The gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1909, July 02, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 47
Many Local People Meet Distinguished
Visitors Jim Lewis Sells Heney
Cherries Informal Reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Heney, with
Dr. Shadworth, M. Beasley, John M&
Carthen and John McLaughlin, were in
Corvallis yesterday evening, en route
to Portland and Seattle. The party left
Eugene at 4 p. m., and took dinner (or
supper as the case may be) at the Ho
tel Corvallis, continuing on to Salem
that evening in their big White steamer.
The coming of the distinguished party
had been heralded by telegraph and
quite a crowd gathered at the hotel to
catch a glimpse of the leading figure in
the San Francisco prosecutions. They
found him an undersized man, appar-
ently of mild manner, and scarcely a
wonder in any sense. Those who ex
pected to see a face scarred by the bul
let from San Francisco's would-be as
sassin were disappointed, for close in
sDection failed to show trace of the
wound that came so near removing Mr.
Heney from this terrestrial sphere.
Effort to get Mr. Heney to make a
speech in the lobby of the hotel was un
availing, and he would not talk "shop"
in a private way. He said he was out
on a vacation and had left dull care be
hind. He was genial, jolly, affable, and
.gave no edidence by word or sign jthat
lie is in reality a man-hunter-;, -
Jim Lewis, real estate T inan always
"on the job," failed to recognize Mr.
Heney in the hotel lobby and sized him
ud as one looking for a bargain. Jim
presented his business card and Heney,
like a royal sport, played the game. He
talked real estate with him and finally
agreed to continue the conversation "in
the morning. " When the boys put Mr.
Lewis "next," this old veteran went
out behind the hotel and kicked himself
thrice while the other fellows laughed.
While about the lobby a number of
the local lights had the pleasure of
shaking hands with Mr. Heney, and
Bob Johnson takes pleasure in the fact
that he was introduced to Mr. Heney 's
charming wife. Bob was so pleased
that he even pointed the way to his big
cherry orchard on the road to Indepen
dence and urged the distinguished vis
itors to go in and carry off a tree or
two if they cared to do so. This invita
tion that sounded good to Mr. Heney,
but an invitation to appear before the
Commercial Club, then in session, was
declined with regret.
The Heney party left for Salem about
7:30 and is continuing on to Seattle
where they will "do" the fair.
Minutes of -Recent
Council Meeting
At a recent special session of the Cor-
-vallis city council the following business
was transacted:
A resolution censuring the cutting off
of the city's water supply without prop
er preparation was read and referred.
Contractors for cement work around
city hall were paid.
Ordinance relating to sale and explo
sion of fireworks was amended.
C. E. Small and Mr. Whiteside ap
peared and asked that license for mov
ing picture shows be placed at the aver
age charged by Willamette Valley
Chairman of the sewer committee ad
vised that flush tank be placed near old
Taylor Creamery.
Will Improve v
Locke Cemetery
The Locke Cemetery Association' is
a recent organization with the avowed
purpose of putting and keeping in prop
er condition that burial ground known
as the Locke cemetery. A number of
those interested met at the Mountain
View school" house last Saturday and
, perfected an organization by electing
the following officers:
President A., B. Locke.
Secretary-Treasurer Robert Wylie.
Directors-Wm. Knotts, B. W. Har
ris, Ji. A. maKe.
Besides the above-named, the follow
ing subscribed to articles of incorpora
tion and made a financial offering: Wm.
Ryals Livonia Locke, Anna Wylie, E.
F. Wiies, A. R. Locke, Wm. Cauthorn
and others. . Those baek of the move
hope to interest a large numberof those
who have friends or relatives interred
in the Locke cemetery.
The Locke cemetery is one of the old
est in the country, the ground having
been given by "Grandpa" Locke from
40 to 45 years ago. There are a large
number of graves in the cemetery and
most of them have been sadly neglect
ed. A few persons have been making
an effort to put the cemetery in proper
shape, but have found it extremely
difficult, and have finally secured the
co-operation there is hi organization
and financial contributions.
The Locke Cemetery Association de
serves to be successful. ' -
Hofer Happy
Over Rainfall
Colonel E. Hofer, of Salem, editor,
r ainmaker and Gubernatorial candidate,
was registered at the Oregon, in Port
land Sunday accompanied by his son,
Larry, a University of Oregon student.
