K 7 w ■J. I 11 High School, H t. Ostien, PHn. Wallowa has a startling potaltj > Band-on Recorder story. ¡Mrs. Ostien and-MfSs Hutchins, As* One vine, that grew on new Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the "Recorder FvitoisUing Company. T. i I. KREAMER, Buone»» Manager C E. KOPF. Edit™ Subscription, $1 50 per Year ir. Adviine«. Adveitising Kate* Matin Known on Application. Job Printing a Specialty Entered hi the Bandon Foshrttice hh Second ('I hhs Matter. December 20, 1910 TUESDAY ! pies, fish, wool and wheat together, THOUGHT I OR TOD AY —>♦—4-4— The be.1 thins» are ne»r«t noUrili, light brealh in your in your eye«. Rower» al your feet duties at yonr hand, the path ol God jnrt before you. War«, but do I hen c o r ot «rr»,> at lhe life’» plain, common work a» j Eighty ptr cent of this sum goes to pay for the labor and supplies. Tlx- repmt recommends the pas- 1 sage of a bill to create an efficient : forestry service; liberal and hearty it come», certain th. t dii'y duties and daily giound, is said to have attained the , height of 6 feet, 1 inch in height, and ptoduced 40 tubers, the total weight of the potatoes being 16 pounds. Four hundred boxes of Cornice pears, grown near Medford, sold in the London market this season for $1 o a box When your feet are wet and cold and your body chilled through and sistants. Enrollment lor year, 65; through from exposure, take a big |enrolment for month 59; daily at­ dose of Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy, bathe your feet in hot water be­ tendance 57; pt r cent, attendance,95 fore going to l>ed, and you are al­ times late. 1; roll of honor, 28. most certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. SUMMARY. Total Enrollment for the year 443 Total enrollment lor the month 418 Daily attendance 383 Per cent ot attendance 94 6 Sib ria is buying Oregon apples. Times late 213 One hundred boxes of choice Hood Roll of Honor River fruit was recently shipped Roll of Honor includes pupils' there for sale. neither absent nor late during the] Rogue Rivero rhardists will plant month. The following students of the High I,5,ooo pear ami apple trees this season. This new planting will cover School have made a standing of A 20.000 acres and bling the total for the month in the subjects named. orchard acreage in that valley to A equals 95 to too per cent. co- operation between the state and 85,000. Fred Harvey, Algebra, Book- bread are the »weeleat thing# ci hie R< bert j Federal agencies engaged in gather­ kt eping, General Histoiy. Lou» Stevenson. The annual report of the Portland Pearl Craine, English. ing data on the state's resources, Union Stockyards Company shows Josephine Stoltz, Algebra, Eng and an increase in the salary of tile Portland is becoming a great pack “A Taxless Town.” lisli, General History. ing center. The value of live-stock ■»late engineer Neva Morgan, Algebra, Book- shipped the first year the concern The story of a “taxless town" IS Good or Bad Roads for Same was in operation amouqted to $8,- keeping, English. Norma Larue. Algebra, Book- told by the Omaha Daily News in 335.000- Money? keeping, English, Genet al History A large acreage around Heimiston this way: “There is a little town in Velma Klepfer, Alge ra Book is being seeded Io alfalfa. This is Sweden by the name of Orson. keeping, English, General History. The question comes squarely be­ not only a profitable crop for hay Orson. Remember that name. For Clarence King, Algebra, English. but there is money in raising seed, Orson is one of the greatest towns fore the property owners of Jose­ which brings 23 cents per pound. Leslie Sparks, Algebra, Book­ phine County as to whether they keeping. in the world. Of course, Orson Estacada, an Oregon town seven Esther Solve. English. isn'tas big as London, or New Yolk, shall go on spending money year years ot age, has become one of the Frances Williams, Algebra, Book­ or Bagdad, or perhaps Oshkosh alter year on certain dirt roads, or most prosperous communities of its keeping. But Orson has done something that will they issue bonds at a low rate size and is attracting much attention Willie Williams, Algebra, Boak- none of the so-called ‘great’ cities ol of interest and build permanent as a fruit section. It ranks high in keeping, General History. apple and walnut production. Straw Louise Haber'y, Algebra. the world has ever done. Orson r',:“,s which, with slight repairs an­ berries in the Estacada district yield Katherine Way, English, General has dodged all local taxes success­ nually, will last for many genera­ I at the rate ot $200 an acre History. fully and honestly. The Orson rail tions. It is true that there are some State banks have been prosperous Raymond Watkins, Physics. way is free to every citizen of the places in the county where the soil the past year, as shown by the an Daisy Hansen, English. town. The telephone service is and the drainage will permit the nual report of State Bank Examine r I.ela Buckingham. English, free. Schools and libraries cost the building of dirt roads, which, if Wright, who found individual de­ o m etry. citizens absolutely nothing. All be­ rounded up and rolled with a heavy­ posits in Oregon banks on Novem­ Marguerite Haberly, Geometry, ber 10th totaled $104,270,300, a net English, German, Pedagogy. cause a generation or two ago, Un­ dirt roller, will make good roads; gain since November 16, 1909, of Matt Lux, English, Latin. patriotic people of Orson planted provided always that the king drag $14,221,550. Total resouices of Zettie Gibson, English, trees. Orson has a municipal forest is kept in frequent use and other Oiegon banks increased during the Amelia Chaneay, English, Geom that has yielded the town $5,000,- repairs made as olten as they are year almost $20,000,000. ( etry, German. ----- evsrv— - 000 in the past thirty years. And need<-d. There are soils, however, Ernest Wilkins, English, Geom the $5,ooo.rxio has paid the running of which good roads cannot be made, Children take B ALLA R D'.S etry. 1 I.entner Gallier. English. expenses of the town. Of course, and this should be recognized, es­ HOREHOUND SYRUP willingly Elsie Kinley, English, Latin, Ge­ there isn’t anything to hinder any pecially along our well traveled because it tastes nice. There isn’t a ometry. better remedy anywhere for chil- < American town from doing the same highways, and consequently these dren's coughs, hoarseness and bron- Carl Bowman, English, Geometry, thing. But we don’t notice any need to be treated with the perma-j | chilis. It’s a good medicine and Arithmetic. • American town doing it. To date nent highway methods. The per-1 i easy to take. Price 25c, 50c and Tom Ostien, English. Geometry. Milwaukee seems to be the only manent roads of Rome, it is true, I $1.00 per bottle. Sold by C. Y. Edna Hansen, English, Latin. Harry Crain, English. American town that lias even thought were not limit in a day, anil they | ■ Lowe. Willeska Roberts, English, Latin, about it. But it's worth thinking had the cheapest kind of labor to Geometry. about isn’t it? Also it might be do the construction work, winch ex­ School Report. Earl Watkins, Amer. History, woith while to consider at tin-same tended over many years and through English, Pedagogy. time the fact that while Orson was many generations. Josephine coun­ Report of the Bouden Public Lena Langlois, Amer. History, paying her municipal expenses for ty has no cheap labor, but the de­ Schools for the third shoo) month English, German, Pedagogy Rittie McNair, Amer. History, the past year from the proceeds of mand for good roads is as great j ending Friday. December 9, 1910. English, Pedagogy. Gradel, Mrs. Kopt, teacher. En ­ hei well-kept forest, the American here as it was in England ar.d Rome, I Sylvia Rackleff, Amer. History, rollment lor year, 47; enrollment for nation; through neglect of her for and. cost what it may. we must i month, 45; daily attendance, 42; per English, German, Pedagogy. Hu- good roads advo 1 ests, was suffering a loss of $200,- have them. Erma Craine, Atilhmetic, English, cent ot attendance, 94, times 1 te o: 000,000 and more th in 100 lives.” cates of this county have b ng urged roil of honor, 23. German, Pedagogy. the commencement of the work. Nora Gibson, Amer. History, j tirade II, Miss Marsh, teacher. English. Germ in, Pedagogy. They have carried on the matter Latest Report Upon Oregon Enrollment for year, 54; enrollment Hazel Stephenson, Pedagogy, ' along ediiealion.il lines until a large for month, 53; daily attendance 47; Timber Wealth. Amei. History, English. I majoiity of Hie pro] erty owners are , per cent of attend nice, 96; times Maud Lowe, English. leady to vote on the question if the , late, o; roll of honor, 24. Respectfully submitted, The Third Annual Report of the matter is brought before them in an | Grades I and H. Miss McNair, H. C. Ostien, Supt. Otegon Conservation Commission mt < lligent manner. They only await teacher. Enrollment for year, 45; ------ <: has been printed, in the report the the plans which the new County enrollment for month. 