Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 09, 1910, Image 3

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Bad Midways Prevent Regular
Attendance at School.
National Grange 1« Urged to Work
Tor Bettor Highways as a Help to
Youngsters and Greater Interest In
Church and Civic Improvement.
On«* of the ti<lvantages that good
roads are ton community that are oftcu
lost sight of Is the prevention of chil­
dren attending school regularly, thus
furthering the ambition qf every pur­
ent that his or her child shall be well
educated. anil another is the preven­
tion of social Intercourse, which la
only fully developed when the ••going”
is easy over well cared for highways.
In an article written for the national
grange by Logan Waller Page he says:
"The advantages of good roads ex­
tend to every citizen, whether he lives
in city or country, and to every enter-
prise, whether it be agricultural, man­
ufacturing or mining. Al) are more or
less dependent on the common high­
ways as au avenue of the commercial
transportation, and in priqiortion as
these highways are improved so as to
facilitate transportation are they bene­
fited thereby. These benefits have
been carefully computed and estimated
in dollars and cents, and so enormous
have they been thus demonstrated to
lie that they present a convincing ar­
gument to any thinking man of the
Importance and necessity for road im­
"But there are other elements of ad­
vantage which more urgently recom­
mend the Improvement of our roads,
advantages which deserve far more
serious consideration titan tiny tintin
clal advantages which we may gain
and which cannot be measured accord­
ing to any monetary standard, but
must be looked for In the elevation of
our citizenship and the moral and in­
tellectual advancement of our people.
"Most of our cities.and towns have
good streets and driveways, which fa­
cilitate business and recreation. The
people live close together, anti social
and friendly intercourse is easy. The
schools and churches are within easy
reach of all. So our urban population
has ample facilities for business, for
recreation, for social intercourse and
for attendance upon church and school.
"It is different. however, with the
two thirds of our people who are en­
gaged in agricultural pursuits and live
away from the centers of business and
population They have not the paved
streets and good roads of the cities
nud towns. They live apart from each
other and hnve no roads such as afford
easy and convenient means of trans­
acting business, of social intercourse
and regular attendance u | h > ii church
and school. To them will flow the
maximum of benefits from Improved
mails. Improved roads will bring them
in closer touch with the centers of
It will give them enlarged
ideas and assist them to adopt the
new methods which are so necessary
for them to keep pace with the march
of progress along other Hites, and as
they advance so will our civilization.
As they advance so will our entire
country and in equal ratio.
“Good roads would revolutionize our
country schools. Contrast the lot of
the country child on Ills way to school
in winter with flint of the city child
with only a few blocks of paved streets
to walk. Our country child, with
satchel over shoulders and lunch bas­
ket In hand, must leave the cheerful
fireside of home from half an hour to
nil hour before school opens in order
to Is« there on lime. The roads are wet
and muddy many months of the year
The country Is open and the cold
w inds are unmerciful In their attacks
upon him So tIrtt by the time he
reaches the schoolhouse, which is of
ten unsclentlljcally ventilated and
poorly healet!. his fret are so cold and
his body so < hilled Unit hr Is unfit for
study or recitation most of the day.
ami the vxjtosnre and chilling of the
body invite pneumonia and other dis­
■•Tltrse conditions cause broken and
Irregular attendance. They create an
«version in the child for the •: -hool
room Instead <>f n pride In punctual
attendance and studious advancement
Not only this, but a mother hates to
see Iter children trot off to school two
or three miles awnv in cold, bad
weather, ’ll fears that the Injurious
"Imi rovi'sl rond« wotthl he a grt>-it
fnetor lit rialik-lng tfw |>er« riitni'r of Il­
literacy whis-lt rxiala tlirotlglHiMl Gw*
country. <>ur pri*a«*iit lllltcravy ranuot
I m - rerliietal l<> nnjt upprci htbJe extent
except by niiirahnllng nil of lite chil­
dren. I h > i | i city and eotnilry. Into the
Hch>nilr<H>ttiM. Thi» can only |,e a< corn-
pllxhisl try n aysteii. of compiil-ory crlti-
< alien
Some of our MlHtea have al-
re.-ul.v ptnued compulaory education
lawn, anti In many other Mtalca the sen-
tlment in favor of nn< It laws ia so pro
nouiii eri ns to itiillcute llreir early en­
actment. Tht>se laws prove a blc*i-
lug when wisely intimal mill prtqteriy
administererl. There tire no olrstaciea
to their ei'ir lent ailmiiiisii'atirni in our
Everybody is in close proxim­
ity to tile s ('I iim >II iouhi * s ami can easily
roach litem with but little exposure In
the worst weather. But in the rural
tlistriefs the opjrosito is true, if all
of tire roads were in good condition ho
as to remain higii and dry it would be
possible to successfully enforce such
a law even in the rural districts, but
with the present condition of most of
tile roads it is ir practicable. And the
states in their efforts to thus bestow a
blessing upon their children would lie
attemptiug au unkind benefaction for
which they would pay by a resultant
loss in the physique and mental vigor
of our future generations.
