The Oregon union. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1863, February 28, 1863, Image 4

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, . For the especial benefit of the War
and ''Seymorfr Democrats," who are
still infatuated enough to follow the
lead of the Salem Vampire, we make
'the following contrast:
. . "Our people have,
thirefore, viewed -with
alarm, practices and
' pretensions on the part
of officials, which vio
late every principle of
good order, of civil lib
c5 erty, and of Constitu
'. tional law. It is claim
ed that in time of, war,
the President has pow
ers as Commander-in-Chief
of our armies,
which authorize him to
declare martial law, not
only within the sphere
i of hostile movements,
where other law cannot
- be enforced, but also
nver our whole land.
That at his pleasure he
can disregard not only
the Statutes of Con
gress, but the decisions
of the national judicia
ry. That in loyal States
the least intelligent
'Within a few days,
a number of persons
have been arrested in
this district, on charges
of disloyalty. Writs
for their arrest were is
sued, in pursuance of
a recent order of lien.
Wright, directing the
military and military
authorities to arrest
and hold in confine
ment all persons guilty
of uttering treasonable
language agaiust the
Government. Such a
course is eminently po
litic and wise. The on
ly wonder is, that trea
sonable utterances
should have been so
long tolerated, without
the summary notice
now taken under Gen.
Wright's order. Such
treatment of the men
who assail theGovcrn
ment treasonably
would have been highly
salutary in the begin-
clasa of officials may be I ning . It is not too late
clothed with power not to teach these seditious
only to act as spies and
fellows a healthy lesson
of their responsibilities
an duties to their coun
try. When the order
was first issued, we had
not the most unbound
ed faith that anything
effectual would be done
under it ; but we are
satisfied that Gpneral
Wright meant what the
order said, and that it
will prove, under his
administration, a most
effectual check upon
the insolent spirit of de
fiance so rampant on
this coast. The villain
ous nemies of the Fed
eral Union, who have,
while shielded by a
condition of peace here,
and the forbearance of
the people, spared no
effort to bring into con
tempt and weaken the
hands of the constitu
ted authorities of the
Government, are now
to learn that treasona
ble conduct here is as
rankly offensive and
worthy of punishment,
as though perpetrated
in the immediate thea
ter of the war.
We are glad of it
glad, not only that the
Government has decid
ed to vindicate its honor
in all parts, howev
er distant, of its do
main, but that traitors
shall no longer stalk
about among people
who yield a willing al
legiance, and be suffer
ed to override loyalty
informers, but also
without due process of
law to seize and im
prison ourjeitiezns, and
carry them beyond the
limits of the State, to
; hold them in prison
without a hearing or a
knowledge of the offen
ces with which they
are charged. Not only
the passions and preju
dices of these- inferior
- agents lead them to acts
of tyranny, but their
interests arc advanced
and their positions sc-
" cured by promoting dis
content and discord.
Even to ask the aid of
counsel has been held
to be an offense. It
lias been well said that
"to be arrested, for one
knows not what ; to be
confined, no one enti
tled to ask where ; to be
tried, no one can say
when, by a law no
where known or estab
lished or to linger out
life in a ceU without
trial, presents a body
of tyranny which can
not be enlarged,"
The suppression of
journals, and the im
prisonment of persons
has been glaringly par
tisan, allowing to some
the atmost licentious
ness of criticism, and
punishing -others for
the fair exercise of the
right of discussion.
Conscious of these gross
abutee, an attempt has
been made to shield the
violators of law and
tby unrebuked express--fl
4 a 1 nnn
suppress inquiry into
. their motives and con
duct. This attempt
will fail. Unconstitu
tional acts cannot be
shielded by unconstitu
tional laws. Such at
tempts will not save the
guilty, while they will
bring a just condemna
tion upon those who
try to pervert the pow
ers of legislation to the
purposes of oppression.
