Um . l l i « l W 4 4CHA T h e B ea verton R eview The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively to the Interests of Eastern Washington County. Vulunic XVIII, No. I Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon, Friday, December 22, 1939 Student Body Election Date Set For Jan. 8 Jan u ary 8 in the d al* III» «lariio n of the nel In TAe WEEK'S NEWS p « The Yuletide season is again upon the world. I n - habitants o f all countries cel­ ebrate Christmas i n commemoration of the birth of Christ. It makes little difference what condition people are in, a spirit of good will and joy comes to them. On the great continent across Atlantic, chaos and unhappiness will greet the peo­ ple. Instead of children listening for their Santa and reindeer, they will lis­ ten for the air raid siren and signal to don their gas masks. Fear is brought through misunderstanding. Happiness consists of what one can do for others. Let us continue to be gener­ ous in our un­ derstand­ ing to assure us of joy to the world for all to come fur I. II O ffice* open to election are |irc*ldcnl. vice |irc*ldcnl. * * r r r ' lary. trim m er. *imic leader, plan* 1*1, »tudent liody luuiiager, edi­ tor of lire Hummer, hu»ii|c«« mumiK.T of the llu iiiin er, and reporter. Student body pi*»ldent iiiiih I lie , n settlor l>oy or girl. the Mtudenl • lusly muuuger may tie »elected from any lioy of the iunior or 1 »elilor cl*»». Any mendier of the »»socialed ludi-ut body lim Inn ••ompleled al le.i»t one Hinleuler i f )oiirnall»m . may lie reporter The editor and l. esilio.» mil natter of the Hunt' mer a ,II he recommended hy the Jour uni lem elaae and elei ted hy »Indent liallot The mended tor. and anyone enl». planl»l « Ill lai recoin by the alee elnh limi rue Mie kciik leader may lie of the iu m >m i n i »lud Young Corrigans In Senior (’lass I ‘Mi ll youthful plane hullder. lia» parchoeed a 1933 " n i l ." fimilnce to r e ­ build the plane lu the »elioni shop He hope» lo h a ie It In the air hy Ju n e I94J. The fonila«*, which coat I hi ill SI jo I» licetmed hy the Civil Aeim iautlc authority and will lie alveo a national com m ercial liceo»* •luihltna him to fly it ai.yw her* In Ui* tînt ted S iale» without rimirici Ion. I'aul »taicd that ho can buy wheel» and a tu h.p m otor, build a act of win«» and elcv alo ra and com pletely fit It for flylna for approxim ately The " c u b " which w»» built hy Uie T ailo r A lrcralt company la a Inch wluaed monoplane »eat- Ina two In a tandem arrnnjt* meni. It ha» a top »peed uf W> m. p.h. am i cru ise* at H* It » «-rnlatiiK ran ce U Ï50 mile» on Il «allons of c u . Hot» Je n n r , another alrminded ■enlor who i* building a l / in c »ter a t the Item ei Ion airp o rt re- eently purchased a 40 h.p C on­ tinental motor for $115. The motor. If ln»lalled In h i* lä n g s te r, would dive It a cruls- me »peed of approxim ately 85 m.p.h. ami a top »peed o f 106. Hob exp ert* to have hl» ‘'D ream C ir i" fly in * by Ju n e. Hefty Alumnus Receives Bid l-'riink Fruitions, chi»» of '35. ami varsity fuilhurk for the Un- Ivt-rwlty of Oregon Uie laat three seasons lui» been Invited to play I d Uie auuuul Ka»t‘ We»t xame In Suu F ra n cisco New Year» day II w»» announced Wednesday that Frank and Hob Sm ith are the only Duck» to receive invi­ tation» since 1937 when Del lllork. tackle, was Invited. The 208 pound fullback waa one of I he fastest men on the tiiiMnd, ro a c h Oliver stated. Courtesy of Hummer The high krbool new» in th is issue of Ute Review is by eottrtesy of tbe Beaverton high achool bummer. rc -W « « W Y CHW9T WALTER M. SWERTTAGCR Soa«ram s Dtroctor ot Advor Itola« ood Public R iM o w •ward* lin t prtao i* tbo Soo « ru a Ionio Ooldoo Clow Coditotl Coo loot, amo» motobon «t too S o c l o l y at M A S -T ill. - S U M U, « * — H O •K». “ 9#M IU* Curved m » * ‘* lk. will« W. » • • a.thM wtto «old A o l~ - 3951 WAS CLOUDS GATHER —A vl*w at a limp I* UtiU lroan*t lows One-Act Play To Be Given Sir Hubon Wllkta*. wtaoor of el SMiarablo c»d»d to Rmnan.a alto, Ik* World Wo, Soaoarafc _________" » >»*«■« « towltor ot âii pu to botwooa Russia and R "P o p C aro l." Reads a Uie one-act Chrtstm aa comedy by 1 C hristopher Sergei, will be given Shop Projects