i • ria n ; <»i er I’igm ; ¡ rr.ents site surar> by the Eter al that sr't -n a nt Utrr ine’elv <>f 1 fl# t a’k. ;< Notice for PubJication. Hirn .u.it u wo.a,ii u>-.cuing «»’ Ilw b.»nJ: ■ >f «lev elici »r tl r s.mv place. A •••i tl:c *• tin" nf the th'i g I I-,«»Ill»l •ig itn. * In- strain on her neck l»t , Vublislivd 1... r . l'ut-sday and Eli lay by thè 'll- t.ittn' Uiami.il |-ersoi s gins to cm through tl.c skin and L'e,wrtm-nl of ihr Ink-iioi, .I'iife «4 verbal resurai t Wltlll.l.l III b L. S. L«rd cMKct, at Roseburg, (Oregon, Recorder Fvitpislxixifj Company. -i *. io the new arrivals. me blo.»d is ! owtog. Again she |H-th i|» 1 xcu able mgri.c. <»l ;»r ex SepleiubeT 14. |9|0 < Jfv rns sj tin .,i>,| stories is loaire- einal cause lb 1 is Itig'iL pr> i • e.» I I hi* time a di»< tor.whr» j C. F KOPF. Ediioi - - • T. H. KREAMER. Buwaeu M.iuy-i Nar es u u. a that Al >-n N. 1 ie»4tol.i ” » • C.l h »II » ' 1' :.e - ax ling tin hi in is unor g ilie r-pei tati'is, lAd to be r. live it ¡a cold Ll<>-*iied, riut*rripii"fi, 41 5o p-r Year ic A-J vhucr .« Adveitir»ing l»HteH M b .I«- M-.kqan, v.ho on September 3 an : and a 'reeling of com- calle»! t<> i »rin g her i nt of her un- of Cai» C pr'-itiixlitativs —:hc matter «»1 .1 h.lm t> 19 JO. iuk . Timliet and Stone t'jitrv No. OMSti, Kiiown 011 AppfiCHiii-n. Jet. l'iinling p Specialty. < an < <1 ilain to travel Cl»nsei<»l s St itc. ill I C >11 eS to lx- al "■•■»I mi.»»:-s.’i u 1 he judge reasons b r Lol» 2. F and 4, Seiuon 2. Towiulup 30. S. * tCuir «■! al Ibe UnnJou l'iml«(!.<-«• hh ìmcuh U Ciana .Vini le IH-criXeS assisted the witii her lhar the t < xt tune would ' 1 at.d lha’ h ¡rt icii.n1 over Hung- • • Rauge 14 W W Meiaban, ha» fifed notice ol m Vel tll«?V could — llie t»e the last, |>m she still It >ld.s. <»nt; lut.-ntion to make F inal l'i i bet and Stone Proof trilling import. i hi-» ti-ndcn. 1 . . . No emlx-r 15 19 O toward prof only is one of the seiimt* TUESDAY Ji«twid litem to rale but when the wot J, • l.oist-' is given I to evtabUh claim to the land al-ove described, «•it tools, b ankets and she sings out, “hold on Ge. tie I tielore A. D . Morse, United State» Comniunon- blemishes mi tin* 11at1011.il eh ir.u ter’, ct. at Bandon, D.eg ,n, oa the J 'lh dm 4 Nov tliout charge. At last because it is absolutely unni cess it v men, 1 goes with you to fil'd the ' moral beauty of me.< v. and li.:»e a<: Thanksgiving Day. l‘M0. and can serve no p-ofitable or us.-h.l th v aimed in. .'llantic v’.:v ’• Le money. jur» aceompiny Claimant name, ar MilMwrs: q tired the virtue ol humane Heat ing tar v in llie • a English Her and |>UI|»ose W llatsoevi r th • full ainoimt ' Kobeii Walker, ,4 |>an.|.w, Oreg n. The Nation's president has issued ment even ilnmgh it be a virtue th.I Not only is American ; rota nit i ; t.nnilv bought: mw • provisions and stolen. Hairy W alter, ol Bandon, Oregoa. Englishman is is acquired by compulsion G. T. 11< a gold ol Bandon, Oregon. I nit outside of tow n to locale for gratuitous, hut it is sui grneri- Its i eiml •ur-eil. minus a bill to tie it the bis annual Thanksgiving Day proc­ I'earl R. \\ alter, o! Bandon, Oregon. i«-e lime. C ar. ip being made, the whole town, amouming to several In connection with it- newly ino-t detestable manif* ->iau >11 is it- lamation, the date set for such an BI NJAMINF JONES. nil wife jetmneil to town to hundred dollars ;mh< nn man :s are j V-IO j occasion in 1910 being „Thursday, planned campaign the Oregon Hu­ I'«f tri. w hen in the name of Deity 1-, di a?ge.t get vui h inform.uion as iltey could command» d to leave at once and November 24th. The country in mane Society has gotten out a ittt e into and thiough the mire of com­ about conditions in lh;t locality, not le seen in those parts again, general has good cause for lei vent placard that. f. r novelty of form anil mon ¡>1 ice or lewd conversation, be leaving their children in care of the They skipped in a hnrrv. FLRXISHI i) ROOMS The t rst acknowledgment of lliankiullness as beauty oi sentime.it, is singularly traved with revolting oaths tn th - < olored people w ho willinglv acct pt we heard of them was when thev ar­ A 1 the past year has been one of con­ ap|>tiq>r..tle to the subject in