Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, October 14, 1910, Image 2

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t e Section ot the dis rict “South • :
the Umpqua river and wc»t ol tie
Published Every Tuesday and F rid y by the
Coast range of mountains
For this reason I Del eve ever)
Recorder Fvitoisliing Company.
lair minded voter will cast his vote
C. E. KOPF. Edu«
T. H. KREAMER. Bnvwu Ma«v*s
for one only ot the i> count)
Subscript ion, fl fiU p**r Year ir. A ’visure. Adveitinirig Kate” Minh»
candidates and that the ot ter will I m
Kuowtt oli Application. Job Printing a Specialty
cast f >r |udge Coke, regardless of
Ei>t< rv4 al the liandou l'i>«t.>tbe«- na Sccot.d ( l.iaa Mat er
party affiliations.”
October 13 191 o
County Clerk of Coos County Ore
San Francisco After
Fair terests of Bandon any better, we art
th«- bar while the Wallula ,i ■
*>'hug b-'lc>. next week. Harry
F . Campion. »u|K*riiitendeitt oi tow­
age ami i’il> tage lor the Pott of
Portland, said this morning that the
two tu.s may be kept on the bar
light along it the nu 1 ber ot ships
coining into the poit warrants it.
At any rate they will have tour tug­
boat men among the pilots, one of
wneitn will I m * in Astoria at all times.
Captain M. Nolan will take up active
duty as one of the pilots, and it the
Oneonta is not placed lit service,
Captain Parsons will h ive command
ot the Wallula As there is only
one vessel, the Danish bark Den­
mark, reaiiy al Astoria to go out to
sea, it is (Massible that the Wallula
will be able to do all the work lor
the pt esent.
In place of Captain Parsons, T.
Fry lakes command ol tile Newport
today when she leaves for Bandon,
to go in the lumber trade between
that port and Coos Bay. Captain
Fry has made a lew trips on the
steamer lately as mate, having for­
merly been oil Ala.-ka cannery ships
for several seasons — lite Oregon
Daily Journal.
It is a Wise Man o
\\ In» watches his nickels and dimes. If we sell you Barley al
$1.00 a sack, as we have been doing tor some time, ami it costs
you $1.10 elsewhete, why not bus Barlev o us. It we sell vou
th«- best Grass Hay raised in this country at $1 25 a l»ale, when
elsewhere you p. y $1.35 and $1.50 for inferior gtades, why n t
buy your Grass Hay al our Warehouse. There is no argument
as to why we can sell for le-s than anv other dealer, when we
are conducting our business on a •'strictly cash” basis. Our
prices we ire not airaid to advertise. Our weight and qualities
we guarantee. Should you secure a poor bale «»> hay, or an
inteiior sick of grain of us, we will refund or exchange WITH­
Will Support the Ticket.
only tco glad ot lite opportunity
The duly of a legitimate newspaper
The publicity department of the
is not furthering of any factional in
Col. E. Hofer, editor of the Capi
Panama-Pacific Exj»o»ition Corn-
terests, nor the panning off ol an) tai Journal of Salem, who was him
Nine days, ending October 22d, we are going to sell you
piny of San Francisco, is certainly
T HAY— 2oo pound bales at $1.75.
one man’s ideas on to the public, self a candidate lor the nomination
showing up that city’s claim, for the
Nine Davs, ending October 221I, we are going to sell you
but, on the other hand it is to servt for governor before the Oregon pri
big exposition in 19:5, <n a mannet
I' me, Clean Bran, a sack at 90c.
tile public in a way that will l»e lx n maries September 24th, comes out
that will make the world sit up ai d
Nine days, ending October 22d, we are going to sell vou the
elit ial to the public in general am I m his paper supporting the whole­
of dean OATS, 125 pound sax at $.’25 a sack, which is
take notice,
tn the locality in which it is pub ticket, and especially Jav Bowerm 1 ,
considerably less than 2c a (round.
other city that is after the fair, bul
lishe^i in particular. To this end the who was the candidate indorsed by
from the following report which is
R ecorder is trying to be of servi< e the assembly, and was also the sue
authentic, it would seem that the
At these prices, don’t you think vou had better lav in a stock to
to Bat.don in a material wav. We cessful candidate at the primaries
vou a few months? Remember there is one place to buy,
Louisiana city’s chances were indied
are constantly sending out sample The Capital-Journal says of Mr.
where money is unde bv the sav ing made in prices ot hay an I
small, as San Ftancisco is cert iin.)
grain and that place is the
copies of the paper to prospective Bowerman:
doing things and is entitled to suc­
settlers for Bandon ant! the Coquille
“Jay Bowerman co.lies out fot the
Valiev, and in this w >y are advertis­ Direct Primarv law md Statement
Neuralgia of the face, shoulder,
New Orleans appears mt Inly « x
ing the community, and every added N<>. One, and progressive legis­ hands or feel, requires a powerful
cited over the fact th ti one ot its
I lie House oí a Sciti.ire Deal and One Price to All.
settler that we succeed in bringing lation.
remedy that will penetrate the flesh.
leading citizens, Mr Thomas Swe*—
is heb ing that much to boost th<
t his may be something of a Mir- BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT
nev, subscribed $5,000 to the expt -
country, and, by the way, adds a p hi* to many ot the Assemblyites. possesses that power. Rubbed :n
sition fund Mr. S ju '- hi ' v has just
customei to the merchants of the bit it is characteristic of the candi- where ‘ the pain is fell is all that is 1
returned from Europe evidently will;
necessary to relieve suffering and
town. In this way we feel that we date.
restore normal conditions. Price 25c,
the impression that Ei rope never
are doing a public service that is
Jay Bowerman is essentially a pro 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by
heard of San Francisco, or of Cali-
worthy ol the name newspaper.
gressive politician, and has more C. Y. I.owe.
f irnia.