To justify such action
by precedents drawn
from the practice of
Governments where
there is no restraint up
on legislative power,
will be of no avail un
der our systam, which
restrains the Govern
ment and pio'ects the
citizens by written con
stitutions. ' 1 shall not inquire
what rights States in
rebellion have forfeited,
but I deny tl at this Tk -bellion
can suspend a
single right of the citi
zens of loyal States. I
denounce the doctrine
that civil war in the
South takes away from
the loyal North one
principle of civil lib
erty. It is a high crime to
abduct a citizen of this
State. It is made my
' duty by the Constftu
. tion to see that the laws
are enforced. I shall
investigate every alleg
- cd violation of . our
statutes, and see that
lulls Ul uttktcu auu uu-
tempt for the Govern
ment. If Gen. Wright
will extend this kind
of surveillance to the
Northern portions of
his district, he will not
only perform an act of
deserved justice to the
treasonable wretches
themselves, but will
win the gratitude of
every community
which he may thus re
lieve of pestilent seces
sion peddlers and ar,
rant rebel abettors,
We think there is
scarcely a county in
Oregon or Washington
Territory but could
spare a few such hom
bres, and be all the bet
ter and safer for their
It is not by any
means sure that rebel
sympathizers here have
given up the scheme of
separating the Pacific
Coast fron the Union.
The outbursts of pa
triotic enthusiasm,
sweeping over the
country, have, for the
time, somewhat smoth
ered the expression of
such diabolical purpos
es, but they none the
less exist, and Wait im
patiently the time when
their fierceness may
be loosed upon the loy
al portions of the popu
lace. Wc have con
stantly the information
before us that not a
blatant secessionist in
the country is without
" offenders-are " brought
to justice. Sheriffs and
District Attorneys are
arms, and plenty of
them that the Gov
ernment guns used -in
admonished that it is
1 the Yakima war, are
their duty to take care
that no person within
their respective coun
ties are imprisoned nor
carried by force beyond
their limits, without
due process or lcgil
authority. The remov
al to England of per
sons charged with of
frnse, away from their
friends, their witnesses
and means of defense,
was one of the acts of
mostly in the secret pos
session of men who
have, at some time
since the troubles be
gan, been known to
hurl the most violent
denunciations at the
Government, and to
express the most
shameless ' sympathy
with the rebels.
We have no fear that
an opportunity will be
soon afforded for such
uses of arms thus
hoarded, but the intent
is none the less hellish,
nnr! dpservin? of swift
tyranny tor w inch we, exposure, and condign
asserted our indepen- punishment. That such
dence. The abduction ! n a,re more tn?n J"
, .... . , . I dmanly prepared, with
of "tizcns from this 1 offcnsive weapons, is at
State for offenses charg- kast guggcstive of the
edtohavebeen done here , propriety of keeping an
and carrying them ma- ! e7e uPon them, and
y hundreds of miles ' Penting
1 quences of permitting
to distant prisons in such an element to gain
ether States or Territo- ' an ascendency, any an outrage 0f ' hcre in the Country,
. . 0 i by a little wholesome
the same character, up- restr8mt of osbtrcper-
of every principle of ous secessionism in Fort
right and justice." Alcatraz." -
The above article appeared iu the
- Vampire of October 27th, just previous
to the news of the triumph of Democra
cy in the Atlantic States Every one of
the fiJthydogs who trains io that squad,
endorsed its sentiments. Had the elec
tions gone in favor of Abolitionism, they
would still continue to endorse it. They
would continue to swear it was "just their
sentiments." The miserable Canaille are
now ready to swallow their puke on that
occasion to take back into their foul and
filthy stomachs the torrents of scurrility
and unmerited abuse spewn forth by them
upon men whom they knew in their hearts
were always right. What dependence
can be placed upon men who will thus sac
rifice truth, honor and principle, and who
do violence to their own consciences and
convictions, for the sakeof being on the
winning side ? What right have such
men as will endorse the above infamous
sentiments from the Salem paper and
they all endorsed it at the time to claim
that they are "Seymour Democrats ?"
The devil has more just grounds for
claiming to be an "angel of light."
