Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 13, 1910, Image 3

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t nvrrW>t. mn. ‘jf Arwrlou« !•»•»• I
4~”__________ J
» I
vail a • » Ml
It w i« ntghl w i
durknr r*' l’fr
finding tit» wnl h r tor
tooth in gtr-ti nr»»
am ill qn.intitv rl rtf i
to «Lent«.
wliiili the hungry I
kandaom«r. mors
the ptngaol a forty eight lours* Li-d.
•«rvtccable. or
Dining the night, the moon ai.»e.
■»or« «ppraciatcd
1 tilt-* and thirst awoke inc and by
giit could b«
I moon light I found tin- npri ig.
made. Bcautiful
Again m< re than twenty mill’s ol
M lonrf aa itlaata.
des< rt ay lx fore me, covered with
and it laata a
miles of alkali crystals, so purely
liletimc. Se« it
white that the r<-fb-cti n of the sun.
and décidé for
striking lhe eyes, was extremely
painfull, the heat, too, was nearly
unbearable. At three p. in. I reach­
ed the Black Rock, a formation of
liasalt, nearly black in color, beyond
it stretched the desert, r.ot a spur ol
vegetation, not a drop of water on
this desert can lie foil nil Its length B andon hardware company
north and south is one hundred and
fifty miles the width from ten to fif­
teen miles. Before entering this sand
basin, a hot spring of nearly boiling
water leaves the basalt rock it is so
warm that meat can be boiled in it.
By following the small stream half ol
a mile, the water bad cooled enough
to be used for drinking purposes.
The sun nearly roasting us caused
Nice ubmn rooinn 25 and 50c a
uiuht, $1.25 a week; $5 nmontb
me to stop and rest. With the blan­
kets I formed a tent and tin ler it,
myself anil animal found some shade
and relief. Next to the water was
some grass, which, after the sun was MY CLOTHES ARE AT THE
sinking in the Western horizon, fur­
nished the mule with feed for the
coming march. For myself, I hid
the good luck to see a sand heron,
which was shot ami made me a good
Although it was sunset, it was still
scorching hot, the whole atmosphere
Where Yours Ought Jo be
was in flickering motion, the night
approached, one star after the other A. F. DERINGER
bedecked the clear blue sky, and
now the north star made its appear­
Clarence Y. Lowe
ance; this my guiding star for the
coining journey, this the only sta­
O regon
tionary star in the northern hemis­ BANDON
phere, the direction I had to follow.
bruggist and Apothecary
In a line with the north star are
Is ;nst in receipt of a new stock of
two others, known as the pointers, a
part of the seven stars called the Drugs and Chemicals, Patent and
Proprietary Preparations, Toilet Ar
“Great Bear.” All the stars rotate tides.
Drug Sundries, Perfumes,
around the north star, and by ob Brushes, Sponges, Soap, Nuts and
serving the positions in which these Candies, Cigars. Tobaccos and Cig­
constellations are at a certain hour, arettes, Paints, Oils, Glass and
it beccmes an easy matter to calcu J Painter's Supplies.
A Model City.
<>!•»• iilglit • luani was l>ro*ght b»f»»r«
th» M-rgcaut at th» »k*k in a polk-»
court charged with burglary.
“Hallo. Mtlmaon.” an Id It.»« aergeaat.
Mr» Rus
"You turned up again? I haven't awn
you for ao long that 1 thought you 4 I mt« Itioll to
It - uh fill l>, hi r liti-'b.iiul it
“I’m not Ktluiaon.** r<*pll<*d the man,
ib'i-luiK nt of .1 moil« I » .I
who wna dreaaed in working coatutnc,
"and I’ve never bcm here before."
! n-west of lite tii.iiiv I topi
"Tnlie him in.”
