Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 24, 1911, Image 2

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    wi'h such instruments as he could Grove/ Brown.
find at han*, wriggled through the wa*
Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the
Bindon team
gap he made in the masonry arid I k ns and l.entner lit Hier, forwards
There he i.inr-t Watkins attci
reached the inner yard.
■Recorder Futoisliing Company
* limbed a chimney and made hit wa,- guards.
C. £ KOPF. Edite*
Gerf Strang. rC iter.
T. H. KREAMER, Buun«,
Carl Bowman,
The rrfiW wa* Everaid
into a corridor. He f r ed or pi, ked Bov le
Hutacription, JI 50 per Year it. A Advei lining Batea Made
Known on Application. Job Punting a S|,ecinlty
Myrtle Point will play’ the return
the locks of six door* ayd came out
at last upon the prison roof.
Entered nt the Bamlou I'ostortn-e an tiecoud Class Matter.
Find­ game on Feb 17th. and we under
ing he could not get to the street stand they are to have an excursion
January 34, 1911 from such a height, he went back to and bring a large crowd of boo-ter*
h*s cell, snatched up his blankets,
. untry are without limit
Good Roads Meeting
But can­
didates for place will need to take
lower pay than they like; they wil)
E E. Oakes has received a com­
have to work longer hours than the
munication from Judge John F flail
■».irons of \\ all street; they will have
that February 7th would lie a suita
to e* hew the so-call«?d plea ures of
bie date lor him Io c >me to Bandon
the city * paved streets and nickel
tor a good roads meeting. < onse
qu-utly it is quite probable that that
date will be set.
honest purpose and it is rewarded
Now this is an op­
It seems queer that just now when
busy and come out to the meeting
the country is in such urgent n-ed
and find out just what is being done
Deen confronted so seriously with
to do m the 0 iv of In-tter roads
one has any schemes f >r building
prominent speakers at
Only two weeks Jack was peimit-
l ted his liberty, when he was again
' ca|>tureA, but in the meantime the
populace had heard of his adven-
, Ulfes, and all London went crazy
lover him.
Noblemen crowded his
adventures of lack Sheppard."
was overjoyed at
such attention, and when
he was
turned out io see him die.—Oregon
F. F Eddy of Bullards was a dele
made arrangements with the
San Francisco Bulletin whereby we
can give subscribers the auvantage of
a gigantic combination offer that will
furnish them all the news of the
The Writers.
The poet laureate is bringing out a
new poem, which Is described as "ini
portent." It bears the imposing title
of "Achilles In Sc.vrus.”
Oswald Garrison Villard, president
of the New York Eveuiug Post com
puny and a frequent contributor to the
editorial columns of the |«i|>er. Is a
grandson of jVtlllam Lloyd Garrison.
Eleanor Hulluwell Abbott, .lie au
tbor. is a granddaughter of Jaeoli Ab­
bott. who wrote "The Kollo" books: a
daughter of the late Rev. Edward Ab
butt, former editor of the Boston Lit
erary World, and a niece of I>r i.y
man Abbott
Onata VVatanua. the Jujatnese au-
tbores* who in private lite Is Mrs
Bertrand Babcock, Hcorus to attend a
social atf.flr unless it Is given at uight
Ttie daylight she uses for golf, arid
■be spend* most of tier time on (be
links w l.eii she is m>t w ritiug.
J ack S heppard
Lame back may come from over­
One of the most daring of Eng- work. cold settlii g in the muscles
In the
gate ta the state good roadsconven li*h highwaymen w as Jack Sheppard, of the back, or horn disease
two former cases the right remedy is
lion and will no doubt be present whose career of adventure set all
and deliver an address, as will ¿vlso England talking during the early
It should be rubbed in thoroughly
others prominent in the good roads part of the last century, His fame
over the affected jiart, the relief wil
was {Popularized by a {tainting by be prompt ami satisfactory. Price
m >ve nent in the county.
the artist Thornhill, in pantomimes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle
----- o-s/SCS-----
As Others See Us
in a history wntten by Daniel Defoe, by C. V. Lowe.
Do you know that lullv nine out
and through t novel Written by Ains
of every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the muscles
are worth some years after the outlaw’s
The G avernment engineers
Bandon Loses Close Game due to cold or damp, or chronic
preparing to improve the Coquille
•rheumatism, and require no internal
Sheppard had a short life, being
river channel between Coquille and
Bandon High School lost by a treatment whatever' Apply Cham
only 22 at lhe time of his death, tie
bed tin’s Liniment freely and see how
Myrtle Point
An appropriation of
score of 19 to 17 in Myrtle Point's
took his lank a* an outlaw when he
quickly it gives relief.