To Postmasters. There are several newspa
pers published iu Oregon and elsewhere as much
in "aid and comfort of the enemy" in the pres
ent war as any that have been excluded from the
mails. It will be remembered, that during Mr.
Buchanan's administration an order was issued
to all postmasters to arrest all incendiary mat
ter found in the mails.
jjThis h an infamous, lie. Never was
any such order issued by a Democratic ad
ministration. Ed. Union.
By this order all postmasters are authorized
to open and search all suspected packages and
destroy the contents, if by them deemed of in
cendiary character. This order, made under a
Democratic administration, is applicable to the
present time, and we have no doubt if postmas
ters in Oregon take thg responsibility of arrest
ing treasonable and incendiary matter in their
offices, that the Postmaster General will con
sider the proceeding regular and proper." Sa
lem Vampire, March 3d, 1862.
The above was not only an endorsement
of the outrageous and arbitrary acts of the
Abolition Administration in its raid against
a free press, but a direct encouragement
to the lowest menial tools of the Admin
istration, to act without orders, and lto B
the mails.
The Linn County "Union" Convention,
was held at Albany March 29th, 1862,
Joseph Hamilton Chairman, and S. F.
Church Secretary, A. Osborne Assistant
Secretary. Bush's Monkey "Captain John,"
T. A. Eiggs,C. H. Barber, Dr. S. A. Smith
and J. F. Backenstow reported, among
others, the following resolutions, which
will put the mark of the tyrant's tool up
on their brows so long as they live.
4th. That we approve of the test oaths re
quired by our Government before granting any
bounty to any person, believing as we do that
every loyal citizen will gladly avail himself of
the privilege of swearing allegiance to his
6th. That we approve of the course of our
Government in stopping from the mails the dis
loyal journals of Oregon, believing that the
Oregon Democrat, 'Oregon Union and Jackson
ville Gazette are aiming at the overthrow of our
Government, and the recognition of the Southern-Confederacy.
Have not the tools, toadies aud lick
spittles of tyranny, who enunciated these
sentiments, a clear and undisputed right
and title to claim kindred with Governor
Seymour ? Are they not "sweet scented"
"Seymour Democrats 1"
The Stonewall of Death .
The following thrilling incident of the
unsuccessful charge at Fredericksburg, is
from the pen of a correspondent of the
Missouri Republican :
Parts of Sumner's grand corps charged
three times up the declivity in front of the
enemy's works arnd were as often repulsed
with dreadful slaughter. . Amid the groans
of the dying, the shrieks of the wounded,
and the defiant cries of the retreating col
umn, which fell back cheering "Hurrah
for General McClellan," could be heard
above the roar of battle, sometimes from
our defeated soldiers, sometimes from the
wounded, and often from the dying soldiers.
The fiercest fighting in the center caged in
front of a stonewall, upon the first crest of
hills, in advance of the batteries of the
enemy. The rebel infantry were sheltered
behind it, while their artillery played over
their heads. Immediately in its front was
a line of rifle pits, occupied by a small
force of the enemy. The order was given
to charge this position, and our troops ad
vanced upon the slope, when they were
greeted with heavy cannonading. Ap
proaching nearer, they received the fire
of the rebel sharpshooters in the rifle pits,
but undaunted, they continued to advance,
driving the rebels from the rifle pits, who
disappeared from behind the stonewall
and in the woods beyond. The advance
continued : shot and shell with desultory
musketry tore through ' the ranks, but
there was no faltering. The gaps were
closed up, and the long line of bavonets
approached within one hundred yards tf
the wall. . The prospect or its being cap
tured looked promising and once taken it
would afford our troops protection in turn,
and give good positions for our field bat
tcrics. As yet the enemy's infantry had
not shown themselves. Occasionally a
retugee troui the rifle pits would arise and
. fire and then scantier off to the rear, but
no heavy musketry told that the enemy
were behind it iu torce. Within fiftv
yards was reached. The pace , increased
to a rush, and the line braced itself for
the last encounter. Suddenly a brigade
of grey coats arose from behind the wall;
a long line of blight rifles flashed in the
sunlight, then came a deafening roar,
The advancing columns received the leaden
hail, fell like grass before the scythe, wa
vered, reeled, turned and fled. Two thou
sand dead and dying were left under the
guns of the enemy, and five hundred fell
before the shelter of a ravine was gained
The wall was about six hundred yards in
length, and every foot of it cost us two
men. It was the battle of New Orleans
repeated. .
Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon.
1862 lv23
What Baker's Election did.
With what beautiful consistancy
preaching against abolition, comes
from a wretch who, to gratify his per
sonal malice, did not hesitate to send
an Abolitionist to the United States
Senate at a time when that was the
only branch of the Government that
was not in Abolition hands, and when
that election gave the Abolitisnists a
majority of one, even in the Senate.
Don't preaching against Abolition
come with a beautiful grace from the
crowd who elected Billey Adam's pet
pnppy, "Abolition Johnney" instead
of Judge Wait ; and who done all
they could to send Logau at that
time a radical Republican to Con
gress in place of Bhiel and Stont?
Don't preaching against Abolition
come with a sweet accent from the
MassachusettsAbolition Sqnirt, who
helped to elect "Sore-headed Snmner"
to the United States Senate before he
left his native New England? But to
Baker's election ; it is frequently said
tnat .uemocrais naa a majority m ine
United States Senate to thwart the
Abolition designs of the Lincoln Ad
ministration, if the Southern Senators
had remained.
JThis is not trne. The election of E.
D. Baker gave the Administration a
majority of one, even in that body.
Baker acted and voted with the Abo
litionists on every occasion. He voted
for the Clark substitute and dodged a
vote on the Crittenden resolutions.
After March 4th 1861 the United
States, 6tood 34 Republican Senators
to 34 Democrats of all shades, giving
the casting vote to Vice 1 resident
Hamlin, who, of course, would throw
it on the side of the Abolitionists.
The following: were the Republican
Senators of the 37th Congress.
Maine Lot M. Morrill and Wm Pitt Fessenden.
Vermont Solomon Foot and Jacob Collamer.
New Hampshire John F Hale and Daa'l Clark
Massachusetts Chas. Sumner and Henry
Wilson. ' '
Rhode Isijvnd Jas. F. Simmons and Henry B.
Connecticut James Dixon and Lafayette S.
Foster. !
New York Preston Kins and Ira Harris.
New Jebset John C. TenEyck. I
Pennsylvania David Wilmot and Edgar
Cowan. i
Illinois Lyman Trumbull and C H Browning.
Indiana Henry S. Lane. i.
Uhio iieni. r. Wade and John bherman.
Michigan Zachariah Chandler and R. S. Bing
ham. . "
Iowa James W. Grimes and James Harlan.
Wisconsin James R Doolittle and S O. Howe.
California JamesA. McDougall. (eleeted by
Minnesota Morton S. Wilkinson.
Kansas James H. Lane and S. C. Pomeroy,
Oregon James W. Nesmith (elected by Re
publicans) and E. D. Baker. 34.
The Democratic Senators from free
States were Bright, Latham, Rice and
Thompson. These four with the1 30
slave State Senators make d4. , xhus
it will be seen that the Senate, even
if all the Slave State Senators had re
mained, would have been a tie, giving
tne casting vote to the Republican
Vice President, Hamlin. This was
the prospect that alarmed the Sbouth
and had as much, or more than any
thing else, to do in driving that section
out ot the Union. The Oregon coa
litions had 6nch an effect npon the
mind of the National Democracy that
we find the coalitions against Shiel,
against Stout, and in favor of "Nes,"
and Baker alluded to in tne address
put forth by Mr. Stevens on behalf of
the Democracy in lbO. mere is no
doubt but what those ' coalitions pro
duced a lasting impression upon the
minds of men in tbe bonth and led
them to believe that they had no pros
pect of justice from the North, when
even such favored communities as
Oregon had been at their hands, turn
ed against them and sent Abolition
ists to the Senate of the United States,
to vote away their constitutional rights
and assist in catting their throats.
