•r« W rtorlc»» UotAo'y — T he B eaverton R eview The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively to the Interests of Eastern Washington County. Volume X VII, No. 38 Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon, Friday, Augnst 18, 1939 Subscription, $1.00 per yr. In Advance Schools Open Fall Term September 6 Fair TO Ü3V6 New Features Oldest Living Baseball Team, Clear Creek JStar, 1885-1892 hor^ea^eru»!! Kumortd A proposed Improvement of cousiaeiaoie magnitude .» belli,j tentatively planned tor Leave« - ion. with oecatia as yet unready «or puJi.cai «on, a study is be- •ug maue o f (be ICiU.biiity of a •nouest »tudium to be located ou .us 17 to 2o acie tiact tyin^ be tween Bcitilu-lleaveriOii highway a««u tne oki Canyon road and just south of the Owl car dinner racllities would include a nog v.ac«:, o tu.dget auio track, proo- ^u.y an athletic field for track „et«.„ possluly a lootbali ifieid, and to Insure year-around pro j«uius. boxing amt wrestling to oe included during the winter months. An ampitbeater would seat s ime 12,0nd the (jueeu will re­ tion tour held at Corvallis the taught home economics for the articles ot this nature for sale resulting In holdliiK back em­ ceive her crown and jewele. The first day and at Eugene the sec­ are to be finished shortly. An- | I—st two years at the Sherwood try the classified department. ployment, cxpan»ion. placing or- pugeant will be followed by a ond. high school. Miss Bernice Conoly swoons the question which, ba^ Two Fast Softball Teams di ra fur depleted Block*. Well, dance. "will rep.ace M ss El zabet Wat­ Although those first expert- j Frldny night the Journal Jun- be u oppermosi in «he mind of Ready For Competition congress he» adjourned until kins who resigned last year to will present [ menu aoou proved that Irrigation ' T r i l l t t , S w e e n e y , U a d o i i i t s U.o average town citizen, the January, will do nothlna In an lors of Portland accept employment w;th the ted- . . . With the organization of two election year to ulnrra bualneae, nearly an hour of vaudeville to * ul( pructlcai In the Willamette H e r e S a t u r d a y cri-w state that a walk will also . „ eral government. Miss Conoly first rate softball teams on tne be followed by fhe 4-H girls _____ , ^ _____ so at the very leant bu inehs valley .only about 3,000 acres lias been employed as an Eng- be placed in the area between summer playground, some keer. It is a conservative estimate baa nothliiK to worry about be stye allow and presentation of li-h instructor in the Springfield were being Irrigated when the to state that ninety percent of the tracks. This will be composed competition should rsnlt In a fore January, 1941— 16 month» in spechi honors to 4-H club hoys high school for the past seven first irrigation tour was held in in special | wlilah to be a» active an It de- and girls, winners I Beaverton homes will enjoy a of a mixture of rock and asphalt, dumber o f interesting games, years. Miss Eleanor Zurcter has events of the fnlr. ”^*e youngsters are to play a alrea. I 1930. Since that time, the in- cereal breakfast Sunday moiniug. coi imonly known as "hot stuff . . , game under the llgnts on the been elected to take te plac of Saturday night the fair ytll 1 tcroat stimulated h vrnunlv on,i . , . . . . .. Keanonable prediction; he up­ by road crews, and will leave ® w.ho re­ close with a dance on Oregon . ” , “ " . * DlY a“ d nlne, t y perce“ t o l **• >oul‘‘ high school field the com tig Miss Julia Johnson turn ehown In the iflmt alx largest Inside dance floor where " Ut# ,rrUt“ llon tour8‘ *>>' a ««G es ful population will «till be too a i mooth surface which will not wee]j some evening. The young signed to continue her education month» will he continued und will , of unusually dry season, and by excited to eat it. c.a k under the vibration o f pas- players urge the town's attend­ at Columbia University. there are ntreaka of daylight a- the best orchestra available The Non-High School Board at begin e«»ry and continue late fol- j the successful experience of more Tne answer to this is the in i n g train-. This work will be Si <“ d promise an interesting head. a recent meeting decided to elim- a a a ;lowing the close of the outside and more farmers, has resulted in nouncement issued by the Locke.