Get Your XMAS SUIT OR OVERCOAT At the Hub •• t Where you can save yourself from 20 to 30 per cent, by our system of buying and selling for cash We handle the best that money can buy—the World Famous Alfred Benjamin Clothes, made in New York, and every garment guaranteed for one year. Come in and let us show you the latest in Hats and Shoes. A big line of Fancy Suspenders and Neckwear for the holidays now ready for your inspection Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. « BANDON AND MARSHFIELD Your Money Savers MONEY TALKS ! CASH ONLY I Arthur Ellingson of Coquille was Gasoline, kerosene and machine wattr was very high at the bay. 1.1 Bandon visitor Wednesday. oils at Bandon Hardware Co. 5712 Mrs. B.n Hause ran a needle into For logging tools go to Bandon Stmr FI FI ELD. The Popular her hantl and biokeit off Dr. Mann Packet for Particular People. 54tf was called and had to cut it out. At I Hardware Company. 57t2 Buy your fruit cake for Christmas There will be a called meeting of last repoit Mrs. Hanse was getting “Fl Fl ELD”—The “UN I.Y from Herzig’s Home Bakery. 58 12 the tax payers of this road district along as welt as could be expected. 42-tf WAY.” Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boyle's Jewelry Store will be open at the city hall Dec. 28th, at 2:00 Alex Turner and Mr. Gerber, o ’ clock in the afternoon for the pur ­ Duke, Nov. 22nd, a fine baby l>oy. ranchers near Langlois, were in evenings from now until Xmas. 5842 pose of levying a special tax for the Mother and child are doing well. If you want silverware with an Bandon Wednesday and gave the improvement of roads tn the district. Mr. Reese, who has rented the R ecorder office a friendly and sub­ absolute guarantee, gel R. Wall ice Old Time Dance in Bank Hall ad Cope ranch went oto town last w eek 1835 brand at Boyle’s Jewelry stantial call. Finest California Wheat Hay, $1.85 per bale; $16.25 vertised for Saturday night, Decern to meet his son and family who are 5712 F or S ale — Large quantity of I Store. per ton of 9 bales. Red Star Alfalfa Meal $1.15 cow beets and cai rots. Sweet Bros., I Mayor Mast left on the special ber 10th, will be postponed to a later from C’ocs river; they expect to visit Sack. boat, carrying the B. H. S. delega­ date owing to arrangements not bo- • on Four Mile and lock around the Lam pa, Ore. 56-tf country. Col. R. H. Rosa was over to i tion, this afternoon. He expects to ing completed. The usual Satur­ day night dance will be given in its Mr. Cartwright has leased what is Marshfield, Monday, to attend the be away about a week. place. tl known as the Houghton place to R R. W. Wallace 1835 Silverware— Elks’ Memorial exercises When you have a cold get a bot­ P. Hunt, Mr. Cartwright has ac­ Clothes pins, five dozen for five I 1 the kind of plate that resists wear, tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. cepted a position in a logging camp at Boyle ’ s Jewelry Store. 5712 cents, at Claude Woodruff's the It will soon fix you up all right and out near the Klamath. 58H Joe Nay, ot near Langlois came house furnisher. will ward off any tendency toward Mr. Hess, a nephew of Henry Don’t forget that T. W. Robison up to Bandon Wednesday to meet pneumonia. This remedy contains Hess, canie from Wisconsin on a is handling all kinds of hay, grain, his niece, Miss Josephine Nay of no opium or other narcotic and may visit to his uncles, Mr. White and feed, etc., at the very lowest Marshfield, who arrived in this city be given as confidently to a baby as Mr. Hess of New Mill. P ete . on the noon boat, and will visit with prices. 40-tf to an adult Sold by C. Y. Lowe. her uncle for several months. Rev. F, M. Sandetlin will go to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge Don’t buy stoves until you see Riverto.i tomorrow and will preach BANDON CHURCHES Saturday evening, Sunday morning the new line at Claude Woodruff’s entertained a number of friends at a progressive whist party in their spa­ the house furnisher. 5811 and Sunday evening. High School students take notice cious home on Spruce street last C hristian S cience . See or phone L. J. Radley for all that St Mary’s Guild will have High night. Those present were Messrs Christian Science services are held kinds of FireWood. 27-tf School, Class and College pennants and Mesdaines C. R. Wade, Geo P in the K. of P. hall at 11 a.m. each Marshfield is holding a poultry on sale at their Bazaar, Saturday, Topping, Robert Johnson, L. P. Sor ensen, N. J. Crain, T. Treadgold Sunday. show which commenced yesterday Dec. 17th. 5744 C. A. Rohn, E. B. Kausrud, R W. Lesson subject for December nth and lasts over today. Something of Mrs. J. II. Johnston gave an “At Boyle, and Chris Rasmussen, also “God the Preserver of Man.” this nature would be a good thing to Home” at her toidence, Thursday Mrs. C. Timmons. Mrs. VV. E The public is cordially invited stir up for Bandon. Craiae, Misses Ethel Timmons, Nora afternoon, to a few lady friends. Solve. Let ha Moore, and Messrs J. attend. Boyle’s Jewelry Store carries a Card playing was the motif of the W. Mast A. B. Robinson, Harry P resbyterian . full line of R. Wallace 1835 Silver­ afternoon and elegant refreshments Walker and C. E. Hollopeter Dr. ware. The kind that has bolter were served. Those present were: Sorensen won first prize for gentle­ Services will be as follows: than a twenty year guaranfee. 