Near Completion 230 Students Take Hoop Squad Tuberculin Test Shows Class e.’ltli buzz saw s buzzing and Two hundred th irty three stud ham m ers ham m ering. the shop is cots took free Uiberoullu tests u busy place these days as shop­ adm inistered by I)r. N'. S. Slier men are putting the finishing 1 touches on C hristm as projects. win a* th« first step In an in- Ja c k M eyers and Dick Swan 1 tensive buttle waged again st tu- I • son a re turnin« out tnohogany tiorculoils thlh nionUi. according nut howls. Knd table« a re belli« | to .Miss V irginia P ierson, county con atnictad hy Howard Johnston health nurse. and Johnny H uscrlk. I .amps ot Ten percent of the total nu nc various s ite s a re belt)« turned her were positive coses. I saully hy Hill Kohlimon and Ruily Hus- j U til meana that tka person h«» enk. A chest of draw ers Is alm ost of tuberculosis, reported completed by J low ai d lierry, anil case Miss Pierson. She added that op Jim Cam eron Is putting the fin ­ ishing touolie» on hoiiio corner en cases are o ften found through shelves A sco o te r has Dan O- these tu berculin teats. She visits the home and takes Bteara's tradem ark. Glen P ringle has renovated th« X ltays of positive cases. Grade school students took the old husketliall »coring m achine, w id e Hill Pttlver Is progressing test Decem ber 13. C hristm as seal sales pay for rapidly on the building of tlia the te sts stated the uouuty sch o o l» Incinerator. health nurse. J j| j Beaverton's ha.sketcers opened their season a t Yernonia Decem- her 8. »hen l/OKKcr*» 1 Hagg 22 led points they to the SO. defeated the N yiien and winners with ten each. Thé local hoopsters returned home December 12 to trounce | th? U w u n 33 to ,g wilh Cap. tain Jenu e an<* *da,'k points. leadin« scorers In their third the orange with seven game Beaverton took Mllwaukie 24 very tigh t game. hall and J civile led five points to 22 In a Johnston the w inners with each. The orange and black traveled j to New berg Decem ber' 15 to par- liri|iute In the county opener, Although putting up a gunie I struggle the Heavers went down to defeat before the guns of T i ­ "G lory in the Highest and Dick ■Willis, diminutive Miss Dorothy Baldwin. W ill­ gard. Peaco On Kurtji to Men of Good W ill." was III* Ilieme llev. Geo. am ette university student from guard, shined for the locals with arrived home this his long shots. L, O 'K eefe spoke on at th regu­ B eaverton, lar Klwanls luncheon Wednes­ week from Salem for the C h rist­ day Msislc hy the g irls ch o ir mas vacation, which began at i Bjb|c S c h o o l Has Large from St. M ary's of the Valley W illam ette Thursday noon. Rev. O’Keefe Speaker At kiwanis Lunch Academy, two number belli« given, A deste K ldeles," and ‘ G loria In Excel»!» Deo." Ile«lnnln« Jan u ary 1 a ll Kl- I.IM I KI.D COLI.FX1K. McMtnu ville. Ore., Dec 21 Mwrkey Sayre wanis meet ill«» will lie held oil Hin of Mr. ani Mr». O. Sayre 'Wednesday evening at 6:'30 p.m. of Iteaverton. In a m inor role, Endeavors coiitiihu tel to (lie rem arkable Christian »uree»» of the IJn fle ll colle«e Have Pot luck rendition of Thornton W ild er’» The youn« peoples society of P ulltxer I’ rl/.e and bure stxge Christian Endeavor» o f Church dram atic description of croap- of Christ .held a business m eet­ rctul» life. "O ur T o w n ." The ing Hnd potluek supper at the play, which wa.i presented In home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ixirralne connection with the nnnital H arris la s t Monday evening. ■ •rama Festiv al. I» one o f the Tw elve mehhera were present. nio»l popular prodnetlon» that O fficers for the com ing year the speech depart meni ha» «Iven were elected. K n 'le . Ia>wls. pres­ In the past few seasons In the I .inficili U tile Ihestre. Sayre was ident; 1-3 more H all, vice presi- also property immetter, and he lent, mid Violet H arris, secretary » tried in the scene settln « for and treasu rer. The standing com ­ the Oram» F W Iv a l on D ecem ­ m unes will he appointed by the president. ber 9 and 11. Beaverton Boy In College Play Benefit Drive O ood Will toward Men ~ Sponsored By High Students tue « a * , o * _ _ im o »luden* body o ffice r*, accord In i lo Mi l »1er. Subscription, $1.00 