Colonel Hofer was on his way to Burns,
Harney County, to attend a meeting
of ihe Oregon-Idaho , Development
Congies3, . which A convenes in that
Eastern Oregon town next Friday.
Titles sometimes are conlerred on
men, but the Salem newspaper man is
said to have earned the military prefix
to his name from actual service in the
Iowa National Guard. He has, long
been known as the editor and publisher
of the Salem Capital Journal. His des
ignation as rainmaker is a' more recent
acquisition. Realizing ' that rain was
an indispensable necessity, to crops in
the Willamette Valley, Hofer last week
suggested through his 'paper that the
people of Salem unite in praying for
rain. ' :f -' ' ' ,':-';'
Thursday night was the time , ap
pointed for offering these supplications
It fs presumed there was a general re
sponse to Hofer's suggestion; at any
rate, Marion County and other sections
of the Willamette Valley f were visited
by a generous shower within 12 hours
afterwards. While Hofer is not in
clined to question the efficacy of prayer,
he is diffident about-claiming all of the
credit single-handed for the rain which
followed the supplications of himself
and his neighbors, even though the
agency for bringing the showers was
of his own suggestion.
Must Not
Sell Fireworks.
The business men of this city had
better take cognizance of the fact that
a city ordinance now prohibits the sale
or giving away of fireworks of all sorts.
Even the small two-inch firecracker
may not be sold except at thediscre
tion of the Chief of Police. The old
ordinance was amended at a special
session of the city council last Monday
evening and instruction was given that
the provisions be strictly enforced.
Heretofore there has been no provision
against the sale of fireworks, but the
ordinance did provide that no fireworks
should be exploded -within the city
limits. " .
The city council is determined that a
disastrous fire shall not result from any
neglect on its part, hence the amend
ment to the ordinance.
The C. & A. expects to be hauling
log's to the Occidental mill by July 10.
There are many logs cut, and but 600
feet of track -to finish. The company
interested in getting out - the timber
has been delayed by failure to secure
a satisfactory donkey engine. A very
large engine is desired and this is being
constructed as a special order. In a
short time now the Occidental will have
all the logs it can use and things will
be humming then.
Gus Harding and family left for Seal
Rock today and will remain there
through the summer, Seal-Rock is
about ten miles south of Newport and
is an ideal ocean resort, according to
Mr. Harding. There are ten cottages
there most of them erected by Salemites.
The place is slightly more exclusive
and for this reason more satisfactory
to those of a retiring disposition.
Cards are out announcing the birth
of Ileen Elizabeth Runkle, 7 1-2 pounds
weight and 20 1-2 'inches high. Ae
little lady arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Runkle June 28th. -
TO SPEND $2400
Tremendous Quantity of Finest Litera
ture, Newspaper and Magazine Ad
vertising, and Use of the Whole
Harriman System.
Subscribers to the Corvallis publicity
fund, in mass jneeting assembled Wed
nesday evening, ratified the action of
the Publicity Committee in accepting
the Southern Pacific $2400 "community
plan of advertising." '
Wm. B. .Wells, representative of the
Harriman lines, was present , at the
meeting, explained the plan in detail,
and after a thorough discussion of all
phases of the matter a vote taken re
sulted in unanimous acquiescence on
the part of those present. There was
some difference of opinion as,, to how or
when the $2400 should be paid, but for
the plan itself, there was enthusiastic
appreciation and absolute unanimity of
feeling. The plan accepted -involves
the printing and distribution of: x
20,000 sixty-four page booklets, or
the equivalent in two or three -booklets.
Fifteen thousand Conductor's book
lets "How to Get to Corvallis. " . ? -
A minimum of 35,000 colonist folders,
and a maximum limited only to our ca
pacity to use them) - '(i
Bound volumes of the big booklet to
be placed on all western .bound trains.
- All literature, except the colonist fold
ers to be the highest grade obtainable,
preparation of same to be famished
free of charge.' -
The distribution of as much' of this lit
erature as Corvallis desires, stamps and
help at the Portland office being unlim
ited and free.