“Church attendance would also be
siimtilnted by road improvement.
When one has a nice smooth road to
travel over he doesn’t mind driving
tlp-ee or four miles to church. Small
congregations would thus lie augment­
ed. Tite people would become inter­
ested in and take a pride in their
churches. Larger and more comfort­
able churches would tie built, and lroth
ehildrr it and grown people would at­
tend church more regularly than they
do now with our bad roads and distant
and uncomfortable churches, for church­
going is not only beneficial from tite
religious atmosphere which pervades
churches, iritt there itralsoan attractive
social feature connected witli them
which is a benefit and a blessing to tite
“The schools and churches of a com­
munity are its greatest moral and edu­
cational forces. Next to them per­
haps stands rural mail delivery, which
brings tite |>eople of the rural districts
In daily touch with the cities and busi­
ness world. It places in their hands
tite dally papers, magazines and all of
the current literature of the country,
so that they may be as well informed
as to what is transpiring in tlic politi­
cal. literary and commercial world as
their brothers in the city. Tite Itenefi-
cial effects of tills service upon the
happiness and home comforts of our
rural population are immeasurable, and
nothing contributes to its etliclency
and regularity more titan improved
Muyar.......................................... J
Recorder..__ __________
The o T. Newall company of ntr
tnlmrlinm. Ala.. Ims been given per-
mission by the board of reventv« of
that county to bitllfl at its own expense
a mile of Improved r<>nd lietweeti the
villages of I’owderly and Bessemer.
The road is to be completed before the
meeting of the Alabama good roads
convention meets In the fall. It is un­
derstood tb it the company is taking
this ni'tion tri bring to tire attention of
the Good Itonda association the road
machinery which it manufactures.
■«rviccabl«, or
mor« appreciated
tfilt could be
made. Beautiful
ao lontf a« itlaeta.
and it laata a
. M<a
.. .« . Li. Kausred
Tieasuser.......... ...... ... C. Y. Is.wr
Muiin.pd Judjc____ __ _ Gio. P. Ivppmg
10 (.0 ¿ó <>/.5()
Our intc resU arc- your interest*. Ft
good service our me Ito
lifetime. See it
and decide for
Attorney ....... ._____ _____ F. J. Ter>i<y
G. iuk .I ui . n .. G. Bal, M
l’.eu r. P. C.
Steven, u, H M- ik I. R. W. Boyle. R. W.
I win Screw, New and Fazt
to dacidc.
haadaumar. mor«
.. Lb. Gold
John I 1 tail
A. F. L’sl-iLrook Co., 245 C;.l. S-., Snn rrsncirco ;.•
I . I.. itRAiMDENntJRGg
, i
um !
Deep seated coughs that
ordinary remeuies require both ex •
ternal and internal lieatmeut.
you buy a dollar bottle of BAL­
you get the two remedies you need Bring your
lor the price ol one. There is a
•Tol> Woi !<
POROUS PLAS TER lor thechest,
To T he R ecorder
tree with each bottle. Sold by C.
Y. Lowe.
A. A. PAULL, Proprietor
Dealer In. all Kinds of Wood
Heavy anil Light Praying. Best grade of G'al on Hand.