- none with ¡he co-operation of the game. irate the Garden Home school the use of supplemental water Grocery that Kollie Truitt, KKX railway maintenance crew, who The lineups of the two teams About a month hence (If plana free attractions. bus mak ng it necessary for Gar­ Another feature o f the fair this being Increased more than ten- baseball quietly laid by the department of reporter, and Manager will raise the rails about four Includes: den Home students who want to be Nellson’s Marion- j fold In ten years. When the B1„ Sweent.y and Plltiler BiL inches, to accomodate the level of Je»lce materialize), there will be y. « r will Boys team: B II Handy, 3rd continue attending the Beaverton etles, tbo«e animated dolls which tenth western Oregon tour wa« a niah of Indictment» In two doz­ the sidewalks. ¡base: Dunne Cushman, sortstop: high school to furnish their own ___ waning ____ ^ for the _________ en key regions of the country. hnve pleased school rhldren and held, some 35,000 acres were un- j Bsdonlts of the Portland Beaver ; \>Tille Southern Bavid Frank, pitcher; Hank spend a portion of ciaturduy. I j>ai ,fjc officials to place the rail- Jones, roaming shortstop: Lyman transportation or waik across to Uncle Sam believe» that tnonop- adults of Portland fat so many j der irrigation west of the Cas- Raliegh and catch the bus there ol lulo practice» in the building y«-ara. A new sho wwlll be pre- cades and north of the Irrigated August 19, at the Locker Grocery way crew at the above task the Fautech. 1st base; Harold Steele The state text book commis­ industry have held back the re­ sented each day In the Little regions of southern Oregon. meeting the town baseball fan». • »Idewalk1 crew will proceed with '’enter field: Gene Bizgi. catcher; sion have made several changes peated effort» of the admlnls- Theatre inside the Farmer Union Art King, extenv-lon specialist To fi,. h drMm ,h . the lown sidewalk* for which in- Tommy Graham 2nd base; Ben- tn the text books for next year. (ration to Inaplrc a building hulldlnsr. It« soils, who was in charge of stallatlon has been lequested. It n>' Trowbridge, left field: Wilbur Changes can be noted on the boom for the punt »lx yearn. From Plans are underway to place the tenth tour just as he was 0t yolln88ter8, ^ two bal1 p la ye r is believed that Watson street Miller, right field; F.Iwin Paron, list elsewher in this Issue. High the bm: inning of the deprenalon. flood lights on the fnlr ground» 1 the first, predicts that Irrigation ; will uutogragb purchased pack- between First and Third streets substitute. school students having any of it. 1929, It bust been generally to illuminate the bulldinga and will continue to Increase in this ages of Wheaties from 11:30 to I w ill be their next scene or oper- Girls team: Neidrn Miller. 3rd the books on the list and who recognized that there I h a »hurt- the open square where the farm section. Almost one-half o f the ' j;30 for the youuk citizenry. ati.'us and will be followed by !>***: Betty Fordnev, catcher: wish to dispise of them can leave • I * of housing and If private In­ .machinery show will be held. present irrigated area has been Last Friday marked the offl- sect oils on Lomtvard. Franklin Kathryn Thompson, pitcher; An- them at the high school boo.c dividual» would build there would na Belle Moshofskv. shortstop; plured under irrigat on In the cial opening for the Locker Gro- and Hall streets. exchange. lie work for practically all the past two years, und he believes eery, newest addition to town es- No new applications have been Inez Miller. 