*»lk n»iverei«y LJbrery T he B eaverton R eview The Only Newspaper Devotedly Exclusively to th* Interests of Eastern Washington County. VOLUME XVIÏI, No. 39 PTA Meets BEAVERTON, WASHINGTON COUNTV, ORI GON, FRIDAY, a,OUST 23. 1939 Scenes From The Bonn y slope Fire District Subscription, $1 a year High, Grade Scheduled Schools To For Year Open Sept. 9 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ With th* opening date of school drawing O H r the active utid actual work o f the Pur.«n- Teart.era Association heroine« apparent. Ttir following prtimwii haa been accepted by the Hoard aa one to create and atlmulale Intcreat in th«* Association, The prfcirlpnl Idea to he enlaraed up- " * a d * tressed during the year la Uie ITnrfeU-al (problem* o f ♦ LIT«. September 17 at 2:30 p. m. a gear nil bualneea meeting will be held ut the grade Mctiool All are Invited September 2t at tt o ’clock in W lllttfi Hehnol Auditorium • t e * her* reception will he held In charge will he Mr*, c . J, Hanson wind Mm. Johnson. October 22 at 2 10 In the grad •chool a meeting will !*• held devoted lo health— How the (horn* ran cooperate with the achoo) health program-nnd and to 4-H work. In charge will he Mr* 0 . J. Smith, and M l«* nobbln*. November 12 nt 8 o'clock In Ch.- grade achiMil w ill bo a meetlna devoted to a Tuberculo*la film, nnd plivn* for the local drive, tin •<• Rlcdn-v hud been elected l.t, tim er nor for the Pacific North weal Klw .v nla 1 »-trlct No. 8. It i* Indeed an honor for le e nnd for the Beaverton Klwaui* to have I,ee «dio-ett from tb«dr group for thl noat The k iw tn i» have accepted «bnllenge from the boys of th<> 1’lav t. omul to a same o f »oft »n il next W riln rility August lire 28th The Imya 1 uvo let the Kl- wnm* I nmv that they huven'l met o « 'ill team je t . Several of the boy a ware pecking throng.i the fence at tin* came last Wed­ nesday (K t wanly lout) and anil the giiau* I* practically their right now A ll they trtvr 16 do I* go through flic formalities of letting the Klwanl* Htrike out The game bet w in the K1 wa­ nt* tuul the play ground hoys will lie free to everybody. A fter th'.’ game, open house will be 'held at Ibo High School building" for H -n pi >era, and friend*. A ll are invited to the game and th" open houae. A----------------------------------- -- SILENTLY PASSING *' 1. ----------------------- ---------- v eannrd l.eroj Honey I.conurd l.erov Honey the two and a hnlf year old *on o f Mr iiim I Mr*. I{|(*hard Honey wa* killed Tile*.lay when he fell from ft «»»•- that had gone out of con­ trol . The little chap wn* sitting Iona In the back sent o f the car whlrih «truck aonte 1 < n >* c grave, netir the foot o f the IJvermor lilll on upper Hulier Avenue. The lurching o f the car threw the •boy through an open wlnlow and ■when the machine overturned it struck him breaking hi* neck The Honey'« form erly lived In one o f ihe 1-iFond apartment« but recently moved to Alohn. Funcftil service« In charge o f W. B. P e r » will he held from the I’ egg cba|>cl thl« week. t i t Arnold II AAjniun Arnold H. Wyman of Bcthan*- wa* hurled from the Refhnn. Baptist ('hurch Tueadav. He died from u cancer on an Internal or- m il. He leave* hi* wife, hi* mo ther, **|X *l*ter«, one daughter, and two grndm'hildren. In ter­ ment wn« In Fnlon cw relery with TV K. P r g t In charge ♦ ♦ ♦ The Beaverton public school:» will open for the school year on September 9th, at wbk-u time all high school freshman and g>*de reboot pupil« will report. Freshmen registration In the high school wilt be conduced during the first two days duri.og which time ciasiaftcatlOD and class schedules w ill be completed. A ll upper class pupils w ill report for registration on September 11 1940. The play room at the grade 1 school has been floored and th « interior o f the building painted With the addition o f a un t ♦»ea­ ter in the play room rt will mako an l«>-al healthy place for the children o f the community to tag« part in play *c tl»tri«« d«*-|ng «he cold winter months. The high school building is ia Ihe process of being renovated 1 and additional room provided for an expected increase in en roll­ ment. The old worn out heating 1 plant is being replaced with a new oil burning steam plant which will make it possible to maintain uniform heat and pre­ vent the usual epidemic o f cold» during the school year. The lighting condition o bad during the past ha.