But the real duty of a newspaper sense than many of hi» supporters
The following is from the Nt w
Contest Notice.
is to get tlie news. This we are at­
He accepts the verdict of the peo
Opens an account with this bank and starts you on tin road to
Orleans Item
tempting to do and believe we are pie against the Assembly, and i>
wealth. With a deposit of One Dollar we will loan vou a neat
“In all of eleven European coun­
little bank to put your savings in each day and when the bank is
succeeding to a considerable exlet t, willing to take his orders from the De|iartinent of the lintcrior.
tries which I have just visited, every
full you can bring the bank to the First National Bank and have
United Stales Land Office,
but 111 this connection we invite the j*ople.
it opened. The key to the sma 1 bulk is kept here and the small
Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 19, 1910
body is in favor of the Panama
bank can only be opened by us. Call lor nailicnlais. Open Sat­
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
assistance ot out friends, If you
That is good safe ground to take,
Exposition being h- Id here.” said
urday evenings.
in this office by Noah M. Davison, contestant
know an item of news, let us know and it will depend same on haw h s
M Thomas Sweeney, who returned
about it, either by calling on us in stetements are taken by the people 05779, made July I. 1904, for S.-W. 1-4
to New Orleans from Europe Fridai
person, or by calling us up by phone,
If the people believe he is sincere, Section 20, Towaship 29 S.. Range 13 W.,
Mr. Sweeney has the
Willamette Meudian, by Benjamin Perry, con­
01 dropping a c.ud or a letter in the they will back up their belie! by their test«, in which it is alleged that said Benjamin
distinction ol having contributed th«
[»o-it other addressed to the R e - votes in November."
Perry ha* never resided upon or in any way im­
1 irgest amount of any individual t
proved said land since making said entry, but
cordek . and we will be more than
ha* abandoned said land for over five years last
the exposition—$5000. Of course
glad to publish it. If you have a Hawaiian Business Increases past; said )>artie* are hereby notified to appearl
firms and corporations have d
respond, and offer evidence touching said al-
friend visiting you, or rl you ate
this mark, but no single person ha>
legalitai at 10 o'clock a. m. on November I,
going some place, or (it you expect
1910, before A. D. Morse, U. S. Commissioner,
u > to this mark
The trade relations between the at his office in Bandon, Oregon, and that final
to do something of importance,, just
“It is certain that every important
cities of the Pacific Northwest and heariing will be held at 10 o'clock a, m , on
let us know about it.
the Hawaiian Islands, which hav< November 15, 1910, before the Register and
country in Europe will have a fin«
We ¡ire here for the purpose ol been increasing in importance ever Rceiver at the United States Ljind Office in
exhibition here,’’ continued Mr.
giving to the world the news ol since the Alaska Yukon Pacific Ex­ Roseburg, Oregon. The said contestant having,
in a proper affidavit, filed September 19, 1910,
Sweeney. “I was astonished at the
Jandoti and vicinity, and incident­ position, will be more firmly cement­ set forth facts which show that after, due dili­
interest which is being manifested in
ally to help boost all of southwest ed than ever by the visit this winter gence personal service of this notice can not be
the New Orleans celebration. New
<>l an excursion of business men from made, it is hereby ordered and directed that
Orleans is as well known in every
the Norhwest’to the Islands, under such notice be given by due and proper pub­
BENJrXMlN F. JONE<. Register.
the auspices ot the Seattle Chamber
part of Europe as New York city is
of Commerce. The steamship,
Watson is for Coke.
in this part of the country.”
Prince Rupert, of the new Grand
San Francisco also has reason to
,s »
Notice for Publication.
Trunk Pacific line, has been char­
be proud of the liberality ol the sub
County Clerk James Watson in- tered for the trip, and business men
scribeis to the Exposition fund in lor es Judge Coke through the from all parts of the Northwest, with
Department of the Interior,
view of the fact that there are just Roseburg Review in no uncertain their families, have been extended
U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon,
nvitations to join in the 32 days’
seventy individuals who subscribed terms.
September 14, 1910
cruise of the islands. The visit will Notice is hereby given that Albert N. Treadgold
$5,000 or more.
He says:—“I understand that the
combine business with pleasure, the ol Cass City, Michigan, who on September 3.