TiV.v tKo ttKnvA siim in rash T will furnish one
of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that
can be driven Dy nana witn ease ai me raie 01
Seven Hundred Sheets Per Hour,
on any kind of a job from a colored Poster
down, and uo its worK as well as any cylinder
Press in the world. '
Bed 31 x 46 inches, rolls a form with two roll
ers of 26 x 42 inches, weighs only 3,300 lbs, and
can be put up and set running by any qridnary
I have issued a specimen, done on this press,
in namnhlet form, containing a cut of it, and
will take great pleasure in sending a copy to
those who have not received it, on th receipt
01 a paper irom uieiu.
Any publisher inserting all found below the
rule, to the amount of $10, and sending me a
paper containing it, will be allowed the amount
of their bill towards payment on one of my
presses, if ordered after one year from September
1, 1861. If ordered within one year, $20 will
be allowed for the bill. If ordered within six
months, $30 will be allowed. And if within
three months, $40 will be allowed for the bill.
You will find it for your interest to communi-
cate directly with me. as I warrant the press to
be all I represent it, which your . merchant-can
easily find out for you if you are a total stranger
in New York. For furthtr particulars please
address .
No 16, Spruce St. N. If.
(At the old stand of Grenzebach & Biven.)
Consignments and Storage respectfully solicited,
THE STORE is one of the largest and safest
Stone Buildings in the Dalles, opposite the
Umatilla House, and the undersigned promises
low rates ot cnarges, casn sales and speedy re-
Dalles, January, 1863, 35,
Saint Mary's Academy for Young
. Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Soly names of Jesus and Mary. .
THIS Institution is agreeably situated in
the most healthy part of the City of
Portland, on a gently rising eminence which
commands an extensive and beautiful prospect.
Its object is to educate young ladies in all the
useful and ornamental branches generally taught
in the most approved schools. -
The moral and intellectual improvement of
the pupils will be attended to with the greatest
solicitude, and the most devoted attention paid
to their domestic comfort. At all hours, the
young ladies are under the watchful care and
government of their teachers.
Pupils of every religious denomination will be
equally received, and all interference with their
religious convictions carefully avoided. Good
order, however .requires that all should conform
to the general regulations of the Institution.
All letters to and from the pupils will be
inspected by the superioresses.
The scholastic yeai commenc on the first
of September and terminates about the middle
of July. It is divided into four quarters of
eleven weeks each.
Reports of the health and progress of the
pupils are forwarded semi-annually to parents
and guardians.
The course of studies embraces the various
branches which constitute the. elementary and
higher departments of education, Reading,
Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, History, Logic,
Gram mar, Rhetoric, Composition, Geography,
Use of the Globes, Astronomy, Botany.Natur
al Philosophy, French, Vocal and Instrumental
Music, Drawing and Painting, Plain and Orna
mental Needle Work, Knitting, Crochet, &c.
French, ' Music, Drawing and painting are
extra branches, and will be taught at the option
of the parents.
Each pupil must be provided with two pink
gingham dresses,two white basks.a white dress,
a sky blue sash, one dark crimson merino dress,
one black silk bask, a black and a white lace
veil, one black silk apron, a white straw hat
with white trimmings; a knife and fork; a table,
dessert and teaspoon; goblet, six table napkins,
six-towels, a white counterpane, three pairs of
sheets.three pillow cases, bed,&c, six changes,
and the rest of the clothing in proportion.
Board and Tuition, per annum,
(eath quarter payable in advance) $160 00
Entrance Fee, do. 5 00
Piano, do. 60 00
Drawing and Painting, do. 20 00
Washing, do. " 48 00
Postage charged to parents.
Select Day Scliool.
To the above Institution there is attached a
Select Day School for young ladies, in which
all the branches specified are taught. The strict
est attention is paid to the orderly and proper
conduct of the Scholars.