- been cor­ rected by re|dacing the old ob­ solete overloaded system with -» ‘syste-m o f - adequate capacity to provide the correct amount o f light per room fo r the pu n ose of ^elim in atin g eye strain r_’id fa- ticne on the part or fire hundred and- fifty «indent- ex­ pected to register for high school work daring the schcol year. The form er wood «Red is :>einr remodeled into a locker, lunch music and recreation room, and Is connected with the main uil- ding by a corridor opening di­ rectly in line w ith the front en­ trance o f the building. This ad­ ditional room w ill eliminate the 1 congestion in the lower floor where the lockers w-ere form er­ ly located. The high school aud g:ado 1 sol.ool buildings are open for inspection durins all week U’ er isioh of Mr. J. B. McGinn \-bo ha* contracted with 'e no: i rh school tioard to transport r*oo- htgh school student». a id with (Continued cn l age tw o) PRACTICE TO START NEXT MONDAY + + ♦ + Football practice is «eh " l e d to start at Beaverton High 1 School Monday August 26. at t p. m. A ll o f last year's A or PO RTT Wh* n wind ?anrtod Hemes threatened the W est H ill* homo o f the G. E. B lair family, they moved ail thslr B squad who « r e retorn lrs to * W11 A W v< i nto t! Be • • ' S '- "•‘»ool .srd. H ere t>o crcu o is shown hud-’ Ied rvruRd sono ir.r ture school are asked to report at Sunday morning. They include Mrs. L .i... -n d u «. cuiioreu. 2 j b v . D itti. Lois. Patty and Terry. Their house w »i.«a a c d . this time to draw equii mi n t. _____ ________ -cui* rtmneey in e Oregonian , The football prosj • ets ..t Rea •vp’ ton th*s fall are bard to pre- ----------- cn diet. Only one sta ting r from last year's channb fly I-lsther Sandsitrom eleven is returning thl- * ----------- --------------------- ----------- 'a* There are several oipu'd The gutter o f a diamond ling The fire which «wept over the Member* o f the Huber (>.tr fascinated at lcu«t two o f the section to the north or Braver Mrs. Adolph Risen and chll- serves and some excellent den Clu>h were guest* o f the sour* peefs from the "B candidate* for "H arvest Queen" Hon last week end drove man dren left for Minnesota Tuesday will fare in thev how o f the county fair till« week an Nun Hie* from their home* In Beaverton Club at the August Mrs. Hermaena Hinckley of comiwtltlon Is a matter for tin*« the five candidate* turned Into Bonny Slope. iCieven dw elling« Hi meeting held at Hie house of Phoenix Arizona left early T h o rs - to tell. tfie la«t week * »tietch toward and several other bit.I lag* were Mrs. Robert Stewart. Mr« Da i d i> after visitln;; at Che home o f the end o f the coiltP«t Wednesday burned. i tile! Hoffman of Portland w n her sister. Mrs. Martin K. S ctli nig IS, August 28. The fire burned over approx­ present .and gave -:i delightful i * . to .y>i Cleveland Ohio, w here Increasing her ¡«»¡id by u ct«"!’ - imately 3,000 acre«. | talk and urged the clubs to make By Mon­ fortable margin, and bracing fier- day those Who had left thel their memherships In st**» she w ill \tslt at the borne o f her Hoy Bourne and + ♦ ♦ ♦ ■elf for the lu*t effort, Mar/ ' home* were hack locking over th.1 I feilerntlon an asset to both the sister. Mrs. Scbnlnk, (Srwble candidate was | w leek a :e. j organizations. Plans for the fa’ l fntnily. Mrs. H ink ley w ill retn i A t a meeting o f tl-e Renubll- 7.">.IN>0 vote* a(he»d of the 191S flow er show were discussed :>n l to her ¡home in Phoenix toon can County Central Cororiittw» Beaverton’s fire fighting equip utter her vis it. prince** Marjorie Kby o f Onston. meni w*-s one of the many uniti | September 28 selected for t o ! held in Hillshoro Tuegdav righ t, Tow ard Ihe bottom of Phe list. | ding same. Delicious pie and Miss Betty Hogan visited nt plans were mode to «end a ca­ that helped to subdue t*he blaze. Donna Fletcher, Fotest Grove Fire ' ’hlef (» «o n wa* on the coffee were served by Mrs. Ste- the home o f Mr. and M r*. A- ravan o f Washington curntr cars d ro p «! Into fifth phtce lo brin ■ ground for nfbout six hour*, hel­ I wn’ % ami several ladies of th» dolph loggers at Portland a fee to the MeN’ary notPV-it'on nc- Brim Staehle o f Wert tlnlon In­ ceptance to he held c* the Stute ping to get the bln«* under ^ club. 'ITie September meeting of days last week. to fourth place. Mvreen Pumroe | the clifli will be held In the Fair Grounds In S 'em next control. | Miss Jackaling Wyss was « er of Aloha, candldati o f the Aloha Tuesday. 'gardens o f Mrs. f . T . Ketch- Orange, remained In Ihe third day night, d irla and escorts from ’ am one-half mile west o f Garden night visitor at the home o f her There will be a b nr • -n nt aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. pkace spot. * j their *pon«otlng groups will he i Hoo-e school. noon at MaMofl hote' *s-ho«t , Kdwin Hickey at Portland. Fate o f the ambition* o f the guests Of honor. meal where many of r*> 'e u le r * five girls will lie determined a i Standings: Mary fletta ink Mrs W. If Boswell, who >*••!* ! Mr. and Mrs. Jake Trachsel o f the Republican par*- »*• ex­ a committee of business men of S01.000: Marjorie Kby -125,000: been living here this summer 1 and son ned Mrs. I,cna Adams pected to he present The cara­ the county open the ballot hn\ Myroen Ptunroy 189,250; Krna has been called to McMInnvIll > o f San Diego Cal. visited at tb» van w ill travel from Peave-ton follow ing a dinner In the cham­ Staeh hr 121,000 by the serious illness o f her home of Mrs. Susan I»sl| Mon via Aloha. Reedvtlle ttillsls*ro, ber o f convmerce rooms Wednea- Donna Fletcher 101,000 daughter. Aline. day. Forest Grove and Oe-ton. AND QUEEN CONTEST FIRE SWEEPS OVER , HUBER (¡ARDEN •APPROACHES (LOSE BUNNY SLOPE LI U GUESTS HERE ♦ ♦ ♦ + * + + iiethanv-f edar Mill CARAVAN GO TO NOTIFICATION