per yr. In Advance Miss Dorothy Baldwin Homo For Holidays j white in Beaverton Miss naid Average Attendance » m will visit her paren ts. Mr. and Mrs. W alter H. Baldwin. Dorothy has been quite activ e while a t ¡W illam ette and is a Junior and a member of the B eta c h i sorority. W illam ette university has an enrollm ent which exceeds 850 and is the oldest university west of the M ississippi. In 1942 the institution will cele b ra te Its o m. hundredth anniversary. The Bible school at the church o f Christ enjoyed an attendance of Mil last Sunday. The average attendance since rally day in ! Octoher has been 147. An attend ­ ance of 200 is expected next Sunday for the Christm as pro­ tra in which » ill he given by the children The school will furnish ™ Basketball (lame For Relief Benefit Christmas Cantata The ch o ir at t>he Church of C h rist will present a C hristm as C antata next Sunday evening, on • h ristm as eve, entitled . '“ The N ativity." The church will be beatitlfully decora led and the tableaux and pantom ine will be given under colored lights. ,o r " " under the d irection of Miss Geraldine Sanford. Thursday. December 22, at 12:30. at the , aanuai Christm as assem bly. T h e c a s t includes Mr. Jo n es. 1 the father, played by lJov d Jo h n ­ son ; Mrs. Jo n e s, the m other ! by Ruth F itzp atrick ; Paul Jo n es. ' B ill N kshofsky, who is in love 'w ith Ja n e . Dorothy O'Connor, who is in hot w ater with Ju n io r Jo n e s. Calvin Ijehm an, m ost of the time. Mary Jc n e s . M areta . W ise, plays opposite Jo c k . Tom W ard. The play o ffers opportunity tor laughs such as when Ja n e walks under the m istletoe and Ju n io r puts Paul on the spot. Christmas Vacation To End Jan. 2 Christm as vacation will begin FTiday. Decem ber 23. with classes resum ing Tuesday. (January 2. according to I. R M etxler, su­ perintendent. C lasses will be held Thursday, morning. Decemlier 21. O fficial dism issal will be made a fte r the C hristm as assem bly which is scheduled to start at 12:30. An essay on A m ericanism w rit­ adjudged Van Horn has been winner among 189 eu* tries, qualifying its en tran ce In a state-w ide contest ap o n so re* by the cording and Odd to Miss 1 Vllow s Miss lodge, B ern ice Geraldine ac­ Conlov Sanford. Judges. R unners up wnose essays may- enter state-w ide com petition a re ; F'rancls Gladys Burson. B erg er. Junior, second; Junior. third ; Roy Friday venlng the Bixaverton Cbane. senior, fifth ; U oyd Jo hn­ B eavers will tangle with the Newherg T igers In a basketball son, senior, sixth. game The proceeds of the game The s ta te w inner will he will go Into the relief fund. Ad- aw arded $25. according to R. F. m ission will be hy two cans of . fruit or the reg u lar cash admis- S teele, past grandm aster o f the lodge. jsio n . I Torch Members Receive Awards Thirty-eigh t T o .t h Honot mrui bers received pi-is Decem ber Robert G raf, sen ior, fo u rth ; high with school the In c o lla b o ra ­ K lw anls club, beaded by W illiam G rauer. I» jep o n so rin g Uie I'bristupM relief drive for the fifth consecutive year. A ccording to Mr. M etxler. this | is the most successfu l drive yet. with greater general In te re st ha- : lag shown by the studanU . s tim ­ ulated by In tercl.iss com petition. • d ntribution» by days w ere conducted in the follow ing man- 1 n e r: W ednesJay. Decem ber 13. toys and clothing. Thursday, De­ cem ber 14. potato day; Frid ay, Ivecember 15, general clean .up d ay; Monday. Decem ber IS. wo« cellophane package day; T u e s ­ day. Decem ber 19, canned foods day; 'Wednesday. Decem ber 20, fru it and vegetables ot s p erish ­ able nature concluded the drive. T o tal cash con tribu tion s a~ mountlng to 135 is ava lable Cox relief. T h e girl reserves are m aking th ree b asket*, one by the cam p com m ittee, and ane hy the s e r ­ vice com m ittee. D orothy O 'fo n - nor and Sbtrley T ro tte r are m a k ­ ing the third one. I>oris K gtinian and K arl K«l- liver represent the high school on the relief com m ittee. S. In a special student bedy m e*. - i“ < Gladys B erg er and K .yjtc»* Burson presented one-bar p irs t i thoae having 24 -nara la r c h points os follow s: M ild rcl K a mel. Sadie T oelfe 38; Ltois Wilson. 