M*—>*■«» rn Mfilie llntletl hon rth«l Enndon Recorder gone «Uiutwige aft iw» Rw»re the if i PwM*!»*•«I F.vtry TwrartMf ««'I Hi'hy l»y th* Vt«oorcl«r PutJtotitnv Company, C L KOPF Mu«. . . . T H. KREAMER. B—... Hut»<-ri|>tt<>n, 91 fio p*r Y**r It A>l*nr>**. I••»•»»« l(nt»« M»rinlly K ui . mh I nt lh. llotulou P<«t»tn«M> «■ CI iim Moior, TUESDAY............................................................ Drcrmlx-r 13, tqùo THOUGH! FOR TODAY A man who is not ashamed of himself need not be ashamed of his eady condition.— Daniel Webster. Why Not? Some American tailors sign their namei with a cross. A war vessel is a great machine shop, with boil­ ers, engines, wireless system, tele­ phones, and electric devices of all kinds. Why could we not follow what is done in some factories, as at Cincinnati, for instance? Why could we not make a contract enlistment in the navy which would guarantee to a young man entering the navy a couple of hours of education a day under competent instructors? There are some seven hundred men on a war vessel with three or four instruct­ ors on board, and with the addition ol first-class correspondence work it would be possible for a young man to go into the navy for two or three years and come out with an educa­ tion and the beginning either of a profession or of some kind of an industrial education, says an editor iai in Collier’s. We could advertise —’‘Go to the navy and get an edu­ cation; go to the army and get an education.” These young men would go back into the ranks of the working people of our country and form a great reserve for our army and navy. This plan would cost merely the pay of the instructors, and limitless is what it might accom­ plish for efficiency in army and navy. The desertions from the army today are not surprising. What in­ spiration is there? There have been organized at fomeof our universities fine corn spondence schools. Wis c insin has over three hundred and eighty courses This whole machin ery could be used on the battleships, and the men who take the lessons wo ild pay lor tire work. Instruc­ tion, help, and a little inspiration would do the rest. Seek the Truth. Many centurii.s ago a c<-rtTtin wise m m said, * 'Ye shall know the tenth, and the trulli will make you free." Today we realize its perlinacy For is not evil the result of igu<- rance and is not education along re ligious and nu r.d lines our one and o tlv hope of alleviation? Education is the discovery of truth The world has witnessed some great transitions in the forward march ot liberty and progress. The philosophy of Greece and Rome flourished in an atmosphere of sei- vility. In those days, the sun rose over wealth, splendor and wisdom, but one half of the people were slaves; it never set on universal peace, f>r there was "war and ru mors of war." There was -famine and pestilence in the land, and in fact the world generally was in an unsettled condition. Today slavery and warfare have been practically abolished and the world is seeking further emancipation from this con dition, and freedom ol opportunity is the battle cry. Men have ceased to claim that all are born free and equal, but all are clamoring for equal «.«•h g, ' People are everywhere rising lol since there he to have rcachc«l greater independence and the his highest development. In Servin, changes tli.H will be wrought within the hog is on if not exactly hit» the next derail«- arc boyomf prcilic- native heath, the place where he t >n at present. I counts fur most. Even the present Fly-by-Nights. King of Servia is descended from . hi humble herdsman ul hogs. This, I k cause during the centuries Servia A short time ago this pa] er took was under the I'uik the Serb raised occasion to warn the |>eople about nogsaitd little else, tinee the Moham­ certain |»euple blowing into Coos medan would not eat pork, and so county and working the public on lus goods were immune from seizme. fake propositions. Several thanked But the hog issue is closer at ‘ us for the advice we handed them. home. In the great and glorious When you deal with a local house West there must be many unim­ you know where to get redress in proved op|>ortunities for m.yking two case anything is wrong with what pigs grow where now only one you buy. The following shows how munches his corn. It is an issue the U. S. Government treats such which cannot be longer postponed. i pecple: America expects every hog raiser to Excluded from mails. Newspapers do his duty.—Philadelphia Inquirer. containing Bayleys contest piano op|M>riunities for adv ineemcnl. In this country we have a problem ol capital and labor, both have their rights and should be respected. This question reacheti the very vitals ol future progress and well being in America. Some people urge that a radical change must come at once and the theories they advocate would practi cally mean a revolution, but we are inclined to think that a better method o of solving the problem can be arrived at and that if we seek the truth through education along the lines of vital importance that we will get better results. Revolutions are the last resort, in fact there are few instances on record ads are refusal pcstal delivery on where revolutions have not done as ground it is lottery. Birth of New Freedom. much harm as good. Sometimes Detroit, Mich., October 19, iqto. they are necessary, but this is very A little too late, but nevertheless in Behold the sign of universal un- seldom. time to have considerable force, the Education must be our guide and rest: local postoffice officials, acting under Portugal dethrones her king and instructions from the assistant attor­ moderation our constant watchword. ney-general, in Washington, have It is truth that we seek not violence. sets up a republic. Belgium pçlts her royal master notified certain local newspapers Coos County Showing. with socialistic pamphlets anil de­ J that copies of their paper containing the advertisement of the Baylev mands universal suffrage. Music House, 29 Grand River ave., Germany boldly arraigns her east, relative to a guessing contest Oregon’s census figures for 1910 show that the state has 15 counties kaiser because he lauds his ancestors now being conducted, will be barred with populations of over 16.000 each. and revives the doctrine of the divine from the mails. The action is based on the ground that the scheme is a These same counties also led in the right of kings. England assaults the most ancient lottery and the mails, under the law, census of to years ago, but there are cannot be used for the furtherance several changes of relative standing privileges of her nobles, while the [ of such enterprises. The order does now. Douglas still ranks ninth, the suffragettes smash every window in ; not affect city editors of the papers in question, but. in accordance with same as in, 1900 and 1890. Wash­ the prime minister’s house. Mexico seethes with revolution in the departments, orders, they have ington has advanced fiom tenth to cut the advertisement out of their seventh, and Jackson from eleventh several states, anti struggles to over­ mail editions. to fifth. Umatilla drops fiom sixth turn a dynasty ruling a nation which The contest, as already told in The to eighth, Union from seventh to is republic only in name. Indicator, consisted in guessing Mr. Even the United States has made Bayley’ s exact age at a certain hour 14th and Baker from eighth to eleventh. Coos advances from 15th history in these strenuous times. Il of a certain day.—Ex. /7ÆVÀ' DA /h/A7)().\ SIH EGOS Capital Stock $50,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS; J. L. Krortrabrrg. Preaidrnt. J. Denholm, President; F. J. Fahy, Cashier; Frank I lari, I . P. Hanly. Vi ice A (-«-neral hanlunp biiunrsi trial. acted and cutlomrrs given rvciy inommrxlatioa can- si.Uent with oor that it was not able to eat scrapple for breaklast in season, and often it furnished forth the supper table. Now it is getting into the luxurious class and is soon to appear on the menus of high-priced restaurants among tlu delicacies to tickle the palate after the opera. And as for sausage! We cannot speak of the subject without uncommon emotion. It is getting too dear. The hog has «lone this, au