TTIR RfFJAVWRTON RBVIlCtV FRIDAY. DMMMBKR U. ISS8 LOCAL NEW S Mm. C. K. Hedge hu» quite III the pant vo-k. M ake Barry’s 5 & Hare your Prescript iotui Killed At {frown's Drug Store. ir Christmas Endless variety to rhoose IrOin-plus values that make it easy to get gifts for everyone, Men's Handkerchiefs, while, initials, and colored borders, all prices up from . . . . jf O , G'ft Toiletry Sets, Men’s or Women’s. O OC 1 /\ 1 v/ C Christmas Table Christmas Tree Miss Merk- Wo< dy. who has been a house guest of the f>|ty Akxandei’ family, relurned to her home in ftellingham. Wlash. Monday. T is i * Lights, 8«*t of H Tree Light Bulb* .......... llrlKht Hell» ............... Silver Ictde*. large pkg The many friends of the Pool son family will be . plea d to leurn I ha I Charlotte is romin;: along fine from her recent np ptn.Jlx operation and will Is- able to l»e home about Dec. 22. Xinau Tinaia* ................. Colored Ceflophan«- . . , . X mu t lioxo* Open Evenings Mr. and Mr». Herald Hoy) of Portland were Sunday dinner geests of Ihe former’s imi rents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Govt. W e give valuable H. B. B. I rading Stamps with every 10 cent purchase. Mrs. Robert Pierre of Lincoln. Nebr.. arrived Iasi wick for a visit ln I be home <1 her sister. Mrs. H. H Meyers and family. Mr. and Mr«. Jerome Tuttlle of Portland enjoyed u visit in Ihe home of Mr*. Tuttle's mother. Mrs. Mary Dean over the week­ end. Front Street, Beaverton Mrs. Winifred Kgberg was a Sunday dinner guest of Miss Ruth Filley. I Specials For Christmas Asnal»««, My Chinalo—* ” | Range», Refrigerators, Washers j; T . V ' 2 5c 25c Beaverton Electric * W A L T E R UNIS, Prop. Front Street. Build and Repair AnyI hin« lth o u g h Fleet rie, Acetylene, Thermit IS Trtiek and Tractor Service Beaverton, Oregon. and Main SI. 1 K " »*M* <*+ -t-i-bv-X-:-;; | Buy N o w — Diamond Point Roofing 1 75 Red, Green, Aluminum colors, per roll he was bom in Buda­ pest, and spent moil of his Ilf* A in America, he wrote, strangely BROWNIE WELDING WORKS * - ;; 4-light barn sash 20,x25’ ea 74c :: 4-ft Poultry Netting, roll 3.24 :: Liquid Silver, per can 15c Galvanized Gutter, per ft 52C Also See Us for Building Tile - Drain Tile Doors and Windows. W . J. M c C R E A D Y L U M B E R CO. : enough, many Irish songs; such as ••Bedelía," "My Irish Molly-O" and “ Mr. Dooley." "Chinatown, My Chinatown’’ was more in his gent*, since he «pent the early year» of hi* life on Ihe lower east side of New, York, not far from "Dreamy Chlnw town where the lights are low.” He went to school at night, word­ ing during Ihe day to help support the family. He scoured the ncigfc borhocxl for piano« on which to practice. He worked as an office boy. in a cigar factory, as a book­ keeper's clerk: he was cashier in • Turkish bath, an errand hoy in a department store He never lost his desire to compose He landed a Job with a publishing , Arm Anally, at half the salary ha • was then earning. While there h» met the late William Jerome. au<1 .they formed a songwritfng team. (It was not until three years aft*» ¡they had written "Chinatown. Mf Chinatown" for a legitimate produr tlon that the song was made famoud by the vaudeville team of MathewJ and Ashley. He has been a songwriter for forty »ears. He is a prominent member «I the American Society of Composer*, Authors and Publishers, and resit!*« at present In Hollywood where h* '•» composing new tunes for radio and pictures. His name Is Jean Swarlx W. E. PEGG Beaverton *1 25c APPLE S fancy 6 lbs. WINBSAP3 . . . 25c C A B B A G E , lb f k m ' kh i . f p l c t i v k FRI. TO M OV I'M . I« ta I». it«'. SUGAR 10 lb B AG CRISCO 3 PO U N D P A IL F L O U R 4b9a£ K IT C H E N C R A F T PEELS PO U N D Citron, Orange, Lemon 48c 50c 1.29 23c **•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**•**.'