Page advertisement in "Sunset" the
Coast's greatest periodical, one year,,
plus a four-page write-up . during the
Favorable mention in a certain Euro
pean advertising magazine. . -'
Advertising in 300 papers in the mid
dle west. '
The use of the Harriman distributing
agencies throughout the United States,
and countless other advantages varied
in their nature. ,
That's going some and it would seem
to be worth $2400. ' Mr. Wells made
the statement that the service will
cost the Harriman lines more than $10,
000. The different communities using
the plan last year paid in $50,000. . To
carry the plan to success the S. P. lines
spent more than $200,000 and will spend
$500, 000 next year. ' "The system' ' ian
afford to do this only for the reason
that itreaps the firstT benefit. The
railroads' are after passenger traffic; by
aiding communities to advertise this
western country they get it. And then
they want the increased business that
results from increased populatior. J
The Publicity Committee figures that
it has $2400 to spend. The question
was as to the advisability of cutting off
all other expenditures appropriation
for eastern advertising, local booster
office and booster, ect., etc. and ac
cepting the Harriman plan. The ac
ceptance of the plan settled the ques
tion unless the Committee can find' the
way to raise more money. ...
. Those who did the talking on the oc
casion were: Bankers Woodcock and
Johnson, Messrs. B. W. Johnson, Capt.
Robinson, J. F. Yates, Robert John
son, J. F. Allen, Mr. Murphey, the two
Cates and C. V. Johnson. -
. Life 100,000 Years Ago.
Scientists - have found in a cave in
Switzerland bones of men, who lived
1 100,000 years ago, when life was in con
stant danger from wild beasts. Today
the danger, as shown by A. W. Brown,
of Alexander, Me., is largely. from dead
ly disease. "If it had not been for Dr.
King's New Discovery, which cured me,
I could not have lived," he writes,
"suffering as I did from a severe lung
trouble and stubborn cough. " To cure
Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs,
and prevent Pneumonia, its the best
medicine oirearth. 50c and $1. Guar
anteed by all druggists. Trial bottle
free. . , - ." - ,
OAC School of Music Doine Much For
Students,. Director Gaskins Giving
Young People Capable Service and
Wholesome Association.
W. F. Gaskins, director of the School
of Music at OAC, left this morning for
Denver Chicago, his old home in Mich
igan, and finally New York. At Den
ver he will attend sessions of the Na
tional Educational Association, and at
New. York City he will sing with such
noted masters as Oscar Saenger and J
D. Mehan. .
Saenger is a developer of operatic
starsmany of the greatest before the
public at this time acknowledging their
indebtedness to him. He is a master
at style and tone production, though at
the latter he has a peer in the person
of Mehan, who is recognized as a wiz
ard in the proper development of tone,
Mr. ' Gaskins will remain with these
men throughout his vacation and return
to Corvallis even better prepared to
give OAC students, and the public gen
erally, a very valuable service.
; Strictly speaking, the writer of this
is not in' "love" with Prof. Gaskins.
However, we are an ardent admirer of
thajnan's energy, his wholesomeness.
his ambition, sincerity and evident ca
pacity. In a year's close association
with him, part of the time as a pupil,
we have had ample opportunity to ob
serve him under varying circumstances,
flTI Wnima l.o... . T: J-
from; an ideal, nor at - any time bailie
done less than hold his people to 'strict
accountability. He is an artist and yet,
withal, is thoroughly sane and practical,
a combination not always found. That
there are greater artists will not be
denied, but these are seldom found in
agricultural colleges, state universities,
or towns the sizetJf Corvallis. Mr.
Gaskins is making every effort to push
the OAC School of Music to the front,
and it is our" opinion that in securing
his service, OAC, the young people who
desire musical culture and the public
generally are very fortunate. His work
at the school the past year, and that of
his associates, has been highly success
ful, and it is believed that an increasing
number of students in music next year
will be the result. The disposition of
Prof. Gaskins to give his vacation to
July Designers and
Patterns Here
O 1 Dj.Ioc n a ladies' Suits-the stylish LaVogue brand.
OpCClal X IlCCS These goods are all this season's goods, latest
styles, strictly tailored. Prices from
$12.50 to $35.00
Ladies' lingerie dresses, kimonas and dressing sacques all SPECIALLY PRICED
Special prices on all shirt waists and muslin underwear.
study at the rate of $5 a day ia-simply
an evidence of his ambition and will
redound to the benefit of the depart
ment of which he is the head. I
While touching upon the School of
Music, it may be mentioned that Wil
liam R. Boone, instructor on piano and
pipe organ, has just been elected a
member of the American Guild of Or
ganists, an honor that comes unsolicit
ed and only after an artist has proven
himself. Prof. Boone will fill Sunday
engagements at the First Congrega
tional Church, Portland, after Septem
ber 15. .
