OMfon E x ch an g e -a 7 ï /£ B eaverton R eview T h e O nly N ew spaper D evotedly Exlcusiyely to the Interests of E astern W ashington County. Volume X V III I tea vert on, \Vushiniftou Coufîty, Oregon, Beaverton Is Darkhorse Catholic Tournament burklinr»«« o f U»« Oregon bashvihall I'u limile « lu h tournament, F ilila ), Saturday und Uinv*-r»>y of aetiool set for Huuday at Purtlund, I mi Ht. M ary's o f umiliai li I lili look** to Beaverton, III* u* h in whlh lout lo i'oluinbla Prop* of IN*rfland II» II»*» final* of the 14*39 MVrllt. 'I'll** B ra va rlo « lud» buv r l« h l out *»f U nan»«»» this 8 «“ • »«. Includimi t a o I riunì »ha o' jo li h « o f Mllwnukl# aud Ot* rilar of of II»« He» of Astoria. both wfetch w ill taka part In the tourney. Ttu>y w ar« i,) defeated, however another tourney «-ivtry, Morn»' A uk «I Prep* I um K lu g« I«)' I» lfe* leadluu scorar Of the club uriti» lóti point« in It Kail»«*. 1UII Hauser bn* Uli pointa in 14 xamaa. U) alt odd coincide noe. Heavar- ton w ill open H» 1940 tourna* meut pU ) rtgbt where It left « f f laut >«ur. The Oaala wll meet t'oliunbia Prep achool'a defending ebani pinn« a l lu p. » . Friday In the final «am e of the opening round. Hue-red Heart of Hnlettt In»» wou three aud loat four, and Ht Joh n * of Milwgukla, the ‘ 'baby uf the tournament, ha» won on» und lo »i three. o th er elirant». be«lde* tfeoi- mentioned, are Ht Mary » or Ku- gene. Ht. Stephen'» o f Portion»! aud St. Mar) » of Th « H alle» Friday night'» opening touud will match Salem and St. Stephen's at 7:00 p. in., Ttie Italie» and Ku­ gelte a l s p nu. Mount Angel mul A tto ria at 9 p. tu., aud Bea- »ertöt» und Columbia al 10 p ut. . « * M - e « y -W - y - — ' Council of Churches Meets at Scho1!« Tfee Washington fo u n t) t'ouu- ctl of Churches tuet at I he Hckolls Methodist church on Tnt-sduy evening. Juu ivry 3d at 7:30 p. tit. Tin- theme for III*- 5 Jttlng wa •'Th*- Layman uud £1 t Church. Max Iteeher, p r e s l.lM o f the council presided S, . -%rs were Mrs. Mux lte«'lM>r, Mrs. K. U llarlter. J K. Ma>. Arthur Yoe man« und Ilev. K. D Kel log«, all o f Forest drove. There Were represent,it Ives present from Ileavrton. IIIII s I huo . Forest Grove. Mountain Horn , and laiurel, uud Scholls, Th<- next meet I the cotin* ail w ill he a v* * * knnqiiH at th«- lllllsboro Chi ahurcli on A pril 30. Coming Events Feb. 3. Infunine l\iruly»i.i program, Feb. IT» Club meeting» Fey. II. lleutr«rlou v». Forent Paralysis Tab Sa'ps Very Successful The 1040 March o f l>lme» *-am pulgn will be ended with a ' benefit ptograui ut 7:30 p. tn , I Suturday evening. February 3, In the high nchool gym. r u r a l)» !» tab »a le » have been highly successfu through co­ , i operative work by »tudc-nU of the Kind« and high school» in i Friday, February 2, 1940 Fred JosHy Presented With Award Pedestrian Fatalities Sixteen Beaverton district. unto pedestrian were killed Forestry's Problems Discussed That the future o f our grwat Mr. Heymour also presented Fred Jossy o f the Hock Creek dairy timber industry was squarely up ■ Winner» of prizes for »alea* ! *nif Hie month of December. Thla club with an award for having to the «Mizeitj* o f this northwest inu ii nh1 1 » in the various schools I wa* 43 percent of the total traf- been a 4*11 club leader for more waa tbe opinion o f Htev«n N Orava, Itere. Feb. 21. Freo program. are: Hard« n lh me, Eddie lit, flc death toll (or the month. i ban 10 years. Mr. Jossy has W ycoff, forestry- man, uj * lie gavs Feb. 22 *Hwallow," the magi­ kroft, Gwendolyn Steele; Kulelgh. Of the 1« pedestrian fatalities, been a leader of the Rock Creek a vivid picture o f our forestyy cian Kusu Zwalen; Bonny Slope, Don­ d u b for the past eleven years problems o f today. He atated we