Primary Department, per quarter,
(payable in advance) $5 00
Junior, do. 8 00
Senior, do. 10 00
ENo deduction made for the withdrawal of
a pupil before the'expiration of the term, unless
in case of sickness.
The hours of attendance are from 9 o'clock
A M, to 4:30 p M.
. 1862 12tf
Iate Professor at tbe University Fa.
Opposite the ZT. S. Branch Mint,
WHERE he can be consulted privately,
and with the utmost confidence by the
afflicted at all hours daily, from 9, A. k. to 8, r.
M. Cure always guaranteed or no pay required.
Constitutional Debility aud Seminal Weakness.
rr. Young addresses those who have injured
emselves by private and improper indulgence in
that secret and solitary habit which ruins the
body and mind, unfitting them for either busi
ness or society. The following are some of the
sad and melancholy effects produced by early
habits of youth, viz: weakness of the back and
limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, loss
of muscular power, palpitation of the heart,
dyspepsia,nervousness,irritability, derangement
of the digestive functions, general debility,
symptoms of consumption,, etc.
Mentally The fearfull effects upon the mind
arc more to be dreaded. Loss of memory, con
fusion of ideas, depression of spirit, evil forebo
dings, aversion to society, selt-distrust, love of
solitude, timidity, etc., are most of the evils
All persons who are afflicted with any ot the
above symptoms, should not tail to call on Dr.
J. C. Young, and be at once restored to perfect
health. Let no false dilicacy prevent you, but
apply immediately and save yourself from the
dreadtul and awtul consequences ot the terrible
Weakness of the organs immediately cured.and
full vigor restored, He. J. C. Young.
Important to Miners and Travelers.
There is no maladv of deeper importance.either
in a medical or moral point of view, to which the
human family is more liable, than that arising
from improper connctions. -
As a medical man, it is the duty of every phy
sician to look at disease as it affects health and
life.and the sole object should be to mitigate, as
far as lies in his power, their bodily suffering.
Human nature is at the best but frail; all are li
able to misfortune, Of all ills that affect .man,
none are more terrible than those of a private
nature. Dreadful as it is in the person who con
tracts it,frightful as are its ravgesupon his cons
titution, ending frequently in destruction and
a loathsome grave, it becomes of still greater
importance when it is transmitted to innocent
offspring. Such being the case, how important
it becomes that every one having the least rea
son to tear they have contracted the disease,sh Id
attend to it at once by consulting some physici
an, whose respectability and education enables
him to warrant a safe, speedy and permanent
cure. In accordance with this necessity, Dr.
Young feels called upon to state that by long
study and extensive practice, he has become
perfect master of all those diseases which come
under the denomination of vencreal,and having
paid more attention to this one branch than
any other physician in the U. S., he feels him
self better qualified to treat them. ,
Syphilisis, in all its forms, such as ulcers,
swelling of the groins, ulcers in the throat,
secondary syphilis, cutaneous eruptios, ulcera
tions, teriary syphilis, syphilis in children.mer-
curial syphilitic anections.gonorrhae.eleet stric-
tures, false passages, inflamation of the blad
der and prostrate glands, excoriations, tumors,
pustules, etc., are as familiar to him as the most
common things of daily observation.
The Doctor effects a cure in recent cases in a
few days.and finds no difficulty in curing those
of long duration, without submitting the pati
ent to such treatment as will ''raw upon him
the slightest suspicion, or oblige him to neglect
his business, whether within doors or without
The diet need not be changed.excepting in cases
of severe affliction. There are in California pati
ents amounting to over two thousand in the
last year that could furnish proof of this; but
tbese are matters mac require me nicest secresy,
which he always preserves.
