I ' N K. ou. » ¡Versify |,||)r„ ry T he B eaverto n R e v ie w The Only Newspaper Devotedly Exclusively to the Interests of Eastern Washington County. Volume XV111, N q _____________ BEAVERTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, Kiwanians In The WEEKS NEWS Will Have CURRENT EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHED FOR THE REVIEW ♦ and ♦ LO D G E MANY TWO GAMES DATED THIS SATURDAY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ School Notes1 ...e u .s u e |T*ank»g Ivlng T * o outstanding football st- scnool observed . tnict,OOH m lh t) sport CR, lyy holding an , iwtar for Saturday afterm wn. L IT r,K’ "T *'* *"* tmtvr*. K,-v. K llorscII spoke on "T hanksgiving” Dorothy I.ee Carr gave a plait-» _ ... I, ............. . solo and all sang. Ant«-rl<-u. the Beautiful " a , , . . Imltvktual ]>tc ttircs w ire taka". at the grade »«-h«H)t Monday. liv e new pupil» entered th - grade school last week. KrU POULTRYMEN TO MEET IN SCHOOL H O LD S Mtse Halyxv tiatnuel and Mis» ... . . Mur y Conw sy were attendants. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ R E G U L A R E L E C T IO N Alex Minton wax lxe»t man and “ Vaccination. Vaccines and Cur­ 4» ♦ ♦ # Howard M cIntyre was usher. rent Poultry l>t sea *e Prtvhym».' At the meeting o f the R e b e cca ! A weddng breakfast at Net* will be discussed by D r. E. M 1<«ilgo the follow ing Off eers we e ri 1’* follow ed. Dickinson, ponlry Veterinarian. elaoted fo r the com ing year. from Oregon State C ollege, at a Noble Grund. Esther Troupe; poultry-men's meeting to be held Vice-Grand. Rose D oyle; Secre- CHURCH CALLS In Beaverton high school Tues- U ry, Sarah ’ W alker; Treasurer, FORMER PASTOR day w a n in g, Decem ber 3. at ♦ ♦ ♦ Myrtle H ardm an;. 8:00 p.m. Mr. and M rs. G«*orge Springer At the next nteetlng cm De­ This Is the second o f the ser- cem ber 3nl. the President "H I have been called to serve the ^ Qf rr|rutar mw, „ nM to b>> xsike her official visit. i Beaverton Church o f Christ «h'l 1 ],i thi» season. At these meets On Friday lha 6th the nee- are now at home In the p a r s o n -' opportlmlt-y poultrym en «lie and social «-lub will meet a age. M r. S prin ger was form erly discuss In an inform al men- the lodge h all. There will be a | pastor o f he church here for ner , hplr disease problem s. All p.6 luck dinner, taltowed by a five years, sin ce which time h*> ' poultrymen and those Interested- Xmas party. Every one brin g | has b««en In chwrge o f a con - a n . m u ted to nterol g regal ion at Hants Rosa. Calif. a small gift. I Both old and new friends ex­ DATE SET FOR tend to theml a cordial welcom e SOUND TRUCK IS to this community. HARVEST DINNER COMING TO SCHOOL ♦ ♦ ♦ • The Shell Oil C o. will have •heir sound truck nt the grad,* stHjool here on Rat. afternoon between 2 and 3 P . M. Ther.* will he a free gift for everr « H id . Mias Patsy Stewart was very pleasantly entertained Saturday evening when a group o f her classm ates gathered at her home to help celebrate her birthday, Buffet supper was aerved and tbs evening spent p la y ln r game« <*•> * * • * y» Dinners On Turkey Day »w»«»t*«tuke* ribtwms and trophy fo r an exhibit of hybrid c«»rn wer* won by Clayton Nyberg of Tualatin at tbs tifate Corn show held It» Conrallta la»t »* e k . Washington county I I I d u b member» also returned with a co«»dly »hare of U»e award», report» I’uhner T or I «end. «»Bl«taiit county agent j Stanley lto*rgert of H illsboro ( VbM-ed first In Uie 4-H corn Jndv. In« . on i. at and Uie Washington ( tu u iiiy, i«in i t o n ^ M l o f H er* »ert. Clayton V y b e r f. ahd Joe * Muutoro won first tn the couuty com petition In which IJnn cou a«y placed »ecoud and Clakainas county third. .VI rr. Max He i gar o f Heaver ton rece iv e d the first award In th- open pollinated varRtlaa with uu | exhibit o f Minue»ota I3l MuX i h urri'r placed a«-ventli and J*»** Berger tenth. Frank tietoJker. Ml . placed eliriith In ihlu «rou p W illi» Nr berg *»f Tualatin placstl tnlitl with hi» exhibit o f h ybrlt turn and III tieu» o f Hlll»l*»ro six th In the t - 11 Hvlilblt o f leu *ar* of often p«»lllnated <-orn. W ashington coutUy t -ll club ^ ^ ^ nietnlM*r« won the follow in g »- want» Stanley Itergert. WEDDING BELLS U»rt*. fourth: Juuie. K lncbeloe. ./*/»» I i i n Beaverton, fifth ; Myron lllali. P l J I v I A H : \ l i L ,A I J Hberwitod. six th ; Jerry Schwankc. • • • • Cornelius, seventh; Jose Santoro MI h » Juanita Kleusohu, daugh­ hhers o f Forest («rove. tenth. ter o f Mrs. Ijoulse Kleusohu of Other 4-H club meirfbars who Lon A ngele« and la-under Min­ represented W ashington county - ton ....................................... o f Heavertou were .......... married In «he judging « » m e .