The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, March 21, 1941, Image 3

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Hy Daibor Hu ««lattoni
M ri. M . Job«non of Murali
fil li , Mr. and
Straluni <>f l'ortland viali«*! ut
Un- S mm MMB homo Sai. P. M
Mra. Jannle ftuinlalrirtn and
Kathar vlaltfd at thc buina o*
unti Mra Alb«-rt Wlllla of
H omi Huhmlay
V Iattura at Lho Arthur Oould
homo In
tho iaat * M k
and Mra
J C. Hchwoltxor
und aulì. Donald, Mr. and , Mn.
Melrtn Kayscr, Miriam a n i Mal
vln J r
of Portland, and Mr«.
Herbert K«H*hn.
“Probl.m " plcturaa— s h o w i n g amusing situations at horns— add Intsrsst
to your album. Think of such situations that havs occurred at your
houss— than rs-snset thsm for ths samara.
a subjsrt In an amusing
a problem altustlon— and
you bava an ontortalnlng ptetura.
All mannar of slmpla ovaryday
‘problema ran ba unad for ptetura
purposes—and If you Just show tbs
situation claarly, tbaaa snapshots
'■aver fall to ba Intarastlng.
If tbora'a an old. worn-out alarm
clock in tba junk bos or tbs attic—
flab It out. lot Johnny take the
works apart, and than gat a shot of
him trying to maks everything go
back In placa.
ir there's a puppy at your bouse,
pose him with a couple of cans of
dog food, and a can-opener on tbs
floor In front of him. Scold him a
bit, and you'll gat a doleful expres­
sion that makes the picture perfect.
Hero's another. Once I tried to
bake an angel food cake, and It fell
so Bat we tried to uso It f<-r auto-
mobile tire patches. Now. why not
gat hubby to don so apron. Then
bave blm bold a cake pan. and pie-
ture blm lifting a big brittle sugar
eookle out of IL That's the cake—
flted expression will reveal
*11 bave a shot that really
is bell.»
— bow about pictures of
Uncle John struggling
dress shirt, and losing
the collar buttonT It has happened
to everybody. And It ia worth sev­
eral pictures—a sequence—conclud­
ing with the final triumphant recov­
ery of tho elusive button. Ju st
try HI
Often, In the comic strips or hu­
morous magatlnea. you find situa­
tions that will make good snap­
shots, with real people In them.
Some Urns ago, one comlo atrip
showed a man trying to even up tba
legs of a tall kitchen stool, so It
would stand lavel. Hit by bit, ho
sawed small sections off each leg—
until he wound up with nothing
more than a footstool. If you have
an old. brokandown stool around
somewhere, try this—It. too. will
make a marvelous snapshot se­
quence. with five or six pictures all
equally funny.
Just sit down and recall amusing*
things that have happened at homo
In tbs past. Does ths kitten get him­
self all tangled up In Orandmothsr’a
yarn -beyond escape? Did you ever
thump your finger with a hammer,
trying to bang a picture? Note
down such things —then put them
Into "situation" snapshots. It's a
splendid way to hava lots of winter
camera fun.
John van Oullder
♦ ♦
Giiriiney c a t t l e breeders wlU
meet In Hillsboro Chamber of
C<Ktinver<ie rooms at 8:00 P. M..
Tuesday, March 25. This la
special mbetlng of the Ouernsev
breeders of Washington countv
and will be attenrWI by "Chuck"
Smith, western fleHman for the
American Guernsey Cattle Club.
He will discuss Ouerneey cat­
tle b reeds g qitestona with the
local people and show motion
pictures of some Guernsey aeeoc
tatlon a c t l v H l e e _______
Real Estate Transfers
______________________________ —
V. A. Wood et ux to Russelt
H. Welsh et ux. lot 3. W estdale.
Homer Coulter et ux to E lls ­
worth CouHer ct ux. P»rl of
lot 260, Johnson E etate Add.
Homer Coulter et ux to E.
Bltrtor Coulter et ux. part of lot
260. Johnson Estate Add
Herbert Sternfels to bowls B.
MrMonagle et ux. 1 6 seres In
Garden Home.
U. S. National Bank of P ort­
land to I/eslle D. ROhertaon et
ux. lot 5. block. 6. Multnomah
Counry Club No. 2.
W. H. McDaniel et ux to Ola-
dya Chapman Nelson at si. I
acre In section 27. TIN E lW .
Ola H Smith et ux to Duthe.'
L. Ad cox et ux. part of Joslah
Hall D.L.C. No. 5«
George Rosley et ux to FHgx;-
C. Petersen et al. lots 224, 225.
226. 227. and 22*. Johnson Bat.
Adolph Rawtaach et ux to H ar­
ry I* Homer et ux, part of sec.
34. T 28 R1W
NOW N A S H A N D Ï H E “ O T H E R T H R E E “
The American Flag
[ and look how much more you get ]
provotl hy Nash, with Fmirth Speed
Forward, competing with other
• and • cylinder corn In official
Gilmore Economy Run
Up to 30 miles on i gallon of goal
m M OST ROOM . . . Nash has
mars seating raam than other
low-price cars. Rear can bo mode
op (oto double bed I
0 nly Nash has b o d y and framo
welded Into one twist-proof unit.
W hen Freedom from her mountain height,
M O S T C O M F O R T . . . only
low -prtco cor with cott-sprioglng
on off four wheels . . . for tho
smoothest rido ■ cor con hove.
Only cor offering Weather Eye
Conditioned Air System.
Unfurled her standard to the air,
She tore the azure robe of night,
And set the stars of glory there.
She mingled with its gorgeous dyes
The milky baldric of the skies,
And striped its pure celestial white
With streakings of the morning light!
Then, from his mansion in the sun,
d ttr f i
HICH would you relhcr own — one of tho other low-
price cara, or this big, exciting Nash that goes up to
30 miles on a gallon o f g o s l
Take yotir choice for now they're all In the name price
Go to your Nash dealer below drive thin new kind of car.
Take thc wheel for five minuto'.. See the amartng dilli-rences
th at are chm.ging thousands each week to Nash!
You'll get more irllea per gallon of gas. as proved by
*>wncM’ reporto. A tepe-monsure shows it'g the roomiest car.
And no other car at near it« price can match Iho amo.tth-
nenn o f itocoil-opringing on all four wheels U.< case of ¡U
Two-way Roller Steeriny ’ I > other car has Nash's modem
welded bod md-irumo construction—safer, quieter riding
Why not take advantage of Ita over all savings of f.70 to
1100 n year? Drive It and you, too, will chango to i*aahl
She called her eagle-bearer down,
« g n a u
S C U n n
A Si I V
v ltL T
Ambaaurtor - * 00- , t-Itsa r
,' lertr* s ,n !'"d an
ssalpm m t sud Ird m l U x W m tkrr
< oodlttonsd A I ra n trm . l W TMtl bis Bad.
W h its %ds WsU Tira» sta opti, nsl » ' t r u .
f i t » ass Nash's tn b w s d w
The symbol of her chosen land.
»ad « -
Mandine ra l us
- * 8 8 4
PftttrrM nrrg
g a v e i n t o h is m i g h t y h a n d
F o u rth S p an t Forw ard, Rum psv G uards,
Or x e T ie Nash Dealer In Toti: C o m u n i y
i Bethany-Cedar Mill |