T H K . E B iT d tT O N FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 Beaverton Barber Shop UNDERTAKER AND BMBAI.MKR Grange Building Uca-crton C. J stk \ K.NS, r i t o r n i row '.TISF ACTION GUARANTEED It Pays To Be Lonesome Homesick Boy Discovers Frank Felice ie the hometick boy in Buffalo who won $100 in the first of the song search favorites being con­ ducted by Phil Spitalny'a Hour of Charm radio program. Frank named “That Old Gang Of Mine” because he w a s lonesome for the boys back home. He is shown working on a model air­ plane of hit own handiwork. FELICE, 19 years old. called ourselves the ‘Mutineers roved to Buffalo from New Club.’ "Well, you can imagine how- Rochelle three weeks ago. was homesick. But he discovered that lonely I feel on Monday nights not It pays to be lonely when a tele­ knowing anyone, and 400 miles gram brought him news that he away from home. I do bench work had won $100 in the first of the with the sheetmetal gang at the favorite song search series being airplane factory and I’m just No. conducted by Phil Spitalny, con­ 3T29.” Frank who was born in Erie. Pa., ductor of the Hour of Charm all­ girl orchestra heard Monday nights lived in New Rochelle for the past over NBC from 9:00 to 9:30 p.m , ten years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Felice who are of EST. descent. His father is a i Frank is working in the Bell Air­ Italian shoe-maker and his mother is a craft Corp.. as a mechanic having janitress at the Junior High School. recently graduated from the avia­ Frank has decided what tion school in Long Island City. He he'll do with already $100. First he had no friends in Buffalo but as ,, he plans to spend the fiv» dollars celebrat­ explained it "a job is a job ing, then twenty dollars will go to lives at 84 Hartwell Road. his mother, another twenty to his “I tuned in on the radio and when father and with the balance he in­ I heard them ask for favorite tends to buy tools. ngs.” said Frank. "I thought of The song search will continue for •hat Old Gang Of Mine.” It re­ eight weeks and $100 will be award­ minded me of home and this is the ed to each week's winner naming ifrs t time I have ever been away a favorite song and telling in 100 'from home. words or less how the song has “Monday night was always our brought them the most happiness. pinochle night. Our gang bad a Letters should be addressed to the (P baseball, a basketball and a good Hour of Charm. General Electric b & ootball team in New Rochelle. We Building, New York City. K THE BEAVERTON « li Young America tum bles out of bed in the morning «nil makes Entered aa sew)ml-cl.ias matt*- for the comic strip There they R E V IE W N K M ’S tiO S S I I M iltA M S T traffic which is passing them in both directions in tho opir. ion of Secretary of State Earl Snell. While there is ;i law which ¡prohibits driving so slowly as to delay traffic unnecessarily. ' t he driver who lag“ occasional lv to gaze at tho scenery | comes under th is heading, al though he may cause other drivers rrea! inconvenience by 1 slowing down suddenly to catch a glimpse of some view which I has .iust come in “itrht. Out of I consideration for other motor ists_ he should pull his car off onto the highway shoulder | when he wishes to stop and Death resulted from such ab- g atin g several i years ago in Eastern Oregon I when a doctor and his wife, ! motoring up a long grade, were looking a t an anim al in a field and trying to decide whether it was a coyote or a dog _ As they drove over the crest of the grade they collided head—on with an approaching car. The careful driver will never allow h is averag-* speed to fall far below the average speed of other traffic without pulling off the road occasionally to al- j low other autombiles to pass J se®t—minded Actors Could Do It ,4l‘4t cannot we bestir ourselves Francisco and is expected home for the th in g th at has eternal