« »»ere m or .iu g November hTancls Muriel o f O .n rellu s w bo ^ ^ m1iiU ,.hurt.„ Port pbu ,,l .-Uhth ^ i J .« « K n- wUHam McCloud cdiebu- ami l)lck T ru e. I went) . exhibit h tom this »-oltny were ■«« "*• «>"»"‘ a » entere«! bi ttie show, twelve *»f Mrs. John Dnndore sang, a c- whlc*. were iron. 4 H mem bers «tanpaoled by Catber^ie Fred- The State Corn »how wind» u|t ricks. The bride was given In U e 4-H coiiteutH f«»r the year m arriage by her uncle. Roy Con- en d club menilter» are pelting way. She w as lovely In a dress bony with thetr projects f«*r th.- o f turquoise taffeta, with finger- (x, 44,. 41 seasou l , P ,e l1 * nd cntrYl«»* • pray#.* — book. k. F o r the fourth consecutive month, Washington county stood at the head o f the nine counties to the first division o f the -943 Count lee Thatflc Safety content Misa Patricia Dobfcyss, a slu-, at the end o f Oetcrtier, according to standing» com puted today by dent at Oregon State college vra* Karl Snell. Seotetary o f State ( hom* foT Thanksgiving, and sponsor o f the cohteai. Francis H olboke was a din nag | In the second divlaipn IJnn , guest at the McCormack horns county wa„ tn first p.ace to Thanksgiving Day. the second conaeculve month and In the third division. Union con- -Miss La Merne Dean o f Salem nty stood I d first place. Counties spent Thanksgiving* -with her are grouped accordin g to pop- m other, Mrs. Marion. Long, ulation density fo r the contest . „ anu sianvi..ga are (^ * d on toe Mr and Mr* percentage o f im provem ent a» G! n* Hansen »pent T h a n k eg iv n g shown in the number o f a ccl- W,,h the A E Ha'” * ni< d en u , injuries and «leatjis as Mr. »nd Mrs. R. R . Summer* com pared with the same period and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe last year. »pent the Thanksgiving holiday Complete standngs were a* at the Beaches, follow s: Division on e— Washington, 1st; i Mr and Mrs. Jay Gibson spent Yamhill, 2nd; Clackamas, 3rd; Thanksgivings Day at the hom e .<«. ion, U u . C U a u y , a « .; u u - " f Mr “ nd Mr8 Car1 Klinge at ton e to ; Columbia. 7th; Folk. Gaston. 8lb ; and Multnomtoh. 9tb. M„ . M c . M cK ercher was a Division tw o Linn, Irt; Hood Thanksgiving dinnner gueet at River, 2nd; Coos. 3rd; Lincoln, , he b om e o f Mr„ M A. T w l ia c 4th; lame, 5th; Tillam ook, 6th; ,n HIItabora and Jachson, 7th. Division three — Union, 1st; Mr. and M rs. Do) Gray w ere Deschutes, 2nd; Umatilla, 3rd; dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Baker, 4lh, Douglas, 0th; W as- L eslie Spencer in Portland aa co, 6th; Klamath, 7th; Jose- Thanksgiving day. phinc, 8th. _ ■ The six couuties. Crook. G il- Mr- and Mra^ ? Malm a a l 11am, Jefferson. Morrow, Sher- famly *»*n t fThank^V. tna» fet H illsboro at the home o f M r. man. and W allow a continued to and M rs. T heo. C. Doyle have deathless records so far this year. Fatalities to date to- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Miller wera lal 280 com pared to 25» for thu Thanksgiving dinner guests at first ten months o f 1939. the Ray Gaines home in PV»rt --------- land. 1 interest in Oregon traffic saf- jx U' puldlp&Luna Jigs spread The ( llftou Ackerman fe-nily widely over the nation, it w a s -» p e n t Thanksgiving vrtth Mra. revealed at the Secretary ot A H ten n gt s parents. Mr. air; Mrs. State’s Oflice today. N Ray Antrim at Aloha. Earl Snell, Seeretarv o f .State, Miss Margaret HolBoke o f S a ­ received a postcard I’roml a wo­ lem spent the Thanksgiving ht Strange Eats t liuti'idol» November 29, 1940 November 30. The m eeting of Oregon State college and th,- U o f Q |( wlH ^ mtentloniof m ost grid fans in , hl. . tht« section. This game will be a describe«! by Associated spoTt- caster John Carp«>iiter beginning - - - - - - . at 1:45 P. M. and will be heard locally over Station K-A.L.E. From Berkeley. C alifornia, the desertpion o f the Stanford vs. California ««m e will be aired .............. over KOlN. starting at 1:45 „ ........ p.m ------ MANY GUESTS AT IGESTRING HOME ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. L. Getdring en- terUIned at their hom e Thanks givings Day. A m ong he guests present w ere: Mr. and Mr» Fred pp«, M d fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lebert W ilson and daughter, Lou- Ise; all the above tram Rea verton; Budd Ready and fhm- ,,y from s^ m . Rn<, A, ^ and P hyllis Dawn from B elville K ansas; Mr. and Mra. Orville Geatrtngq, recently from Grand island Vehraska Tlhe’ a w , were beautiful and In keeping with the eesaon. served on the evening «*f De­ cem ber 4. W ednesday. A turkev dinner will bo served The regular meeting o f the nethel Aid was well atten«ied. As that la the evening for tire 7 1 ladles being present. Devo­ regular meeting o f the Klwanls tions were led by Mr*. E. G. W ebb and tihe Sixty Hour by the clu b has been Invited to Mrs. W . H . Grauer. att«*nd the dinner and a special The Harvest Dinner will be table will be reserved for them. RECRUITS ♦ *r ♦ ♦ Mrs. V iolet Cable and d or.jh - The Oregon recruiting district ter. Betty Jane visited at rjho hag enlistea 167 young men in borne o f Betty Jane's grsad the first three weeks o f Novem- mother, Mrs. Juham en at V- i- ber, according to a recent an- «-uover Thanksgiving Day. nouuceinent from district head- piia|)jod nj pne qnarteds in Portland. T his grout» -Jjqrojq s.u < Included men from all central V.SJOO») JQ « tern WashingOon. ijeaJWH • s.i iv pu» , During the week o f selective service Induction, the personnel Mr. and Mrs. George Ri asse r o f the recruiting service were entertained Mr. and Mrs. H ow - on duty at the induction stations a id H iogley and Hubert and and sub-stations o f the Oregon Ruth at Old Heidelberg Park) district were tem porarily clo««ed. for Thanksgiving dinner. A ll these sob-station» are now- re-opened. »uni arrordin g to L*. *,r ' and '* ra‘ Kaupptlla o f Col. B. H. Hensley, d istrict re- Aloha Mr- cruitlng offloer. recruiting for 3- * * * fa,h er an<* Margaret year enlistments In the varlom l K" uPPllla* »"• branches o f the regular army ’T 1 ,ankse* '1n K8 D*y. continues as strongly as ever. \|r. and Mrs. E . O. Aet.b ta ca n ciss for qualified men in an«l fam ily spent Thanksgiving •‘ r corps, talhntry. medical de- Ht , he o f tf>Hr portment, quartermaster «-orps, „epp^w . Mr. and Mrs. w -v n e coast artillery. field a r tille r y ., Hllsboro. and engneer corps are available. Miss Merle Davies accon-i acted her two niece«. M rs. H-vn-'in WOMEN VOTERS Barn-x and Mrs. J. W. P* r.sutah MEET AT SCHOLLS and their husbands to r«>rvaills ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ to spend Thanksgiving with a A very Interesting progroiiuu < , nlster. Mrs. Dora H ock-n at the lea g u e of Women Vole*-» meeting at Scholls on Monda« Am on* ,h * fr,W8t* ■« th«* < * «> Mrs. Dan M«Gi«w »nd Mrs ThynK home r° r Thanksgivings Grant, ittentbers o f the Ibkrtlunn were Mr. and Mrs. I* * l-eague o f Women Voters wer> l*,nd Shaw and sons Robert. Jon guest speakers. They gave nn nn<1 Richard o f Portland and outline o f the work Carried .»t H“ 11 * haw o f H uber, lit the State Institutions Includ­ Thanksgiving dinner goes** it ing Hie training schools for the the home o f Mr. and Mr*. Ly n ­ boys and the wlrls don Myere were Mr. and ' Mr*. Virgil M yers and son. Virgil. Jr : SOC IETY TO MEET Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Thom pson. Charlotte and Robert« and Mr AT FOSBERG HOME and Mr*. R obert Johnston and ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ fam ily. The Meat Slop«- Mls«lonnty so­ ciety will meet at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. W. |„ r*-«y *n - Mrs. S. E. F ob berg on Canyon tertaned fifteen guests T ;u n k s - Road at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. De- giving* Day. Among them were X' r; Ra^bael Tr*«?J Sevier will bring the message on K gypt The Ud