2nd base: Mildred craft a. jlut thin program could Turkey Culling To Be It Is certain to expand within ( tablishmenls. Shoppers extended a filed for a short period, how- Votes, 1st base; Jeanne Lewis, never net under way. the next few years etaoin ggg gratifying welcome to the newest ever, the town's response to the roaming shortstop: Mary Miller, Marvell Emerson, Aloha Demonstrated Tuesday AitrntH o f department of Jus I ° f ,h<> readily available water. J store and were agreeably greeted project has been very good and right field; Bettie Joe Nester, Leads For Queen lie© have Moored the country Turkey culling for the purpose Most irrigators could well af- by a neat, moderately-priced and more applications are confidently center field; Bobbie Jean Hol- reeking the cau.se and their re­ of selecting breeding stock for Candidates for Harvest Queen ford devote more time and well-stocked grocery which will expected. On August 5. records land, left field: Marilyn Walker, ports (thus far confidential). In­ the production of larger and attention to the Irrigated home be a worthy member of Beaver­ showed a completed Installation Halite Pace. Maxine Cady, substt- of the Washington County Fair dicate «here la a nation-wide and earlier maturing birds for garden, A. G. B Bouquet, veg- ton business. were striving hard for votes In ot 5,129 lineal feet of sidewalk» tutes. monopoly In the building Indus­ marketing purposes will be dein- «‘table crops specialist, told some the checkup tlLs week and a and 60o lineal feet of curbs. This I ------------------- try und these practice» are at enstrated at the Jas. L. Batch- 200 persons who visited the ir­ number o f changes w ere indicat­ data did not include the railroad >> . .. . , the bottom of the (allure of a elder farm, Hillsboro, Route 1. rigated vegetable plots on the Two Seriously Injured In crossings, a portion o f which M arncd5 Men Lead City ed in the standing« of the can­ a wide var­ building boom to click. Now, August U , at 1:80 o'clock, ft, station farm. For didates. had been installed by that date. Softball League Early «Morninj, Wreck through »cores of Indictments L Bouillon, Kx ten.si on Poultry- iety o f high quality garden stuff Marvell Emersonf Aloha, held everywhere the federal govern­ man from Oregon State college throughout a long season, an A serious accident took place VT a- cxc z-1- . J rv- Friday night. August 18 wind» her lead by a slight margin over ment hopes to break the log-jam will ronduot ¡he demonstration, Irrigated garden cannot be hent- Native Ol r inland Dies m the fir »t half of the Baaver- Alta Brown, populu Banks girl Thursday morning about 2 o'clock and give the necensary Impulse acrordlug to Palmer Torvend, en. Bouquet declared The land while Juanita Cawrse, North At Home Near Beaverton i : c',' y devoted to the Irrigated home when the car driven by Norman to construction which will put Assistant County agent. finds the Married Men \vtth Kids Plains held third place by a money In circulation und provide only one Carl F. Brodd of Route I. Bet on top of the heap with three slight difference o f Reaulla obtained from last garden should be the most pro- Thow-elson of Aloha skidded into employment for a rew million year's culling on the Itutchelder fitoble piece of land on the farm hp sa(d a telephone pole injuring Mr. and verton, passed away Aliens' 12. wins and one defeat. It is possl- ticket sale. people. It means much to the farm will also be shown; the Standi?^« as follows. He was born in Finland on Octo- though that the high school Irrigated pasture may offer a ; Mrs. W. E. Smith of Portland. her 10. 1856. and was t.u- fathe. alumni ma> be in a tie. lumber Industry of the north­ breeding stock used for turkeys after Marvell Emerson. Aloha. .245,000 ___ w ___ __ se­ solution to Oregon s thin latiVh The accident occurred at the in- of 13 children all of which e x - ! tonikht’s game, as west. they have Alta Brown. Banks ........242,00o being grown this yenr was a a a inn»» | 1 problem, O. M. Nelson, professor _ , lected on th«> the bust« basis nt of large, cept one preceeded him In death played one les »game than the Juanita Cawrse. N. P. ...175,000 basis lar* e ‘ l o f . nimal husbandry, told the u‘r8ecUon of ^ tm ln g to n and old Bonnie Bart’ ett, Soholls.. 172,000 Pension for life as long as well-tneated birds and for early His wife, Wilhemina Brodd, also leaders. Fifty p«‘r cent of Hillsboro roads. Mr. and Mrs. preceeded him u death, pa-ising , The second half will start Mon • Betty VlyLteke .............. 