The nest morning the caau came up Cuttr
lo lie far ::tip<-t ior t
before the court. There had lx*»«n a
burglary in lien Warfleld'a more. War priilec»swors. It util rtM- ;
Ueld had entered Ills place of buaiueas beautiful Forest Hill gat
with a light and cornered a uiun role
bing Ills cash drawer. The robber Long Island, its cottage w
knot-lied him down and ran. The store­
btautiful as tlrcam , ami,
keeper got up. follow<*d. called a po I Ice­
man, and together they made chase. s irroumlings are ecu critcil, its fif­
Warfield in court testified that while in
pursuit of the fugitive he had turned teen hundred carefully selected in­
and walked toward them. Undoubted­ habitants will be “dwellers in Eden’’
ly knowing lie would be captured, lie
hoped to go by them unrecognized. But j and Eden with all modern intpr< ve-
Warfield had got a good look at hint nients.
in his store by the light heicarried and
knew him at once. The rest of the
Yet Sageville, or whatever it will
evidence against the prisoner was fur­
nished by a picture in the «rogues’ gal­ be called, will fail of its object. Like
lery which,’though it was not a flat­ Pullman ami other modern villages
tering likeness, was near enough like
him, taken with Warfield’sMWldence, to built by millionaires, it will suffer
convict him.
most of the ills of the average small
Tile prisoner claimed that l he was
John Conover, a workman In a foun­ muniiipality, and be little, if any,
dry. His employer’s su|ierlntendent better ofi than its neighbors. A pri-
was called to the stand and testified
that the man. under the name of Con­ vatelv financed village may have
over, had gone to work for the concern
prettier houses and better plittrtbing
a week before, claiming that he had
not been employed for some months. than the ordinary American village,
That was all the witness knew about
but it will stifle the spirit of its de­
Being an ohl offender. Stimson was mocracy.
sent to the penitentiary for seven
Other ominous Shadows foretell
years. Before he started his wifecume
to see him. acting hysterically and de­ the failure of the city which is to be
claring that she and her children were
starving. This only confirmed the>ver- buikled on the millions of Russell
dlct, though it excited sympathy. No Sage.
For instance, this: “For the
one ever heard of Stimson having had
a wife and family. But the case was present laboring men, whose wages
decided, and there Is too much work are small, will not benefit directly
before the courts except in the cases of
those who have money to pay lawyers from Mrs. Sage's enterptise.
and costs for a little matter like that
cost of land, it is explained, pre­
to attract even attention.
One night three years later a man cludes provision for the working
was brought into the same sergeant us
had received Stimson, whereupon the class.
sergeant, wiio was a facetious man,
Wheezing in the lungs indicates
"Hello, Stimson! You here again? I
phlegm is obstructing the air
haven’t seen you for so long that I
thought you’d reformed.”
passages. BALLARD’S HORE­
“I’m not Stimson. My nnme’s Con­
HOUND SYRUP loosens the
“Well. I like that. I’d know that phlegm so that it can be coughed
mug of yours among a thousand. up and ejected. Price 25c, 50c and
We’ve got you In the gallery. But.
$1.00 per bottle. Solti by C. Y
what did. you say about being”—
"Yes—Conover. It seems to me the
------- 000-------- .
nnme’s familiar. Now I remember all
late correctly the time of night.
about it. The Inst time you came in
Looking Backward.
here you tried the racket of mistaken
When I left the resting place, the
identity; said your name was Conover.
pointers and north star formed a
But hold on. You were sent up for
horizontal line; it was then about 8
B lack R ock D esert .
seven years. You couldn't get out this
o’clock p.’ii. The distance across
early on good behavior. When did you
When I awoke the next morning
break jail?”
the desert was fifteen miles; the
“Sergeant,” said the prisoner, chang ; a rather lonely feeling crept over me,
lag his tone, ”1 wns dingin’ to a sore, full of pain, it made me think pointers now stood within a lew de­
straw, and that remarkable memory ot I
grees of perpendicular witli the north
yours has l>rok<> it. Three years ago I of my fottner companions on this star, consequently I had traveled
Where were they now? A five hours. It was near 1:00 o’clock
you sent up an Innocent man who look­ trip
ed tike me, and this time I was think­ stretch of five hundred miles lay be­ a.m.