j the latter part of this week value? SUFFER THE LITTLE Mrs. Rdsecca Ell erson spent CHILDREN TO COME UNTO the Easter week end with rcla- k o tiu m THKVt M h A N U F O R B II) 1*1 EM tives in 1’ortlaud. NOT said our Lord who SAVES- The students of the Hazel- KEEI’S-SATISFIES both old dale school under the manage­ and VOOBg Let nothing shut ment ut their teacher, R. E. them away 1‘iillium arc sponsoring a school etern al life newspaper ut which the fust copy will lie published this week. l’a id Adv. Ttte Ha/cldalc schools soft Dali team played a victorious Patronize Beaverton game with St. Cecelia.* last Review Advertisers. Thursday atternoou on the home grounds. The score wa.% Ü 17. The Adult Educational sew­ ing class will be held every Fri­ day afternoon in tbe school basement from 1:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Matilda Mactuiu aa the teacher. T ^ NEW *1495.0 w in G AS RANGE The visitor was asked to i speak to the voimesters sitting one of 20 other there in their Sunday best. He prizes worth hegan:- An apple a day. from 55 to >25 Keeps the doctor away. An onion a dav. Keep* everybody away. f V E R Y ENTRANT A And a Bible verse a day, GE T S F R E E Drives the sorrows away. PYREX Ij Silty? Yes, maybe, but it MEASURING CUP j was his wav and it opened the wav for nam ing the dividends that come to the mind stored with scripture. Now to get NOTHING TO BUY the youngsters to memorize the Bible the oldsters must lead off. J By Boat and Car in e y Flock To Fair A n y o n t over iti eligible Contest closes M a y ij , Would you like lo have e photograph of your radio favorite? This newspaper will be glad lo furnUb you with a picture of any star. Address your request lo tbe editor. G A S cooks foods faster, better, cheapert P ortland G as a C oke C ompany Beaverton Cleaners .YOIK E TO lUEIHTORN .11 tbe County Court of the State (Formerly Tho Drown Mug) Garments Renovated for of Oregon for Washington FAMOUS FOR I ill Ml County _ Spring Wear. FRENCH FRIES 11 thu Matter of the Estate of Jam es E. Geiger, Deceased. Canyon Road BeaverUui Cleaning and Pressing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN From 15 Minutes Portland hat the undersigned lias been and Dyeing paly confirmed by the above en* itlc■ n Hillsboro. Oregon, wlhin six nonths from the dale hereof. ■111k from our dairy is Pure and Dated this 1st day or April, For Service, Call '939. Wholesome W. K CADY .. Jeannetfe E. Geiger j 'xccutrix of the Last Will nnd I Phone 6505 4lh and Angel 81 s. Test ament of said deceased, Beaverton tap-ley A Hare, ■«t1 'fr44'*.* 4*ît*H'-H**î *ΓM "X -l"!"H -+ ,F H -H "l"M ,+-l I I I I I f * A ttorneys for Executrix. DOY GRAY HEALTH The Oregon Journal MILK W . F . Spriggel J939 • Go now to any gas range dialer who displays a CF Gaa Range or to any Portland Ga* & Coke Company showroom. Get your contest entry form and complete in 100 words or less the statement: *'l would like a new CP gas range because . . . ” That’s easy, isn t it? Hurry! Knter now. Contest closes May 1.1, 19J9. D e s c e n d i n g u p o n t h e " m a g i c c it y " In th e m id d le of San F r a n c is c o Bay, g l e a m i n g w h it e In t h e s u n l i g h t a n d g l o w i n g in w a rm , pastel s h a d e s of g la m o r o u s co lor at n i g h t , cro w d s broke all a t t e n d ­ a n c e record* for E x p o s it io n s in early days on T rea su re Isla n d . Here h u n d r e d s o f au to* roll s m o o t h l y t h r o u g h t h e e n t r a n c e g a t e s w h ile a ferry boat (up p er le f t ; leave* t h e slip a fter c a r r y in g t h o u s a n d * f r o m S a n F r a n d a c o t o t h e W o rld ’* Fair. sibilities of society toward those a new hai . . . on* of thoer email, tame anti social elements. black affairs anchored with a snood. I I / I I A T is your favorite song tho Sn.Hills look like fish nets, fishing I f song which has brought you tho means spring, spring