&KJl ' ^ T he B eaverton R eview The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively to the Interests ot Eastern Washington County. VOMJMH X V III, No 17 LAY CORNER STONE FOR CHRISTIAN HOME DI A VERTON, Grades Honor Roll WASHINGTON COI’ N’TY. BEAVERTON LADIES ENTERTAIN IRANIANS OHI CON, I III I' FRIDAY, A P R I L -T. Ilei*. D llM lA WINN I K* BEAVERTON HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Wel youiiK w ínror» of a 5o word uontoívl. i»*al uriiiK elec Hludonta who received Honor trie water h«n U'i-< ur.d - pon C uih » III the six-week* period March l.y Pori »o r i'l Ji ring Jinn completivi uro: land G« eral Elec Irte company ' Ulne card Winner*- «No ab- “ HOT COPY” Hat ••ml In ini« cil persati» .it Kiwani n ^ r ii ding |o an iianoiincement The ludica of the ««•n«s«. no larilm c**, no grtulo • the onrni't «Nino laying (')ub members prepared und of the Judges • . The winner», A newspaper comedy in :» la low 2 «««id half Ihe grades 1 .) cerenuay ttunday aftarroon fui served a grand chicken ur.d each of whom v a» awarded an | acts, “ H'd ( opy’ wiii Iw pre_ H IIHT GRADE Iho new Nurtliwml < hrmliun noodle dinner with all tin« Irmi electric water healer «T her -ented t.v ihe wnio r» Crid.iy, H i > iih < f » r Iht* iiki - i I It im it lf,o i Jack Mwala mtngH lo the men ani other ov*ti -nlecl ion •completely In April 21 »I, «il îhr aigu school « aryl Joan Hhorl •MM* gtrurlu r« on th® Walker sta I'«si jn her borne were: ¡guests WediM'-day at 7:00 o' gym, beginning a« n o'clo-k. I’ al rn in Hei Her Konil dour Henvarlon, and ha« (clock, l ’ho tables Were deeor M>sa Haiti«* B. b iijin g » ae I This pluv promise» In be the Dnrvdhy las« Carr ■■'oonmoilHtloiiN for ïk persons j. V j a ted In very good (itale with Mrs Bloomer, Imiti o f ! M'ulcsl ulti ne ion ««ver present_ 1 «'ONI) GRADE •ml i'oiinima help i plaid luldeclolh- and oil clolli- Fortlaiwl: Mr J. D McMahan, '■«1 in (hi- i inmur.ily. Come out Fat VM donkey The singing ................» r««n M t n . Mary B. Parker, a mom Mullnoninh, and 'I r » . It E. and see Ihi- fast movin'? com­ Gloria Htnldloston ; dered aonii» v««rv good iiuiii I m t -. Healer Sherwood edy. It will he an evening well her of lh«> hoard of supervisor* Nancy \ ukuo « j a il inkeeping wah Ihe K iw u " i - < onlc*t Judge« were for the homi', pliK'i'd I lie corner* Lyle -pent. Kulhb'on Ackrinati I activities, and were true to h: • Jan/ r I,in u*r, l’o-t|uru| B«d ••(«Mir Tin« Hrv j Brìi' Carl Mik«« M«s'loskoy a* only the wife would know 1er Bu»iii««*s It re.iu: ffi-rkelev ««Ml of SI. Iioiilx, cxiyuliv«« Nl'r (P a t w i r d REPORTER* Virginia Talbert «ecreta: .Nearlv evervone w i i * dre«so«l Srcw, Norl liw « :d rotary of the National llem-vo I flIMIM. M l ' I’S Marilyn Medford ' la very imor ta*tc. whu h crc Fleetrle Light •d Power as Ioni Association o f Ihr i'h ri« 1 21— Seni r Play, “ Hot j sled mi ch merriment sociatlon; and Ralph Mill- • April linn «hlirrh presidcl and kiivc TH IR D GRADE Copy. *’ ‘Marjorie Fujth Tw elve m«'n wcie «'hi »en 10 advertistpg rm»») err I ho principal a d d r r » ». A larvo Portland Cawd W««ik April 2f> Torch i bulbi a hat for a lady Old of Generili Electric enmpnny. Honor Hobliv croup of person* who Imvi* a«* Show tissue