Beware cf Imposition. In consequence
of the wide spread celebrity of Dr. YOU.NG
numerous impostors have sprung into existence,
pretending) be perfect masters of the healing
art, and have succeeded in imposing upon a lew
of the unwary sufferers. Persons wisliing to
consult a physician.should be very careful how
they put confidence in the published statements
of such charlatans, lor they are as unscrupulous
in such statements as m their practice of medi
cine, and very unsafe to.tustj. They will first
deceive you by. the false- certificates procured
from drunken loafers, who perjure thlmseves to
get money to, satisfy the cravings of a diseased
appetite. When such quacks gain your confi
i dence,. the will then dose you with mercury
and other poisonous drugs,' and after theyhave
robbed you of your money and injured 'your
constitution, they will cost you off with the
charge that you have notfollowedtheirdireetions.
-The only way to avoid such imposters, is to
consult Dr- J. C Young, the Pioneer Adver
tising Physician of California. At a meeting of
the Medical Faculty of the State, called to inves
tigate the souice of malpractice that has caused
so much suffering in this country, it was unani
mously recommended that all the afflicted sho'ld
cnsult Dr. as he was the only "regular
physician now advertising in California, all
others in his line being quacks and imposters,
and are not to be trusted. The afflicted will
please take notice that there was not a physici
an at the meeting who had ever heard of a single
case of -malpractice from Dr. Young, while not
one of them but had seen a number of cases
from other foreign quacks, who vauntingly set
forth their pretended virtues in the publicprints.
The above facts should be borne in mind by all
seekins medical assistance.
Thank heaven, they are getting thoroughly
exposed.and it will not be long before they will
have to fly the country to avoid the just indig
nation ot an outraged public. Then will all
good people thank Dr. Young for his continued
efforts to banish quackery from our midst.
There are many in Oregon suffering for want
of scientific medical treatment, and yet fear to
apply to a physician.because they or their friends
have been deceived by some of the charlatans
who infest the community, and who publish
themselves as good physicians, professors, etc.
To all such we unhesitatingly recommend Dr. J.
C. Young, as a physician in whom all can place
confidence. He is a man of eminent and profound
study, a good surgeon, an honorable gentleman,
who can sympathize with persons in affliction.
His standing as a physician and a gentleman
are both guaranteed the first, by his medical
works, which are an honor to their author, and
the extensive and highly successful course of
practice with Which he has been honored since
his advent in California, and the latter by his
numerons patrons and large circle of acquain
tances. REMEMBER That Dr. Young wants no
patients but those fully capable of apprecia
ting and distinguishing the service of a regular
thoroughbred physician from the paltry,
unlearned, and trifling quack.
REMEMBER That Dr. Young is the only
regular bred physician advertising to cure
diseases of imprudence.
REMEMBER That Dr. Young's remedies
and treatment are entirely unknown to all others
prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals
of Europe, and the first in the country, from
pure chemicals imported.
The extensive practice which Dr. J. C. Young
has acquired in California is to be attributed to
his skill and experience. Invalids placing them
selves under the care of Dr. Young can rely on
a speedy and permanent cure. The Doctor's un
iform practice has been to take no pay unless a
cure is effected. Having been voted an honory
member of the Royal College of surgeons, Lon
don, the highest chirurgical body in existence,
he feels confident that his services cannot fail
to be appreciated in a discerning community.
Letters will be promptly answered and at
tended to.
The French Lunar,or Female Monthly.
Pills The best remedy ever discovered for
suppressed menses in females. They are safe
and sure, acting in the most efficient -and easy
manner nossible. never creating sickness, but
renovoting the system, at the same time that
they remove any obstruction wnicn may im
pede, for the' time, the natural flow of the menses.
No family should be without a box in the house
for they greatly assist in the delivery at, maturi
ty, of the child. They should not be taken un
der some circumstances in the early stages of
pregnancy which will appear plain to ladies.