hand. most ordinary speech and '»rsmirched ed the charge. Stowed away among rived at Fort Brown. Wv., and the 'The Ilorsi-'s Prayer bv ff as follows: — ooo — crops have been sought for at most the matter, ior such conduct of lan­ mon y was in the wagon, ransacked MILS SARAH (’OSI ELLO “To Thee. Ary Master, I Offer favorable prices. About the only guage might, alts! be anticipated the goods and fi-inul the money. Put a porous plaster on the chest Nice «I. h room» and 5U(, a My Prayet: disgruntled citizens, whose cups of from,the unregenerate and the unre­ When the owner and wile returned and take a good cough syrup inter­ iilßtil, .y 1» n u ,ek ; $.*• mu. mt I. “Feed me and take cire or me. deemed. but it is not limited to such the children slept peacefully on the joy are not overflowing, are the de­ nally if you would treat a severe BANDON Be kind to me. Do not jerk the classes. On the contrary, men—and blankets, but the negroes were n<>- OREGON case ot sure lungs properly Get feated candidates at the recent elec­ re ns; do not w hip w ben going up women, too, as a sickening fact—of where to be found. the, dollar size cf BAI.LARDS tions throughout the various slates. Suspecting something wrong, the HOREHOUND SYRUP. good tendencies, of fair repott, of hill. With i Bling your These political contests were held It was each bottle there is a free HER more than average refinement and man looked for the money. “Never strike, beat or kick me last Tuesday aiul the returns indicate of early advantages, are addicted to gone Back to town he hastened RICK S RED PEPPER PuRol S; when I do not understand what yen this purposeless, futile, silly, gratui to report his loss to gome of the PLASTER f< r the chest. Sold bv that the democratic nominees in most want of me, but give me a chance tous .swearing. They practice not miners. A miner's meeting was C. Y. LOWE oi the commonwealths have won out, i To T he R ecorder called at once w ith the result ll at only the usage of the common oaths, esjwcially as relates to the control ol to understand you. Watch me, and objurgations and epithets of tq pro- early next morning everyone d> cid- the house of representatives of the if I refuse to do your bidding, see if brium but the infinitely worse ¡nvo ed to turn out and search for the next congress. Under republican there is not something wrong with cation of the name of God in trivial negroes and bring them back if rule the nation has been passing my harness or my feet. Meantime the negroes had matters nf daily routine, disri garding found, “ Do not give me too heavy loads; the behest of the commandment traveled tor miles, then thev divided through most prosperous times for never hitch me where wa ’ er will handed to Moses on Sinai: “Thou the spoils, each getting tw o thousand several years, but a feeling of unrest Finally they laid down to shak not take the name of the Lord dollars. arose among the voters who seemed drip on ine. Keep me well shod. sleep, the woAian, however, was not thy God in vain." Rates $i.oo to $2.00 per dav. Special rates by to feel that there should be a shifting Examine my teeth when I fail to To counteract such a condition satisfied with the division, she arose eit, as I may have an ulcerated of political matters anil the result is week or month. Sample Room in Connection. and such an influence is as fine and in the night, appropriated the money that the ¡»arty which lias been so long tooth. That you know is very pain­ important a task as the churches can of one of the party, called the other I am unable to tell you in achieve The excellent purpose of at.d the two struck out, leaving their in the minority is soon to be the all- ful. words wherf I am sick so watch me the Holy Name Society is a forward friend behind. powerful in legislation In the past The next morning he found that movement in the good woik. And such a result was received with sente and I will tiv anil tell you by signs. the ultim itum of Dr. Tlioinj son i his money was gone and he returned “Pet me sometimes, I enjoy it and misgivings that a period of business in every way to lie commended, for I to turn state’s evidence, and there- 1 will learn to love you. Protect me oppiession