Bandon. Recorder Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the I writing nhd reading and to vin’our'| >c the ceremony ' f-U-li«'.: AC4-4-44-44-4- tinge and tt hit Mrs. Francis C. I age his best pupil. Hie daughter of - was perfoimed. w as < lie 1 f thosf t**onien v ho capti­ the chief, Ite «*Vchangeit so called 4 Coos County Directory. : t r. Don i forget that T. W. Robison 4W4eS -r: < I 'i-rcr Rrpresenlativ.-__ ... is handling all kinds of hay, grain, feed, etc., al the very lowest pi ices. 40-tf Ed. Rackleif "wawa" japers, which were mystic | vated ill the si-td- Treasu-ei..____,___ ______ ______ C. Y l.owe ble arose between the old and new Municipal Judy.- ...... Ge >. P. Toppuiy i i>i ed up in different localities. The t:on. Al her ileatli l»ed were Mrs. 1 Attorney ________ ______________ F. J. Feeney I The annual Farmer's Week course inhabitants. In .1 slough, since then Flench word for mussels is “Co- B-sei. a sister to Mr. Cathcart, Mrs. Councilnien___ C-. Bsalt, M. I neuer, P. C. I W. H. McHRAYEU’S at the Oregon Agii< College 1 named and still known as Dead Stevenson, H. Manciet. R. \V. Boyle. R. \\ 1 quelle' and this gave rise to n line ll.urv, now Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Thos. has been set lor Feb. 15 1° • •*»'•*1 Windsor. I Man’s Slough, the body of a white lhe river by this navigarar “Co- Clink. Mrs. Jermima Huffman, one the plans lor the work are being r ip was found. Shortly alter it was ipii l’e " The number of the abor- of her sisters and other relatives. idly brought to completion. In ad Notice for Publication. I reported that among the followers of 1 ¡lies m Coos county is estimated by The medicine man of the tribe >poke dilion to the regular lecture in I Indian David, who lived between the the earliest vet alive to have been for two hours at her grave and the Department of th. Interior, demonstration woik in Iruit grow liiel I,resent Coquille City and Johnson’s overlive hundred, The last cl.... U. S. Land OiTit-e a: Roseburg, Oregon, wailing of the numerous squ iws ing. oicliaid work, marketing, soils, mill, blankets had been seen which January 19. |9| I. ol all ihose tribes located in different ( lasted f >ur days and nights. Mrs. Notice 1$ hereby given that Christian F. Rich­ drainage, faun man gement, stock ¡ s j were formerly carried by the un I villages, was Chief Washington; his! Francis Catchin was buried near arts, of Bandon, Oregon, who on February 2, taising, home m.inagement, insect known dead man. Tim Term. 11, as 1909, made Homestead Entry No. 14237, for headquarters and the principal town aheie R. C. Deii’enl’s house stands. S. E. 1-4 N. E. 1-4 and N E. 1-4 S. E. 1-4. and disease pests butter and cheese | sheriff, raised a posse well armed living situated .it the foot ot Suear Section 8, Township 29 S-, Range 14 W W. ------- vjo — making and kindled subjects, two .old still better supplied with tire Loaf mountain, about one mile above J Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Do you kno.v that fullv nine out final commutation proof, to establish claim to the special features in the form of dis­ | water, went to the small camp of lb.- juni tiou of lhe Middle and South | Years Old of every ten rases of rheumatism are land above described, before A. D, Morse, U. cussions and on the David- However, only two old men Forks; now the place is the orchard simply rheumatism of the muscles S. Commissioner, at Bandon, Oregon, on thr Bottled in Bond subjects of good pads for the state a b°y 1 2 years “I af?e " ere pres- belonging to Mrs. Pressley, J ower i du- to colil or damp, or chronic 16th day of March, 191 I. Insist on Cedar Brook and it ligation in the Willamette val Claimant names as witnesses: ent, the two old men making good iheiimatism. and require no internal it you want only jzi***^ d-'ivu I lie river a village was to the very best Elbert Dyer, of Bandon, a )r?jon. ley will be a tiled to the program. their escape. The boy, not fearing Cham- ¡treatment whatevei? Apply W. H McBrayer*« foiinil nrai I.i v i Gaul’s pl.tee. Here Charley Richerts, ol Bandon, Oregon. Cedar Brook Distillery ' / . . A large corps of special lectnreis, 1 the whites, remained, when the ball lierl ¡ill’s Liniment freely and see how L. D. Davidson, of