The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, April 18, 1941, Image 3

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fit ( V I R I O N
the year without a traffic fa ­ aa <the Hader In the nation early
Mena L . Olaen et vlr to Ellx-
tality, Corvallis recorded a
this year, this reputation will
M inear, %
,,t ¡jot
< rease o f 43% In neetdenta cau- be enhanced.
slug personal Injuries walle The
“ It la w .i th the slight ef-
Leighton Dearluve to J
KIHa A . Henlnger et ux to
a lecrcase of fort necessary to exercise a Ilt-
McVay et ux,
l'art Hen). Perron W.
News-11 et ux. Part
3(1% In accidents of this typ-
tie extra earn and caution tn
Stewart Cl. T IS R2W.
Lots 27 and 28 Garden Home.
our walking and driving to pre­
Flair of Oregon, 1940 Na
, George A . Van Dyke to H .
| Oomil T ra ffic Hafuty winner fur serve this record.“
Beecher B
Robinson to Jo­
Oregon showed marked Impro­ H. Shaw et ux Lot 12 Garden seph
8 . Grims tad et ux Part
c..i, continued its record o f
Wm. Grattan Cl. 39 T28 R1W.
Improvemagrt through t!ln- first vement In the field o f pedes­ Acne*
of l!»41 with a 17.7%
trian and hirycle safety during
■<ase In the number o f tra f
th«* first cyuartrr o f 1941. Snell
lie fntaltlles reported com pure.I reported
For the first quarter
la the same period last year.
o f thta year. 81.7% of the tr a f­
Hut whereas the Improvement fic fatalities Involved pedk-strlan*
waa under 20 % for the first while fo r the same period a
thr e months, 'luring the (lrst year ago, pedestrian deaths con­
two montlhn
Improvement stituted 50.1% o f the total fa-
was 40% tend Oregon led tie- ‘ talltlea, an Improvement o f 37.1
percent. The actuul decrease in
entire Nation during that time.
' pedestrian deaths fo r the first
♦ ♦
quarter was 50%, 2(1 pedestrla-t
March was the first month
deaths being reported this year
this year during which traffic
omnparet) to 40 fo r the same
fatalities exceeded the toll f o '
period a year ago.
the corresponding month o f 1940.
There Were no bicycle fatal -
In January this year, the loll
I III«*» during the first quarter o f
waa 18, Che sumo as for the
1 1941 compared to two during
preceedlng January.
the same period in 1940 Thus,
February, only eleven
flnell points out, Oregon Is con­
were klllsd this year compared
thn record establish«» 1
to 30 In February of 1940 . Hut
In 1940 when, fo r the frst tlm »
In March, the death toll stood n*.
38 lives lost tills year, five more
broke their upward trend end
than fo r Che same month a
showed a decrease. The 1940
year ago.
hike fatalities were 48% under
"Oregon d river» and pedestri­ the 1939 blka toll.
an» really
an objective
wocth striving fo r" Mr
In urging cuixena o f the
The menfolk rrs getting a great calcium v.lta. T m i :m g *.; <:r,*d
(B y Mrs. Mildred Baker)
state to ro-ope rain In holding
! kick out of th»'
pr-parednera I raua are exc; p:‘. ..* lly I si. 4
♦ ♦
the record won In recent months.
I program. One ventt! alnoat think alkalinity.
fi-liw w .*
“ Aa the outstanding state In the Vacation time la nearly here,
they had discovered aomtihinc rc-ipos as preparedness to. :t-u*
West last year. Oregon wtll re­ And the papers say we’re paying j new.
pany surprises::
But the Bp? Scouts have been
ceive nation-wide publicity as a
Limas Cresls
followin'? "Bo Prepared” for ever
safe slate in which to drive, and In Uvea.
Speed Is what some
2 cups cooked, dried Limas ’
a quarter of a cent-try ami r e
:: slice* bacon
folks crave
l women have had to be prepared
2 medium onions, slice.!
When you've listened In to their l elnco -he original AC xx baid. "E ra !
1 green pepper, shredded
I Have that mariadon*steak ready at
i close shaves.
1 cup milk
j sun-down, or ©l.-el”
How they fidget and they fit*»
The female of the species has
Fry bacon, remove from p.. . a id
When they can't get there fast
slwu/s had a preparedness pro­ onkns and n f ’ en pepp>
00 k
gram In the home. Breakfast mu 3 t inti.’ tender, ¿'lace a
. ». of
They care not fo r another's life. j bo prepared on time, dny after day, Lima, in a buUersd cassero • »ad
month rfter month, and year af-cr u layer of becon. broken in me«»-,
It's speed that gets them In the
year. So must lunch and dinner. then a layer of onion and ., -iipcf
She ha* developed preparedness mixture.
Sprinkle .*-,u
In fact It's getting worse.
into a science. M*-muring spoons, ©alt. Repeat. Pour over niilk ¿mi
They’ re
daily flirtin g wMh n
broilers, boilers, canned goods, bake in a moderate oven (350° ? .}
bottled tasties and hundred* of about 20 minutes.
-ommon conveniences have been
Start nut with less pep and vim.
Savory Limas
leveloped as elds to this universal,
Take It easy you'll find It pay*
2 cups cooked, dried Lima*
perpetual, perfection, preparedness
I f on this fall earth you would
2 tablespoons minced on on
1 clove garlic, chopped
longer stay.
Here are a couple o f recipes for
(may !>e omitted)
:he great army of always-prepared
Your vacation then will turn out
1 tabjespo
oil or butter
women. They «xplain the prepara­
g n u * '.
3 te.blespoc. » minced grcec
tion of tasty dishes that are health­
When you drive like a real sane
ful and economical. The cooked,
1 cup tomato sauce 01 *u aired
tried Llmu beans shown in the
llustration now come in cans.
