Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 17, 1911, Image 1

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Never in th‘e history of ¡‘.andon w is the < iitlook lor a prosperous year
better than at present.
Lewah Tribe No 48, Imp. O. R. M.
jVgEETS every Thursday evening at d run at
- "
the Bandon Wigrnan. Sojourning chief 1
in good standing are cordially invited to attend.
“O ANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. & A
M, Stated communications first Saturday
after the full moon of each mouth. All Master
Masons cordially invited.
J. A. Morrison, W. M.
G. T. Treadgold, Secretary
1. o. <>.»
■Q a NDON LODGE, N o . 133. I. O. O. F.
meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting
brothers in good standing cordially invited.
A. G. Hoyt, N. G.
A, Knopp, Secretary
lodge .
N o . m ,
of ¡
Pythias. Meets every Monday evening i
at Kniuhts hall. Visiting knights invited Io
C. R.Wade C. C.
B. N. Harrington K. of R. S.
Dr. B. L Houston
Office over Hruv «tore.
H jutb , 'J to ’.2
7 to 8 in the •veniug.
a.m. 1:30tu 4,
Night caUa answered from office.
Dr L B. Sorensen
Office Over Vienna Cafe
Telephone at Offi ce anti Home.
County Court Will Make
Start on Proposition
This Year
COR her , another steamship line to Califotnia, to carry the coal output of
the Gage mine at Riverton, the new splint factory will soon be in oper­
ation, the new box factory is practically complete, the loggin» road is par
Report Say« That Portland Hotel and Number of Regi-
dences Destroyed. Post
Bookter« Are Coining
Office Saved.
tially if not practically assured, all the mills anil factories along the river
In fact there is evéry evidence of prosperity,
Commissioner Geb. J Armstrong, look where you will.
Report has been received here
The establishment of a fruit and vegetable cannery here will be the that the gasoline schooner Anvil
who has returned from the session
of the County Court recently held in means of developing the country in the Iruit and vegetable raising busi
leaves Portland today and that a
Coquille, reports that the court sei : ness as never before, and the fact is generally conceded that theie is no
i delegation of Portland business men
aside $10,000 as a staiter on cruis-
j country on the face of the earth that can excel us in this matter. It will
were aboard with the intention of
ing the timber of Coos conmv so
j mean thousands and in time millions of dollars to the farmers of Coquille
that a proper estimate of value can
paying a visit to this section of the
be reached and the large timber valley and the employment of a great many people. All other indus­ country.
holders made to pay their propor­ tries will also help to a very gieat extent in building up Bandon and the
No further report has been heard
tionate shale of the taxes. While ( oquille valley.
it conditions are favorable the
this will suffice to only a small
There is, however, something more that we should do, and that is to Anvil should be here in course of
per cent of the timber, yet it will be
a start in the propc- direction, and prepare in a public wav for the future development of this section of the the next few days.
under the.circumstances was all that country, and the two vital necessities that are now before us are good ;
— ooo-----
the court could appropriate at this
In the matter of road money Mr.
Armstrong says there is a little less
in the county road fund than these
was last year, but the court is de­
termined to make it go as far as
The outlook for county business
is quite promising, and there will be
several changes made and improve
ments instituted in the managing of
Mr. Armstrong says that the
members of the countv court are
working together very harmoni •
-------- ---------------------------
We have a number of new industries promised,
among which is a finii cantieri, Rs was announced in last Friday’s R e
are running at full bl ist
C. S. Hubbard
M mbou I o .
»«"t ™ s«««
Lodges are requested to notify this ofiue
on election of officers and on change of
meeting night. Cards under this head
are 75c per inch per month.
G E W.l«oa.
C. of R.
3 Lodge and Professional
Lodges Install Officers
wagon roads and a port cointr.isvion.
These are what the farmer needs to !
get his produce to town and thence to the markets of the world.
These i
are what the merchants need to get their goods from jobbing houses and .
<or shipping of produce brought in by the farmers.
In short these are
what we all need for the proper development of the country-
The R e ­
has been advocating both for the past two years, and will con i I
tinue to advocate them unfit they become a realization, fchich we trust,
will hot be many years hence.
All are agreed that we need good roads, and we all know how to get
hem, so it is hardly necessary to say anything along this line any more
, than to urge the people to get busy and do something while we have the
' opportunity. As to the port commission there are some who are opposed,
but after all is said and done it must be agreed that these men are stand
ing in their own light, as the development of this country depends upon
this one tiling more tlnn any other.
Some base their objections on the
I port law, saying it will not woik successfully, but the |>orts established
under the law are moving off smoothly, with no friction, and the recent
at Coos Bay, which carried so emphatically for the issuing of
At about 9:30 o’clock last night
lire broke out at Gardiner, situated
about 10 miles from the mouth of
the Umpqua liver, consuming the
hotel and about a half dozen dwell­
ing houses
The post office also
caught tire, but according to report,
/A number of Bandon
was saved
people say that the tire was easily
discernable here, the skv being
lighted up brilliantly.