cslls for pics greatest happi­ nlcs . . and (here you are! Now ness through tho every actor who mlssra a cue must year»? In a nu pay a dime Into a common fund . . . lion wide search the money to be Used as an expense for the favorite a c c o u n t f o r a songs of Amer­ cast picnic whun weather ica, Phil Hpitul- warm ny. conductor of cornea . . . Un­ t h e H o u r o f der this n o w rharm All-Girl s y s t e m . Helen Hinging Orches­ ( . ' b o a t — who tra, will launch plays tho rolo of nn eight week Butiny — has to c o n t e s t s e r i e s watch her step. beginning April Shu’s In deep «.. . . 1 . • 3 a n d c l o s i n g disgrace at the Phil Spitalny May 22 Mr Spit m o m e n t . . . ulny conceived the Idea of tho Song Given to hoard­ 8earch following requests for favor ing old r a d i o lie Hongs of famous people— which I C r I p I <, Helen have been f-attired at part of tbe found h e r s e l f Aril«» niackbum Monday night program* over NBC right at Ibe mike with a copy ot at 9 o’clock. E8.T. Among the selec­ last year's broadcast! Homebody I tions have been Beethoven's ".Mooli- brought her up to date In a hurry. OWL CAR DINER OR T HIS spring bonnet, fashioned «.nf’re’y of white veiling with nc. ¿d , camellia* around the edge, it the on of pretty Maxine MarLw, talented singer in Phil Spitalny a H Charm all-gir’ o-chestra heard Monday nights over NEC at 9 o’cl The turban, a Janet-Fifth Avenue c on, is made cf ru-hing a.al (he long streamer* can be swirled arourd ti.i throat or tied in a large bow under the chm, adding the extremely feminine touch ou itandina in spring millinery. • IIA Z K L D A L K My Mr* J. Iiulnli The Cooper Mountain schools ISV wh anti View« on Air I V n o i i R l i l i e » December ». 19JJ. at Uta jwetof- may u n til COM K TO BREAK soft hull team defeated the Huz- 8ce at Beaverton, Oregon, under t, FAST KIDDIES. So it fol- ■ etdale schools soft hall team on Sonala." favorita of Waller (he act of March I, 1179. ER)K th.t tint timo lu moro than light Damrosch. noted conductor, and ______________ ______ — ~ I ws th at we grow u ups m ust ' lla/eld u les home ground last of coiilliiuou» bromi F n year» "■lercuuse” selected by Dorothy c u l l i n g CU lo» Thompson, the program's news com ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY AT get in and stay by. It is a Friday afternoon. Mar vies I» I"« montatoi' Weekly ra»h prise* of BEAVERTON. OREOON grind and a joy. Day by day j Attendance was 75 at Sunday ■onliim a drama $100 and an I K S lamp will be of­ dünn« U» ragù fered for Die Iwiit UHI wold essaya ....... ... riAii-h., ' votl gct out th* Book *nd ALL school. Toshiska Havashi GLENN F. M U L E R , U r Friday *»* on the topic "My Favorite Hong ABOARD FOR TH E BIBLE celebrated a birthday anniver- ulna concert uml Why Entrlea should be hour. \ LRSL:» calls them until it he sarv A teachers meeting will SI R SrRIPTIOR RATER addressed to (he Hour of Charm, Th» now I»» ¡b eh eld at Mrs Rav Kmchcloo Per year (in advance) . . . $1.90 cernea a habit. t u r o la c a l l e d General Electric llldg , New York "Tho Romaneo t’liy In five minutes one youngster Friday evening. of OÜ" and each word who was in practice, "roughed chapter unfold Happy Hour Club met last an exciting story W for Frank Morgan While work- in this from the 100th Psalm:- ... ... . . . .. , . 