« c 0 • • o i 0 • • c • . • • • •• A 1 “T No Liars Waited. — • ..<• this conviftttion Fvblished Evtry Tuesday and Friday by the ît«»oc»ci«MP >*VLt>isliin.g Company. C. 1 T. H. KREAMER. B««u„ KOPk. Edo« • 9 I’.ugW • tilt* UlkiW-. IS ;l I IC < o 00 % - ------------------------------------- - --------------- ------------- -y----------- a ? 1r •> a* admirable boa cl regulator, 4l helps the liver .Hid sin i ach, and restores ;»• tine feeling of stienglii .■nd buoyancy. Price 5<»c. Sold by C. Y Lowe. O >pi<*nilid .i.tit a ill l>: provided lt>r the coaxeiti:*»fi ses.ion, and also lor the * He lied about it. 'Dial was .> serious »•r-plav of dairy tn ichinery and dairy ottciise and he uas Dismissed m dts- put fuels fthtch will l>e 011 hand. grace. T here will be a list of pit niitiins Rub .1 sore throat . with BAL­ Noveaiber i8. to'o ♦ FRIDAY A b w d.ns lieiure an. liter West iiffeted h>r crcamerv buttet an I also LARD’S SNOW LINIMENT. Point cadet was accusetl of having fur dairy butter, anti rteam cheese, I One or two applications will cure it to buy all kinds of Junk, Hides and and for ilisplav or dairy produt ts S^n Francisco’» Great Supe­ anqje to men, which, we regret to civilian clothing in lies quarters, a A fiature of the conv< 1 ion I’nich completely. Price 25c. 50c and $I.oo per bottle. Sold by C. Y. Wool. Phone 331, or call across say, the latter seldom follow. minor ofleo.>e, also punt.diable by a will lie dtffi rent ft-u anything in Lowe. riority. street from R ecorder office. We have already called attend n demerit < r confinement in quarters. the history of previ >us sessions, and to the unselfish aid given the strik­ He lied about it. and was also di.*- of unusual interest at this lime, will A great man, people living in the be a demonstration of the effects ot ing cloakmakers in New York by rnissed in disgrace. middle west, and many living in the tubercukisis in dairy cows, Several Mrs Bein'out, Miss Morgan, and Evidently Unt ie Sun doesn't want east know San Franc sco, n I they animals will be slaughtered under several Wellesley and Vassar gradu liars among his officers in the United I the direction of Dr. E. E Lvtle, know New Orleans. To such peo­ ates. But wh > can point to any States army. State Veterinarian. This will be an ple there can be but one opinion Harvard or Yale men fighting side Why? object lesson to dairynvn which when it comes to deciding which is by side with strike’s? Because Uncle Sam knows from should be a drawing card to every the best site for a great internatu nal Apparently men of education and exjtericnce that when it conies to a dairyman in Oregon. exposition. prosperous leisure do not bother I pinch it isn't safe to depend upon a 1 Creamerymen an 1 buttermakers These people know that San Fran their heads afiout the troubles of i I inm who lies. He is likely to fail in of Oregon will meet in Eugene Dec. 7th, to complete an organization and ciaco has a delightful climate, sum­ working girls or working men. In his duty when most is expected of discuss matters of importance to mer and winter; they know that San th • strike now going on in Chicago, him. He is likely to betray a trust dairying. Dairymen, are invited 'o Francisco is a greit financial and women of education, women of wealth when great tilings are reposed. Ben­ attend this meeting, which will make commercial center; they know it has and club women are working in the edict Arnold was a liar and a traitor really three days' convention. qpHE RECORDER management has one of the finest harbors in the world; streets in behalf of the striking gar­ The Eugene people write that they afterward—Uncle Sam remembers they know that though laid in ashes ment makers. We have yet to hear are preparing to accommodate one made arrangements with the that. So were other men who be­ thousand delegates to this conven four years ago it is today one of the of men doing anything so altruistic. trayed him 111 one way or another. tion, and 1 wish to make a personal inOat beautiful cities in the country, San Francisco Bulletin whereby we The reason for the difference is He learned long since that none but appeal to the dairymen of < fregón to a miracle of rehabilitation having simple. Women, whether suffragists lie present. Let us make this the tile truthful are dependable. can give subscribers the advantage of been accomplished by the expendi­ or not. have begun to realize that Nor does the world in general biggest convention ever held in the ture of more than $300.000,00® and the woman of the future is not to be a gigantic combination offer that will want liars. Lying is an evidence west. Dairying is not on the best marvelous energy; they know that the ward of man. She is to be a footing and many are of the opinion that there is something else wrong that it is growing worse. Consider­ the people of San Francisco have the personality, not an appendix. As furnish them all the news of the with a man. It betrays a weakness able dairy legislation is being planned ability, the energy and the money for men, whether rich or poor, edu that may lie concealed deep beneath some of it of the most pernicious country in a metropolitian daily and necessary to make the Panama Paci­ cateJ or uneducated, they have for the surface, but which is there nev­ character which will do harm to the fic exposition a splend d success; some time realized that a genuine ertheless, and which is likely to industry. Let us meet in a body, all the news of Bandon and vicinity in they know that California, which is man must not look to others to help consider these matters, and decide manifest itself disastrously at some backing San Francisco ir. the fight him out of the row he has started. on what kind of legislation we want the Recorder at marvelous low price critical time —Coos Bay I imes. Then we will go to the legislature is one vast storehouse of nature’s He must fight his own battles. with sufficient force to carry our treasures, and that it offers more at­ Therefore they leave strikers to their ideas through and prevent any other The Beauties of Bandon. tractions to tourists, homeseekers own resources. The Daily San Francisco Bulletin, $3.00 per year legislation from being passed. and investors than any other section Women being now on the thresh­ ----- noo---- The Bandon Recorder, 1.50 per year No city on the face of the globe is of the country or of the earth. The Sunifrer WiJowe.