paper Itoxr*, far», paper • latod in Iho con «I cuci Inn of EOI’ RTH GRADE ». • After P T ‘ piules, papereup*. etc. \ H IM ilio homo worn presented HI EFT Itoniiio Is« It in I I il 2’i <;l««e l i b « ’or I ««»I ,i I car«»fu| errasi «lern tion. 1«ee Rich I'tllowlne tho program theic T I 'E X im Forest Grove Evelyn Marsh . t PIMI, i«v was awarded first prl*e fo r •va» inapoclion of the hniri«, • ‘arolino Talbert .Muy J TYV League track meet the l*est hat In« ladv being which will open MllV I. The FIFTH GRADE The regular mcetin-; of ■•I Beaverton. Mrs. Jay Gibson. lie was P T formili dedication in «cl for* A. will h<* h««li| in I ne • In r, l l i i * school David <*ady bard at awarded a pint o f applc«aiiee. grad«- -eh«s I auditorium July 9 D w aiio Cushman 11 1 11 » tw ro The m«*n in costume were o'clock «,n Tee«.lay At protient the «timoni irvi t Ion S IX TH GRADE - April Mov Senior Picnic lined up and a f'e r eliminating Th««r< wi]l t>e a »S'.rl lui- • maintain« two home* in Iho Margaret Brand«« «y Di»l ic| track meet all but three, by vote of the Miceli h g. a nrdgram by Northwc«t ojio al Kimono and SKVKVPH G R A D E -- the audience applause, |( r Sle high school '.ay I: Senior (tuns Church one at Walla Walla. The««, wilt uh. I TO gl« il IK Margurol Han«en wart received fir «t pn/e anil f-e»b«'«i>iita. »er let he rombinoli in the now Boat l«aurenc Mayfiel I l>od Derg, second They re It Is gp-ally «lesired o rlo « homo, A two and a half that Mev oniTNiri'incst exer Robert Myers CMK • • d .ill • I « v • hi r - _ «•IS«'» evervene h«* Id <•/,« p»d 11»«* aero tract surround* the homo Rntt'i« Wighlman The high llghi («f the evening mi«tnb«*rshii> commiiiee will take hero. M o Laura Mill of Ilio May 19 -Slat«; trrifk meet EIGHTH GRADE was the surprise showing on' your membership. The cum Walla Walla honi«' will ho tho Martha Fraser tho acrei'ii of baby picture» mi I tee wants to gel II COill - niportatondont hero. r i m in i H I M IT IF> lo r e n c Kirkwood of members in the gay tiine:n . pleted as ««Mug i.. p-ssiSI«« Tho now hm Idi cl 1 ha* horn ' pril 19- R M eel ing Gl««n Morlimoro It wa« easy to rec«»gni/.e I In« it can send >n Hie report conni meted <>n Iho unit plan, Doris Noel Aprii Z- R.- averton « h J r (h budding young eifiien f yes the c«a«ntv and -le ie und s •n wings may bo addorl a« fbvris Osborne serv ice terday. especially so of Dr. il f i« i«h e d beft.re th«. en«l wooded Rieburil Smurlhwaite c. E ,Ma»on's tin type The Ihe school I«• T-To Aprii 2 Mother—Daus ht «T All lh«> above named stun| 16 at SECOND GRADE— Ion is ill wilh a cviTe ca«c of Aivril 3u Portland (’hurch S«-r 2 p, iii , InIcrrin»men feature* sciatica. Susnnnc Butt» BOOK It I \ II " I NJ«»1 E D vice. Mr- H W Fr neh o f Aloha wore provided by a group of Eleanor Bov son Mrs. H W. Stroeve and i« in G*K»d San'« iliin ho«ni!al dancera and rh« choral class**. Tonmiy Faicwi-.ither Mrs Murray of West Sjope with an attack ef '.Tllslo-'e« NEVER U. Fl BES S IA HA V The online iperi'oruiiitice fur Dean Short gave a l«iKik review r«:»h fire. The r « '» - Eighth grade girls have plar EIGHTH GRADE - view very much. i.h'nce of Mr. and Mr*. D. A. flu. cd Ih n r f l v i j War HCrnplM>ok« Mury Miller Heard at Coopi-r mountain