Twenty-seven individuals have report has been circulated to the
excursionists spending ten days at 1909, made Timber and Stone Entry No. 05456,
subscribed $25 000 each. For fear effect that Mr. B. F. Jones received Honolulu during the flower festival for Lots 2, 3 and 4. Section 2, Township 30, S.
Range 14 W. W. Meridian, has filed notice of
t‘ie New Orleans enthusiasts may more votes in Coos county than in February, and visiting Hilo and intention to niakr Final Timlierand Stone Proof,
the famous crater of the largest vol­ Io establish claim to the land above described,
regard tills Statement as a fairy tale, Judge C oke did.
in th«* world. The steamer, Wore A. D. Morse, United States Commission­
the names of these twenty st ven
The official canvass of the ballots
B. C. MARTIN, Proprietor
’rince Rupert, is one of the finest er. at Bandon, Oregon, on the 29th day af Nov
subscribers are here given:
(Successor to J. Jenkins)
at the recent print try election showed
on the Pacific, end will carry some­
Claimant names as witnesses:
Antone Borel, W. D. Bourne, Frank H.
Best grade of Coal on Hand
that Mr. Jones received in Coos thing over 200 first cabin passengers.
Kolsert Walker, of Bandon, Oregon
Barns Timmons' Old Cannery
Buck. Francis Carolan, John A Char.slor, Chat.
county, 444 votes, and that Judge A tepresentative party of business Harry Walker, of Bandon, Oregon.
Templeton Crocker, Janie* L. Hood. W. P.
G. T. Treadgold, of Bandon, Oregon
Coke received 842. Judge Coke men from all sections of the North
Hammond, W. R. Heatst. W. F. Herrin, C. A.
Pearl R. Walker, of Bandon, Oregon.
west is expected to make the trip,
Hooper. Geo. W. Hooper, John A. Hooper, received more votes in Coos connty
which should result in a great in­ 37-IOt
R. M. I totaling. C. Frederick Kohl, Willis m than any other candidate for any
O regon
crease of the already profitable trade
M*t*on. Ogden Mills, Lewis F. Monteagle, Mi*. state or district office.
Druggist and jt/iothecary
He receivid between the Islands ami Puget
A. M. Parrott, W. S. Porter. Leon Sloss, A.
lx Juul in receipt of a now stock of
every republican vote but six in the Sound, a trade which involves all of
B. Spreckels, Rudolph Spreckels, Hany L.
Drugs and Chemicals, Patent and
combined North and South Matsh- t u* principal products of the North­
Taris, U'm. S. Tevis, F. Tillman. Jr. and W.
Preparations, Toilet Ar
field precincts, and in Central Marsh­
Sundries, Perfumes,
G. Irwin.
ber <»f Commerce, which is con
Soap, Nuts and
These individual subscriptions are
ducting the excursion has opened
Candies, Cigars. Tobaccos and Cig­
Where Yours Ought to be
exceeded by the contributions of va­
booking offices at 612 First Avenue,
arettes, Paints, Oils, Glass and
Seattle, where details about the trip Wines. Liquors & Cigars A. F. DERINGER
rious firms and corporations just as ure.
Prop Painter's Supplies.
firms and corporations in New Or­
Meant liver on Drought
leans have exceeded the $5,000 con­ crats wrote Judge Coke’s name upon
If you wish a bottle cold--.
their ktllol, thus giving him the Bar Tug Has New Master.
tribution of Mr. Sweeney.
Call at the Eagle,
nomination of their [»arty.
If you lovejhr good* tliat’s old--
Call at the Eagle,
I have known Judge Coke inti-
With the arrival in Astoria ol
A Newspaper’s Duty.
Full line of Harness, Sad­
7 amt no use to ut and blink
m itelv lor many years, and am an Captain Parsons, the latter part of
dles, Bridles,
If you really need a drink.
admirer of him for his honesty, fair the week, to take the position of BANDON
Just make a ugn o< ring a bell.
Blankets and everything
Since launching the R ecorder as ness ami ability, both as a judge and master of one of the Port ol Port-
And you bet they'll treat you right
usually kept in a first*
Down at the Eagle
luul tugs, there will lie four tug ¡ M. G. POHL, Optometerist
a semi-weekly, the manag ment hai as a citizen.
class harness shop.
At the coming election there are | men in the bar service of the Port
Repairing a Specialty
received many compliments from
Captain Parson» has resigned as
busin.-ss men and citizens of Bandon, two Circuit Judge s to l»e elected for
mas ft r of the steamer Newport anti
W. J. SABIN, Prop. Alvin Munck, Prop
all ol whom we believe are friends to the Second Judicial District, and 1 will tike command of one of the
the |>aper, and if by publishing two
tugs, probably the Oneonta, as there Saturdays at Gallier Hotel
ts a likelihood that she will be placed
The R ecorder for job Work.
papers a week, we can serve the in«*
1 he R ecorder only $1.50 per year
CO u
d* 1
*P 1
e 1
S am S ays
Of all the patent reliefs and rein edies fcr
sore Jeet, there is only one that can t be
beaten and that is the No. / ir l1'loor-
in^ manufactured and retailed bv the
Clarence Y. Lowe
The Opera
Harness Shop