n«ekw*rd 1 ir>t»qta Is-««I !• It. on *<;• to»' •»< I iw T ihi , f ml< n llitiwliwila i»t .ifiipb' I It amt 4 t.rtr writ pipulaieit kity w I |,nooIn 4, cm *» inhabitants flute wa» in mu 4 ihtxHMiMl lift Even in winter, ini > *hi< ft w rxhi mr lv cold »•» lb»*«- ily and you Ici I Hu«, vtgnfouH ¡ulti FRIDAY Det e llbef 3, Iql«» i high ulltlmlrs. fv.*»y m»w mik I the < hct-riul. Price 50c Sold by C. Y. wriiit* while people weir t< rtuied an boulder. It was no joke to drive solutely new in the history of the can be done by an entire community lumber business The innovation I this team over to Paradise Valley; I fighting for the upbuilding of their will be in tiie nature of a type of the fine white sand which gave no re­ city. Bandon should certainly get ! c ty club house at eacli logging sistance to the wheels, in the wot st renewed courage from these exam­ camp. | places the tiack was covered with The plan in brief is to provide | f’aKe brush. . At three o’clock in the ples, and never fail to remember, as morning I arose and my task was to quoted above, that “In all human each logging camp with a clubhouse or apartments which will be pro­ feed, curry anil harness twelve large Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, one prosperity,” the master factor is the year ... ______ ________________ $1.50 vided with sliowqr and tub baths, mules, then prepare my own scant Semi - Weekly Bandon Recorder human will. reading 100m, smoking loom, meal, consisting of ceffee, bacon and one year ... ... ................................. .1.50 and general diversons. The club at chip crackers. This consumed and $3.00 Total Bandon Always to- the Front. each camp will lie mainl ined at the mules hitched up, the next ten or I V i- ......... L company’s expense, the employes twelve hours on a burning hot sand, _ >•----------- paying nothing for the benefit en with tiie sun upon my shoulders. Both Papers One Year $2.00 The voting of a fifteen mill tax for joyed. Ail of the details ol the plan It felt sometimes like purgatory or even worse. However I maffethel the carrying on of the current school have not been worked out yet. trip and brought in my load to the I The clubs are to be installed at .The Semi’Weekly year and for the defraying ol the each of the camps of the Smith Bow satisfaction of my employer, Three district delit last Tuesday night is ers Logging Company in Coos Co , double eagles were ha mied to me only another evidence of the Bandon and it is expected to have them all for my twelve days’ service. Be Publishes the latest and most complete tele­ fore starting on my trip I had left graphic news of the world; gives reliable spirit of progress. in within the next few months. The innovation will eliminate from some gold dust, my surplus clothirg, ! market reports, as it is published at Portland The people w ho were in atten­ where the market news can be and is cor­ dance were among Bandon’s best the logging camp employe’s lot the an excellent rifle and some other rected to date for each issue. ft also has a desolation ami hardship that for matter in a shed attached to one of page of special matter for the farm and citizens. They are the people who years have made the work about the the business houses in town. With home, an intr resting story page and a page n are interested in seeii g a greater hardest encountered, With the money in my pocket I concluded to or more of comic each week, and it goes to Bandoil. and, as Judge Geo. P. Top modern conveniences, plenty of stay until morning. It was about the subscriber twice eac h week—104 timo5 a \ ping expressed it on the floor that good reading, and a comfortable 5 p. m. when fire broke out in one year. - < 11 the stores, A strong wind fan­ evening: “ I’he greatest asset we can place to sjiend their evenings, it is ned the flames which consumed the have in Bandon is a first-class believed that the loggers will find buildings one after another arid then The Semi-Weekly crossed the street. All we could do their work less arduous. — Coos Bay school.” It is the first principle in was to save as much goods as pos­ Times. miking citizenship, and citizenship sible. As soon as the building tn which I Gives all the local news and happenings and is what we must have it we would Wheezing in the lungs indicates I haine blisters, rather J umal in connection with the Semi-Wei Uy painlul. Son e ol the citizens were Bandon Recorder. purpose like carrying on school, is Lowe. generous enough to furnish me more c L Knrr r