TH K H B A VBR TO N R E V IE W BELLS OF CHRISTMAS World'« Oldest, Simplest Musical Instrument Is Universel Yuletide Symbol YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER America’s royal bird, Tom Turkey, starts his journey to the Christmas dinner table. Fernand Pointreau, executive chef of Chicago’s Hotel Sher­ man, demonstrates the fine points of preparing your piece de resistance. Each nation hus its individual symbols of Christmas: In England there is the Yule log, in France the candles and in Holland the wooden shoe. But throughout the entire world there is one universal symbol, the bells of Christmas. This is strange bccuuse bells were not associated with the church until at least 400 A. D. when Paulinus, an Italian bishop, installed them in his church. Some bell authorities lulled them to sleep. Bells are the cluim that Pope Subiniunus simplest, yet the m ost com pelling usical Instrument In the world and gave us the first church bells m It Is Attlng that they should toll U,i- in 604. universal m essage of Chrlatmaa, of The custom hus grown until "P e a c e on Earth, Good Will to there is perhups no use of Men.” church bells so widely known KIGIIT—Hok singing tower and in Christiun countries as the bird sanctuary at Mountain Lakes, ringing of chimes to herald Fla., said to be tlu- most Ideally the advent of the birth of conceived and located carillon In the C h r lit From huge cathrdruls to tiny country churches, from the fro­ zen arctic to the funny tropica, the belli peal forth each Chrlatmaa sea- aon an old. old ftory of ’ T e a c a on Barth. Good Will to M en." T * H E T ow n Im p ro v e m e n t asso- * cia tion w a s g ivin g a sa le to ra ise fu nds in a v illa g e w h ere w e w e re v isitin g. O ur h ostess had been to the sa le e a rly in the day and triu m ph an tly d isp la y ed tiny p in cu sh ion s pur­ cro s s-stitch e d ch a se d fo r C h ristm a s g ifts. Th ey w e re s o c o lo r fu l and qu aint that 1 BLACK 3 BRICHT BLUE toss-smcM 'SQUARES ON 1 z 3 2 1 2 1 --------- r ^ r a — — , \ ROUND I F * THREAD ART LINEN WITH !> If— A HARD TW IST _ f. JFy. ^ N EED LEP O IN T YARN .-BACKING OP b r ig h t b l u e .VELVET II your turkey leg is to be tender and succulent, be sure to rem ove the nerves. Hilt the legs up tbe side and pull out tbe nerves, using a heavy ntensil that will give you pur­ chase for a strong pull. I ABOVE—Mrs. A. H. C. Forbes tests the tone of a replica of a Cali­ fornia mission bell, which w ere am ong the first church bells In the terri­ tory later to becom e the United States. 2 2 RED country. It rings each Christmas day. Am erica*! very national exlatence la wrapped up In tho prlceleia Lib­ erty bell at Philadelphia, and c e r­ tainly no one can fa y that bell mu- ale lin 't the moat dem ocratic m u ilc In the world. In recent yeara the ancient bell h a i "grow n u p" Into the carillon, a highly icn ilU ve Inatrument on which C h rlitm a i carola teem to And their moat perfect expren lon . There are now m ore than 200 of there Instrument!. 30 of them In the Unit­ ed States. Sim ilar to the carillon, but differing In the number of bells, tuning and arrangem ent of key­ board, are ehlmes. Some of the finest chim es hang in English ca ­ thedrals and sprend the Christmas m essage each Decem ber. A chapter In tho history of bell* m ay be found In the story of al­ m ost any creed or culture. First known In the East, they w ere used by aboriginal people as ornaments. They cam e down through G recian daya and called Rom an citizens to the forum s, later summ oning early Christians to worship. In the M id­ dle uges they culled people to arise, guided the far-aw ay traveler Napoleon loved bells so dearly he would not destroy them, while Hen­ ry VIII took Aendish delight in de­ stroying them. Bells have m ade people laugh and cry. have stirred them to action and Picture Parade Ruth W yeth Spears the skin down the back of tbe 2 Slit neck so that It can be folded back to bold the dressing. con trib u tion to the fa n ey w ork booth . T h e y w e r e k ep t fo r dis­ pla y ev en a fte r th ey w e re sold. T h e top o f the cu sh ion should be m a d e on ta p e stry c a n v a s or round th read art linen so that the th reads m a y be cou n ted ea sily in m a k in g the cro s s-stitch e s. This fou ndation m a te r ia l sh ou ld be m a rk ed o ff in 1-inch sq u a res as show n in the d ia g r a m at the upper right. T h e n u m b ers in d ica te the c o lo r u sed fo r cro s s-stitch in g each sq u a re. T h e v e lv e t u sed fo r back - ing ad ds the rich n ess that all sm a ll g ifts should h av e. Saw dust o r h air fr o m an old m a ttress are m ost s a tis fa c to r y fo r stuffing. If y ou w ould like to m a k e so m e o f these cu sh ion s fo r g ifts o r for y ou r n ext b a za a r, c lip th ese d ir e c ­ tions and k eep th em as they are not in eith er o f the book s o ffe re d below . N O T E : M rs. S p e a rs’ B ook 2— G ifts, N ov elties and E m b r o id e r y , has h elped th ou san ds o f w om en to use od d s and en ds o f m a teria ls and th eir sp a r e tim e to m a k e things to sell and to use. B ook 1— S ew in g, fo r the H om e D e co r a to r, is fu ll o f in spiration fo r e v e ry h o m e m a k e r. T h ese b ook s m a k e deligh tfu l C h ristm a s gifts. M rs. S p ears w ill a u tog ra p h them on re­ qu est. C ra zy p a tch quilt leaflet is included fr e e w ith e v e r y o r d e r fo r both book s. A d d re s s : M rs. S p ea rs, 210 S. D esp la in es St., C h ica g o, 111. B ook s a re 25 ce n ts ea ch . 