P ohl .
in’ 1 might possibly get off by claimin’
to be him. But it won’t work."
Heatlburn is a symptom of indi­
The sergeaut looked nt the man, I tion and my destination, the Co
greatly puzzled.
Take a dose of HERBINE
quille river.
“Did you do the burglary Conover
The pain disappears
There was no use to philosophize
was sent up for?” he asked.
“Yes, I done it. They chased me, —this meant action without fear of’ instantly. The bowels operate speed­
nnd all of a sudtlen I ins-red 'em stop. what might follow.
I was firm in ily and you feel fine, vigorous and
The next day I sor In the erim news in
cheerful. Price 50c. Sold by C. Y.
the pa|ier that a bloke as looked like] tnv 1 esolution to face die circum­
1 .owe.
me was took. He's »loin' my Hine now. 1 stances and do the best I could.
If you wasn’t on to it I'd 'a' tried to
Once more I went to the ruins in
prove I was him. No credit to the way
Notice of Administration.
1 had lost all, searching in the
you cops work things that I didn't
Your memory floored me.”
ashes. Bv good luck 1 found a part
Notice is hereby given, that by order of the
The real Stimson went up, and in of the go!»l dust melted into liimp-t. County Court of the State cl Oregon, in and for
time the real Conover came down One
the County of Coos, Jeanie R. Timmons was
night he walked into the station and the rest was lost.
stood before the sergeant. He was not
Purchasing an old pack tnule and duly appointed executrix ol the estate of Cross­
recognized. Maddened by Ills impris­ -.addle, a necessary rifle and revol­ man I irnmons, deceased, and that letters testa­
onment for an offense he had not com­
mentary were duly issued, and to the said Jeanie
mitted. deprived of the power to work : ver and provisions ami blankets for R. Timmons on the 18th day of November,
for Ids wife ami children, he had nt- I the trip, loading the animal, I shook 1910; and that she is now qualified and acting,
tempted to escape, was caught and had
therefore all persons having claims against the
the dust off and out I ventured.
been treated with unusual severity.
The Humboldt river is about the said estate are hereby notified to present the
No wonder the sergeant didn't know
him. lie Imd aged ill appearance twen­ size of (be south fork of the Cotpiille same with proper vouchers to the said executrix
at Bandon, Oregon, within six months from the
ty years.
day of Deteml-er, 1910, the date of the
“Who are you?" asked the sergeant.
know, it has a peculiarity worthy of ! final publication ol this notice.
“John Conover!”
Used as he was to the hard side of menlion.
At Humboldt sinks, the
life, the sergeant started.
Executrix of lhe Estate of Crossman
“Are you sure I'm not Stimson?"
1 53-t5T
Timmons, deceased.
“I had nothing to do with yonr cnse; into the ground, never to rise again.
GEO. P. TOPPING Att y for the Estate.
the court did It. You were unfortunate No doubt during some former earth­
In looking like n jailbird.”
Notice of Administration.
”1 came to say that while I’ve iiecn quake, large fissures were created'
in jail my two little ones have died for in the lower stratification, info and
Notice is hereby given llial by or»ler of the
want of proper attention. My wife through which the river sinks into
still lives. If this were not so you
County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for
the bowels of the earth.
would go after my children.’’
the County of Coos, Lettie J. Jenkins was duly
Mill City lay behind me when my appointed administratrix of the estate of Anna
The man walked out, nnd the ser­
geant wiped the sweat from his brow i trail turned northward into the des­ M Bigne, deceased, and that letters testamen­
with his coat cuff. He knew |>y Con­
tary were duly issued to the said Lettie J. Jenk­
over’s look that only a life stood be­ ert.
tween him ami death.
Late in the evening of the sg£-on»l ins on the 18th day of November, 1910, and that
The next day Conover walked intd i »lay I came to Antelope Springs. It she is now qualified and acting, therefore all
persons having claims against the said estate are
Warfield's store. Warfield, hearing a ;
footstep tiebind him. turned. He had i was a dreary camp, bnt little water hereby notified to present the same with proper
h»ard of ids mlstnke nnd wns brood- 1 and no feed whatever for the mule. vouchers to the said administratrix, at Bandon,
ing upon it at the time; otherwise he I Before me lay a stretch of
twenty Oregon, within six months from the 20th day of
would not have known till«- ghost of
Ollt December, 1910, the dale of the find publica­
tion of the notice.