5712 men. and Mrs. Timmons captured Sunday school at 10 o' clock. Miss Nora Solve, Mesdaines E. B. the ladies’ prize, while his honor, Preaching at 11 :oo. S. J. Culver returned Tuesday Kausrud, N. J.. Crain, B. S. Swen- the mayor, walked off with the other The morning sermon will be a from his ranch over in the valley, gle, J. Sullivan, R. A. Fclter, B. D. prize. At 11:30 Mrs. Trowbridge and will look after business in Ban­ Strauhal, C. R. Wade, J. L. Con­ served elegant refreshments. The continuation of the study of the book evening was a most enjoyable one to of Gallations. don for a few days. ger and J. E. Clark. all present, Christian Endeavor will convene Get one of those $10 dolls ol Plate your orders at once for all at 6:30 p. m. Claude Woodruff, the house furnish­ I kinds of grass seed, seed grains, etc. When your feet are wet and cold 1 Preaching at 7:30. er, for your Xmas present. 58 u with T. W. Robison, at Central and your body chilled through anil The evening theme will be, “The through from exposure, take a big 40-tf The Bowman Cigar Co. is so Warehouse. dose of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ Midnight Cry.’* rushed with orders these days that If you want a stylish, well made edy, bathe your feet in hot water be­ H. C. H artranft . Pastor. it keeps them hustling right along kitchen apron, you can get it at the fore going to bed, and you are al­ A dventist C hristian . to fill them. Mr. Bowman has re­ St. Mary’s Guild B.'iz iar, Sat , Dec. most certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. cently added a new man to his force 17th. 57-14 Regul ir services Sundays in Con­ in the person of Hans Jorgensen, crete Hall, Jesse Hapgood and Miss Elina Four Mile Locals formerly of St. Paul. Mr. Jorgen­ Hapgood of Modoc, Calif., accom­ Sunday school held at 10:00 a.m.; sen is an experienced cigar maker. panied by Miss Nellie Arnold ot Loyal Workers Society 6:30 p;m. Have you taken advantage of the Myrtle Point, are Bandon visitors at Albert Meacum, whom the paper M ethodist . big reduction sale at Claude Wood­ present, registering at the Pacific made mention of last week as hav­ Sabbath school 10 a. m., E. A. ing been married at Salem, came House. ruff’s, the house furnisher? 58-ti back bringing his wife with him. Mr. Philpott, Supt. FOR SALE—Five room cottage Meacum is well known in Bandon We are giving 10 |>er cc-t off on Morning service 11 a. m. all sales during this month at Claude and furniture, and two lots. Best and vicinity, and his many friends Sermon 'subject: “The Holy Woodruff’s, the house furnisher. 1 1 location in town. Close in. Inquire wish himself and bride the greatest Spirit, its Work and Methods.” success and happiness on their way. 29-tf Columbian dry cell batteries al of Nels Rasmussen. Junior Epworth League 3 p. m. Some of J A Alumh e h's friend Now on Display in the Window Mrs. A. D. Morse entertained the Bandon Hardware Company. 57U Senior Epworth League 6:45 p. m. Art Club and a few other invited met I in along the road a few days Inquire at the Store for particulars Evening Service, 7:30 p. in. ago and rem.itkcd how young and M rs. V. R Dwiggins and little I guests. Thursnay afternoon. One of smiling he looked and asked what Sermon subject: “Prohibition as son, who have been visiting the for­ the chief attractions was a bowl cf had made the great happiness; he it reallv is in Kansas.” mer's parents, Mr. an »i.sited Mrs The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. Don't overlook the Bandon Ware McIntosh up Coos river while she Sunday morning and evening. 4JF48P4 F4V E# ♦♦ t m,« *90 «¿4.4? ***** ** *4# •»» ** church will serve a ch|< ken pie sup ------ <-XK>------- house in buying your Hay, Grain, was gone. She says she enjoyed per in the Odd Fellows' hall, I burs or mill feeds, Terms strictly cash— Jier visit but was glad to get back to A fine baby bov was born to Mr, ----- •_ ;||jy onc can day night, December 15th. Supper mean lowest prices and Mrs Arthur Adams December in town. Give _ fo„r Mj|e W us a trial. 54’d without so much boating, as th,. 5th. served from 5 to 7:30. 57-13 * * MF A4A&.4 4 4 tt 111 ***4*'4 4 4 4 4 44*4*4 44 *4 414'4 4 4 * 4k#'4 |MyK*l BANDON WAREHOUSE CASH SPECIALS THIS WEEK TRADE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY S am S ays Let it rain! It likes to rain! So why stop it? If your house leaks don’t worry; come down and get some of our storm proof rustic and shingles. GEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO NOTICE ! R. W. BOYLE IS GIVING AWAY Absolutely Free.... AT HIS JEWELRY STORE A $100 Diamond Ring IL Subscribe For The Recorder ( J