nine, or 56 percent occurred In ald Krlek; Cedar Mill, Arlene and during that - lime his club have 25.000,000 acres o f timbor U riffln ; Barne». Phillip West; urban area, while of the seven baa won numerous outstanding with 11,000.000 already logged off. Lance Trout E jcjc Wbltford, France» Smith; and r a n t fatalltli . . jd x were on That some system must bo a- Take At Alsea illleti, Kulph Campbell, U w - t SarKy traveled roads and one awards under bia leadership. dopted whereby we could assure Mrs. H arriett Ford, of the tence Iktvies. Alvin ll*M«i*e. Approximately 1.219.34fi egei (raveled highways. Heywood school, is another local future generations the benefits rt< avet ton Krade aud liiglt 1 on lightly o f the timber industry. hove been taken to date by I fee •chcola, us yet. have not turned Cro»»iux highway« accounted for leader In the county who has There was a large attendance rec.-jved her 10-year leadership »ta le game deportment front le »» their money In. four of the seven rural pede»- at tbe meeing. The birthday an­ pin. This wa* presented to her Du not forget to altend the timi» 20,000 adult uutlve »aarun niversaries of Dt. C. K. Ma-on Irlan death* while two persons last year. hear tbo cutthroat trout held at A l»ea benefit program aud Others -who were given recog­ and Ted Emerson were celebrated Northwest’» premier »port» an* were killed while walking along front hatchery, Th u «upply of nition at the meeting were Eunice with each being presented with aouncer, Kollie Truitt. a highway and one met death Hahnow and Frank Setniker, out­ a birthday bun. lighted candle and brood trout, (lie only one of It« Hintlair wfe.le working on a ear on the standing club members o f tua g ift (7 ). Ferd Kroner. kind in Oregon, Int» been de­ j ** Bson, and Dave Davidson were county' during 1939; O. B. Kraus, Huber Carden Club road. veloped through careful »electIon of ih « county school superintendent, in guests. Vern Coleman Well Attended Sixty-five percent of the traf- charge o f glrls'4-H club work j Beaverton und was recently reported by* Review -Easi. WaJh- Shopping News The Kurden club meeting a*. flc fatalities during January of in the county; and Miss Kath­ ; ington County l»r. Fred J. Foster, loglonul dl was introduced as a new mem­ leen McCrae, hi me demonstra­ rector of the If. S. Bureau * f *^t-ber lial <>n Saturday, Jan- > 193k were pedestrians. Motorists ber. m tion agent. Fisheries, to bo .1.« largest and *7' waB a <0“ ,p,* U’ s u c c .., , un and I>n>Eraul/ Thursday, but those present en- , acquired for dev« lopin Mil a« i j t i * . nobei-t Stewart told o f death« were on rural highways joyed a treat in the review of cutthroat brood luke and from the alms and accomplishments and the rest were In cities with "Th e Desert Road to Shani lam " J x I H T ^ rL Z which It is ho|»ed that it will of the Beuverlon Carden club. Portland ulona accounting for given hy Mrs. Ernest Master, , ^ D’‘ W ' Refreshment« were served at six. Of the set*;;, persons killed who was assisted by Mrs. Lyn- O. O. Murray. J. G. Hartsnorn t ventini!) be |H,sslble to secure o f West Slope. C. E. Mason. W al- the close of the meeting. The in other types ot accidents, t w j enough t*Kgs to supply the need« K,Kh,^ n UdieH Wer* ter VanKleek. W. H. Graue* next meeting will be held on died In auto collisions, tw o in of the c«iusl hatcliert*-«. Tuesday, February 13. at 8 The next meeting w ill be h e ll j'^ H ^BobNi' ^ 1 alter, train-auto collisions, two in non- j ^ rolLston accidents and one from al eleven o 'clix k Thursday. Feb- L 8. and Edward A. Brown of “ nd Ja> ° ‘ b!‘° n' Christian Endeavor Given Part In Ballet cyjMiu tuouoxid*. Portund Is sch ed u led 'to present' itallv Feb. 4 “Bacchanale” I a historical review on the '*Ro- University of Oregon t luitde J. Neely. pa«lor of tbc a Antla p;,.llov| experienced the Beaverton (traders ■nance of Gold.'