For sale by
$56,000 is available for the work,
favor, in one of the most interesting
C. Y. I.owe.
and the improvement
Jour years he had adventures enough and evenly matched games of Basket
facilitate development of a very rii It
to till volumes, made two remarka Bad ever held in Coos county, last Notice of Hearing of Final
country on both sides of the river
Account cf Administrator.
i ble escapes front Newgate prison, Friday night. The Myrtle Poi iters
Both the Coquille and Coos. Bay
and was finally captured in an ale
countries are growing more rapidly
Notre is hereby given lhe final account and
house while drunk and was speedily and it was a very pleasant surprise
report of Neb Rasmussen, as administrator of the
than ever before, a tact that has not
to the Band?nians when they met i estate of Maoi>on I. Swift, deceased, has
executed at Tv burn.
escaped the attention of the Califor­
That he was not wholly oblivious the boat with a number of masked been hied m the County Court of Coo«
I County,
and that the
nians. who still have a strong hold
The jolly ychoo'mates
of gallantry is evident in the story musicians.
of March 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock
on the trade ol that region. This
I told of his halting of a coach upon mar. hed up to the liotel in step with a. m. thereof, has been duly appointed
trade will naturally come to Port­
by the court for the hearing of objections to such
one occasion, on Houn.-low Heath, the drum.
iraa! account and report and the settlement
land as soon as a railroad is built.
The game was called at 8:30, and thereof, at which time any person rnterefted m
England, in which a lady was :eat-
Meanwhile Portland should temem-
ed. .Thoroughly frighteneal. the lady in a very short t ine Myrtle Point such estate may apf«ar and hie object ions there­
Iver that a large numlver of new set
to in wntmg and coolest the same.
inquired from the window what he j had the first basket. The interest
Dated at Bandon, Coos County. Oregon, this
tiers are going into that country,
wanted, and U|xm being tol.i in a became intense as the op|>onents 12th Jav of January, A. D., IQI I
where irrigation ditches and watei
most gallant way: “Only the honor struggled for the ball, and SOOtl |
Administrator of the Estate of Madson I SwJt,
rights are not troublesome, and
! of dancing one measure w ilh your another basket was thrown and
“'grass grows green the year around
fair self," she alighted. Sheppard Myrtle Point had 4 |>oints. Then
400 Trap Nested Barred
pro« eeded to go through a stately came our ever reliable ‘ Sc.oggins'
roads meeting besides Judge Hall.
yHE RECORDER management has
by C. Y. Lowe.
mob of 2ix»,000 people, of all classes,
Seven Famous Outlaws
“Nothing contributes so much
finally hanged on Nov. 16, 1724, a
give bis ideas.
There will
down in safety. ”
Naturally Jack
"labor problem," any consider
i ible numlier of men should be out of
the same, let him come forth and j
returned to the roi f and let h mseif
«"WW - -
Any little wound or abrasion cf
the flesh occuring m cold weather
that i* not promjuly treated becomes
a l>ad sore and is difficult to heal.
l.MENTat on e when such acci
dents ha|>{>en.
The wound lirais
promptly and soon does away with
the annoyance of a band.-ge.
25c. 50c and $1.00 per liotfle. Sold
lhe entertainment of the town as the
i t hand* to perform its tasks and has
and what the counit court is going
tore and twisted them into a ro{ie,
cell eager to hear the story of his
by steady gams.
portunity for Bandon |>eople to get
We ail want good 10a Is and if
Yet in such work theye is
with them.
country in a metropolitan daily and
all the news of Bandon and vicinity in
the Recorder at marvelous low price
The Daily San Francisco Rulletin,
The Bandon Recorder,
Scarcity of
dance with her then and there in the with the first basket foi
At its finish he
dust of the road'
handed her i>a< k mto
Then Gallier threw
Plymouth Rocks.
a foul from the I
the coach, line and soon made a d mdv" long
courtesied low, spiang to his saddle, shot from the field
This put Ban ,
Many men ui the cities ol the Pa­ and gallo|>ed away, having stolen don in the lead 5 104
Ou; lad* I
cific Northwest are said to lie out of nothing but a tew minutes of a pret- had to certainly go some f *r the tw.
employment at this time.
Vet few ' •>’ K,r''s time.
who have applied themvelves with
Our matings have produced Standard Bred
Specimens oi Exhibition Quality, v»rth records of
242. 227 222
m *5 days.
Jack Sheppard was born in Lon- ing the rest of tint half, but th<
Book voyr oftiers now lor spring delivery A
tew Cocirteis from heavy Laying stock lor $5.00.