1 liursday ut the home of Mrs. tin sod on Ilio tua lug on Morgan's "Make a joyful noise unto the Arthur Mills diluting drama script for Good Four guests Lord all ye lands. Serve the were present, Mrs Jack. Mrs. Lucili» Manner* ho hind tho grout News of 1939. potroloum Indus­ Ilio comedian's Lord with gladness and come Charles Hynes. Mrs. \Y. I*. try Tho tremclldoua growth of tho w r i t e r s . I’ll 11 Industry I» skillfully porlrayod. and Itapp amt Sam before his presence with sing­ Brooks, and Laura Dye Next tho Important part It plays In our Moore, discover­ ing. Know ye that the Lord, meeting will be with Mrs Don­ pvoryday Uto in providing Hindern ed the word "sci­ ARTISTS SAAY dAZC ON TN£ conveniences and dally essentials Is o l i s t ' . In t h e he is God: it is he that hath ald Fraser. IANDSCAPC ANO YNRlLL, dictionary. A colorfully presentisi made us and not we ourselves; Lovoly I.millo Manners. Rosa sciolist Is de­ Eloise and Estella Imluh ac­ Gruhuui. barítono, u misad diorus fined us "a man we are his people and the sheep companied Byron Britch to Me- of 13 voices and a 36 pleca orche» of s ii pe r f I e I a I of his pasture." ROUGHED Minuville Sunday where the> tra under tho direction of Dr. Frank p k r n e o t w e n l e d d e g r e : o f a Black are nil regularly featured on IN the first day, POLISHED visited their cousin, Jean lm- tho program. knowledge.” Prank Morgan UP the second, and LETTER Mor gan run- l.iti IIKN “Criminal Csss Historio.“," lino»*, navertheirs*, lo »mate his PERFECT the third. Expect Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Doaue w a Friday night hull hour foa colleagues on Oood Nows of 1939 . . . one a day week days. Minds Now he claims to belong lo a yacht B ut for RUSBtR-NKKED DRlVg RS in...... .. Mic. ITS COURTING A SPILL/ cititi in which all of lb» members like wax in youth and five min­ have moved into their new i bow» out for tho are officer*, except one Morgan, aa —A m <* nal SafMY Csaasd utes a day fixes for life the gems house and are now prepairing a | aunt 111 or t h l * month. It will m judge udvocate of tho Emerald Bay lawn for landscaping. Yacht ( ’lull, haa aneti fellow luem- BEST nmrk tho end of , 1 An intelligent activity on the from the WORLD'S !>ei* aa Warner Baxter. Gene Mar- »»von years of - # Mrs. Ethel Britch has gone to part of highway departm en t“ SELLER, THE BIBLE key. I'rrston Foster. John Wayna presentations by . > I "* uml others The lone member Is in many s ta te s of recent years Warden L e w l » V R‘ ’d l Do you recall the stock com­ Portland to stay for a while. , has been the providing of tu rn - *> I, “ « S I Owen Churchill, well known racing Orvei Loo..ey lias purchused K. l a w n of tac- panies that did one play a week tual caaes from l A skipper. 1 outs and parking places along . highways where drivers may iti the old Baker Theatre? The the Herman Shoeue farm. Mr. the files of crim- Radio i f run In bf making Ur Aver- stop to look at tho scenery. cast was busy with afternoon and Mrs George Bofce and Slog Sing IIV n y Unti moie psnefsaf. rxprrft sup -i* Arif M ifk time ftpna/i and Hour- These turn-outs will have a matinee and evening perform­ daughter Jean from Nan Fran­ ' f .1: ' I d M T » , ly lime unnuiincttnrnh making IH» marked tendomc.v to reduce the ance. Mornings they rehearsed cisco have moved into the house tliod »lories, the ^ ™ inibite in liMf-conirloui. If* railer W a r d e n would Wirdin Law** delay and occasional accidents for IHnn lo be "on IIme". and will train Orvei Looney's the play that was set for the explain the un­ caused by the scenery loving usual circumstance» embodying the • drivers who have more regard following week. Between times racing dogs, HERE’S already an epidemic of payment and eventual cancellation spring fever among memberi of j for a dist;uil mountain peak they c«. mmitted th e parts, pages Richard Smurthwaite Jr left of paito-ulnr debt» o f anti-social force» to society, and the respon­ i hr “P ra m Ki uy K elly” t i l l *"r '» w ift!>— imoving atl{j pnjj,..* if they could do all ¡New O rleans Sunday ior Sail Arllm- lllnckburn started II off with te c in o f npm gaze. SPRING CHARM HAT MOTSVS This Spring . . it coifs you no more lo en jo y the thrill of hoving your motor re -p o rd mitor.lly to your starter and run smoothly ot a ll speeds. Hancock FIVE PO IN T favored for your car . . . . Hancock E T H Y l when you wish your car to truly escell HANCOCI FIVE POINT ETHYL e ^ and ^ M b i o a * t e