Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 10, 1911, Image 1

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University Ex
Semi-W eekly
5 .
£ ‘
; Lodge and Profession» »
Lodges are requested to notify this office
on election ol officers and on change of
meeting night. Cards under this head
«4 are 75c per inch per mouth.
Lewah Tribe No. 48, Imp. O. R. M.
EETS evary rtiunday evening at 8 run at
CXA. t[le Bandon Wigman. Sojourning chu-li
in good standing are cordially invited to attend.
"DANDON LODGE, No, 130 A. F. ¿k A-
M, Stated communications first Saturday
after the full moon of each month. All Master
Masons cordially uivited.
J. A. Morrison, W. M.
G. T. Treadgold, Secretary
I. «>. O. »'
•Q a NDON LODGE, No. 133. I. O. O F.
meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting
brothers in good standing cordially invited.
A. G. Hoyt, N. G.
A, Knopp, Secretary
Kill){litn nt I'ytlilx»
elphi lodge , n «. m .
Knight« of
Pythias. Meets every Monday evening
at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited to
C. R.Wade C. C.
B. N. Harrington K. of R. S.
Dr H. La Houston
Ortloe over l>ruu Store.
Hours. 9 to
n.m. I 30 to 4, « mu . ; 7 to 8 in the evening.
Night calls answered from otiioe.
Dr IL F Sorensen
Office Over Vienna Cafe
Telephone at Office and Home..
Office With Bandon 111 vest men I Co
Dr. H- Ivl. Brown.
Reaident Dentist.
Office in Panter Building
Office Hours:
9 to 12 M.. I to 5 P. M,
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
Office over Skeels’ Store
Office Phone, Main 335;
residence. Main 346
Office »nd midence in Ranter residence property
next door to Bijou Theatre
Physician and Surgeon
Office m Donald Charleston home, opposite
Presbyterian church, Bandon, Oregon
Coos County Bar Associa­ Oregon Good Roads Con­ County Census Shows 5678 J. F. Auer of Lyle, Wash­
vention Approves Five
Pupils of School
ington, Says We Pursue
tion Holding Annual
Proper Course
Banquet Here
The Shipping Business of
Bandon is Constant*
ly Increasing
C. S. Hubbard
M hmdii I c .
- .'rrrfrri-i' rwrr-J-rrrwri-; -rw-
G E Wilson,
C. of R.
The third annual banquet of the [Special Correspondence to the Recorder.|
Portland, Oregon, Jan. 9. 1911
Coos County Bar A-sociation is be.
ing held in Bandon today and this “Oregon’s bad roads fund is large
evening, ami we have lawyers galore enough. The State's hampered de­
velopment, the unpopulated areas
in the city.
This afternoon is being taken tip that should be producing wealth for
with a program in Odd Fellows’ busy communities, the ditftcallies ot
Hall, and several of the leading legal vehicle transportation, and the ex­
lights of the county ate on the pro­ cess in ««ear and tear on everything
that travels the roads, including
The banquet proper will be held people, are to be charged to this bad
this evening and will probably be the roads fund.”
biggest spread ever given in the city.
This statement of Oregon’s con
There are about 45 members of the dition was issued here today by the
Bar Association, and a large majori Oregon Gocd Roads Association. It
ty of them will be in attendance this is the reason assigner! by Jud ;e Lio­
evening. Among those who ar­ nel R. Webster, Chairman of the
rived on the noon boat and are here Association’s Executive Committee,
for the afternoon program, are: J. for a determination to enlist every
W. Bennett, president, C. A. Sehl- progressive Oregon citizen, every
brede Chas. B. Selby, Chas. F. man or inteiest to be benefitted by
McKnight, J M. Upton and Mr. good roads construction, and every
Reigard, all of Marshfield; A. J legislator who desires to serve the
Sherwood, L. A. Liljeqvist, A. S. interests of the people, in the effort
Hammond, E. D. Sperry and J. J to reduce road building | Ians in
Stanley of Coquille; J. H. Gnerrv, Oregon to a permanent, definite and
North Bend; L. A. Roberts and S. effective system.
D. Belford, Myrtle Point. Also the
Lack of system is charged by all
Bandon attorneys, C. R. Wade, G. conversant with the situation as cause
T. Treadgold, Geo. P. Topping, F. for Oregon’s poverty in good roads.
|. Feeney and G. W. Rea will all The constitutional bar to load build
be in attendance at the banquet.
ing that existed until lifted by the
A number of others will be down people at the last election share! the
on lite boat this evening for the big blame.
spread tonight.
The Oregon Good Roads Con­
— ono------
vention recently held here, approved
five good roads measures drafted by
High School Notes
Judge Webster, because of the belief
that if these measures ate adopted
The public is invited to attend the by the legislature the system of con
regular meeting of the Literary So struction desired will be instituted.
All were agreed that the most ini
cietyin the High School Auditorium
next Friday, Jan. 13th. The follow­ portant of the five measures is the
one creating a good roads commis­
ing program will be tendered:
Song—“The Man who has the sion. The members of this commis­
Coin” by Carl Bowman and school. sion are to be three in number.
