mental attitude becomes more and cheer, health and kindness leads tu her as a slave in the Oiient, no one neR' range to stB^J amen. Of ihg N'atidbs 1 Forests in Wash­ more firmly fixed the further we go. pleasant pathways. was ever able to sac. There is nothing to feat but fear. However the hand may fail at its Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the For a num >e. nf years thereafter ington ami OlX’gCn. that on which there was an iiueortiimtd rumor the tires exten ded over the greatest appointed or chosen task, however —Y'eoni.iii Shield Recordöi’ Fci totalling Company. th-.t Theodosia had been captured irra was the < olville, with thvi.' a.t ma) taller .«!<<■ g the way, T. II. KREAMER, Biuiiwi Manager C. E. KOPF. Editor by pirates, but as she was rich ami acres biime I. The tires on this For­ the mind, which is fortifying both, Coos County Directory. hubseriplion, $1 50 p-r Yesr in Advance. Adveilining liaton Made and will, it allowed, cover the » could have paid a heavy r insoin for est. however, were chiefly suiface, T vrrrrrviv Known on Application. Joli Printing a Sjiecially her release this does not seem which are far less destructive than I deficit ta v in tin- one instance and Representative______ ................. ..Ed. Rackl-H E h I r 1 oil hi I It« Hniittoii I' oh I d II icv hn Second (’I bhh Mni'er. W. W. G„ - Sheriff ______ ____ likely. Particularly is this tine tiies which travel through thee owns ' bani-lt the halting in the other CleA................... ------ . .. Jam« Vai, n of the trees, fl is consulered by the So what is their to tear? February 3, 1911 when the monev-loving character of Surveyor__________ ......................... A N. Gould FRI l»AY piracy is understood. If the vessel Forest officers that the tiles oil this forces that vom lite ai Treasurer...______ . . — ! - .VI. Dimmii k .................... T. J. T l.(.h Assessor... . .... Forest )>oint clear!v to tiie ,a : ue, was wrecked, it is odd that not or.<- yourself, riot in others W'liat the scene of her heroic labors. And Di. Gold-u < oionti ______ .. Florence Nightingale trace was lelt to bear evidence of from the standpoint ot tire preven­ seeds of disaster mav be ripenin Cuur.iv Judge__ _ _ John F. 11„;1 modest woman as she was, upon her CoinniisGonirs.G. J. Armstrong, W. 1 . Demen. that result. Therefore, the mystery tion. of proper utilization ol the fruition weir sow n 1 ng igo in return home she traveled under an Florence Nightingale, one < I the of that result. Therefore, the mys­ range under regulated grazing; large vices ..nd tollies, and lipeil they will BANDON Ci 1 Y DIRECTORY assumed nametoavoid a public ova­ noblest women of the present cento tery of Theodosia Burr is still un­ parts of this Forest, and also ol the in spite of all you can do. Mayor_____ ____ ................. J Vt.M.,1 tion, and went quietly to her family Recorder__________ -------b . B. Kauirud rv, died less than six months ago. solved. Aaron Buri always denied Chelan, Okanogan, ami other For Thete is no help in fear. Nature 1 reasurer_______ ___ at Lea Hurst. ---------------- C.Y. Lowe having celebrated her ninetieth birth ests. are nol used by slock because works by law., that are immutable Municipal Judje ------------ Geo. P. foppjtg Of her aid ami comfort to the sol­ the possibility that his daughter day on May 12th last. Notwith ... __ ______ F. J. Feeney might have been carried into cap­ of their inaccessibility, although a and that vary n<.| the slightest in al* Attorney diers Francis Bennoch has beautifully Counciloi<-n G. Bsak, M. Breuir, P. C standing his own gieat sorrow occa­ good supply of forage is produced. the cycles of infinite time. tivity by pirates. Slid: Sle.en.on, 11. Man.e t, R. W. Boyle, R. W sioned by the death of Ins father, "She is dead," he al wavs declared I The dry grass and other herbage "Nvylo'led, dying in dr-pair. Y’ou may be sure that if you ate Windsor. K mi! l dwatd Y’ll, King Gei rge \ They lay lilt woman came. to bis friends, ‘‘for if she were alive I both spread the Hames and made mentally and morally in harmony Notice foe Publication. Io toolhe tliem with her gentle care. sent tile following telegram to Miss all the piisons in the workl could ! them fiercer and more destructive ! with the laws of lite all will be well And feed life's Nickering Name. Nightingale: “Oil the occasion ol not keeji her horn her father." than they would have been if the ; Department ui the in tenor, W hen wounded sore, on fever's rack. with you The fiercest strums vvi 1 U. 1. Lan J Oibce di Roseburg, Oregon, Or cast away as slain. your ninetieth birthday I otter von Her father was no doubt right in land had been grazed, ()tie of the ; turn to gentle breezes to waft > 011 January 19, 1911. She called ilieu Hutteimg .pints back. my heaitlrlt congiatulatio. s, ami his assumption, and inspite ot many objects of National Forest adminis- , And gave them strength again." onward. But it you are not in ha - Notice u hereby fiven that Christian F. Rich­ arts, of Bandon, Oregon, Ykho on February ?, Imst that you aie III good health People ot all classes subscribed to likely tales, which, fora number of nation is to open all available range inony with these laws all will be 1909, made Homestead Entry N > 14237, for And not only from the king, but \ears thereafter, were introduc 'd as to the fullest use consistent with S. E. 1-4 N. E. 14 and N. E. ¡-4 S. E. 1-4. a fund that amounted to more than wrong with you from every part ol the British realm, $200,000 a' a testimonial upon her explanation of the fate of the Patriot, preservation of the carrying power of Sect’on 8, Township 29 S., Range 14 W. W, Fear cannot help you. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to ill fact iiom all pails ol the world, return home, but instead ot using the mystery remains as unsolvable the ra ge and protection of forest Nothing can. . final commutation proof, to establish alarm to the.* this "veteran quren ol muses ' was litis money lot her purposes, today a- at any tune since the hap­ glow th and water supplies. Y’ou may cower ana quiver but land ?bo»c described, leio be opened to use. The educated women to replace lh< can be chronicled in this country was Do not invest a cent-- lav out your topography of some of the country “.■sairy Gamps" and "Betsy Pngs " She set about to make herself such the disappearance of Theodosia Burr, money somewhere else. is such as to make it available only B<- particular to discredit the mo­ from the Canadian side, but Ameri­ a one, and visited hospitals both at the beautiful and devoted daughter has home and abroad, studying the sub of Aari 11 Burr. F01 a numbet of tives of public spirited men. can sunk owners are row beginning with the 1.eng then your face when a st ran to work into it from that side ject most carefully. She was en years before she fell in love w ith anil married a rich southerner, Theodosia ger speaks of locating in the town Another means of opening more gaged in hospital work when the San Francisco Bulletin we Crimean war broke out. The sillier was the undisputed belle ot old New or valley. National Forest range which is being It a man wants to buy your prop­ actively employed by me Depart- mg of the scldiers in the autumn ol York. Her lather's position in pub­ can give the of 1854 aftei the Kittle of the Alina lic life would have assured her great erty ask him two pi ices for it. ment of Agriculture is the securing If he wants anyltody else's, inte’ • of concessions from railroads in the sent a thrill of indignation through recognition, but her devotion to him a out England 'The government had even alter he had become disgraced I fere and discourage him. form of rates and facilities for ship­ furnish them the of Retuse to see the meri. in any ping stock in ami out of regions decided, at the outbreak of the war, in the public eve. brought to her favorable comment and admiration scheme that does not exactly Ivenetit where forage is now going to waste. not to semi out women nurses, as I metropolitan you. the class were so disreputable. The for her dignified loyalty. After Aaron Burr had drifted to \\ lien the bowels become irregular allies ol that country had their Sis Run down everything and every­ of in Emo|*e to es ape the scorn which h* body but Number One. you arc uncomfortable and the long­ ters <>l Chanty to atte id to then er this condition exists the worse you Sick, but the B ilisli army was piac I met with on all sides from his former Talk in the l.uling places of how friends, and his daughter had gone haril times are and how things in feel You can get rid of this wisely tically without musing provision. quickly