Bains—Timmons' Old Cannery
Fast and Commodious
"War .ted
Notice for Publication.
to buy all kinds of Junk, Hides and
Wool. Phone 331, or call across
street horn R ecorder office.
Leaves Portland (Ainsworth Dock) S p. nt. every Tuesday.
Leaves Coos Bay iv< t y Saturday at service of the tide.
Department of the interior,
U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon
November 23d, 1910.
Notice is hen by given that Jacob Waldvogel,
of BanJon, Oregon, who, on December 15,
1903, made Homestead Entry No. 13289,
Serial No. 03629. for S. W. I-4 S. E. I-4.
S. 1-2 S. W. 1-4 and N. E. 1-4 S. W. 1-4,
Section 25, Township 29 S.. Range 15 W.,
Willamette Meridian. has filed notice of intention
to make final five year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before A. D
Morsr, U. S. Commissioner. Bandon, Oregon,
Where Yours Ought to be
on the 16th day of January, 191 I.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Lamons, of Bandon, Oreg-n.
J. L. Foster, of Bandon, Oregon.
John Luke, of Bandon, Oregon.
John Chenoweth, of L anglois, Oregon.
O regon
Confirm Sailings Through C, M. SPENCER, Agent Bandon
Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and
San Francisco
First Class Passenger Fare,
Freight Rates,
$3 oh Up Freight
F. Lowe
. V
J. E. VVALSTROM, Agent, Baudot), Oregon.
E. & E. T. Kruse, owners and managers, 24 California St„ San Francisco.
Druggist and
Notice for Publication.
E epartment of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon.
November 23d, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Delos W. Gard­
ner, oi Bandon, Oregon, who. on May 2d,
1904, made Hon.estead Entry No. 13519, Se­
rial No. 03728, for S. W. 1-4 N. E. 1-4 and
S. E. 1-4 N. W. 1-4, Section 14, Township
30 S., Range 15 W., Willamette Meredian, has
filed notice of intention to make final five year
pioof, to establish claim to the land above de­
scribed, belorre A. D. Morse, U. S. tommies
¡oner, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 16th day of
January, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
L. F. Gardner, of Bandon, Oregon.
A.W. Gardner, of Bandon, Oregon.
George^ogan, of Bandon, Oregon—*
Fred Miller, of Bandon, Oregon.
Necessity of Replacing Plank Culverts
With Proper Pipes.
To Show Their Work.
I .>ua»y Judge.
C uiriisu. j
Pennsylvania's state highway com­
missioner gives the following advice
on the question of road drainage:
"Where water must, be diverteil from
one side to the other of a road It
should be enrried beneath the surface
by means of pipes or culverts of ca­
pacity adequate to carry the maximum
amount of water which ever will de­
mand passage. I’lpes of suitable ma­
terial when properly laid cost little
or nothing to maintain beyond an oc­
casional cleaning out. Water breaks
riM|uire constant attention and are fre­
quently Inadequate to prevent the flood
water from overflowing down the sur­
face of the road. They are also seri­
ous obstacles to travel, increasing very
materially the steepness of the hills
where they are used and making nec­
essary the hauling of proportionately
smaller loads.
"in tlic majority of the townships in
which any attempt is made to carry
water across below instead of above
the road surface It is done by means
of plank culverts, usually constructed
in tile most primitive manner, while
the large water courses are spanned
by structures consisting It: part, if not
wholly, of wood. In some instances
stone lias been used in a very com­
mendable manner, but it is found that
many'of fire bridges, culverts and
drains which have been built of stone
have been laid up tn an inefficient
manner, which has Ini in n few years
to tlic necessity of exi»ensive repairs.
For the smaller culverts and drains in
Which smoothness of interior surface
Is desirable four kinds of pipe arc
available vitrified clay, cast iron, cor
ruga toil iron and concrete. The use of
wood for such purposes is to lie dis­
couraged. ami nil existing plank cul­
verts should tie replaced l>y some oth­
er material ns rapidly as practicable.
Vitrified clay irtpes are much cheap­
er than Iron, but unless very carefully
protected are very liable to breakage.