Bandon, Orenon. Lawrenceburg, Ky. '^*^^■538088^^^ Wrston and his relalives were living. For sale by Noah David or, of Bar don, Oregon. At all Hot* ¡9, Bar« and Clubs many of whom are represent, live of a reckless shot bit him in the hip. i quickly it gives relief. Some other Indians had a temporary­ ,a) - 6-t6-F BENJAMIN F. JONES, 0. Y. Lowe. men of this state, have been secured He fell, begging for his life, but Register. village near R. C. Dement’s house; —OOtr—— RASMUSSEN BROS. to assist the College expeits in car­ every man of the posse emptied his this locality was known as Cascushin. Distributor« What Advertising I». rying on the work This has m idi The present Arago wax another laige 1 rifle and killed the boy as revenge. The F.l Dorado, Bandon, Ore. Cures Colds, Croup ai. ! Whooping ¿ough. I it possible to fill every hour of the village where Chief DeCumsa (a [ The Coquille Indians made* a plot dav from eight in the morning until with the Rogue river Indians who Advertising is to-day the mighti- ( French i.ame) resided. Many other ten at night with spe> i il features. were already on the warpath and est factor in the business world ( It villages were scattered along the The work will deal entirely with wished to exterminate all the white is an evolution of modern industrial river. A more suitable place for j vita! pioblems which are claiming the men here. competition. It is a business build­ people as those savages were could ' attention of the people of Oregon. During the many meetings of er, with a potency that gees be­ not be found anywhere. Those in attendance w ill be urged to It is some­ 1 Catchin with the girl she had fallen yond human desire. Game of all description filled the bring up lor discussion and demon in love with him and desired to live thing more than a “drummer” dense forests, fish and mussels were stration, subjects in which they are with him always. When the plot knocking at the door of the consutn in abundance, berries in profusion, particularly interested and which per I was agreed to by the two tribes a er something more than mere sales­ the climate mild and without ex 1 tain to the peculiar problems arising tremes. So rich in all kinds ol | | letter was written by her and placed manship on paper. It is a positive nut of their experience and which It game was this country, that Chief I ¡in a bellow log known to Catchin, cieeative force in business. are characterise ol their paitii^ j the secret revealed aroused Catchin*! builds factories, skyscrapers and Setawaw. from the pie ent Multno- ; community. The work will be car 1 and the neighbors to build a log | railroads. It makes two blades grow ' mail county, would come once a ried on very much in the form of a house surrounded by pallisades. It jin the business world where only year with his tribe and limit w ith the | large farmer’s institute with a special was located on the hill where the grew before. It multiplies human ' Indians here, ( heir method of cap division giving particular attention luring elk was to dig holes live Io present railroad cut is, opposite wants and intensifies human desires. to the various features of home mak Some say this It furnishes excuse to timorous and six feet deep in the main trails, plant I lerm mil's store. ing and management. a sharpened stick in the center, fortification stood a lew hundred hesititing ones for possessing the j A poultry show, at which the best cover them with boughs, surround a fr et higher on the river !»ank. How­ things which under former conditions fowls in the northwest will be exliib numliei of bands of elk and start ever, J have taken a number of meals they could easily get along without. ited, is scheduled lor the last day of The humat^mind is so constructed them in the direction of the pits. there later and l ememl er the pc­ the session. This feature, in connec isition well. The elk meat and a few that it is appreciably affected by Tile best of the buck elk in the lead tion with the special work on good would break in and by so doing . provisions were packed in th“ house; repetition and after all, advertising roads and irrigation, will add greatly would generally spear themselves i the time had arrived when the as- is only repetition. Ti uman A. De­ to the scope of the work