Price, $5 00 per - bcx, with full directions,
sent to any part of the Pacific coast upon
receipt of the money. Addresss
615 Commercial Street, opposite the U. S,
Branch Mint, San Francisco. '62 3tf
HAT IBTO purchased the entire stock ot
continue business at
having filled the stock, where can be foucd
-nat all times
a complete stock of--
Boots and Shoes,
- Salem Goods,
Nails and Tobacco,
and every description of articles suitable for
Miner's Outfits,:::
all of which I will sell
Low for Caslx or
'-PI50lJCE.:M( -
J JCall and examine for yourselves.JJ-i-,And
will pay the.,
Wheat, Bacon,
Eggs, Bixtter,
Wool and. Oats.
Corvallis, Sept. 29, 1862. 18yl
Mai ii Street,
Corvallis, Oregon
riIHE undersigned takes pleasure in an--L
nouncing to his old patrons generally,
that he is now sole proprietor of the above
establishment, and having in store a large
quantity of the very best of provender would
say to one and all give me a call.
1862-2yl H.C.RIGGS-
JOHN T. HUGHES would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Albany and
vicinity, and the tra veling public generally, that
he has leased and refited the ALBANY HOTEL
and is now ready to accomodate, in the best
style, all who favor him with a call.
r His beds are neat and clean.
The proprietor is determined , to spare no
pains or expense in making one of the best
houses in the State. : 1862 Iy3t0
No. 120 No. 120
' Will pay the highest price in cash for all
kinds of Produce.
Portland, January 1st, 1863. . 82yl
Retail Dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing, Boots aud Shoes,
Hardware, Paiuts and Oils.
Iron and Steel, and for sale at the lowest
possible rates for cash. sept22-'62-18yl
New Style
' 'family
All Former Ohjectons Overcome
No Leather Pad Used on New
Stylo TWTfxollJLxo. ! ! X
, . ANT
Are Attached to the
The Mission Mills use
, Sewing Machines in making urr
OverShirts, Coats, Suits, dec, t&c.
They now use from 40 to 50 constantly and!
are turning out the
Prices Greatly Reduced.
E Send for a Circular.
H. C. HAYDEN, Agent
Corner of Sacramento
and Montgomry St., San Francisco.
-P. C. POMEROY, Ageut,
September 29, 1862. 19yl
The great question is at last decided that
Roberts & Holgate
Sell goods CHEAPER than any other House
this side of Portland, and they can well af
ford to, for it is well, understood that hey
sell a great many more than any other firm
this tide of Portland.
ilcli Sales and Small Promts
is our motto.
We take pleasure in announcing to our
numerous friends and customers, that Mr.
Roberts has just returned from below, with
a large, and well selected stock of
consisting in part of
Dry Goods,
Such as Prints, Sheetings, Shirtings, Denims,
Hickory, Cheeks, Lawns, Poplins, Delanen,
Silk and Linen Hankerchiefs, and a general
variety of Ladies -
White Dress Good.
Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' latest style
of Hats and Shaker Bonnets.
Gents' and boys' hats of all styles and of
all pricef So every one can be suited.
We have a
, Very Large Stock of.
Bo ts and Shoes of all descriptions.
Such as Axes, Hammers, Hatchets, Saw and
files of every description; in fact everything;
usual y found in a Hardwarestore...
A general assortment of! '
Table and. Pocket Cutlery
Found at our store. In fact, anything andl
everything usualv found in a variety store we
can furnish.
. All of our stock has been well selected and
at the very lowest market prices for cash, and.
we are bound to sell -
Lower than the Lowest and Defy;
But would say, that as we have run our faces,
"bellow," as long as they will let us, we have
to pay down for our goods and will be com
pellecd to sell them the same way So that
when we sell out our present stock,, we will
be able to purchase another one;: and; we re
quest all indebted to us to come forward andl
even up. We cannot buy goods with ac
counts, so do not ask for credit, but come
along with WHEAT. OATS, BARLEY,
BACON, BUTTER, Eggs, Wool, Cheese,
Chickens, Potatoes, Onions, Cattle, Horses,
Sheep, Hogs, Rags, old . Boots and Shoes,
Hides, Deer and Beaver Skins; and- even
Coon skins. We will take anything the far
mer has for goods and will pay cash for some
things. We had nearly forgotton to say that