*•**•**I* *.**»**I**I**I**I**I' Holiday Chocolates 2! lb box 59c 5 lb box 98c S A T IN MIX Pound . . . . , 10c GUM DROPS 25c STUFFED M INTS P O U N D ............ 19c 2 pounds . . . . C H O C O l AT E Baker’s, ! lb Matches 6 bx ctn D ATES 2 pound pkg. PU R E X half gal. 23c RAISIN S, seed- 1 Q less, 4 lb. Bag * * / C C R AC K E R S 2 Pound Box 19c B R A Z IL N U TS o n 2 pounds C COFFEE Airway, 3 lbs. 39c 1IAZELDALE NEWS ' t nishing i*o glove making. ¡The pup.Is will practice cn their I Christmas program Thursday Billy b'lshop's orchid, ra has 'evening after school. been named "The Jolly Jubi- loers.” . They played tor the Hi- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Truss«! V Tri-Y dance in the high school are visiting relatives in Calif. gymnasium Friday night. Dorene and Lorna Mae Garl­ | Dan Shaw has sold IS acres and Emelle, Kloise and Bernice of his apple orcliurd to sonic* I in lu h are practicing with the people from Portland, who are Beaverton Congregational Junior having the trees taken out and a ch«iir on ( hrismas carols Ho be basement dug preparatory to sung at a concert the evening of Dec. 25. building a $5.000 home. Mr. and Mrs. Dole Lattghliu of The Dalles, nephew and nieee of Quite a nuntlter of persons from Mrs. Guy Wetdmnn. were week here a« d tin* p ay al Hills­ end guests in the Weedtnati boro lvgh school last Krida> home. night. Ruby Gillenwnter t< ok an active part. Hubert Hittglev of Pori laud Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelly mad«* visited with his sister and broth­ er-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George u business trip to The Dalles Monday Blasser Sunday. | Joe Stout is skill at the Good Mrs. Bender and daughter Samarian hospial ofter Seven Nl. A. Ketcbum l*as recently moved Wednesday In lo the R iby weeks of treatment for injuries buih a new tile pump nouse. Boyd residence on Angel Si., received in a logging accident. formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Paul O'Connor aud baby Most of the pupils who were Hirnm Stipe. quite badly ahsenu witti chicken p< x have son were bruised w ben they fell from the auto­ Mrs. Robert Summers will be returned to school this week,. mobile of Mrs. Day as she round­ hostess day (Friday) lo Ihe llorn o Mr. and Mrs. Kdsel ed the corner at the H'azeldale Cheerio club for 11 e annual Riley, on Dec. 5. a son. school Friday afternoon and the Christmas party. Gene Barnet! accidently cut jear door flew open. Mrs. Ruth Mereerau of Klam­ J. is foot while splitting v. ood Attendance was 58 at Sunday ath Falls returned to her home one day lasit week. school. Ray Me Mi n n. having Saturday. She was called here Kd Herial is in the Forest returned from a business crip by the death of her father. Ihe Grove hospital with b o h legs was in charge as superintendent. late Hirnm Stipe. in a oast due to injuries r e ­ Mr. and Mr*. Hans Harsen and ceived in a logging nccidetv near family left Sunday for Caihlnmel. Gales Creek. Wash., where they will make Mrs. Tom Hastings «»f Van­ their home. couver. B. C.. spent a few days last week as a guest of Mr. and Mr. an i Mr*. Park Franks from Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mason City. la., arrived Monday Happy Hour club entertained morning to spend Ihe holidays witli their daughters. Mrs. Dave with a dinner party lakt Thurs­ Phelps of Beaverton and Miss ( day at the home of Mrs. John Kolahaha. honoring Mrs. A. C. Velma Frjnks at Salem. Bollger. who is moving to F i n ­ land. The guest of honor re Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham reived a beautiful dish as a far.