Debate—Resolved, That it would When appointed their services will
be for the best interest of the U. S. cost the state nothing. They will
to build and maintain a large navy. serve the cause of good roads for the
Affirmative, Ralph Christensen, El- good of the people as a public duty,
don Langlois, Walter Hartman. Their executive officer is to be the
Negative, Daisy Hansen, Velma State Highway Commissioner. The
bill requires that the State Highway
Klepfer, Geo. Moland-
Commissioner must be “thoroughly
Solo—Nita Tucker.
Song “I am really Mr. Noah’’ skilled in scientific road construc­
tion.” His authority is to help build
by Ray Watkihs and school.
The manager of the Basket Ball 1 roads in every part of the state. He
team has received notice that I iniiüt know how. He must serve
Myrtle Pomt will not have a girl’s the people and the cause. Any fail­
team, so that means the Iroys will ure to fulfill requirements will mean
meet Myrtle Point unaccompanied his dismissal. Authorities are agreed
by the fairer sex on Jan. aoth. Of - th.g his proposed salary of $4000 a
ticial word has not been received but I year will be but a small portion of
it is rumored that North Betid can I th«* red financial advantage to be
not muster up a gill’s team either; if , realized by the state and its comities
this is true, Coquille lias the only ' liecause of the Commissioner's ser-
girl s team exeept Bandon by the I vice. Hr will lie exponent of sys-
1 tern, the system that is expected to
show tangible result« in th«- form of
| actual miles of permanent goo !
McKenzie - Axtell
1 roads.
------ vzoO-----
M arried —At Portland, Oregon,
.—My beautiful resi­
lanuary t, 1911, David McKenzie of
Where Yours Ought to he
Bandon, consis'ing of
Port Orford to Myrtle M. Axtell of'
modern house, six
Bar,d«in. Mr. McKenzie and bride ,
Path, closets and
arrived in Bandon last Friday and j
one three room
left Satuiday morning fortheir home
well improve!
near Port Orford.
---- -OOO-----
or call on W. W. 1 eyoe, Bandon,
Lame back may come from over-
bring your
- d
< fregon.
1 work, cold settling in the mils« les
of the back, or fiofti disease In the
When buying a cough medi« ire
two former cases the right remedy is
Job Work
« hildien l»ear in mind that Cham­
’s Cough Remedy is most ef.
. It should be rubbed in thoroughly
T«» T he R fcordfr over the affected part, the relief wil fectuai for colds, croup and whoop
t«e prompt and satisfactory. Ptice ing cough and that it contains no
25c, 50c and fl 00 per bottle. Sold harmful drugs. For sale by C. Y.
by C. Y. Lowe.
The Fifield arrived Saturday
J. F. Auer, of Lyle, Wash., in
sending the ««herewith to renew his morning with a good cargo of freight
subscription to the R ecorder for j and a full list of passengeis as fol­
another year says: “I am interested
lows: Mr. Wilcox anil wile, Miss
in Bandon and its adjacent country,
to a great extent, and therefore mu t Nelson, Mrs. Nelson, B. W. Charles-
have the R ecorder to keep posted j worth and wife, R G. Armstead, E.
on how things are progressing in1 W. Schetter, A. Dawsen. C. Judell,
W. P. Hughes, John Devereaux,
that part of the country.
R McNair. A. J. Morgan, G. S.
I like the way the R ecorder
I Hancock, J G. Brown, J. H. Me
stands up for improvements and
boosting for Coos county. There is Caiteney, W I). Rabert, A. E.
nothing that would suit nte belter Thelin, Mrs. Ptck, Mrs. Elliott. C.
than to have a harbor and liver with R. Moore, B. A Kolp.
The Fifield will piobably sail on
greater depth, so that deep sea going
early tide tomorrow. She will
vessels could enter at Bandon and go
cut 525,000 feet of lumber and
up the river, also good roads in all
list of passengers.
parts of Coos county wherever they
Elizabeth arrived Sunday
are needed.
There are no other two things that miming with a good cargo ol freight
would help the people as much as and a big list of passengers. She
that. It seems to me that everyone will also sail on the early morning
ought to be willing to help improve tide.
The Arcata will sail in the morn­
ments of that kind at any time.
I have been at Bandon and in its ing with a cargo of coal for San-
adjacent country and know some­ Francisco.
thing about it and have a little prop
The Randolph is also in port.
erty there and expect to live there
some day if the Lord is willing. 1
Four Mile Locals
think Bandon by the Sea is all right,
and so is its country as a whole. I
am always glad to hear of improve­
A nw'pti rade ball w..s L- Id at the
ments in Bandon and Coos county Four Mile Hall and about 115 were
that I think will help the country present. The largest crowd ever as­
and the ¡people. B oost for B an ­ sembled at one time at this place.
don .
Supper was given by the Socialist
I hope the year 1911 will prove to local. About 23 people were mask­
be one of the most prosperous and ed.
successful years Bandon and its ad­
A. Davis and R. P. Hunt were
jacent country has ever experi­
Coquille visitors last week.
A number of Four Mile people
visited Bandon Saturday.
J. A.
Death of Mrs. S. S. Little. Cope made a trip to town. Mrs. T.