Except In rare cases this material is
not recommended by the department."
Purchaser a
I M. I om '
r x i*
I tri.
I« pint in receipt of a new stock of
Drugs and Chemicals, Patent and
Prnpiietary Preparations, Toilet Ar
tides. Drug Sundries, Perfumes, I
Brushes, Sponges, Soap, Nuts and
Candies, Cigars. Tobaccos and Cig­
arettes, Paints, Oils, Glass and
Painter's Supplies.
Those Who Appreciate
Courtesy and Good Service
and contemplate enlarging or changing their
banking connections will find it to their ad­
vantage to consult with an officer or direct­
or of this bank.
We refer to any of our
customers for an expression of opinion as to
service rendered by us.
Prepare for Christmas
By Making Your Own Gilts
Nothing Better.
Neater, Nothing
A Great
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, one
Semi - Weekly Bandon Reorder
one year ........____ .......
A Large Assoitinent of the
... $3.60
Latest Noi eliti s ami De-
V <• •>
$ <• •:• •> •>
ST. MARY’S GUILD, of the Episcopal Church will
hold a Bazaar Saturday, December 17th, in the
afternoon and evening. All kinds of Fancy Work
—pretty things for Christmas. Pennants a specialty.
o r k
%• •> > v
Clubbing Offer
Both Papers One Year $2.00
The Semi'Wcekly
Oregon Journal
Publishes the latest and most complete tele­
graphic news of the world; gives reliable
market reports, as it is published at Portlaod
where the market news can be and is cor­
rected to date for each issue. It alto has a
page of special matter for the farm and
home, an interesting dory page and a page
or more of comic each week, and it goes to
tire subscriber twice each week— 104 times a
M. G. POHL, Optometerist
Saturdays at Gallier Hotel
BRIDGE Ji BEAC11 Stoves, Ranges and 1 {eaten have in them so many cxcellem ier
that they arc now acknowledged the pratest teller« on the < oast and they are growing
in favor every year.
We have the exclusive agency in Bandon for these household
and office necessities, and prices range exceedingly modest in either case.
Our Assortment of Hardware, Tinware and Edged Tools Is Mid Complete.
If you wish a bottle cold-—
Call at the Eagle.
If you love the goods’tliat s old—
Call at the Eagle,
The Semi Weekly
Bandon Recorder
Gives ail the local neWs anti happenings a nr I
should be in every home in this vicinity. The
two papers make a iplendid combination and
you can save $ I by sending your subscrip­
tions to I he Bandon Recorder. We can
also give our subscribers a good clubbing of­
fer for the Daily and ■ Sunday, or Sunday
J lurnal in connection with the Semi-Weekly
Bandon Recorder.
TnaoE Martha
D csicm
V h.'.n>1«omrlr lllnsfmlrd werklr.
. Ir-
■ itarton <>f snr R. irmibc JouriuU
Trnu;*, | . a
>r: f.uir montile, |L Huhl byal. ww»>t»nl«r".
Alvin Munck, Prop.
ill’Nii &Co.3G JBreadw” New York
litsoch Ottico. >3b I BL. Wuhlnxtun, II. C.
Harness Shop
Taint no use to sit and blink
If you really need a drink.
Just make a sign or ring a bell.
And you bet they'll treat you right
Down at the Eagle
Anronn s>*»«l'>« » skFlrh ns<t dr.cnptk'n mar
'tntrkiy nRo-rlHln <»nr <.|»ni"i> fice whvth<-r -n
liiv*nil»n Is |.r«.h»blr
tjt.iis*»trictlyiv.uiiiieiitlal. HrtfIDf.TOK «mi strilla
,<•>11 frsws. «»Mesi mimcx f->r MxruriiiaIminits.
I’airtits taken through Muun A Co. r>-> >:!»•
■prêtai n»/ke. wlthonXchsrxo, lu Ilia
SdtiMilic JWitaa
j !
Full line of Harness, Sad­
dles,. Bridles,
Blankets and everything
usually kept in a first*
class harness shop.
Repairing a Specialty
W. J. SABIN, Prop.