> FRiDAY, n à tT M B T * W I* » The Beaverton Review »04-1» OWN LOCAL r a m i Christmas Gifts of Today —The Heirlooms of Tomorrow l « b R « r i » ( | tB *•«•• On» y«ar (In advance)......... $t 00 Cl'UENI CROSBY . PUBLISHER On» year it* otb«r states).... 1.1« Extra postage for outside the U. S Bntered as MS. od class matter on t 8 I R l O i X IBM Dsoesnbsr *. im . st the poetofflce Americanism I a unfailing at Beaverton. (Oregon under the lev« of country: loyalty to Its act of March 1. 117» institutions and ideals: eager­ ness to defend It against all 1BBUKD FRIDAY OF BACH WKBK enemies: undivided allegiance AT BEAVERTON. OREGON to the flag: and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty Ne liquor or tebaeco ads accepted to ourselves and eur posterity" Editorials... For Unto Us a Saviour Is Bom! A N D she brought forth her firstborn son. and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a mul­ titude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethle­ hem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which was told them concerning this child. And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concern­ ing this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were hold them by the shepherds. The Gift of a Calendar Calendars have for many years been popular gifts fo r Christmas. It is a present that lasts. I f you are presented with a pretty calendar that identifies all those 366 days of 1940, you have something at once useful and which will sene as a reminder of the giver on each of those 366 Oays. I f in addition the calendar displays nice bits of poetry or philosophy from the world’s v isost people, giving inspiration for every week or day, you have something that Will lift you quite a dis­ tance along life’s pathway. A thought that puts hope and confidence into one’s heart may be a great deal better than a gift of money. I f we could only live up to all those quotations that our fiflends give us on those calendars, and do all the things that those poets and philoso­ phers tell us to do, we would indeed perform some stunts that would surprise our friends. British are now blockading German exports Is no time like the pres- T HERE »nt io start these lovely needle­ point piece« for Christmas gifts Turn vour leisure hour* Into In leiesilng ones—and at the same lime, create useful decorative pieces of true heirloom value Needlepoint lends lo I he home a charm which «annoi he equalled Needlepoint— wiih the glamour of centuries of rredlllou Is the utterly fesclasllug hniiUenrk that has the added ad venisse of belug easy to pick up I We resili« uuwadaye ther needle Í BORN IN k STABLE will o f his father who sent Him. from 5:00 la 5:10 p. Si to the and MYRRH. Here vou see the Assembly e f God P.uaduast. s * * shadow o f the Cross even now K. J. Huattey On the hills above Bethlehem, at the manger. For later when (tartar s s s the shepherds were keeping He laid down His life Myrrh was witch over their flocks by night, used as they made ready His (Hl'RCH OF RUE HAIARRRK and. lo, the angel of the Lord body for burial. GOLD. Christ W. P . Keebeugh. Pastor. came upon them, and the glory the K in « Sunday school st 9:45. F R A N K I.W IN . s k His of the Lord shone round about holy life MYHKH. His death for Morning wurebip at 11:00 them, and they were sore afraid cur sins. A group of the Gideons w ill And the angel said unto them, Human reason says. “ I must be with us In tbs evening In “ Fear not, for behold, 1 bring see the thing, and handle it or the Young People's service at you good tidings of great Joy I cannot believe It " Where rea­ ti i 45. And Ln the evening even- which shall be to all people. For son leaves o ff faith takes up. By felistic service at 7:30. unto you is born this day in We invite you to come You faith we see the unseen things the city of David a Saviour, o f God and are made strong for will enjoy tbelr singing and good which is Christ the Lard And the testa and trials of life. By testimonies. this shall be a sign unto you; s s s faith we see across into the land Ye shall find the Babe wrapped that is fairer than day where THK HKTHOBLST CHURCH in swaddling ,-lothee and lying the Father waits over the way Marl B Morsell. Pastor in a manager.” And so we sing, “ My faith looks Sunday school. 0:45 a.m. rbj And it came to pass that when up to thee; thoa Lamb of Cal­ perlntendeat. «'has H Kosesnan the angel had gone away from vary, Saviour divine! Now- hear Morning worship. 11:00 am. them into heaven, that the ahep- me while ( pray; take all my Sermon. “Our Is>rd Has Come berds pressed with haste into guilt away. O let me from this Christmas vespers. 