-. old of independent personality, show Iler huabnnd writes liei every mgs the in elli rates, or the number of deaths yeat- when they can procure it. Snow Drift is that should and do look good to of C ass City. Michigan, who on September 3 gent people of the east and the mid su< li a Hot r. ly among a thousand persons, have men who have capital to invest, and 1909, made Timber and Stone Entry No. 05456, die west will rally to the support of for Lots 2, 3 and 4, Section 2, Township 30, S. !.»een as follows since the American tfte R ecorder knows of a number Range 14 W. W. Meridian, has filed notice of San Francisco in the fight for Con­ occupation of the isthmus: of substantial industries that will intention to make Final Timber and Stone Proof, gressional favor and endorsement. Canal Em to establish claim to the land above desenbed, All the lobbies and special interests Year Panama Zone ploy« probably be started in this city in before A. D. Morse, United State, C ommission 49.94 25.ÍW» the course of the next year, but just er, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 29th day if Nov 6s az New Orleans can bring to its aid will 1905 1906 44 75 41.73 4« 37 not blind the people to its defects 1907 . at this time we are not at liberty to 1910. 34.45 334>3 26.74 Claimant names as witnesses: ami deficiencies 01 make them forget 1906 . . 29.93 34.83 13.01 give out our information, as the Robert Walker, of Bandon, Oregcn, 1« 19 10.64 plans are yet in embryo and those I larry Walker, of Bandon. Oregon. the undisputed natural beauty of 191» . ________ 25.44 G. T. Treadgold, of Bandon, Oregon. Thus there were saved last year who have the projects in hand are Pearl R. Walker, of Bandon, Oregon. San Francisco and its many substan­ B.l WHOM (IHEtdn tial qualifications as the ideal site for through the result of me ficai te- not ready to announce their plans, BENJAMIN F. JONES. Capital Stock $50,000 37-10 Krgisttr. the proposed Pannma-Pacific Inter search 1,600 lives in Panama City, but people can rest assured that BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. I.. Kronenberg. Pretident. J. Denholm. Vice 4,291 in the Canal Zone and 752 there will lie something doing. national Exposition in 1915. President; F. J. Fahy, Cashier; Frank Flam, T. P. Hanly. Administrators or Executor’s amon, onr canal employes. Dr. I A general hanking bnrinejj traruacfed and customers given every accommodation con­ Gorgas adds, with justifiable pride, Notice of Hearing of Fi- nstent with safe and conservât:v banking A Slander on Woman Re- that since 1905 there has been no Oregon State Dairy Con- 1 CORRESPONDENTS: The American National Bank, of San Francisco, Calif; nal Account. Merchants National Bank, Portland, Oregon; The Chase National Bank, of New York. vention. futed. case of < it her yellow fever or bubon ic ¡league on the isthmas, and that Notice is hereby given that the final account of Elaborate preparations are being : Anna May Wilcox, at adminirtratrix of the It is often ra'd that worn.tn is the number of hospital cases of ma­ woman’s worst enemy, that one laria among canal employes h is made for conducting the 1910 ses ( estate of Henry G. Wilcox, deceased, has lieen sion of the Oregon Slate Dairy Con : filed in the Couatv Court of Coos Crunty,State of woman is always trying to depreciate 1 been reduced from the appaling to- vention. As was announced some Oregon, and that on the 12th day of December, another, and, in the language of a tai of S21 to »he thousand to only time ago the officers of the Assrx ia- I 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been : duly appointed by such court for the hearing of playwright, that "jealousy it the 215 to the thou and. tion decided to accept the invit ition j ' objections to such final account and that the friendship one woman feels for With such a showing in 'avor of ot the Eugene Commercial Club and settlement thereof at the County Court Room in OF ALL KINDS. SATISFACTION « another.” h alth figures it would appear that it hold the meeting in that city on ' Coquille, Oregon, al which lime and place any GUARANTEED person interested in such estate may appear and December S and 9. The charge is a slam let. Women will not be long until the Canal Zone A trial will convince you Mr. D C. Freeman, Secretary of file objection- thersSo in writing and contest the are inclined to manifest deep sympa­ will be as healthful 1 place as m. iany same. ANNA MAY WILCOX. Opposite Trowbridge’s Store the Eugene Commercial Club, was Administratrix of the Eatste. thy with their less Io it unite inters rd <>ur summer resorts. Let the mj Portland last week visiting the G. T. TRtADGOLD. CHAS. IEERZIG. PROP- In thia respect they »et « <•>>■! es- good work go on. cfeamerymen and makit*; arrange- Attorney for Administratrix 48-t5F hnl'f-eription, $1 50 per Year in Advance. Ad vei tiding Rates Known <>n Application. Job Printing a Specialty Enlriôd Ml the Bandoli l*m»t office mm breutid Cl hmm Mat'Mr. a demerit or conhneuivnt in qu ir< er.-*. M hi I h ■W anted I Great Combination Offer Both papers through this office if paid in advance, per year $2.75 IT IS A MATTER OF PRIDE flour mills co. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. BANK OB BANDON Home Bakery 1st Class,Bread,Cakes, Piesand Pastry * » / • • • ♦ • • • • • • •t • ©’ 0 •• • • a* © G : • •• • o » « e a *o a a o • i * » © • • • • J • • •