i'JU PAjr. A P R IL 18. THE BEAVERTON REVIEW Y U IK OWN LO CAL T r i n k o f P A I'K H i m K n tercd » » »«?c<>nd-«'l»aa m a tte r on D ecem ber >. O J i. * t the p o a to fflc e a t B ea verton , O regon, undei the a ct o f M arch 8. 187» IS S l'K D F R I D A Y OK E A C H W E E K A T BE a YK H TO N . OREGON J. H HI L B T T ............ Owner > a b > r i l | l l a > I t a t r a One year (in advaace)......... |i oo S ix m on th « (in a d v a n c e )............. 80 One y e a r (In oth er a t a t e a ) . . . . 1.5« E x tra p,-stage fo r ou talde the U. S. A M K It I C A N I 9 .4 "Am t-M caniam 1 a u n fa ilin g love o f co u n try; lo y a lty to ila n stitu tion s and tdeala; eager- n ' « to defend It a gain a t all c s -in ie s ; undivided a lle g ia n c e to the f la g ; and a d esire to secure the b lessin gs o f lib e rty to o u rselves and our p o s te rity ." 1 l « : / IIK U I K ION 1941 When in 6be course of human events it becomes necessary to suspend publication of a periol- ical that for almoet a fifth of a century has carried out to uhe great public the news of a «■onwiiunity, a reasonable constJ- er&tion for (he rights of oBbers demands that the reasons there­ fore shou !d be set forth as fully as time and other things over whicto we have no control will allow . THE REVIEW was established in 1922, for the community of Beaverton and with the Idea that the family cf tnc publisher might be fed anl clothed. Tfco family have deceased, married, or left the publishing field for other more (to them) congenial occupations. But tihe publisher thought that as The Review had done so much for the family, that another fam­ ily might also profit thereby. But It was not to be. Mrs. Hu- let has taken a Job with a bag company near the Union Pacific | shops In IVrtlaiul It Is impossible for o m niau | to carry on the work #ecsaaary to get out an acreptuhle paper. I So. with this issue we suspend | publication until such tltpe aa \ wta feel that we can take up the work again. C ASH I’ KKKK.KKKl) ♦ ♦ The knot was tied; the |*alr was wed, And then the smiling bride- groom said |Unto the preacher. "Shull I pa/ I To you the usual fee today, |Or would you have me wait n year And give you then a hundred clear. Jf I should find the married state As h&ppy as I estimateT" The preacher lost no time in thought. To his reply no study brought There were no wrinkles on his brow. He said. ‘ I'll take »3 00 now.'' Graves To Be Opened shout, l le a«', the dead In ('hrl.it «M M forth s c iM m u rr I'hls has to do with Christ’» people wtio are stilt living an I here at the moment. Men and women: children and old folk ¡who have Christ as Saviour. With those who have come from the grave at Ills shout. tb»-»- also are caught up to meet Iho I«ord in the air- “ and so shall we ever be with the lx>rd." A M ) FOUR: We corns* Into our bodies o f glory. All these save I who have come from the grave and those taken up from o ff the earth »hall he changed Head Staggerst Heart Relieve» See. I tell you a mystery. We Khali not all sleep, but we shall all be changed In a moment. In the twinkling o f an eye at the iaat trumpet call. For the trumpet will sound and the dead wilt rise Imperishable and we. the living, shall he changed See 1st Theas. 4:13-17 and 1st Corinthians 15:51 -.12. This Is pennel April 8th. 1941. or from the birth of Christ 1.941 years. What Is He to you? Just a figure o f Watery o f centuries ago? Or Is He Ood (Himself, stepping down to add our human nature to His owr. nature? I f this latter, Cod now Jl„s our weariness. woe and heartache in a special sense Also by that He took our sin« and died under them to clear us. Which for you, bead know- ledge o f an historic»! flvure or heart belief In fhe Saviour, th » Txiri Jesus Christ* O — Haps* day flint fixed my choice: On Thee nvy Saviour end mv Cod' Last week a high school boy und also a business woman both asked what Christ's Second Com­ ing hi to be like. Both had the same idea They thought Hla coming to be here and now. That is, if His teachings or example ¡lead us to copy His helpful lift, then in that sense He is now present and Uiat Is His Second |(tuning. But to a large number o f Bible scholars, the event is nraverton. Oregon. I not at all on that o rier. To them He Is to come in person and sit in Jerusalem as tne World Ruler. Before He comes I to sit as King o f Kings. He is pledged to call His saved ones to Himself. This is an act a- part and Is in four scenes. SCENE ONE: — The clouds part. Christ descends from hea­ ven with a shout, with the voire of an archangel and the trump o f Cod. SCENE T W O :—ThU takes us to the graveside where His saved are laid. At His KKT1KIT da> al 8.00 p.m. A S * chuh c c ii h KKVKNTH D A I AHVKRTIMT The Huiier Aloba Seventh Day Adventist meets evtry Saturday moi nlng al 9:45 at the Huber T ill; III » i l l 4'LANN I'uininerclal ha.I. Subbath school The Bible clasa will meet at the home of Sarah Culleu 0.1 ! meets ut 9:45, church service at Fhrnilngton Road near Spencer 11 : 00 . Ave. Thne 2:00 to 3:00 p iu leader. T. O. Edglagton. Everyone welcome. This Is non* Supei Intendant. Mrs. I*. B. sectarian. Tuttle. a a a s e s N V / M t IM CHI K i l l n il HI rilODIMT I Hl'KCH W. 1*. Kcebaugh, I'astor. Rev. Mark Chamberlain, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45. 