* which should Will Battle OSC prove uiosi interesting. New book Central Christina church is to thrill of her Ilf« when she wav Wn Another comments on “ Queen Anne Bo Renewing their rivalry cn ihe lie the speak«* ,*t Ibe Washing- chosen to tuke purl III "Bnccha- leyn’ ’ w ill be given by Mrs. VV. basketball court at Corvallis. tuu couuty .ene ^ ut 2:3U p.ut. laud. to 18. The score was tied at IS Robert Stewart were the honor ja ,llIary- by a 25 to 31 .re all with only ubout 30 heconds guests at a potluck The a* ivg service will be ill I birthday and th^ Kame thu to go when Henry Jones sunk luncheon held at Ihe home of lirda>. nith( cliur»-.- of Joe Bates and Theoli i I t u * ^ f p w p l r v S t l i r « » ^ onp of ^ Pulliam will I.... Ua devoUoi. h J lW U r > ™ o r t u Jong one from tbe middle of Mrs. M ailer VanKleek on Mon- I1IDS, hotly contested o f th- - a * *-ls. Refreshment« will l*e served. (¡«-urge Itoniiully und family the floor. day o f this wee*. Others presea' The ¿neup Henry Jones. were Mrs. J. H. Dobbins. Mrs. who have made their home w it- w ith Assoi-lated s port caste.- Julian Curtis, guards: Kenny Fo? H-eita Austin. Mrs. M. C. Me- .|ohll Cart enter at the micr-j- L a r g e A tte n d a n c e A t H- L “ "«* tb* pu»t and Norman Bishop, fo rw a rd s :1 Ke.cher. Mrs. N. W alker. and |)h„ Ile. , he gamw w ; „ he hean, S k i I in i» P a r t v ,wo 1<,ft for Pendlaton .''»K illing i a r t ) wherc Mr l}onilal,y has pur. und Tarzan Springer, center. Mrs. VanKleek. The guests were Dv«er Station KM JJ. Powland ¿Substitutes were: l.ytnan Fau-1 presented with a hauderker- starling at 7:3rt p.m. More than 120 were present “ * » 'e l r y "tore. A fnre- teek who replaced Julian Curtis ch.ef shower in honor of the ut the Torch Honor «tatting par- * * " surprise party was given at guard. In turn Julian replaced occasion. ... . t which wuh held Wednesday for Jan,K at ,h<' ho"*e ol Tarzan Springer who went ottl Mrs. D*>n ’•«turned from * n r i S t l S I l r . lH lt ‘ U\OTS .evening ut the Hillsboro skating *"*' *eacht»r. Mrs. Bullis. on fouls in the Ei«t quarter. Staffer New President the hospital M'eduesday and is Hold Banquet I rink In Hluile park Tile referee was lx«ris Bixby. reported oi ing line. Torch Honor memlN«i-s and S I L V E R TE A OHC, Corvallis, January 30- - Mrs. F. Noel and Mr. aud Mrs. * hristian Kndeavorers of Edwin Stoffer, senior in editca their friends ware supervised b y ' E7. H. Uergln attended the grad' ,*le * *»ur*'h c f Chris! held a tan* Early Premium List Tlu' Ibree groups o f Camp hire lion from Beaverton, wuh elected Miss Helen Irwin and Miss Crttyls until >n exercises of their daugh' I 11*** *u Hie I lavement of the president o f th • Oregon Rtnte Durr, since the party wus p r l" : 0 ,r l* o f Beaverton are giving a ^he The premium list for the 1!»40 ter. Mollie Bergin Noel at the ,hurch Thursday even ng leucine club, it was announced Vute I he students found p len ty ; » ' I ' e f ten February 9, in the state fa r is being prepared now Lincoln high school in Portland Christian Endeavor is 59 «-ears Kiwanls hall, al 3:15 to 5:00 here this week. of room In which to skate. Thursdays. January 23. "*<* February 2. A program was o ’clock. There w ill he a shots and expectalIons are that it will Mr. ami Mrs. VV. C. W right. Siven by the young people, liev. be distributed much earlier than j program and . refreshments. R- Putnam of HilKhom wa« usual thereby giving gardeners daughters Viola and Gladys, and to T illa speaker. WsTter L My m. and housewives an opportunity to Earl M iller motored TH K . . . field secretary f«*r slate Christ- plan