The amount of loss is not ob­
tainable at this time, owing to the
fact that the wires arqjdown between
and Marshtield, it was impos­
High School Notes
sible to get into communication with
Gardiner today. However, it is re ­
The meeting of the Literary Soci­ ported that the Gardiner mill, and
ety last Friday night was well at the big stores were not burned. It
tended and the interesting debate was also impossible to obtain the
and program seemed to be enjoyed facts as to how the lire originated.
by all. The debate was: Resolved,
----- 000-----
That it would be for the best inter­
ests of the United States to build
and maintain a large navy, The
negative won, two to one, but the
Lola Leah Conrad died at the
debate was close. The judges were, home of her mother in Bandon this
Ernest Sidwell, Miss Rose Hutchins, morning
Deceased was born in
and P. C. Stephenson.
On Jan. College City, Calif., June Sth, ¡894.
27th, the literary program will con ■ being 16 years, 6 months ami 9 days
sist chiefly of a debate—Resolved, old at the time of her death. She
Thai tin railroads of the U. S. came to O. gon with her par.-ii:
should lx? owned and operated by when but a baby, and bad been an
the Federal government.
This invalid since she was about eight
promises to be interesting and is well years old.
The direct cause of her death was
sustained on each side
The B H S, Boys’ Basket Ball tuberculosis of the brain.
The fuiural will be held at the
team will play at Myrtle Point next
church tomorrow after
Friday night. Everard Boyle is
coaching the boys.
family have the
The various classes met yesterday
sincere sympathy ol many friends in
ami selected new policemen for the
ensuing term of one month, and their time of great bereavement.
$300,000 bonds, and the votiti,; down of the Bennett amendment, has put
Bandon G. A R. and W. R C.
held joint installation ol officers at a quietus on all the croakers over there. In every instance where |>ort
Office With Bandon Investment Co their hall Saturday. A* big dinner commissions have been established and an amount of money raised suf
was served at noon and a general ticient to do something worth while, the government has come through
Dr. LT- KI. Brown. good time enjoyed.
with a like amount, and thus vast sums of money are at the disposal of
Rendent Dentiat.
G. A. R officers installed are: J
these ports tor developing iu any manner the jjott commissions may see
A. Ifaulds, Commander; G W. Rea,
Office ia Pinter Building
Senior Vice Commander; R, F. fit, the result will be they will have excellent harbors.
Office Ho»*rs: 9 to 12 M., I to 5 P. M,
There are some who have based their objection on inequality of tax­ everything is moving on nicely in
Shannon. Junior Vice Commander;
A. M. Sumner, Chrplain; Charles j ation, but now that the county court has set aside money and taken steps our city school government
Rodgers, Officet of Day; T. T. toward the cruising of the timber, the croakers from that source will have election of new officers
Chief of Po'ice, Recorder, Pros
Allen, Officer of Guard; J. W, Fel­
Attorney aud Counstlor-at-Law
to be quiet ; so n«.w every objection to the port commission that has yet
Atty, Municipal Judge and Asso< i
ler, Quartermaster; C. B, Zeek,
COQITI LL E. - O R E Post Surgeon; F. M. Sanderlin, Ad been raised, lias b-.en met, and now if the objectors continue to object, j ate Justice of the Supreme Court,
they will be compelled to hatch m> some new theory for such objection.
Office over Skeels’ Store
will take place next week as it will
jutant; R. II. Rosa, Patriotic In
Office Phone. Main 335;
residence, Main 346
Let’s take the sensible view ol the situation and get in line with the j be the ending of the first semester.
structor; T T. Allen, delegate, A.
progressive element of our populat on, and Bandon and the adjacent Ì There has not been any stump
D. Mor e, alternative.
•peaking or candidates' campaigns
The W. R. C. installed officers as country w’ill be the queen of the realm in all that is good.
as yet.
follows: Deborah Young, President;
---- ow----
Mrs. G. W. Rea, Senior Vice Pies
Portland Live Stock Receipts
Father Dies.
¡dent; Ann Jones, Junior Vice J*res .
Coquille Mill Being Repaired
Office and residence in Panter residence properly
Mrs. C. M. Spencer received a
ident; Mrs. S. C Rockwell, Chap-j
next door to Bijou fheatie
lain; Ada Still, Ticasnrer; Ruby • message Saturday that her father
North Portland, Ore., Jan. 14th.
The Coquille Sentinel says: “The
Feiier, Secretary; Maryetta Mojpe, John Hoffman had died at his home
Receipts for the week have been work of rebuilding and repairing
Patriotic Instructor; Martha Zeck, in Parsons Kansas Wednesday Jan .229!- cattle, 82 calves, 1263 hogs,
the local saw mill goes on in a steady
■ Press Correspondent; Sadie Shields, , uary it th, al the age of 77 yeais, 10 2893 sheep and 99 horses and mules.