H. Shaw, Herman DeLong, L. F.
and Mrs. R. P. limit were
s. S. Little received a telegram
James Adams and
from Arlington, Washington, Sun­
and Saturday in
day evening stating that his wife
Mrs. Hattie l.ittle, had died that
Dr. Perkins Returns
Warren Jackson, son of Hayden
day. No particulars were received,
but it is evident that the death was Jackson, has spent the last two
Dr. S. L. Perkins returned Satur­ very sudden, as Mr. Little received weeks with his grand parents, Mr.
day noon from a seven week’s trip a letter from her Sunday evening J. A. Cope, returned home last Sat-
across the continent in which lie which was written on Wednesday nrday.
traveled 9,500 miles and saw a large previous, at which time she was
Vet Shields has taken the con-
amount of country.
trad to log for the Foster mill, The
well, excepting a slight cold.
When the Dr. left here in Nov.
Mrs. Little was well known here, mill is running pretty steady now.
he went to Detroit, Mich., where he haying come here January 1st, 1910,
What has become of the game
had been summoned on a lawsuit at which time she and Mr. l.ittle and fish warden? It would be a wise
and having the major pa t of the were married.
She went back to plan to take a trip on some of the
territory cover«?d between lieie and Arlington, her former home, about small streams down the coast and
Baltimore, Mil., where his children December 1st, to look after the in­ see front one to six or eight small
are, he could not resist the tempta­ terests of her property, having boys, with guns and spears, killing
tion to go on and se»- them. After quite large holdings in and near the salmon and pulling them out on
spending a little over a week in B d I Arlington.
the banks for the dogs to cat, which
timore fie went on to Noitli Carolina
Deceased was altout 62 years old is almost certain death to the dog.
where he spent a few days with his and was a lady of noble chiistian i Cattle drivers value their dogs very
mother; from there he writ to Bris­ character.
highly are also in danget of losing
tol, Tenn., thence to Jacksonville,
She was also an aunt of Mr. and their valuable canines. It should be
Fla., and then to New Oileans On Mrs. C. E. Kopf of the R ecorder stopped.
his return tiip he visited Arizona, office.
Albert Mecum moved his family
New Mexico, California and other • The remains will be laid to rest at to Clayton mill last week, where he
points, and made a stop over of a Arlington. Mr. Little did not go, has work,
day at the Grand Canyon.
owing to the fact that it would take
------ OOO
The Dr. says he is glad to get nearly a week to get there and th«
back to B indon and see all the peo- funeral could not f»e held so long.
| Pythian Sisters Install
pie once more, and that Bandon
looks better to him than ever.
j Medicines that aid nature are al-
[ ways most effectual. Chamberlain's
Do you know that fully nine out Cough Remedy acts on this plan,
Pythian Sisters installed officers
of every ten cases of rheumatism .«re > It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, last Friday night, Jan. 6th., as fol­
simply rheumatism of the muscles opens the secretions and aids nature lows: P. C , Nora Morrison; M. E.
due to cold or damp, or chronic g in restoring the system to a healthy C., Angie Swengei, E S., Laura
rheumatism, and require no internal * condition. Thousands have testified Shields; E. J., Sadie Shields; Man­
treatment whatever? Apply Cham . to its superior excellence. Sold by ager. Elva Gibfrm, M. R. and S.,
berlain’s Liniment freely and see how C. Y. Lowe,
Ella M. Rae; M F., Cathryan Con
-szvrCe — ■
quickly it gives relief. For sale by 1
iger; Protector, Mis. O. W. Howell;
C. Y. Lowe.
I Foresters of America will give Guard, Anna Tucker.
their 15th Annual Grand Ball, Jan 1 followed installation. after which a
See A. A. Pauli for best grade 28th in Bank Hall.
Watch for general good time was erqoved by
coal. Phone 382.
From the Coquille Sentinel we
glean the following:
‘Co. Supt. Bunch this week re
ceived the last report from the school
clerks of the county and the total
counts of the children of school age
in the county have been made. Ac­
cording to this official count there
ate 5678 children of school age in
Coos county, 2903 of this number
being males and 2775 females.
In connection with the school cen­
sus the county superintendent has
also compiled the figures relative to
school funds and presented them to
the county commissioners at their
meeting this week for the final action
relative to the taisittg of the neces­
sary funds to carry on the school
work for the coming year. This re­
port shows there are 28 districts in
the county which have a shortage of
pupils to such an extent that they
will not be able to claim $300 fror'
the regular county school fund and
for this reason a special school tax
will be necessary in these districts.
This tax, according to the statutes,
is limited to 5 mills and in several
instances in the county this defiitc
is so large and the taxable property
so small that the 5 mill tax will not
raise a sufficient .sum to complete
the $300 maintenance fund required
by law. In these instances the
county must make up this latter de­
ficit from the funds of the county in
order that these schools may receive
their |>ortion of the state school
There are but five cases
where the county will have to make
up the funds and the total «mount
is but $163.10.
At the commissioners session this
week these deficits will be made up
and the special tax levies for school
purposes will be authorized.
---- ooo----