their exhibits months a- lttook m Sunday. Mrs. .Maude Hurt of Rockavvuy *an Endeavor was also on th« tiead. reports Leo Spitzbarl. loops w -r* manager of the fair. The list w ill visited at the M". R. VanKleek I ogj-am. The l»u r home from Monday until Tue«- at :lie hauq . ’ able, contaiu a number of changes. day evening. Mrs. Hurt is an t . . . SAW aunt o f Mrs. VanKleek. > ( rs> C,eor)fianna Benson Examinations Slated T w elve ladies met at the grade ORAN D P I W ARB on his fav the (lottery making Mrs. Georgianna Benson, wid- Butter makers and cheese school for orile street corn er......... KW1I, milkers morning and ow o f Jerome Beuson. died Jan- examinations, required class Wednesday Mil.SON making good use of by law. will be given by the later had luncheon at the home | uary 31 following a shert ill* ness. state department of agriculture o f Mrs. Robert Stewart. his keys ....... MARION I.ONli Myron B. Gray o f San Fran* Mrs. Benson was born Au n t March 11 ut the Oregon Stale Those Shopping N e w s days la.t 26. 1853. at Marietta. Pa., the washing the drug store windows college campus dairy building in cisco spelt several Corvallia, announces A. AW M etz­ week with his parents, Mr. and daughter of Thomas and Mary Ads . . and no wonder 111 KO\ It HITCH with, a settlers o f ger. ch ief o f the dairy division. Mrs. Doy Gray after attending Ann Carney, early the K raft convinlion a Seattle j the Red River valley. M inre- >t*. band full of soda crackers......... Enrolment may be made any \v h e n they’re printed l^ V ern e Dean of Stevenson She was married in l * ' t ts automobile......... lilt .II I.KW IS time with the state depanuent vms a guest last week at the Jerome Ilensou and lived 'n® 2000 times ! ! of agriculture In Salem. II\ > S MTKOI-it I! polishing bis home o f her mother. Mrs. Mar- many years at Hallock. Mini ion lantg | Mr. und Mrv. Demon cable so unloading farm equipineut......... Church of Christ Bible Guest last week at the home Oregon in 1911. first settlint in I Mil, ll VI.I. \ with a trailer load of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Bixby j Central Oregon, c< tiling to F*a- School Makes (Jain was Mrs. Bixby'a uncle. Fred verton in 192t>. of c a ttle....... ON FT A HKSTKR- Phone, bring or send in The Bible school at the Church W estover of Missoula, Mont. I Mrs. Benson is survived by M E day dreaming....... VKKKIS of Christ is gaining rapidly a f­ Mr. ami Mrs. G. Alexander an I her son. James I*, with Whom your want ads to the t*RKCN and HELEN IR W IN ter the stamp during the past daughter. Mrs. Te«i Hetu, mo- "he has made her home the past month. la»sl Sunday the attend­ tored to Bremerton Review a n d Shopping i^ttiirday eight years. ADo Claude L.. o f lunching together......... K. E. ance was 157, many new pupils where Mrs. Hetu met her hus­ Portkvnd; a sister, xn ,« Isabel News. were In attendance. Hl'SIINEI.L swinging a baton.. band. Ted Hetu. who arrived o.- Carney o f Dayton. Ohio: tlsh t the F.S.S. Mexico. Mr. and Mrs grand children and nine r: » ! C. M. MARTIN lakluK Inventory The little ads that do bi£ Alexander returned home Tues­ grand children. Mrs. J. Heisler Dies BOH .SVVKE finding Kng- day. Mrs. Hetu w ill remain !n E'uneral services will he held things— and only lc pe*' at 2 p. m. Satuiday. E'ebruiiy Mrs. J. Heisler. mother o f Mrs. Washington. lish class am using.........MK. und The Beaver Social club 1» 1. _____ at __ P eg g’s fm en il) parlor* In word--25c minimum. A V. Olson. K3 years old. passed MKS. V. O. STEEN HOD out for with Inlermsr- sc away at 1:30 o'clock Thursdity planiung a luncheon followed oy , Beaverton. a ride. a card party for February 2t. Crescent Grove cemetery. morntng. LISTEN! You can almosl hear them click SNOOPER