Physician and Surgsoa
manner and those at the head of the
I Conductor; Maude Tucker, Arsis months and 21 days. Mr. H< ffm.rn
U.ider the influence of increased
work announce that the repair wotk
O# kc in Donald Charleston home, opposite ' tant Conductor; Sara Coates, Guard; had lived at Parsons for the last 45
cattle receipts prices eased off a
Pre»Lylenan church, Bandon, Oregon
will be completed and the mill in
Doris Williams, Mrs Bowman, Viola . years. He was born in Bodliiem, quart«r to fifty cents horn the high
shape for operation about the first of
Rosa anti Mrs. King. Color Bearers. Hessen D..I invladt. Germany, Feb point ol the week before
March. No announcement of the
The Sons of Veterans installed of­ ruary 22, 1833. and came to America unusual prices of the week before
of resuming operation has yet
ficers Friday night as follows: C. B. when ¡8 years old. settling'll Illinois were not representative of the in
made, and no definite plans
Zeek, Commander; R. A Felter, He was married in Belleville, Illinois trinsic worth of cattle, but were the
announced until the state of
^Senior Vice Commander; M. F. in 1854 to Elizabeth Saengster who result of unusual scarcity.
Ihe the lumber market justifies such an­
Shoemaker, junior Vice Command died in 1874. He was again mar ­ market is still high, bring 50c higher
er; Chas. Lomas, Chaplain; Claude ried in 1880, to Mrs. Mary Smith than Chi ago, rn<l j, 1 00 higher than
...... ooo----
Besides Mis. Omaha for same quality of rattle.
Woodruff, Treasurer; Geo. P. Top ( who survives him
Blackberries in January
ping, Secretary, H. L. Houston, Spencer, Mr. Hoffman has two sons
The hog market was characterized
W. J..Sabin and E. B. Henry, Camp anil two daughters living, the oldest by liberal rec-ipts from Oregon
Where Yours Ought to be
Coumil; C. A. Rohn, Patriotic In brother John H. Hotfrn in who re­ points. The quality was good and
C. A. McKellips showed us a
structcr; H. E Boak, Guide; John ! sides in Salem visited Mrs Spencer
prices eased off !oc to 15c towaid branch taken from bis blackberry
WhitneV, Inside Guard: Tlios 1 ist summer.
the end of the week with the best bush which was clinging full of ripe
— '»o<»---
Coate*, Jr.. 0utside Guard; An hie;
telling at $8 90 to $9.
berries. He informs us that he gath­
Rosa, Color Bearer
Tiiv establishment of a central ered enough Saturday to supply his
Killed a Bear.
Chicken Pie Supper
bring your
Vol» Woi’lt
T h F R ecordé it
When buying a cough medi. ine
for children I »ear in mine! (bar Cham
berlaio's Cough Remedy is most ef­
fectual lor colds, croup ami whoop
ing cough and that it < ontaiirs no
harmful drugs. For sale by tC. Y.
—— eztpu — •
Do you like Chi« keri Pie? If so,
< all at the Odd Fellows' If <11.
Thursday evening, from 5 to S p m ,
jail. 19th. Given by the Ladas' Aid
Societvof the M. E Church
25 cents
horse market has been undertaken
at the Portland Union Stock Yards,
and buyers and sellers of horses
throughout the country will be grat­
ified to know that there is a basing
point for establishing prices in any­
thing in the horse and mulr line.
Coos Bav Harbor.
While Ixinting for a coon in the
the woods a mile south of Prosper
Saturday, Fred Fieger and Harry
Paulson succeeded in bagging a
black bear.
He was in a hollow
log, and after being scented by the
dogs, reached out and got hold of
one of them The boys then finished
his earthly caieer.
They leprut tile animal As Weigh­
ing about 150 pounds and in good
The Elizabeth goes on dry dock
for a day on this trip and will prob­
ably sail from San b rant isco tonight
or tomorrow.
The Washcaloie went out Sunday
with a full cargo of lumber.
Mail Arrives
The mail blockade was biokrm
yesterday and two consignments of
mail came in, one just before noon
and the other about 4 o’clock.
Another arrived during the night,
a id the delayed
all be brought
Unless further storms or slides in-
terlere, it is expected that the mail
service will be tegular from now on,
says tile Coos Bay Times. Consid­
erable trouble has been experienced
in getting the mail here during the
last week, but we have not been as
badly held lip as they have on the
Bay according to re|»ort.
F or S ale . My Iteauliful resi-
, drnce in West Bandon, consisting of
two large lots, modern house, six
rooms pantry, bath, closets ami
wood shed.
Also one three room
----- 000 —•
house. All new and well improved
ooo -
Definition FIFIELD “Superior A snap lor a short lime.
M . Hess of the New mill was in
See A. A Pauli for best giade to all others.”- Why not patronize orcalion W. W. Deyoe, Bandon, Bandon yesterday looking alter bus
See or phone L. |. Radley for all
the best and “ONLY WAY?’’ 54U Oregon,
coal. Phane 382.
kinds of Fire Wood.