on display m the Academy la I'hylli» Wighlman Student- who received Hon burned to the ground before C 4 MTFIKF GROI I* M " S brary. B e lly l«m* Gordon, Ella EIGHTH GRADE orablo mention (four grad««- <>f '11)«« Campfire G irl« spent Uie the fire «ieparliniMit got there. Mary Murphy, Margaret Me Janet A«'kerman 2 or above and n«> grade b««l«>w week end at Camp Namanuu The fire wa» caused by d«'f«*c Mahon, :and Betlv Ffnuerly did lads Brattile S): a few ar The new« was spread through tivo wiring. Just oustnndlng work on their hook Evelyn <'asola FIRST GRADE the crow«I that (hi* was the tich«« vv««re saved. Patricia Mann lots. Gone Smith A flue fire al the John Sim best lime they hail ever had. Millenni MrMinn Tho camera bu»lly clicked Mary Sato Sunday morning Olto Kiel gave ii^« oranges to j mers home Motile Myers Wednesday morning, April 12. Delores Scifri«*d eat on Hi«* Irip. and » o enjoy : waa extinguished by Ihe vol- Pad fv Robinett The seniors po**vl in Ihe ro I untrer fire department, ra«i»_ j Ruth McKeel ed them very much. Margaret Bidden coption room for I heir v radii a Donald Metcalfe lin e little damage. - -Seribe Delore- Jit i - Billy Swain tion pictures. Donald Deuchi«r The w cell|y t.on1 011 eojlect i«>n Done Davis «>f pennio* for SI. Mary'» Sum John Comer inary Burse closed April 8, The Alan Bond si*nior* won i«n I I ii * high «chool S M ’ON'D GRADE— compelilion and St. Margaret'* Janice 0 «fie ld room in the grammar grade* Carol Henkes I.««.'more Boyaon SV M I’ HON V K I M I K T Ann Jones On Feb IK the Junior Sym l.ila Mae Cullen phony orchestra gave a concert Don Maefnrlane on the Saturday morning «or Hans St move ies iarxl wim well allen«led by Wak Salo school children. Arthur Marsh A demonstml ion wan kiv «« ii Darvl Bond show me the difforeint insl.ru Homer Speer mi'll 1» in solos, then two to 'Allan Davis geltoer, thr««e together and add Claire Newcomer inv more and finally all to TH IR D G RAD E • gelher, playing *inf«>nin. They Tommy Ackers tried pla yin g without a «|ir«'c Roland Bo/ieh tor during one niunher. Edna Cosola A Japan one girl was piano ch a rlo tlo Galloway soloist with tho orchestra and Richard Hanson tho v i r l « ’ glee club front Edi* Dicky Lund high school sang. Junior Robinson Tho 1a«l o f lho«o Saturday I'Ol'RTH GRADE morning series will he on Beverly Brando Saturday. April 22, ni the Fub ls*nair But«'h««r lie auditorium in Portland. The Shirley Can* Jr symphony orchoslra will vivo Everett Cook fhls concert Ifeleti llandall | Harold Grecmviwd P a l s y Hnldiim CVR COLLIDE* WITH OREGON Mary Mvors Rosemary Swagger ELECTRIC Dorlean TrobrKIge Mr. and Mrs. Valley Kotiert* Eugene Buxfim and Mr. and Mrs. Toil Enter Marvelle. ™ TrH ,1RAI>K son and daughli'r Dolores Berg o f Aloha had tho misfortune Marion Carroll to toil Iho Oregon Kloclric near Gloria llolladny U R IN G their visit to Jasper the Marsh service station at National Park. Alberta, in the Paul Id*o Jleaverton Sul unlay n lg h l. Mr, heart of the Canadian Rockies in Margie Lindsay Iloberls failed to see Iho train June, Britain's King and Queen will Clurndel Face and drove his new t « S a l l e In occupy one of the bungalows at Jas­ Klwin Faxon per Park Lodge. The bungalow is to if ITtico