161.000 you live after 65 year», with maturing. A considerable Inter­ touring party. do not fatten on Smith were seriously injured and benefits to your widow, orphans est is ahown in * that type of Oregon Iambs away October 29. 1926. day n***1 and wl11 continue for Norma Berger. Helvetia .101,000 or dependent |>arents is, perhaps, selection and the demonstration the ewes by July 1. Many of rushed to medical aid. 37,000 Services were conducted at the ,v-° weeks, play winding up Sep- Genevieve Smith, Dixie lnmhs are shipped No change was given this week the greatest piece of legislation has proved of interest to all the feeder W. E. Pegg Chapel on Aukus* »ember »■ A ll league games will The crash felled a telephone 13, by the Rev. C. S. Odell of s,art at the usual 7:30. and w ill In the standing of Evlyn Clark. outside the state for fattening. of the recent congress. This a- turkey growers. It should he sound economic­ pole and placed 100 phones out Portland. be followed by another game with 1 Hillsboro; Velda Kraus, Laurel; niendment to the social security The Batchelder farm la located more of thesv act affects more than 40 million on the West Union-North Plains ally to fatten He was the father of Mr«. Ida an out of town leant. Oral Spolbrink, Forest Grove; of serlvice several hours. wage-earners directly and Indi­ road cast of the Lincoln school. letnbs at home on irrigated pas­ Nordman o f Worcester. Mass : 1 w ° Saines of importance that and Arline Baurer. Sherwood. ture, Nelson believes. Station rectly at least another 40 mil­ Tn addition to the honor of uncle of John Carlson of Pori are on schedule for next week lambs on ladino clover pasture j ----------------— lion. Benefits «tart next January land; father-in-law of Matt of Portland playing the Beaver- being Harvest Queen the girls Infant Son Buried and one-third pound of grain __ for those eligible, (intimated at Bloomquist of Beaverton. Inter- " »be Colored Merchant» are contesting for $150 worth of Funeral services were held per day gaiut-d four-tenths of a ¡rOmiCr l»OiI4Crton .’ I t lll 465,000 persons. In Oregon and Jewelry, the first prize being a ment was In Crescent Grove ,on «Merchants Tuesday ever,in August 22. and the Tigard Town diamond ring and the second a Washington several thousand August 13, at the W. E. Pegg pound per day over a 60 day per Killed At Toledo cemetery. Chapel, for Donald Eugene Erbs, lod. Team in a tussle with the Mer­ diamond studded wrist watch. move Into line. W orker« who '■■■- - — - I An Industrial accident at To- tom of the huge steel shart. A chants on Thursday night. hnve already received lump pay Infant son of Mr. and Fred ErM Standings are determined by of Huber. He passed away at Mr. and Mrs. AdoTf In Fond ledo Tuesday brought death to fourth near-victim clung to the Standing of the teams including sell to special programs In the men!« (which ended their bene Doernlbecher hospital o f pneu­ and son Clarence, have as their | a former Beaverton resident, rim of the stack until rescued. games of Tuesday. Shut» auditorium Thursday and fits) may also be eligible fo j Harvey Plnder, 34. now of Port- The Plnder family operated a Married Men With Kids 13 1 Friday night. monthly pension under the a monia and complications, on Au­ "tches In her Ups and face. gueata this week Clyde Morris, his death when n scaffolding in- grocery store in Beaverton ,t Married Men, kids 3 .750 mendment. There have been ap gust 1H. The Rev. Keebaugb conducted Clarence In Brae. Donald S o rk -'*id e a smokestack collapsed at number of years ago. The store, High School Alum. 2 .667 Doloes Carlson was badly bitten pioxlmately 100W of thsee lump 1 .500 while playing with her grand­ sum payments In «he Paclflt tho service at the chapel and in­ nees. all of Dodson. Montana. The the C. D. Johnson lumber fill owned by the elder Plnder, was Single Men .......... terment wan In Cres.ont Oro j trio ere on tlielr way to the 9an at Toledo. Two companions were located upon the present site of High School . .500 father'* dog Monday morning. It Northwest. cemetery. Francisco fair. lalso hurled to death at the hot* the Beaverton bank. Married Men. n o .. (Turn to page 4) .000 was necessary to tak« several