contractor and Builder of the local Aerie of Eagles, It.is r< - t888, and was 22 years, 2 months the south and one will think it will Mobilize Troops Along ceived a telegram ft out the San and 7 days old at the time of her We desire to express our sincere rain, but it will again whip arouu»l Estimate* furnished. Day »nd lontract wmk Border. Francisco Aerie 11 >tifying Iv'in of I death. done at lowest living figures. Addiei. Bandon thanks to the many friends who so to the north and get cold and not or call at ressdense near Spruce inert and south Carranza’s death, bill no parti» ulars She came to Bandon with Iter kindly assisted us during the sickness rain or snow. There will be a big city limits. were given. Carranzt joined the parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Har­ and death of Mrs. Storm. emigration out of this country to the St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb. 21 I coast this spring.” local Aerie of Eagles when he was vey in 1903, and was married to Mr. Isaac Storm. MV CLOTHES ARE AT THE _ A dispatch from Harbin says th»* spending some time on the Bay a Isaac Storm Aug. 17, 1905. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Storm. Russian troops are l»eing concen­ A piece of flannel dampened with Deceased leaves a husband, two trated at Kiakhta, a settlement in year or two ago Coes Bay Times Chamberlain ’s Liniment and l>ound — — < »00 ---- child en. a girl four years old and a For Sale. Siberia close to the Chinese' frontier on the affected parts is superior to boy two years old, and her parents and opposite the Chinese town of Look, Shirts Only 1c Apiece. any plaster. When troubled with a to mourn her loss She was a kind I Miamechin. Restaurant best location in Ban lame track and pains in the side or For this week only we will lattndi r and affectionate wife and mother, c>r',ers havc bepn i,M,pd ,o shirts for one cent. Positively no anil highly respected by her friends. don. A splendid opportunity for t chest give it a trial and you are cer- I strengtaen the watch on the frontier. The bereaved family have the man and wife. Will be sold at a big tain to lie more than pleased with The Chinese resident general of credit at this price and the cent Where Yours Ougbt^to be sympathy of many friends in their sacrifice owing to ill health. Inquire the prompt relief which it affords, Mongolia received orders from I'e- must I m * of the issue of 1877. at R ecorder Office 14-tf j Sold by C. Y. Lowe. time of great sorrow. 13 2 —Bandon Steam Laundry. PrOp. km to mobilize the border troops. A. F. DERINGER Keep the logs rolling boys I C. R. BANDON STEAM I A UN DRY