31; Inex M iller. 32; Ralph Kirkwood. 31; M aryrrte Ju n o r, 39; F'lcyd Malm. 30: huh e r t S ay re, 30: Harold SoHivun. 30; Fred Lehm an. 29; Ai'ielt.: Carder. 27; Maxine CaiS.\ 27; Philip Dona. 25; Viola Burke, 24. Those receiving 2-bar pins, presented by Robert G raf. *ro as follow s: Gladys B erger 73; F'rancis Burson. 73; W allace T . u man. 71; K athleen Lew is. 07; Nancy- Ju n o r, 60; Susan Clem en:. 57; Doris W est, 54; Jean S c h il­ ling. 53; Ix>is M * ‘ r, 52; lluiield Zahler. 51; A nnaoelle M oshofsky. 5«. Seniors receiving awar-i* p-e- seuted by Miss Gayle Duff, To rch Honor advisor, * r * as fo l­ low s: R obert G raf. 119; MU M oshofsky. 115; lJo y d Johnson, ■ 0 5 ; Ja n e H e J’ uud 92; Je u f! P aterson, 86; P at Dobyn- 85 G ertrude Slpe. 83; H »hry Nag.te. $3: Jim M cClure. 83: R u :.i Fit/ Patrick, 80. Seniors earning 110 points bv the end of the yea. may keep th e ir pins, stated Miss Duff The sen ior having the higiv/i num ­ ber of points at the e n l of ‘ n* year w ill receive a tro .’t-/ R obert G raf and B il. M u Jtcf- sk y have already e x .a i th# necessary 110 points f »r f .n ow nership. Science Award To Be Given Junior Wins Essay Contest ten by Jo h n The tion The Buusch A Lomb s c ita c a award given by the C alifornia Apparatus corporation and spon­ sored throuid! the U niversity of C alifornia will be given again In B eav erton high to the science student who has attained during the last four years the forem ost record of acieuoe and <3iemi*try, according to Mrs. Gertrude Rob­ ertson . science teach er. The students in position to a t­ tain recognition as possible c a n ­ didates to the annually awarded medal have not been named hy Mrs. Robertson to date. l o s t y e a r's award went to K enneth Burson. now of M ult­ nomah college. Students eligible must bavs four y ear* o f science study. " T h is is an incentive to high school students to work for rec­ ognition In the field o f s cie n c e ." stated I. R. M etsler. superin­ tendent Annual Staff Is Selected The 194u annual s ta ff has berni com pleted since the last pu bli­ cation of the Hummer. The sta ff was selected by the senior clasa and nominated by the sen ior ad visors. Miss B ern ice Conoly and G en* Duncan. -r The sta ff co n sists of the fo l­ low ing: Jean B erg er, e d ito r: Shirley T ro tte r, a ssista n t e d ito r: Ruth Fitzpatrick and R obert G raf, literary -ditone Robert Yunker, snapshot ed ito r; C alvin Lehman, hum or ed ito r; .Margaret Holboke and Doris Kggim an. ty p is ts; Henry Nagae, a rt edi­ to r ; and Bob Coleman and G Jep Jo n es, sp orts editors. The business sta ff co n sists o f Howard Jo h n sto n , business m an a g e r ; and lJo y d Joh n so n , adver­ tising m anager. Annual sales will begin a fte r C hristm as and be ready for d is­ tribution Ha May. The them e of the 1940 annual lias not yet been chosen. St. Mary’s Carolers Tour County To raise funds fo r C hristm as ch arities sod alists have coop er­ ated in various sales and pro­ gram s. Having tied the la st p ack ­ ages. the g irls set out to spread their seasonal ch eer. D ecem ber 20. F o r eight years W ashington county hospital has been visited by St. M ary's ca ro le rs and this y e a r's entertain m en t o f songs, dialogues. and m usical sk its seemed more Joy giving than ev ­ er. Besides g ifts of candy and fru it the patients received p er­ sonal gifts from the girls. Urged by a sp irit of sa crifice the students started a penny drive for S t. M ary's Sem inary B u rse a t the beginning of ad­ vent» Ju a n ita FUsensohn. student body presidcut. le ft early this week for K xeter, C alifornia, where she will spend the hoidays with her m other. F\>r w riting the best original poems fo r C hristm as. Ju a n ita Filsensohn. Germ aine UvVoie. and Evelyn S o b ler received p rises. Decem ber 18 Honorabe mention was arned by Yvonne Luckey and P a tric ia Shields. The con ­ te st was open to Ju n io r and sen ior FJnglish students only. Watch Party To B« Held At M. E. Church T h ere will b* » watch party at the M ethodist church next New T e a t* ev*. T h * folks from Metzger are untting in this s e r ­ vice. Everybody will he welcome to attend.