They trad th* mselveg to scores of
Heat oil. add onion, garlic and
Mattes aa delicious ns those below. green pepper; cook over a mudar
March Is so delightful.
This concentrated food Is rich in ate heat 5 minutes; add tcraatw
And arhat a month for men;
jroteln, carbohydrate and energy sauco and Limas. Sfrnmer ovsr a
Daddies who have
alue, and Is a valuable source of low fire until thoroughly
totasslum, phosphorous, iron and about M> minutes.
Discover ie again.
Real Kxtate Transfer«
M i ym
7oul olrtriy lOpok »non ">.|t“
M ty p p tu
/O rlh J t
Oregon stands designated the
safest stwte In the west, so far
ne tra ffic
are -con­
follow ing announesunwnt
this state won the 1940 National
Council'» tra ffic safety
«vintesi for the eleven western
«tu te»
Word uf the honor was
received In Salem by Secretary
«»f State Karl Snell, director o f
the Mate-sponsored program In
tra ffic safety.
Twxt Oregon cities,
und Th- 1bilie», were placed or
Hie National Honor Roll o f tin
cities Hx trie 5.00 Id,ooo popula­
tion class which went through
IfttO with- ut a traffic fatality,
R was announced today by Karl
Secretary o f State. Th*
word o f the (honor was received
from National Safety Council.
Corvallis and The Dalles w ll'
each receive a certflrate o f rum-
mendatlon In recognition o f this
record. Snell ssld
Roth citte»
were on rtie (honor roll last year
T w o cities |n Wast'lnaton also
were p lw s l on the Honor Roll,
Kelso sod Anwcortes A total of
141 cities In the United Slates
rated places on the Mono* Roll
Mils year, a decrease o f Ik cities
from lite 1939 list.
In addition to going through
The Pereziua 1
Preparedness Program
Educators Jourvalisis Sail to Latin-Americd
O.i Carnegie Endowment Goodwill Tour
In this shot, the "up angle” view la the natural one Don't be afraid to
tilt the camera when the subject la eulted to an “ angle »hot.”
" M O M ) your camera level” —
that'» what the Instruction
book* way Hut It all depend» on
what you're shooting and £ some
ahots you get a more Interesting
effect If the camera Is pointed up
or down
When you're taking a picture of
your house, the camera should al­
ways he perfectly level That also
holds true for other subjects with
vertlc i lines such as tall trees—
provli d you want the vertical
lines lo appear aa you see them
With the camera tilted up. these
lines » I I I slope toward each other;
and your house fot example, will
appear smaller si the top
Thr '>'* a very simple reason for
lien the camera 1 * tilted.
(he t< il flip h"
■ 1 » farther from
th* ll • than in 1 ir.'lailnn And,
aa yo know 11
"u »1 n greater
. nmrra will ap-
étalai • from (1
•1 in • he picture
■-v ..... - the sub-
: He
1 - 1 •
1|eet <
1 - in n 'll Con­
aide •
nie llllle girl
1 1
en f.
Thie ls Ju’s(
the * y the
i would appear
from the front yard or walk There -1
fore this picture— taken with the*
camera tilted up—gives the most
natural effect
In the same way a picture of aj
person or group In the front yard^
taken from the balcony, would b«
very effective — especially It you:
stood bark In the doorway and In-!
eluded a small part of the balcony
railing That would show how and
where the picture was snapped
These are more or loss "normal'*
viewpoints htrt often an unusuaf
viewpoint gives an Interesting ef­
Place your camera near
ground level and tilt It up. to take
a picture of a golfer or tennis
player— and the effect Is more dra­
matic This Is known as a "worm's
eye" view “ Bird's eye" views, with
the camera quite high and tilted
down are also good for many sub­
Experiment with camera angles.
Your view nndet will sh r vou. In
esch rase what vou can get Al­
ways make the viewpoint suit th f
subject—and you It get lively, eys|
catching effective pictures
John van Guilder
balling r- ntly on the Orace
liner. F ' "T A LUCIA, on a tour of
sw eia l :
u Am irlcan countries
was this g
p of educators and
join t f >
of the Carnegie
uteinational Peace:
(T p .,.i ip r le u ): Malcolm W.
Davis, r 1
ni -tire of the Endow-
m nt; E-
ns butler. Editor, Pro­
gressive Pa mor, Dallas, Texas; Ro­
land Unit Sharp Latin-American
ap* ">alist, Chrirlan Science Moni­
tor, Hus n, M ihs ; Dr. Donald I>.
Brand, II " d of Department of An-
thrupu'Ogy, L Diversity of New Mex­
- J
ico, Albuq jerque, N. M.; Clarence
Roberts, Editor, The Farmer-Stock­
man, Oklahoma City, Okla.; and
Lee Morrison, Columbia University
Press, Executive Secretary for the
(Lower left to right): William II.
Hessler, Editorial and foreign news
writer, Cincinnati Enquirer, Ohio;
W. Earl Hall. Editor. Mason City
Olobe-Oasette. Iowa; Professor Gra­
ham StuurL Stanford University,
Palo Alto, Calif.; Professor Samuel
Dale Myres, Jr„ Southern Methodist
University, Dallas. Texas; and Dr.
TT. L. Walster. Dean, North Dakota
Agricultural College, Fargo. N. D.
The North American delegatiou
will spend the majority of Its time
In Argentina, Braxil, Uruguay and
According to Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler, President of the Endowment,
the purpose of the visit Is “ to offer
to a small selected group of editors
and scholars an opportunity to In­
crease their knowledge of Latin-
America; to exchange Information
and opinions with colleagues there,
and to bring back to their profes­
sional work, fre s h Im p re ssio n s
gained In this way."