- from SMamokawa, Wash., visited v.ell gift from the club. Kigh- last week In the home of Mr. and tt-en ladies were present. Next Mrs. Ulmer Stipe. meeting will be held at Ihe bom* of Airs. Al Jtlderks. Dec. 22. Mrs. Robert Summers w h * A ll H e a t-N o Ash hostess to a one » ’clock lunch­ The school children received You get only heat for eon al her home Tuesday. The their report cards last week for guests were Mrs. S. Jacobsen. l i e 2nd period this year. your money when you Katherine Dalev is visiting her Mrs. D. 0. Webster. Mr* Noel buy G asco B riq u ets. and Mrs. S. Dorn of Portland sister »t Oakland. California. Every particle of this and Mrs. Klmer Stipe of Beaver­ Ten holies attended adult td- fuel is a h e a t-g iv in g ton. The afternoon hours were ucaitionsil sewing class Frida*- spent doing needlework. unit. It leaves no ashes! Wider the directi' n of Mrs. Kva Because Gasco Briquets A variety of sewing Mrs. Carrie l«eonard, v.ho has Bagnell. was done from c«vat and dress hold fire 8 to 10 hours, been caring for her father. Ihe T U N A FISH • Regular Tin C A K E FLO U R Swansdown Tomatoes, 21 tins Jugler, solid pack W ALNUTS pound 10c 23c 10c 15c • ■ Grange Building A number of ladies met at Mrs. Donald Fraser’s Monday after­ noon. where work was done cn Jeso pieces for Christmas pres­ ents. Burn GASCO BRIQUETS Miss .loeine Gray of Portland attended the Grange meeting Saturday and spent the weckl end wih her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray they are ideal to burn with sawdust or wood. Order today! OPTOMETRY Glasses, Fitted or Repaired Our Spseialty DR. A. E. WILSON was George Sanford has been hav­ ing trouble getting his well dug as it has caved in several times. Water has now- been found at Jo feet. Adolph laopoUl doiag the work. ' MORE HEAT! Beaverton Patronize Beaverton i Review Advertisers. Mrs. Rebe«:ca Utlerson quite ill Iasi w«?ek. N o ashes means late Hiram Stipe, left Salurdav UNDFRTAKRR AND BMHAf.MER for Bremerton, Wash., to her home with her son. F. D. PECK, Manager Phone 4603 11 n 111 u 3 dozen . . 25c BEEF R O ASTS lly Mrs J. luilnh Make Your Headquarters at the Wo The I. O. O. F. lodge held their regular business meeting in Ih? ball Monday evening. Hill Dodson, of Willaniina. vis- Ited in Beaverton a few days thi* wek. A G IF T FOR E VE R Y PURPO SE! Christmas Tree Sets Bulbs for as low as 2 for T ree Sets up from .13c O R A N G E S - For Juice O REGON H A M o i l c Half o rwhole “ * 2!b PU RE L A R D 3 lbs for . Mark Mayfold, of Brooks, O r­ egon, visited in the Mrs. Henry' Mayfield home last week. 59.50 J Electric W ater Heaters, only I: Clocks, Heating Pads, W affle Irons, Toasters, Hot fc point Irons, Silex Coffee Makers, Mixmasters, Etc. ;; j5 lbs. (leorge Klein Is now employr I at the Montgomery Ward Co. at Portland. For Your 'lutile I « T o r a l mil* SW EET PO TA TO E S * al fornia Jersey, IT, 8. No. I. BEEF STE A K S Mrs. Mabel Geuibellu on Route one, Beaverton. reports the birth of a son to her daughter, .Mrs. F W. Mai thews, at Medford. Or­ egon. Mrs. Matthews was fo r­ merly Miss Mabel Amia Gem- I» II«, a B H. S. graduate PRODUCE Mr. and Mrs. Hugh la-wls vis­ ited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. George Dckie and Mr. and Mrs. iPnl Burn* of Portland Si nday. Dolls. Games, Toys, For Your IN In. T uimth I SM OKED BACKS Mrs. I'egankopf of Oregon City visited Sunday with I« r frerd . Mrs. G. I.. Pare, and famliv. C OC All Kinds For All Ages. • ’unii!«*«. Iirlp k «« J Wlllliini (Bill» Hugh«*, er l.o ha» been H »»lesiiian al II « ’ Hafe- way Store In Ueaverton, was transferred this week, ¡is tem­ porary relief manager at the Alohrt Hufe way Store. The Christmas spirit reigns on every shelf at this store Lid ieg’ Handkerchiefs, White or all colors //Utá/Cft-lTfiese ore ftejd buys hcen HUGH LEWIS CO. Beaverton. t