42; daily at- F or S ale . — My beautiful resi­ tendance, 38; per cent of attendance commission goes exhaustively into Court may have to 1 eveal dence in West Bandon, consis'ing of Rogue 92; times late, o roll of honor, 14. two large lots, modern house, six the subject of coir er vat ion. Il River Coulter. (•rade III, Dorothy Gibson, rooms—pantry, bath, closets and shows that that state has lost, dur teacher. Enrollment for year, 48; woodshed. Also one three room quicker a cold is gotten rid The ing the past year by forest tires $23,- enrollment for month, 45; daily at­ house. All new and well improve I 000,000 in timber alone, not to of the less the danger from pneu- tendance, 42; per cent of attendance Address A snap for a short time, nxmi.i and oilier serious diseases 91; times late 2; roll of honor 20. speak of the other property loss. Bandon, or call on W. W. Deyoe, Mr. C W. I.. Il.ill, of Waverly, t irade IV’, Miss Lusk teacher. E11 Oregon, This, the commission holds, is nil 55-tf says Va., says: "1 (irmly believe Cham­ OOO------- necessary, and for it the state is di­ berlain's Cough Remedy to be ab rc.llment for year, 45; enrollment for month, 43; daily attendance, 37; per rectly responsible. Among other solulely the best pieparalion on the 1 »etisis. cent of attendance 95 ; times late o; 1 have recom- things it is estimated that Oregon market for colds. "Muy tin* lost tier eliuiKv to marry roll of honor 23. thut rich young iunn." has approximately four hundred bil­ mended it Io my friends and they aB Grade V. Miss kosi teacher En­ “I* thill so?" agree with me." For sale by C Y lion feet of men hantable Umbel "Yea; she hasn't any tint nt nil. rollment for year, 40; enrollment tor l.owe. Hr askul her the other »'veiling If she About one third of this is in Nation month 35; daily attendance 33; per objected to his Htuol.ing In the house, — OOO------ cent of attendance, < 7; tunes late, o; mid slie said she did al forest reserves within the state Detroit Ere® Oregon Activities. Press. roll of honor, 24. It is pointed out that there is an c w. area ol burned over land nearly one Oregon’s financial condition, as quaiter as large as that now occtt shown by the State’s treasurer's pied by standing timber, and that report, is in excellent condition. this is capable of reforest 1 at ion and There is $424.913011 hand, with no I commercial use within the next 40 debts, bondi-d or otherwise. to 60 years. It is estimated that the deforested land within the state should pioduce $l,ooO,ooo,.ioo within the coming generation, if properly handled now The Oregon lumber industry now brings about $15,000.000 into the state annually, as much as the ap- Grad - VI. Miss Latimer, teacher Enrollment for year, 42; enrollment for month 39; daily attend nice, 36; per cent ot attendance; 93; times late, 2; roll of honor, 22. A P.us imitm. This world Is but a whirling thinr That rush» s on through space; It always travels in a ring Back to the same old place. And wv who cling as best we may Into Its fragile shell Repeat expvi fence »lay by day. With nothing new to tell —Washington Star. Grade VII, Miss Vivian Hutchins, Oregon raises the best apples. teacher. Enrollment for year, 29; ------- OOO------ This is no idle lioast for not only has enrollment for month, 29; daily at Wheezing in the lungs indicates tins state won the swee|»stak<-s prize tendance, 27, per cent ol atteudam e, that phlegm is obstructing the air' at the Spokane Nation tl Apple Show 93; times late, 1; roll of honor, 15 passages. BALLARD’S HORE- two successive years, but also cap­ Grade VIII. Miss Walker, t-achtr HOl ND SY RUP loosens the| tured the first prize of $1,000 at the Enrollment for year, 28; enroll mem phlegm so that it can lx- coughed I Chicago show this year tor month, 28; daily attendance, 20, up and ejected Pi ice 25c, 50c and Oregon City has a |>apei mill that I per cent of attendance; 98; times. $t.oo |>er bottle Sold by C. V | is the third largest in the*world ' late o; mil of honor; 20. Low e. t Heartburn is u symptom ol Indi* gestioit. Take a dose of IIERBINE in such cases. The pain disappears • instantly. The bowels operate speed­ ily and you feel tine, vigorous and cheerful. Price 5OL’ Sold by C. \ • Lowe. OI IO FOR SALE o o Besl sale. o o n for Located Restaurant in Bandon Price is a Sacriflcs bargain. sure a man and wife. Splendid Don't guess and wa as­ can for opportunity about this offer o but come and see. o B. D. Strauhal Lucas & Hopson Office Hotel Gallier Rates $t.oo to $2.00 per day. Special rates by «t week or month. Sample Room in Connection. Oregon J Bandon SHIELDS «fc KENNEDY HI