Indira However, Weese. J thus liecoming easy prey to the 1 sault should be made. lions are that last year's attqndan <■ j the Indian girl, although suspected | limiters. of 400 will be more than doubled at of treachery, got away and informed A dry, hacking cough is hard on The Indians we.e great lo.ersofl this session. Dean Cordley reports Catchin who notified all the settlers the lungs, often causing them to that communications are coming in music and dancing somewhat dif-| bleed. BALLARD.S BORE to come in and fight together. in much greater numbers than ever ferent though than the present in- 1 HOUND SYRUP is a healing balm Abraham Huffman, his wife at that quickly repaiis damage in the before, and that the general interest habitants enjoy. The Daily San Francisco Bulletin, $3.00 per year time being absen lungs and air passages. Price 25c throughout the state seems !■ justify O11 Hoffman’s place, south of the that The Bandon Recorder, 1.50 per year 50c ami $1.00 per bottle. Sold by the belief that the College will be bridge across the Middle Fork, was slaying at home to see to C. V. Lowe. Total, $4.50 crowded to its utmost during this the tegular burying place, although stock and attendi g the ferry which was of great use to the settlers, one week, The railroads have promised many graves could be found above •Recorder Futoisliing Company. The Best Whiskey in the World is Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy Great Combination Offer TPHE RECORDER management has made arrangements with the San Francisco Bulletin whereby we can give subscribers the advantage of a gigantic combination offer that will furnish them all the news of the country in a metropolitan daily and all the news of Bandon and vicinity in the Recorder at marvelous low price Baskets, i afternoon w is approached by an In­ who assured him of the friend- ' and the city is being canvassed for weapons, tools, paddles and utensils dian of the red men; he however •hip . lav on top of sin h graves The la-l accommodations for the vr ¡tors I bit tie between tile Coquille Indians kept his ow n counsel and after dark -1 zNfw> — to give special rates for the occasion the present Mvitle Point Old History of Coos County and there was where most of the In­ I hou e with all his belongings was de- j dians rested while their souls feasted , arrvyed by fire and his scow sei H istoric F ai ts . ■ariahva given below >.< one wha li waa aevetal r. rear, ago by M It contain, hiat.ui, |and a tribe front Douglas county was IM^S had set in left his house anil That night his' fought on the above named place, went to the fort. Li. Pohl of l«u ol inter* in the happy hunting giounds. adrift. Department of the Intenor, U. S. Land OH kc , Roseburg, Oregon, January 20, 1911. Notice is hereby given that John W. Korn, of Bandon, Oregon, v*ho on Fel>. 2, Homestead The next day- tin- Indian girl claim gieat quantities in the rich black ¡-il protection from Catchin as the I’roin this Will you allow me to call some ol sand depo.its; tliis was the begin Indians would kill In r. se diseases. For sale by uted to different origins the most till |>.deiaors. had no objection to that a girl trying to give life lor C. V Lowe. plausible one is: A French sea cap then visits at different villages. Cat his sake was g l>er cent lor three to tive year-. I rivet. He found the inhabitants ol thr King Geotge men. To some the pair. After hearing the < iremn- Good close in real estate as security. 4(11 Jiving ou and galheiing great quan | of the best of his scholars he added stances she assented to their mar- Address J , care of Recoider. ones worthy to preserve Both papers through this office if paid in advance, per year 04475. for S. E. 1-4 S. E. 1-4 See 9, and N The next mo iling the fort, Section In 1845, two tears Iw-foie gold was attacked and the Indians re­ was discovered in California, gold at pulsed with a loss of several men. ill«* Randolph lie.uli was found in Notice for Publication. into the habit of depositing regularly. This bank accepts deposits of any amount from one dollar up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE DEPOSITARY PAULL’S TRANSFER LINE A PAL I.L. Proprietor ________A Hea. y ami Light Graying, also dealer m Dry Fir Wood and Me Gee s Coal. • Phone 382 i