9:45 a. in., Sunday School Chaa Morning Worship—11:00 a m. II ItoNcinan. Superintendent Young People's Meeting. 6:45 p.m. Special Easter worship servire • • • and program for the Church Belt'd y uiik regalional I hiireh j School at 10:30. Willard 11. Ilall. Minister. Morning worship 11:00 am. Special 9:45 A. M. Church School. E. ; Theme “ Life Eternal " >Easter music. O. Webb. Superintendent. No young people's service this •t o« A. M Morning Worship The annual church service for Sunday evening Iwcaiim* e? Eas­ ter pli») at Congregational church Camp H r » Girls. a a a Christian Endeavor- -7:00 p.m HT. CH » I.ICS CHURCH • • • Mrv. t.corny O'Keefe, l*a»lor l III T it'll OF CHRIST Mass. R 00 a.in. and 10 M) a *n <7eo-vc W Springer. Pastor CVNOINC VKSJS I Morning worship and preach­ ing servloe at 9:45 a m. The topic o f the morning sennou will be '’Remembering Christ Bible School class wsslon ut 11:00 a m . Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. A concert by the Tualatin Val­ ley Singers. under the leader­ ship o f Igvwrence Ibisset. will begin at u!#hl o'clock We be­ lieve Beaverton is fortunate to have thin outstandng chorus pre­ sent its first spring concert here Everyone Is Invited to enjoy this evening o f music. Midweek Bible study. W «in e(- Pd AdT. e v e Il K. T il 4 h Y II4 IT IK T CHURCH Iter. John C. Schweitzer. Minister 9:45 a. m - Sunday school with classes for all ages John Croenl. I superintendent. 11:00 a. m — Worship service ( tliotr directed by Carl Egw'-nsn 7:45 p ni.— Evening service, s e e tu r n 4 f O M M I M T T IH PT IH T II Marcus Godwin. Pastor Bible school 10 00; morning worship. 11: young peopla's meeting, 6'45; evening worship. :7:45; teacher training class and Christian Endeavor. 6-80 p.m. I For high school and college age. IEYEI lEFIIE HAS'944 BOUGHT YOU SO MUCH AUTOMOBILE! OUR D E M O C R A C Y aagg-r.. RECORD OFlNDiVIDUAL THRIFT ------------------------------------------------ : — ------- MERlCA HAS A BACKBONE OF THRIFT. FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF THE REV f y 'j f f iP ' , 0UNCAN OF SCOTLAND, WILLIAM DAWES € COMPANION OF PAUL REVERE . FOUNDED. t V WITH OTHERS, FIRST US. SAVINGS BANK IN I8 l6 , IN BOSTON ■ * ARSON AGE HOME OF WORLD'S FIRST SAVINGS BANK. RUTHWELL.SCOTLANO, I8IO,AND ITS FOUNOER THE REVEREND HENRY DUNCAN. »> O ld B uttonwood ? FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PH ILAOELPHIA b i r t h p l a c e . i n 17.59 OF FIRST u . s . l if e INSURANCE C0MPANY- PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS' f u n d eJi C h ie f o r g a n iz e r a n d f ir s t POUCYHOLDER OF FIRST COMPANY WAS THE REVEREND FRANCIS ALISON POLICYHOLDERS IN U.S. OF ALL COMPANIES NOW NUMBER MORE THAN 6 5 MILLION WITH 125 MILLION POUCIES j* S * A- --------— — ,n ,his B'2 Nash Sedan you up to 30 Miles to BaBon • • W^est Seats.. The Smoothest Ride and Easiest Handling a Car can give you! H ER P’S the car—and the price —that arc behind the b ig ­ gest swing in history to Nash! Never before has a lowcst- price car offered you to much m ore! For example: Want !l> I utii-st Handl i ng? Owners say it’s the easiest car in the world to drive and park. With Two-way R oller Steering — this Nash grips the curves, and just nooli through traffic! Want the Moat Economy? This big, husky Nash gives good drivers up to iO m i let a gallon . . . with overall savings o f $70 to $ IOO a year! Want the Roomiest Car? Nash has the most seati ng room. Front seat's nearly five feet wide! Lots o f head-room! Sweeping picture windows! Want the Smoothest Ride? Nash alone has c o il springing on a ll fo u r w heel1 for the smoothest kind o f ride any car can give you. Want ih<- Most Comfort? Only in Nash can you get a Weather Eye Conditioned A ir System . . . a "Sedan Sleeper” Bed for tour­ ing . . . the safety o f fi uniti/cd body — welded-to-fra me. NASH PRICES t o w AS f t * (i n r - j W l Am ha i- d •a. N t s h is r o o m ie r a n d c e rta in ly n o r e easy ut h a n d le ." — P crlLn d . " Y o u r n e w '6 0 0 ' to p s them all fro m i u « about every m a le . I a v e r s e ; I S » m ile s • d ay at the w heel; and fo u r-w h e a l c o il s p r in g ! n a m a k e s a w o rld o f d iffer - * n fi*' ° *,r m ile s to the sllon and saving on nil, lira s snd even cense plates. This N a s h air co n d itio n - i n s ia cramtl” - E . M . J„ C r s W Kw>«ft. M ick i ^NASH ANO SAVI MONfY (Vidi Mill