by using HcRBINE. lake in the dilemma Sidney Herbert to live at Charleston where she was general are, in your estimation go­ a dose on going to bed and see how The Daily San Francisco Bulletin, the war minister, bethought himsel' destined to become the first lady of ing to the demnition bow wows fine you feel next day. Price 50c. $3.00 per year Send your money to a catalogue Sold by C. Y Lowe ol his friend, Florence Nightingale, that state as the w lie of the governor, The Bandon Recorder, 1.50 per year and wrote asking her to organize josepli Alston, for a tune little was house instead ot patronizing home Total, $4.50 The Folly of Fear and take out a band «.4 nurses to tlm heard ot lier. When her father, industry. Es. relief of the soldiers, as he believed alter spending a miserable existence Gas in the stomach or bowels is a There m a slave whose name is Fear. her to be the ' one woman in Eng­ abroad, di sired to return to this Botli papers through d>sagreeable symptom of a torpid '• trembling, thing; country. Theodosia planned to visit land' who had the training for the There is a king whoae name is \X ill. liver. To get rid of .it quickh take this office if paid in lier only s< n, Aaion Buir task. Ills letter itossevl one hour him. And evety meh a k ng H ekbixk . It is .1 marvelous liver The itng and slave hate then abodes, Miss Nightingale, ofienng her ser- Alston had just .bed. The blow had stimulant and bowel purifier. Puce advance, per year Aad thru fouil vonboi. almost bioken her I she ex vices. 50c. Solti b\ C. Y. Lowe. Thru mio,lrd suit oi bl^ht and bloom. In every mortal'. od. When she reached the svene ot peeled to tind consolation by this Bui Wrong ■ he who heed, the Kins. visit to her lather. But the law of war ctMulilioM were ilejilorab'e. II National Forest Fire Losses And la he and vou do \ou vou work demoralizes character, destroys am ­ On December 31st, l.lra, she set Reports I m 'C s I on detailed field with ml tape and nth. 'ab-m to biiiq earn as much. too. ( kmh I > o tar But you SPEND MORE. There’s the difference. Simmer it all down and it becomes a n>at- order out ol cbavw tn the huge out w th a tew servants and a picked examm .lions made by Nation d For­ bition, induces or causes diseases ter of training. Trainin^ ~ „ in ........ hd»its ot thrill One large eastern vansaro ol sobering human tv hi- crew, in a sailing ship, the Patriot. est otticev«. of the lands burned ever, anil paralyses happiness anti achieve- manufacturing company matks tho- men tor promotion who have b-en eloquently told tn Kinglake It was but a short time before the, in the forest tires of last summer m num in self and others. shown ability to save nyonec. The savings book with the bank is by far the best evidence to this end. It has not • ne redeeming quality. vessel hail cleared the Charlestown Washington and i.hegon, which have She was the ladv in ch el a,. milled It tells exactly how the sav- mg ability has been cultivated 1 hr saxer proves his sbility tc Nothing liven received bv the I' S. Depart It is all evil. by Itee government with the cntilml bar ami was opt of sight manage bis own business No wonder his employer marks him for advancement. Once we thought ourselves de of the nursing in all the h. s( hj U was ever heard of the vessel ened by the provisional estimate» made us to know that ability and skill are head, but she won the everlasting Whether a storm sent the craft to sluvrlfy after the tires Th- reports) results rather than canses It is the mental attitude that de­ thanks ol the soldier«. the bottom with all on board, or also show the importance, as a mean« termines the life, and, thar.ks to a M.SS Nightingale sjient a vear and I whether H was tootevl or sunk by an of protecting the Forests against eight months in the Crimea and not enemy, or tell a prey to pirate, who tires, ol the etfoits which are being ■ Creator sbo goes us tlie 1 ght onh until peace was declared did she quit1 mav have killed Tbeodowta or sold made bp the Department to open1«» we go on in the pathway, the Bandon Recorder Great Combination Offer HTHE RECORDER management made arrangements whereby subscribers advantage gigantic combination offer that will all news the country in a daily and all the news Bandon and vicinity the Recorder at marvelous low price Move Up, Please ! i FIRST NATIONAL BANK