1\G0 A L Without an equal in the entire West, as an A LL PURPOSE C O A L The Kemmerer Coal Co KFMMEREK. WYOMING No fancy dressing socb Make tbe Incision as 3 Cleaning. 4 as Muffing. oyster or chestnut. Insists sm all as possible, snd set aside the giblets for the gravy. Do not for­ get to rem ove the lungs. Pointreau. but a sim ple stale bread dressing is perfect. W h e n you ask your dealer for Arid- Free Quaker Slate Winter Oil, you are taking the maximum precaution to insure care-free Winter driving. Quaker State pioneered in the development of motor oils for Winter use. Its tow cold test will relieve you o f starting troubles. Each drop o f oil is rich, pure, full-bodied lubricant . . . pure as the driven snow . . . so pure that troubles from sludge, carboa or cor- rosioo are wholly overcome. Quaker State O il Refining Corp., Oil City, Pa. “ The dressing Is In and Pointrean - ’ sews up the turkey, almost ready for its trip to the oven. bird is tied carefully with 6 The heavy string and placed in the roasting pan. Quaker State W inter O il Ä */Madreó CZvtó “fêu+t HÏ&Cfat a T h e T ru e Q uestion E v e r y w h e r e in life , the true qu estion is not w hat w e g a in , but w hat w e d o .— C a rlyle. The University of Chlengo ehapel which has one o f A m erica's most beautiful carillons, the gift ot John D. Rockefeller Jr. Inset, Kam lel L eF cverc, Typist* for V. S. G-Men lluy Gifts for ‘Children WASHINGTON —G irls working In the typing section of the G -m en's fingerprint division at the United States Departm ent o f Justice, will ■take their three "a d o p te d " fa m i­ lies to a Chriatma* dinner on D e­ cem b er 29. Last Christmas the girls adopted three needy Washington fam ilies, agreeing to help them throughout the year. Annually the federal bureau o f Investigation em ­ ployees distribute food, clothing and toya for orphans, hospital patlenta and other needy people of W ashing­ ton. Roosevelt*s Greetings Itroadeast to V. S. Navy WASHINGTON.—Christmas greet­ ings from President R oosevelt and high ranking officiala of the Navy departm ent will be flashed Christ­ m as eve from the radio tow ers at Arlington. Va., to the fleet and na­ val ships and station* throughout the world. The m essage la an an­ nual custom, awaited by Am erican "g o b s ” and officers alike In their Iron-olad battleships thousands of m iles from hom e Retail price S i i per quart ¿frpup&t D iscu ss vs. D ispu te H e w ho d is cu ss e s is in the right, he w h o.d isp u tes is in the w ro n g .— D e R u lh ieres. noted Belgian musician who was brought to Ihe United States to play It. This carillon, too, rings •ut the story o f Christmas each year. Silent N ight, H o ly N ight9 • "Fourteen acres of my 80-acre placs arc planted in berries snd vegetable s- the rest is in timber. During my spare time I cut the timber and have made enough off of that to pay my farm up­ keep. " George Adams used his first You don’t put your Chrlatmaa and forget it: haste the bird every !• minutes dur­ ing the roasting process. 7 turkey In Ihe oven w e're 8 And mas feast. ready for the Christ­ Never, never put any garnishment on the platter except watercress, says Pointrean. 4 H. P. EMftfW. J 50,000-ACRE FARM UNDER WATER NEW HOLLAND. N. C .—One of the w orld's largest farm s lies at the bottom of a lake In eastern North Carolina. Built 15 years ago when Lake Mattamuskeet was drained to NEW YORK.—Youthful m em bers of the choir ef St. Vincent of Fer­ reclaim 50.000 acres of rich farm rer’s church. New York, lift their boyish voices In the unforgettable land, the farm was kept free of hym ns of Christmas. Throughout the United States, church choral groupa water by a gigantic pumping sys­ are preparing special music for Yuletide recitals, for aong plays an all- tem which eventually proved incap­ im portant part In the observance o f Christmas. No church mnsio la bet­ able of keeping out the 1.500.000 gal­ ter known than Yuletide hymns. lon» of water which flowed in every Vaughan over twenty years. He re­ cently bought a new one showing his preference still is for Vaughan. "I have cut a 3-ft. tree with my Vaughan in 2Vk minutes", said Adams, "and that takes plenty o f pow er and stability.” Mr. Adams is but one of the hundreds of Vaughan user* who handles his drag saw alone most of the time. * VAUGHAN “ Heavyweight" minute. A com plete settlement was established, including a 23-room hotel, houses, barns, highways and bridges. But man proved unequal to the task and today Lake Matta muskeet has reclaim ed its own Nothing remains of the vast attempt to wrest rich farm lands from na ture's grasp except a few deserted Highways winding disconsolately down into the lake. I t * In. U rrr ■ 1 W In S VAUGHAN v DRAG SAW VAUGHAN MOTO* COMPANY Portland Oregon tew Vtwshan Drts Saws Cit* w