would follow, but there his prime influence is over youth in I by, if possible, escape punishment. ■a is little reason for si ch fear at this in Summer from the hot sun. Keep its plastic state. Doubtless he point It seems that this particular coli red time. The nation is on a too sound a blanket on me in Winter weather, ed out to his boys in one of his force­ I lady was brighter than her compan­ The Pacific I<»I> 'i ork Í Hotel Gallier Bandon Oregon % I SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS I Lioting now to be seriously affected and never put a frosty bit in my ful and inspiring morning talks that not only is the use of profane lan­ in a commercial ay by party ch.mg mouth, but hold it in your hand a guage sacrilegious but also the fact moment first. ings.—Pacific Homestead. that its constant use argues a mind “I carry you, I pull you, wait pa­ vacant of thinking power and a la tiently for you long hours, day or ment able paucity of vocabulary Let Us Be Kind. night. I cannot tell you when I am wherewith to express one's thoughts. thirsty; give me clean, cool waler —Philadelphia Telegraph. One organization that Bandon often in hot weather. ion and by pure persuasive ¡lowers she gained possession of all the money and hid it amoag the rocks, so that in case they were caught the blame would all be thrown upon the fellow whom she hail robbed out of his share. Then they went on so as not to be found in the neighborhood of their cache. Do you want to Buy, Build, Sell or Rent? Do you want Fire, Life, or Accident Insurance? Do you want to Register for the Fall Election? Do you want Hunter’s or Angler’s License? Do you want any Notary Work Done? needs is a society for the prevention A party of milters, meeting the fust negto, listened to his story, then they compelled him to go w ith them and show them where it had all happened. Then they found the trail of the other two and finally found them ap|xuently prospecting. All were made prisoner-, and brought to town, It being late in the day the prisoners were placed in a log cabin, fasten'd and guarded, Looking Backward. The Humane Society of Oregon is Amen.” to await trial the next day. Such i doing a good work, according t»the trials are out of the general routine The foregoing is a translation from Portland Telegram, which says, edi the Swedish, and it is an appeal L ynch L aw . of the frontiersman and everybod’, thr.t turned out. A large circle was lorially: strange what a facination discov­ ought to convince any real man that formed and i; 1 the center weie the ” We are advised in the local press there is virtue in kindness. eries of new gold fields produces up­ prisoners and the family of the of a prospective campaign ol greater on mankind. Any reasonable or Englishman, A judge was elected activity on the part cf the Humane unreasonable story is accepted with bv acclamation and he appointed Profanity. Society, to insure better treatment out the least doubt. Men with twelve jurymen and the trial began. tor the hotse. We are told there brains and men without brains, The complaint was made under oath. A couple of Sundays ago the strive to go there, cast off positions, The first negro captured tells hi will be vigorous prosecution of those i -toiy; then the second oik , being of members of the Holy Name Society, who are charged with cruelly treat­ homes, forget wife anil children, or an organization of th* Catholic a nervous disposition, makes his ing this faithful servant of men, and church, the purpose of whic' , as is pircnts, to get rich quick, and most statement declaring the woman to be that in many other wavs the Humane implied in its title, is the conserving of them return poorer than ev< 1 the only one knowing wher? the Society will take steps to secure to of reverence to card tile awful pres broken in health, while ethers die. nione/ was bidden. The woman the horse the rights and immunity ence of the Deity, held a notable some a natural death and some at was called up and she had nerve fiom abuse to which he is justly en­ procession, with several thousands the hands of parties wh’ch once they enough and -ometn spare. She de of devout participants in line. Dur nied everything, accusing