No Display At Salem
At the meeting the committee turned
down an invitation to participate in the
Salem Cherry Fair. Col. Hofer, of the
Salem Board of Trade.urged the Club
to send a display of cherries, and he
cordially offered the service of expert
packers but the invitation 'lame too
late. Other counties have been mak
ing preparations for some time, . and
Benton corild not well compete on such
short notice. .
A $100 payment of the clubs pianola
was ordered.
Goddess Contest
Grows Lively
The contest for Goddess of Liberty
for the Fifth of July celebration closes
tomorrow, Friday, night at 7 :30. The
change in votes since yesterday has
been slight, but there is prospect of a
warm finish. Miss Mabel Rich remains
in the lead but not far enough aHead to
make her election a certainty.
The vote stands:
Mabel Rich.... ..1425
Iva Barclay 1075
Gertrude McBee 1101
Clara Baker 800
Nora Thomson 560
Ora Gibson, Philomath... :.500
Laura Bumap .'. -430
Grace Wilson 135
Mary Nolan..... ......760
Mabel Withycombe .-490
Mary Danneman.. -605
Lulu Spangler...... ...... 510
Hazel Winkley 450
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gaskins were
at" Albany Jyesterdayinorningr'Mr.
Gaskins lecturing before the State
Teachers' Association. "Music, View
ed from the College'' was the subject
of his reworks and those of us who
know W. F. know that , he gave his
auditors their money's worth. Mr.
Gaskins sang three songs, two of them
encores-sufficient evidence that she
was appreciated.
Prof. Pernot and family went to
Newport today, the- family expecting
to remain through the summer. Mrs.
Pernot is recently convalescent from
a severe, illness and feels the need of
the bracing sea breezes.
Miss Gardner, of Portland, and Miss
Bradley, of Michigan, are guests of
Genevieve Baum-Gaskins.
Ladies' two
clasp silk and
lisle gloves,
white, black,
tan, grey and
Tan, Russia
calf, premier
and Rugby
lasts, dark tan,
vici kid, ideal
last, heavy
and turn soles.
brown. Double
tip. Values to
$1, special
May Provide Souvenirs or Literature -for
the Occasion. 1 Committee ia '
Now Working on Plan. . Linn Conn
ty May Join With Benton. r
At a meeting of the Executive Com- '
mittee of .the Commercial Club Tues- -day
afternoon, Thursday, July 22,' was
designated Benton county day at the
Seattle Exposition. However, Linn
county is considering the idea of join-
ing Benton in a demonstration and the
date might possibly be changed if it ia
deemed absolutely necessary in order to
accomodate the people across the river,
President Johnson made an effort to
get Polk and Lincoln counties to Join
with Benton and Linn but it appears. ,
that neither county is prepared to do' ,.
SO. -
Just what sort of demonstration will '
be made on the date selected is not yet
determined, a committee having been.
appointed to work out some definite,
plan. If the customary plan is carried
out, Benton county will ' simply keep
open shop at the Oregon building, : the -hostess,
Mrs. W. Hv Savage, serving .
to all visitors fruit, or liquid refresh
ments and, with the aid of others, hand
out such souvenirs or literature of Ben
ton county as may be furnisji 4A -the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, th
special days to cities, counties and state
were made notable and pleasing by the
lavish distribution of badges, buttons," -booklets
and things of that sort, . with- 7
special 'receptions, but the locaT '-tom..' ,
mittee hopes to improve on the old idea, i
That Benton county should,, , at some
time during the fair, distribute some '-:
thing that will let fair visitors know
we are in existence is certain. If the "
committee can, work out something and -j"
then find the 'money necessary there
will be something doing on Benton.
county day. . ,
Letter List , "" '
The following letters remain uncalled ,
for in the Corvallis, Oregon, postoffice
for the week ending June 26, 1909: ?,
A. C. Armstrong. Mrs. Belle Banis.
ter, J. R. Howell, Mrs. - S. M. Long,
Mrs. James Newman, Earle Stule, Mrs,
W. S. Mulkey (Foreign.) , 1
B. W. Johnson, P. M. ' -;
In stock ALL SIZES
and Styles
Ladies Tan Oxfords
Our regular $3.00 shoe,
special this week,