Box 4S5
Marsh held
Botli papers through
this office if paid in
advance, per year
By laying aside a small sum from your wages each
pay day.
and funds are nearly .ill in the cities..
hand to Meer him in the right direc
into the habit of depositing regularly.
to 10
Poi it's favor. Thc-*e t^ > ’a-t biske*a
Here, about the
The Best Whiskey
in the World is
w. h . .M c B rayer s
In the second halt the team* did
Hotel Gallier
, interest in leirnmg was t.lie picking few minutes, but soon Bandon got a
The trouble is, too
seek living m the cities
many men <vf lock* and bolt*, and finding out flasket and was again ahead-
Too mam
Rates $i.oo to $2. rm per day.
week or month.
the lw*t way to cut through walls
Oregon I
A. A I’Al LL. Protirieti.r
d*o dealer in Dry Fir W<x»d and ■ c
Heavy anil Light Draying,
Gee's Coal.
Barna Timmom' Old Cannery
SI 11 EM )K X
as the time hurried 0:1 Myrtle Point
for men who apply or
d nary lore*iglit
their opportunities.
g owing fast.
dn gence t > at once set to petty thieving
But from everyone he could.
it is well known that lhe chief ditti
In a of the hili, ami the score 19 Io 17
Ikalcr ia tlwat* s«d
The l<.**t thing about the ga 1 e
He sold, was the fact that there was no one
Years Old
hts pilfer to a dealer in such goods hurt in lhe least, and there was not
Bottled in Bond
tor faithful and h<>ne.t service
who finally betrayed him into New
Da - gale.
irowd nr lhe team*.
The y«rv best
Here be wa* haud< uffed and spirit pi evaded rnd lhe Bandon ivoys
laaot ow Cedar Bnwk
tl >ca waat only
tba mt bast
rymen, orchir lais and farmers of all ihained to the ti s.r, jet he was able illavle score, o’ ne-.v f. i-n-l.
Ten* to make his es«.qie.
kinds join in the .-urnplamt
<d thousand* of raw acres of Und story of his escape:
need to be cleared and plowed
Here is tire
(irover \Vils»m, Center,
Rets! and
‘He heed himseli ol h« chains, Dement, lot wards, Breuer arid Dav­
burrowed into the thick made wall enport. guards
At all Hoi.ta.
The Empire was I The
O.» tribu tor»
El Dorado. Bandon, Ore.
B 1; I -: I ■ E 1; • s
Men are Laid in London try the name of XYikl.ia harsh .'.ord *|x»ken By eitlier the
to find on whom employeis * in relv
Horsewhocint a Specialty
?"V.*" '. r'P'r' •• r< »- worth
f°« $*, hut you m
r* r<w»
money , worth at
The country is 1 short time he was so expert that lie m favor of Martie Po n".
tiplying in the general progress
55 It.tlMl IKKKM
Job Work attrwied to promptly awl ail work
Suaranleed iu
to wive
give musi*
• -
reawaatle. Shop
At*, »let Mtert. Btndon. < h^on.
lie esc.qw-,1 from his ma*ter and game rude I with the bill in our end
It* Jilivities ate mul 'aitei wards confessed that lie stole
cultv is that t4 labor.
more Ixsket and two k>uls.
shun and shirk work tn the country < it was really an apprenticeship for got four baskets and Barnlon our
in the rural districts are plenty and th«1 craft he was destined to follow
Special rates by
Sample Room in Connection.
Wiftons of All kinds Made to tir der
children on men who um y not t>e only part of lhe trade he found any wi-il to hold their own for the first
earning steady * <grs.
This bank
accepts deposits of any amount from one dollar up.
Phone 382
The only serious pan < t the situa­ lion, he wa* eurly in life apprenticed aie due Scroggins and Slrang.
tion is the dejtendence of wives and to a carpenter.
Have a bank account where you can get
Without mg three baskets and a foul, so the
Those who are out <*f jolts any education -and with in guiding score ended
Economize !
Phone 288
diligence to lhe tasks in the country don in ¡701. and his childhood wa* sturdy opponents succeeded in mak
find themselves in di*trrss on thi* spent in the p».-rlnmse.
Baby Chiefs and Efg« tor Hatching
P i . v . movth P lace P olltry Y ards
F red B achman , Prop.
I baskets and one foul they made dur
1.50 per year
$3.00 per year
Nie» . le
Repairing neatly and promp­
t>. bl
tly done at lowest liv­
ing prices
n r .mwt :>5 ÄIlll -J1c ,
«n.,k » .Hm ntn
“How do you «'pone he fits round de
Constipati >n is the c iu<e of many
women de war be does?"
“If 1 kiiowed dnt 1 wouldn't jest be ai u.ciiKand di-;order* that make hie
■taudin' here lookin' on.”—Life.
in -retable.
Take Chamlverlain's
S omach and Liver Tablets, keep
The letter« tn the alphabet
Are not tha same dear -hroufh.
For the Mncest one of all la T."
While the .niaiieat on. la la *
your I>0wels regular and you will
avoid th«se diseases.
For sale by
G Y. Lowe.