the two titled . called «friends. But even after all ing the past week, Rev. Robert men of stealing and knowing -where The more ¡rower to the Humane Ellis Thompson, president of the these experiences, they are still -o to find the money. In this dilem­ Secrety. It is a most commendable Central High School, issued a regu tilled with the spirit of excitement ma something must be done to sift and virtue-compelling business in lation that students whi used pro­ that they could not resist any mor • out the trti'h. Ropes were bi ought which it is about to engage. Any­ fane language could be forthwith than the professional gambler, nr tin nil a,»¡'lie.uion of tl»e end of one of suspended from the in titulion. The the ropes upon the backs of the men thing that will prevent abuse of thief will give up his hazard« » n«- existence of this society and the brought out nothing .new, then the the horse is an act of gratification to way. Such a man. or some of necessity for such an order are evi­ woman is taken in hand. Again every right minded person. It men dences of an organized effort to re them. she shears by everything, and some- are so merciless in their natures as dirce an all too prevalent tendency Among such people flock ing tn thii g else, that the men tell lies not to appreciate the patient and nowadays to gratuitous profanity. It the Sweetwater mines was an Eng Finally on- loud voice in the crowd, faithful service of this dumb brute is a pity that active agencies to coun­ ¡1 .hinan. He sold his property, ' rails out, ’ hang her. ’ A telegraph teract such an influence are urgent, without beating, starving and ether »ought team, wagon and outfit and pole is handy, the lasso drawn over but there can lie no denial of the her head, the line dr i x n over the wise maltreating him, it is the most drove as best he could, bringin condition against which they are a aim of the pole and ’ hoist it" was judicious and expedient thing that determined protest. w fe and two children w ith him. On was called.* Up she goes—her feet such men be disciplined bv the law American profanity, using the the road, far away from any settle l»egan to dance and kick. “Let her until they learn to appt tente the word in its mist embracing sense, is ment, it happened that he wanted to I down” is the order. Aft.er a lew mo* I Irregular bowel movements lead to chronic constipation and a con stipateli habit tills the system w ith impurities. HERBINE-is a great bowe regulator It purifies the sys­ tem vitalizes the blood and puls the Our domestic animals suffer enough will reward you in this life mil in digestive organs in tine, vigorous at best, ami what we need is protec­ heaven. \ ou will not eosider it ir­ conditi n Price 50c, Sold by C. tion for them. Kindness will do reverent if I ask this in the name of Y. Lowe. ——«~W»O------ more than abuse, with man or beast Him who was born in a stable. “Finally, when my strength is of cruelty to animals; in fact, even* gone, instead of turning me over to city or community needs such an a human brute to be tortured and organization It will help to make starved, take my iife in the easiest humanity better and more careful. and quickest way, and your God < If you do, Go To • Yours Truly E. E. OAKES A Square Deal For All ■I I liAXK OF FAA'OOA OltFUOX KAXDOX Capital Stock $50,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. I. Kronmlierr. PreswFnt. J. Denholm, President; F. J. Fahy, Cashier; Frank I Ism, L f*. Hanly. Vice A general hanking business Irai ¿ailed and customers given every accommodation c on­ sistent with safe and conservativ - banking CORRESPONDENTS: The American National Bank, of San Francisco, Calif; Merchants National Bank, Portland, Oregon; The Cha-e National Bank, of New York. Home Bakery 1st Class, Bread, Cakes, Pies and Pastry OF ALL KINDS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED A trial will convince you Opposite Trowbridge’s Store CIIAS. IIERZIG. PROP« SHIELDS »V HI.A< KS3irr*IS a XI» Wagons of Ail ».intis Mude to Ord-?r KENNEDY WAUOXJl I KF.lt* Horwsbocinf n Specialty job Wotk attended Io promptly and all work ^uaranlrrd to give «alufartion. reasonable, ¿hop on Atwaler Streel, Bandor., Oregon. • Price»