4:30 pm. Bethlobera to see that which was day be wholly th in e " “ Honoring tbs B aby-K ing" told them. There lying in the With Christ Christmas becomes manger they found the babe. the festival of Joy. The hour had struck. God had a a a sent forth his son. born o f a ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH woman to become one with us. » Marquis Oodwta. Pastor *in apart. Christ, the second per­ Sunday school. 14:40a.m.. wlla son o f the God-head had stripped classes for all ajpsa. himself of his glory and stepped Morning worship. 11.dM am down to walk among men and Yosng People's meetla. I pm. 8 KTHAXT BAFT JUST CM IR C * MI4-week service, Wtunesdry reveal the heart-throb of his Rev. John C. SchwelUar. Minister at 4:04 p m father's love for fallen man. I : IS a. m «Sunday school with All are cordially invited to at­ Nest came the Magi, the wise classes for ail agaa. Jle 0;*o P . M_ Christ could say that he came service of worship, with musical Evangelistic 7:45 P . M. not to do his own w ill but the presented by local Tune la on R.WJJ each Muaday | program DETECTIVE RILEY NOTICE OF HONIt M B ! I NOTICE IS HKIfKHY KIVI N , That the Town of Beaverton. Oregon, will receive seated blits until 4:00 o'clock p. m on Jan uary 8. 1940. at ihe Town Hall In Ih'iivnrton, Oregon, anil Im­ mediately thereafter the bide will i be opened by tbe Town Couuctl of tbe Town of Heuvvrton for ihe sale of Its Refunding Wester Bnds. Sane* 1440. In the aurn of 146,000 00. as follows: Town of Beaverton Refunding Water Hoods. Bertas 1940. In de­ nominations of 1500.00 to be dated February 10. 1940. Interest pay able semi annually except Coupon No I, and to mature _•* as follows: Number Date point Is not as hard to d<> as It tuay seem end the above Hlearatha pieces designed by the Heirloom Needlework Guild, ere doubly easy . All come packaged each e com ] plele ouifli Oace you alert, you'll never stop—and Ihe finished prod uct more then repays you for the effort put Into It These unusual needlepoint pack ege out8n can be found, wtib olher fine designs. for ibalr teals, beaches, foolstools end mauy other ue*s le the srt needlework depart meut of your favorite store. at the <>pt huí of Ihe Towu of Itenvnrtim in liumericnl order at unv Interest paying dale or dales on nr after May in. I!*4t» The bonita will lie sold lo tbe bidder offering lo purchase the same at par and accrued Internet thereon and bearlug The low«** I rate of Internet and will he sold to th«* h sliest bidder only where the Interest bid Is >-<|«ial to that of atiother bidder Each bid aliali be In writing and except any bid submitted by the State of Oregon or any S.nklug Fund of tbe Town of Beaverton, must be accompanied by a certified check on a Bank doing business In this state, for two per cent of the par value of the amount bid. made payable to the Town of Beaverton as a guarantee of good faith Amt. Maturing 1 to 6 Incl May 10. 41 $3.000.00 7 to 12 loci. May 10. 42 3.000 00 13 to 19 Inrl May 10. 43 3.500 00 The Town of Beaverton rr 20 to 26 tncl. May 10. '44 3.600 00 serves the right to accept or 27 lo 34 tncl May 10. 45 4,000 00 reject any or all bids In the 35 to 42 incl May 10, 46 4.000 00 Interest o f tht* Town. of :0 .«I 43 to ( I tncl May 10. '47 4.500 00 approving opinion iUlf the Town of Beaverton All bonds o f this series, num­ 4. 5. « ber 43 and above will be callable “ Where Is He That Is Born King of the J e w s '" Endeavor meeting at 6:30 pm Friday. December 22. at 7:45 p. m Bible school special Christ­ At 7:30 a Christmas Cantata by mas program and white gifta the oboir with tableaux and pan services, candy for the kiddles, lamlmea under colored lights and beautiful decorations. You are tn s e e vltnd to enjoy this program with I l i l l H M OF CHRIST us. K. 14. OewM»». I'atler choir and soloist*, outalde soloists. assisted by A Christmas program by the Bible school children at 9:45 a. m., followed by a rueasag«, Use the Classifieds By Richard Ige YOUNG RILEY WA^ A STUDENT in m y c rim in o lo g y c l a s s . BACK IN T he s t a t e s . count / _ OH SO? AND WHAT vOu F ind most iNífífvriNúl IN YOUR WORK MR RtlEY ? j Nothing personal, Tokyo, but a new bacterial treatment is found by science to be a potent enemy of the Japanese beetle. Also, talk resumes of forti­ fying Guam. Hitler announces support of Russia. Mussolini denounces the Stalin regime. It may be the end of a beautiful friendship. Bridge experts say they have devised a de­ fense for the squeeze play. Couldn’t they pass their information along to the taxpayers? If a man is an natural egotist, you can no mare take it out of him than you can take the wiggle out of an angle worm. Most people who find something to get shocked at, were looking for it Any farmer will tell you that a pet lamb grows up to be a cross ram. as well as imports. and going. That’s getting ____ ________ ______ « them coming -4- - NAPPY By I rv Tirman