Salo of log construction, contains its own Mr. .Roberts received a cut Lyman Taylor .dining room, big living room with on his bead which took 2.1 log-burning fireplace and several S IX T H GRADE— stitches to close. Mrs. Einer ,bedrooms. each with its own bath­ Jena Camaron s««n received a rut nbovo th«* room. The bungalow sits on a point Inis Keebaugh eye, and the others were of land jutting out into Lac Bcau- liorraine Nelson vert, on* of the most colorful tarns bruise«!. Mary Ann Thoren in the Canadian Rockies and com­ Jean Wolf mands a view of Mount Edith Ca- 'IT. 41 . t m JHINH WVHII I veil which was named in memory Iy Ibe «ubonlinale loilge tile C'unty .'(»"Sell o f the IMA was Ill-Id al the 0«i«l Fel w i U j ice cream and cookies. Tuesday, April 18 hirst noiuiualioii , and Hn/.el repu. »entei|. with delegates and vis, ors numbering a hun.lred ■ in r, J i eii» . thus making it one o f the la rg' I ae Rebekah S ocki I « lut, ih est County Councils held this >' ■<) having ,i carnival «m April year. ‘.H from :( p. in. into the eve Mrs. Hite, County c«-net! n..ig. There will be fancy woik President, gav«« a »Sort r«'p«irt Imolto». c.iiidy po'iih» iimi vur of the Slain Convention r f |> «in- gain««» _ The public )« in h A. just finished at Klamath vited. tails Mrs. Sami««, president A free program ar»d play in Of (lie Forest Grove Assoc., also the evenin g will be added ITI attended nr,d gate reports re­ ! i t ! h in in« nt. garding committee meetings. After a recess for lunch Mr Metzler of B If. ft . introduced ' t s ll M l . l v |)l)| RI J ‘ be mixed «horns o f the H R. N u - i retail deliveries in the I i«'v »ang Ihe two religious se­ Pacific coa «I area for the month lections •«» required by l i e of .March were nearly double Glee ■ H Club Tournament w h im those of March I year ago, ac will will pe held n, Forest Grove cor«lt~g to word received ye»t«*r soon. day by Guy Carr local Nash 'n original reritsdon about dealer. a pregnim given in a srhool Milton N. l*ir-on, Nash Pa was given by Miss Evelyn Kid­ cifle coast sale» rnajiager, re der. purled increases in March of The Ewer triplets -unr 97.4 per cent for Ihe eight ‘ ‘ l i t t l e Si- Echo” and “ The western »tat«'» coniprismg Ih-- T’ mbrella Man ' and were fol­ Pacific region, Mr. Carr an lowed by a solo “ Penny Sere- flounced, with a gain o f 57.6 tia»ie,’ ’ sung by Joe 'fesh«»fsk\ percent fo r th? three months Bryan B’ritch was th«* accom­ panist i o f the fir«t «tuarter. The nominating conwnillei« The unusually «harp increa» «•* in retail deliveries for ihen presented th«- following for lb«« coming year: March, Mr. Carr asserted, ffic er- Preaidenl M f'. Garfield were accounted for by improve«) t a - i n e » » conditions and by the Hite. Sh<*rwood: first vice« pr««s a«ld.*l momentum of spring laent, Mrs. Ivlwin E. Thomn»on. Tigard; second vice president »a le s. Mrs. Cre» Bi rrs. Gard««n Home; Our gams in January' and third vie • ’T-. -ident, Mrs. Ma February were h«'allhy m_ hamberlatn. North Plains; creases over a year a go.’’ ■ ic ,. i««' - v. '(• » c . (). Mal.ee. Mr. Carr said, “ but the deliv Aloha Huber; treasurer Mrs. «•nos for the ¡>a»i month have f:*r autMbripfw «J t a r « - «-artier Mr-t. 1 i c. ■ *s were unani « a l e » m ark».’’ inminsly e|ecl««d ard were in­ National retail «h'livene « were stalled by the slate president nearly on a par with Ihe gains Mrs. c . Wells. scored on the coast, Mr . Carr The final report « f the roun- said. Figures for (he first ty chaii man was then calleil twenty «lays o f March, recently for. willi nearly every chair­ «•ompiled. showed ib«*m 84.3 man pres««nt. icrrent ahead of the -am«« i» ‘ r 'Irs . 'Veils led a iliscussiolt iod a year ago, with imlication» regarding parent teacher work that wherrv complete totals for v ith much emphasis placed on the month are tabulated th«' na-, the b y la w s . S’n«* also spok«« tional increase might rea«-h about some o f the items that •h«' imnre-sive 97 p»«r cent gain would be brought up at. the chalked up by coast d«*alers. national convention o f parent* Nash’ s spectacular climb this teachers which will be helil in year has moved the company up Cincinnati in about a w e e k . to the position o f fourth larg Reedville extended an invita­ est car producer in the auto tion that the county council motive inilcstry. ranking next meet with I her.» for lh<> Octo­ lo General Motors Chrysler and ber meeting, whii'h is the School Ford. Mr, Carr declared of Instruction . D>’ e to their building program in the school this has been the first oppor- BOY S H U T M W S years that Last Saturilay fourli'en I»o.« tenitv in several abl«> to en* Reedville has been -Scoots from Beaverton went up to the scout cabin at Mt. Hooit terrain Ih group, ' rising vote of (hanks was returinpg Sunday. They all had a fin e fim«' and came back with «■\ln»niled to Cooper Mountain for it* hospitality. sunburned fao«-s. Al t lie regular scout meet in ; Wednesday nieht Mr. Stewart gave th«' boys a fine lesson oi maping , ’T«iurt of Honor’’ was April 13l.h at our gra«le school, with many boys going up for ad vancenient and merit badges. Mr. " ’ elks o f Portland showed pictures o f Damp Meriweather. Thi«re was a large crowd of parents and (Tiemls in attend atic«\ and the scouts wish to thank them for their loyal sup port, H F ' K V HeH\\N Henry DeHaan, age 38. of "'«'lch«'s. Ore., was born Nov. 15, 190«'. in Germany, was the son of Mrs flora Worldsfr.i of route 8 at Portland. He passed away April 18. 1939. Survivors are. his wif«' Ruth, son Donald. daughters Marjory ami Barbara of Welches hr-lhers John and Adam, and sister. Doris Davis o f Portluml route 8. Funeral services were held today (Friday* at 11 a. m. at Pegg's chape) Ip Reavert n and in l e m o n f took place at (’ re ? cen (Grove cemeterv MM I t l l ' l l . TKt't'K IM T IiT F It Beaverton’ s new rural fire truck was initiated Sunday, when the firemen answered a «•«II to a brush fire on the bird place. No -iren was blown, but four men were available in a sb hi.ng transportation The fire «Irill thill is held meet, nt the Kiwani* hall af each Tuesday evening of Ihe one o'clo ck. week lia* been very beneficial lo the boy*. TTiese drills Mr. and Mrs Otta A Rohin- should create a lot of Interest s >n and son will leave soon for among the firemen, a* Bea Montreal, Canada, to help care verton is considering «»nier for Mr. Robinson’ s father who mg a team for fire .Iritis in June at Portland. kis quite ill.