A few minutes later a clerk found by ravines, but nowhere a drop of
Administratrix of the Estate of Anna
Warfield on the floor In n tit. No one water, near sunset a great
mirage 53-l5T
M. Bigne. deceased
was with him. and he never told Mho
GEO. P. TOPPING, Att y for the Estate.
bad lie» a with him
itinfin m DiiDu
Prepare for Christmas
A. A. PAULL, Proprietor
bealGr in a.11 Kinds of Wood
Heavy and Light Draving. Best grade of Coal on Hand.
Barns—Timmons’ Old Cannery
Fast anti Commodious
Leaves Portland (Ainsworth Dock) 8 p. in. every Tuesday.
Leaves Coos Bay every Saturday at service of the tide.
Confirm Sailings Through C, M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon
Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and
San Francisco
First Class Passenger Fare,
Freight Rates,
$3 on Up Freight
•J. E. WALSTROM, Agont, Bandon. Oregon.
E. & E.
T. Kruse, owners and managers, 24 California St., San Francisco.
A. B ank D rakt
RAFTS issued by this Bank are good anywhere, and can be
transferred as often as desited by endorsement, and if lost or
stolen, you can get your money or a duplicate without any annoy
ance or delay. All of the drafts that we issue, after being paid by
the corresponding bank are retflrned to ns, and art- filed away
where they can be seen at any tinn. by the purchaser, showing that
the money was received by the party to whom it was sent, a proof
that is impossible when you send your mon -y any other way.
I ostoffice money orders cost 30c per ¡¡»too Ou r drafts cost
less than half that amount. Open Saturday evenings,
By Making Your Own Gifls
Nothing Better.- Nothing
Neater, Nothing Cheaper
Hotel Gallier I
Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per »lav.
week or month.
Special rates by
Sample Room in Connection.
A Large Assortment of the
Latest Novelliwt ami De­
signs at the
M. G. POHL, Optometerist
• A. Me NAIR
BRIDGE & BE.AC.H Stove». Range» and Heater« have in them no many excellencies
that they are now acknowledged the greatest seller« on the coast and they are growing
in favor every year.
Saturdays at Gallier Hotel
We have the exclusive agency in Bandon for these household
and office necewtic«, and price« range exceedingly modest in either case.
Our AsMirtment of Hardware, Tinware and Edged Tools is Most Complete.
If you wish a bottle cold---
Call at the Eagle,
If you love the goods.tliat s old--
Call at the Eagle.
D esigns
C opyrights A c .
Anvone «»nittn« aakotrh and deacrlntlcn ai«v
Onteklf Mcertmn < nr opinion fr«e whether ex»
Invention la prohehly patentable »onininiiKis-
Uonaalriclljeoiifldantlal. HANDBOOK on l-ntenta
vent. frea. OMaat uenef for aer-uring paiema.
l-.itonu taken tnrouah Munn « <;o. receive
(pcrutl notice, without charae, lu the
Taint no use to sit and blink
if you really need a drink.
Just make »sign or ring a bell.
And you bot they’ll treat you nght
Down at lhe Eagle
Scientific flmcricatt.
A handnomolr !l hurt rat M wneltlr. Mrcrwt Hr
cnlattoff of any nricwflUc joHrtial. Term«, ft n
fi’ ir: four month«, |L fioitl by ah jewmlcMterw.
VIUNN&Co MIBreathaah New York
Branch Ofllce. C3& F HU Waabiuctou, D. G.
• a«
Alvin Munck, Prop.
Harness Shop
Full line of Harness, Sad­
dles, Bridles, Halters,
Blankets and everything
usually kept in a first*
class harness shop.
Repairing a Specialty
W. .1. SABIN, Prop.